The Time Lord

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Revision as of 16:22, 15 July 2016 by The Time Lord (talk | contribs)
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Speech voice.png Contributions link= Time Lord Steam tray.png
Talk(Sohbet) Contributions(Yaptıklarım) Wiki-Fi Stats(İstatistiklerim) Steam
Item icon Saxxy.png Killicon golden wrench.png Backpack The Croc-o-Style Kit Bundle.png
Done (Bitenler) In Progress (Devam Edenler) In Future (Gelecekte)

The Time Lord
Basic information
Gender: Male
Birth place: Turkey
Age: 18
Team Fortress 2
Favourite classes: Leaderboard class soldier.pngLeaderboard class pyro.pngLeaderboard class sniper.png
Favourite weapons: Rocket LauncherFlamethrowerSniper Rifle
Contact information

Hello from Turkey!

Backpack Rocket Launcher.png

"The Library Fabricator"
Gaben's Own Rocket Launcher - Strange edits : 5
Translate articles into Turkish

User Boxes

Flag Turkey.png This user is Turkish, Selam!
User Soldier.png This user is a Soldier.
User Monte GreenWiki.gif This user likes to see this wiki turning green.