Confrontations du Medic

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Classe Stratégie
contre Scout.png
Lors de vos déplacements sur le champ de bataille, surveillez les Scouts. Les Scouts compétents vous considèreront comme l'une de leurs cibles principales, leur manœuvrabilité leur permet de passer la ligne de front plutôt aisément et il ne leur faut que 2 ou 3 tirs pour vous abattre avec leur Fusil à Dispersion. Attirez l'attention de vos coéquipiers soit par communications vocales soit en vous plaçant dans leur angle de vue, sans oublier d'esquiver les projectiles.

La stratégie principale anti-Scout est de simplement rester aussi proche de votre équipe que possible. Il est bon de savoir cependant que de nombreux Scout sous estiment les Medics, et que vous pouvez vous en occuper tout seul pour peu que vous l'avez vu venir . Dans un environement restreint vous pourriez être tenté de foncer sur le Scout pour tenter de lui mettre un coup de Scie à Amputation ou ,encore plus, d'Übersaw, c'est cependant quelque chose de difficile à réaliser. Il est cependant conseillé de faire marche arrière tout en esquivant et en lui tirant dessus avec votre Blutsauger. Grâce à la régénération de vie de cette arme, vous avez de fortes chances de le tuer ou de le voir fuir.

Si vous devez combattre, prenez votre Blutsauger et pensez a disperser vos tirs autour du Scout. Ne le visez pas LUI, visez où il pourrait être ! Souvenez-vous, vos seringues sont pratiquement invisibles, le Scout ne pourra donc volontairement esquiver tout vos tirs. Chargez le de temps en temps, et tentez de passer par dessus sa tête tout en continuant de tirer. Gardez un œil sur votre vie et vos munitions. Étant donné que vous serez surement amené à tirer en continu, vous vous retrouverez à sec plutôt rapidement. Lorsque cela vous arrive, courrez vers un dépôt d'armement, ou appelez des membres de votre équipe. Lors que vous touchez votre cible, vous verrez un "+3" s'afficher au dessus de vos points de vie. Vous pouvez utiliser cette indicateur pour cerner la trajectoire de vos projectiles. Vous pouvez le battre, il faut juste un peu de patience.

contre Soldier.png
Le Soldier est la première raison pour laquelle vous battre contre lui est une mauvaise idée car en face-à-face, vous n’avez presque aucune chance de gagner à moins que vous sachiez qu'il est gravement blessé. (cependant, faites attention si il porte l'Equalizer). Attendez le retour d'un Heavy ou d'un Soldier ami afin de pouvoir endommager sérieusement les Soldiers seuls qui ne sont pas aussi efficace que les Scouts pour tuer vos coéquipiers dans le dos.

Méfiez-vous des dégâts de zone commis par les roquettes car certains Soldiers vont essayer de vous toucher plutôt que le joueur que vous soignez. Placez votre coéquipier ou un coin entre vous et le Soldier afin d'éviter d'être touché par des roquettes perdues. Si votre coéquipier est tué par le Soldier, engagez une retraite rapide sous le couvert d'une salve de seringues est votre meilleur plan d'action.

contre Pyro.png
Un Pyro peut être mortel s'il se trouve à portée mais s'il vous repère de plus loin, la plupart des Pyros fonceront sur vous. Si vous ne soignez personne ou que votre coéquipier Medic est mort, tirez avec votre lance-seringue en reculant; il va la plupart du temps continuer à vous chasser droit devant ce qui vous permettra de lui couper facilement son élan avec vos seringues si vous ne rencontrez pas d'obstacle dans votre course en reculant. Si vous utilisez le Blutsauger, le soin que vous recevez peut vous sauvez si vous êtes brûlé. Généralement, vous parviendrez à le chassez même si il ne meure pas mais de nombreux Pyros continueront à croire qu'ils peuvent rattraper leur retard sur vous donc vous arriverez facilement à vous en débarrasser. Pendant que vous soignez un coéquipier, il pourra idéalement être capable d'écarter le Pyro avant qu'il n'atteigne une courte portée ce qui vous permettra d'éteindre rapidement les flammes avec votre Medigun. Placez votre ami entre vous et le Pyro comme cela les flammes ne pourront pas vous atteindre facilement.

