Loaner Program/cs
“ | Don't have the ordinance you need to finish a weapon-specific contract? Don't worry! (Seriously, calm down.) Now you can borrow it for the duration of the contract, thanks to Mann Co's new community outreach program for wayward guns, the Loaner Program! Give double-donking a try! Lob a fresh jar of body-temperature Jarate at your enemies! Go w+m1 with the Backburner! It's like a library, but for murder accessories!
” |
The Loaner Program is a feature introduced in the Tough Break Update that allows players to use weapons which they do not own for use with a weapon specific contract. Vypujčená zbraň je používatelná tak dlouho, dokud je kontrakt aktivní.
Minulé změny
Patch z 17. prosince 2015 (Tough Break Update)
- Přidáno 26 nových kontraktů, včetně kontraktů, které vydávají vypujčené zbraně.