User talk:McRela
Hello, McRela!
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-- WelcomeBOT (talk) 00:57, 12 January 2015 (PST)
Quality of your item images
Hi McRela!
I noticed that you don't make use of the necessary settings for item images. Your pics of the Gauzed Gaze, Dad Duds, and the Herald's Helm all have very jagged edges. Please make sure to follow this tutorial and use settings such as Anti-Aliasing in order to improve the image quality. If you have trouble removing the background, you can use this or this method (you don't need the TF2 backpack icon template, though). If you have any questions, feel free to post something on my talk page or join the IRC channel :) Hagbard Celine (T · C) 10:43, 21 May 2016 (PDT)
- I was talked about it on IRC, I have little problem with my graphic card, I told this is only <<first version>> and I'll reupload photos with better quality whenever I repair it. McRela
00:24, 22 May 2016 (PDT)
- Hey McRela, we indeed talked about that. But in my opinion it's just twice the work you're doing when uploading those images twice. Why not waiting until you fixed everything and then uploading proper high quality images? :) — shots fired by: Nikno{Talk|Contribs} 00:40, 22 May 2016 (PDT)
- I know I double my work, but I do it for people, who wanted to know how items look - the most of them check TF2 Wiki as first page, so, in my opinion, it's better to keep image with little less quality than usual for one week than have no image and disappoint our readers. ;) McRela
00:44, 22 May 2016 (PDT)
- I know I double my work, but I do it for people, who wanted to know how items look - the most of them check TF2 Wiki as first page, so, in my opinion, it's better to keep image with little less quality than usual for one week than have no image and disappoint our readers. ;) McRela
- Hey McRela, we indeed talked about that. But in my opinion it's just twice the work you're doing when uploading those images twice. Why not waiting until you fixed everything and then uploading proper high quality images? :) — shots fired by: Nikno{Talk|Contribs} 00:40, 22 May 2016 (PDT)
Kilka uwag
Witam. Widzę, że starasz się pomagać nam w tłumaczeniu TF2 Wiki, ale mam kilka uwag co do tego. Posłużę się tą strona jako przykładem - Po pierwsze, tłumaczenie "Updated model(s)/materials" to "Zaktualizowano model(e)/tekstury", a nie "materiały". Przyznasz, że trochę nie miało by to sensu. Po drugie, jeśli aktualizujesz bardzo przestarzałą stronę, najlepiej jest skopiować całość strony w języku angielskim i tłumaczyć na już polskiej stronie z dopiskiem "/pl". No chyba, że boisz się stracić swoją pracę, możesz ją tłumaczyć np. w notatniku, a później ją skopiować na odpowiednią stronę. Usuń całość nieaktualnej strony i wklej swoją nową. Bardzo często są przez to pomijane nieprawidłowe linki lub po prostu nieprawidłowe informacje. Po trzecie, tłumaczenie przedmiotów (np. kosmetycznych): (Nazwa przedmiotu) jest (stworzonym przez społeczność) (promocyjnym) przedmiotem kosmetycznym dla (klasa). Możesz przeglądnąć strony, które już aktualizowałem, jeśli chcesz wiedzieć jak to wygląda. Dodawaj też angielską nazwę zaraz po tłumaczonej nazwie w sposób taki jak: Wcelowany Spartanin (oryg. Scoped Spartan). Pomaga to znaleźć przedmiot osobom, które nie znają angielskiego lub jego oryginalnej nazwy. Oraz końcówkę |en-sound=yes}} po dialogach wypowiadanych w języku angielskim oraz po linkach odnoszących się do anglojęzycznych stron należy dodać {Lang icon|en} (z dwoma { } po obu stronach) I jeszcze widzę, że zapominasz przetłumaczyć w tkz. "Infoboxie" nazwę klasy, do której należy przedmiot oraz aktualizację dodania.
Poprawiłem tą stronę. Możesz zobaczyć co i jak. Jeśli masz jakieś pytania, no cóż ... pytaj :3 . Danio19978/Dan 10:31, 17 June 2016 (PDT)
Question about images.
I sadly was afk as you asked me a question on the irc and then you left. Your question was:
"I make screenshots and they are ~400x400, your pictures are 800x800".
The resolution of hlmv screenshots are entirely dependent on the size of your hlmv screen, the size of the model in your hlmv and your maximum screen resolution. If you want to increase the size of you pictures, minimize the white space in hlmv by zooming into the model as much as possible. Also use hlmv in full screen. If you want to further increase the resolution, use a bigger screen resolution. Though this is not really necessary since your 400x400 images are automatically resized on articles and if you open them separately they're still big enough to see the relevant details mostly.