Si vous attaquez avec plusieurs coéquipiers en feu, essayez de répartir les soins pour pouvoir éteindre tout le monde et éviter la mort par brûlure. Ensuite, quand le Pyro est parti, vous pouvez soigner tout le monde à vie pleine vous permettant ainsi de monter votre Übercharge. Soyez particulièrement attentif aux Pyros s'approchant de vous par derrière et dans les coins car ils peuvent vous tuer rapidement avant que vous puissiez avoir le temps de dégainer votre lance-seringues.

Soyez également attentif aux Pyros avec tir d'air comprimé qui ont le pouvoir de sérieusement gâcher votre Übercharge. Essayez de convaincre vos coéquipiers de tuer tous les Pyros dans les environs avant de lancer votre Übercharge ou sinon, vous allez être soufflé dans tous les sens.

vs Demoman.png
In a one-on-one encounter, it takes much longer for your Syringe Gun to kill a Demoman than it takes him to lay a few sticky bombs and kill you. On the plus side, you can use your speed to make it difficult for him to land a grenade on you. If you do try to charge the Demoman try to keep random movements because a good Demoman will land a pipe bomb on you with ease. Try to keep in close where his weapons are much less effective, and consider reaching for your Saw if he doesn't think of his Bottle first. Only attack if he is distracted; otherwise just fire while running away.

When with a team-mate, it largely depends on him to take out the Demoman. There's not much you can do other than keep yourself alive by using your speed to avoid grenades and stickies.

vs Heavy.png
If you aren't standing behind and healing a friendly Heavy or Soldier when facing the opposing team's Heavy, then you are just asking to be mowed down. Otherwise, your buddy should have the edge over your opponent, unless the enemy Heavy is also accompanied by a Medic. If the other Heavy is accompanied by a Medic and gets the better of your own healing target, it would be wise to run. Don't try to take a Heavy down on your own unless he is distracted, can't see you, or you're at long range, in which case you can try to snipe him with a few syringes (aim high, so that they fall on him) and hope for the best. If you're lucky, you can force him to retreat. His Minigun hits won't do much damage at long range, but beware of Natascha, which can slow down your escape if he decides to come after you. You could also try to circle strafe, jump, and duck around him to disorient him as your movement is much quicker than his, and lay on a few saw hits.
vs Engineer.png
A lone Engineer is a fairly even encounter to you. You have more health and a rapid fire weapon, but lack the power of his Shotgun. Stay at medium to long range and returning fire with your Blutsauger while backpedaling. If he runs, don't follow wounded Engineers too far as a Sentry Gun is likely not too far away. You are an important indirect counter to the Engineer, and getting yourself killed will be a big setback for your team if the other team is using a lot of them. Beware of Engineers who have revenge Crits from the Frontier Justice.

You shouldn't be in a position where you have to move within range of an enemy Sentry Gun unaccompanied. If it's a level one Sentry Gun and you have a good angle on it, you can try to take the Sentry Gun out from long range. It will take a few seconds of concentrated fire, so be prepared to abort if there are Snipers, Spies, or Pyros nearby. If it's a higher level Sentry Gun, or it is actively being healed by the Engineer, retreat and find a friendly Heavy, Soldier, or Demoman to help you.

Your ÜberCharge is the de facto tool for taking out Sentry Gun nests, indeed in some maps it is the ONLY way to take out certain Sentry Gun locations. If you are on attack, do your team-mates a huge favor by using the regular Medigun, the Kritzkreig is more or less useless against Engineers. You may be able to allow them to take out the Sentry Gun while healing them constantly from just out of sight, but if the Sentry Gun is too well placed, or the Engineer is repairing too quickly, build up an ÜberCharge and use that to take out the entire Engineer nest, hopefully including the Engineer himself.

vs Medic.png
When fighting one-on-one with another Medic, you can either close to melee range and try to deliver a few whacks with the Bonesaw, or put your faith in superior Syringe Gun/Blutsauger skill and try to take him down with rapid-fire. If you both have the Blutsauger, then get comfortable, as your probably going to be fighting with the same guy for a while, since the Blutsauger regenerates health and can't inflict significant damage fast enough. In the end, it will likely come down to who gets the first Bonesaw Crit. Keep moving to avoiding shots from his own Bonesaw or Syringe Gun. If you encounter a lone Medic with a buddy, the enemy Medic should be a priority target for your buddy. Let him take the Medic out, or help him with Syringe Gun/Blutsauger fire. Since Medics can't do a lot of damage quickly, the two of you will kill the opposing Medic long before he can kill you or your buddy, and then you can heal your buddy again. Try to keep your buddy between you and the other Medic, as you can heal your buddy a lot faster than you can regenerate. When you prevail, heal your buddy again. If the Medic has a Medic buddy of his own, and you don't, run away. Without help, there is very little chance you can take them out. If you and the other Medic have a buddy, try and outlast them. How well you can do this is mostly up to the skill of your own Medic buddy. If things are looking bad beyond hope, abandon your buddy rather than waste your current charge fill. If he sneaks up on you while you are distracted with healing, watch for his deadly Bonesaw and alert your team-mate. Some Medics also try to sneak up on other Medics, avoid their buddies, and stealthily take the enemy Medic out with a Bonesaw Crit. While this is very hard to pull off, it is very funny and humiliating to both the Medic and his buddy.
vs Sniper.png
You're pretty quick, so don't stop moving. Move through Sniper hunting grounds as quickly as possible or find cover. Don't be afraid to leave your clueless buddy in the dust if he decides to take it slow, admiring the sprays and dandelions along the way. Other than other Snipers, a Medic is the highest priority target for a Sniper and they can take your buddy out with one shot no matter how overhealed he is. Another thing to bear in mind is unscrupulous Snipers can and will take you out with a single fully charged bodyshot, even if you haven't been injured- there are no words for how frustrating this is, so stay out of sight and keep moving wherever possible.

Ask your buddy to lay down suppressive fire so the Snipers can't get a clear shot (unless he's a Heavy, in which case the slowdown will get him easily killed). At anything less than long range, a Sniper should be a fair target for your buddy.

If you happen to come upon a lone Sniper, don't hesitate to open fire. if he is distracted, try to kill them from behind with the Bonesaw. If he sees you coming, use your Syringe Gun to mow him down, as he probably has a more powerful melee, but neither his rifle or SMG has as much stopping power as your syringes at close range. The Huntsman is a bit more dangerous, but remember he has to land two solid arrows to kill you, and the odds are still slightly tipped in your favor.

vs Spy.png
When you're in a healing combination with a Heavy or Soldier, it attracts attention, particularly from Spies. If you know what you're doing you can Spy check suspicious team-mates calling to you for help by emptying a few rounds from the Syringe Gun into their body or delivering a few whacks from the Übersaw (with the adding bonus of filling up a quarter of your charge meter). In a one-on-one melee fight the Medic will prevail as his Bonesaw out-damages the Knife from the front and its free Über increase with the Übersaw. When you're healing another player be sure to never stop moving, and watch your sights. If you can afford to, take down the Spy with your Bonesaw and then get back to healing your buddy. An exposed Spy should make easy prey for your buddy as long as you alert him quickly to the Spy's presence. Remember that your Medigun still works even if you're not facing your target, so check behind yourself often and don't be afraid to pull out your saw or gun if you see anything suspicious. Keep firing to take him down or drive him off.

See also

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