I hope that answers your question. — shots fired by: Nikno {Talk | Contribs} 10:49, 17 June 2016 (PDT)
- Thank you for fast reply, unfortunatelly I lost connection to Internet, so I left IRC. :/ I think I have just problem with little size resolution. Maybe it's the reason why my anti-alaising suck too. :P Many thanks, McRela
11:48, 17 June 2016 (PDT)
B-1 (talk) 22:25, 18 June 2016 (PDT)i dont no it sorry B-1
Pictogram info.png Please make use of the Show preview button. It gives you a preview of the edit you are making, allowing you to perfect your changes before you save the page. You can edit the whole article by clicking the edit button at the top of the page, which is preferable to editing multiple sections consecutively. — The preceding assigned comment was added by Tark {B-1 ▪ Contribs}
TF2Jam Demo image
Hello McRela. A few days ago you said that the HLMV I posted of the Demoman wearing the TF2Jam medal looks stupid. Care to elaborate on why you think it looks stupid? Thanks. -- Dr. Scaphandre 11:39, 31 July 2016 (PDT)
- Nothing special, just my opinion that pose is little retarded, don't worry. :) McRela
08:29, 1 August 2016 (PDT)
The update-trans template
Hey McRela,
I see that you're adding a lot of {{update trans}} templates lately, which is not a bad thing. Though please keep in mind that for lots of langauges nearly every article is out of date, so adding this template does not really help the targeted language. Please consider letting the translators in their own langauge decide, what to do with that template. Also please refrain from editing foreign languages. — shots fired by: Nikno {Talk | Contribs} 05:09, 22 August 2016 (PDT)
- I put it only for pages describing hats that now are all-classes, but then was one class only. I treat this as information for both readers and editors. But I can stop doing that. McRela
05:16, 22 August 2016 (PDT)
- That's totally okay then, I just wanted to prevent seeing that template on tons of pages for all languages :) — shots fired by: Nikno {Talk | Contribs} 05:18, 22 August 2016 (PDT)
- Yeah, understand. And I know it's impossible to take valid informations for all pages, because, for example, update logs, etc. :) McRela
05:20, 22 August 2016 (PDT)
- Yeah, understand. And I know it's impossible to take valid informations for all pages, because, for example, update logs, etc. :) McRela
- That's totally okay then, I just wanted to prevent seeing that template on tons of pages for all languages :) — shots fired by: Nikno {Talk | Contribs} 05:18, 22 August 2016 (PDT)
HLMV images
Hey McRela. In the future, if you include weapons in your cosmetic images, could you try to have them be stock weapons and not unlockable weapons? Some other HLMVers like myself think that only stock weapons should be shown on those class images, so the reader doesn't confuse with them or don't have questions about the weapon (in-case they don't know.) Thank you! -- Dr. Scaphandre 13:33, 6 September 2016 (PDT)
- Ok then, I'll remember that. But sometimes, not-stock weapon is better I think, for example Eyelander with knight helmet picture. McRela
13:34, 6 September 2016 (PDT)
- Also, that's my private question: Seriously anybody was confused because of not stock weapon? O_o McRela
13:47, 6 September 2016 (PDT)
- Also, that's my private question: Seriously anybody was confused because of not stock weapon? O_o McRela
- It might look better, but for consistency we just use stock. And yes someone was confused. I wouldn't have brought it up if it hadn't happened before. --
Dr. Scaphandre 13:55, 6 September 2016 (PDT)
- lol McRela
15:36, 6 September 2016 (PDT)
- lol McRela
- It might look better, but for consistency we just use stock. And yes someone was confused. I wouldn't have brought it up if it hadn't happened before. --
- These things happen. :3 --
Dr. Scaphandre 15:53, 6 September 2016 (PDT)
- These things happen. :3 --
- Who are the other HLMVers? — shots fired by: Nikno {Talk | Contribs} 05:50, 7 September 2016 (PDT)
- Gabrielwoj and Bojjob. --
Dr. Scaphandre 06:05, 7 September 2016 (PDT)
- So I saw your new uploads with the tournament medals. You're doing great but there's a few things I noticed. First, try to fully crop the image so the edge is touching the pixels on the side of the sleeves, so we can leave little extra space as possible. Next, I'm seeing a lot of white dots. Are you using the select tool when editing your images? --
Dr. Scaphandre 07:21, 7 September 2016 (PDT)
- I have little problem with places that have same color as background, to be honest. I know you prefer "white background technique" because of white residue looks better than green one, they are almost invicible. But, for example with whole Medic, I sometimes must edit pictures manually, because of GIMP try to remove their sleeves, suits, etc. McRela
07:26, 7 September 2016 (PDT)
- I have little problem with places that have same color as background, to be honest. I know you prefer "white background technique" because of white residue looks better than green one, they are almost invicible. But, for example with whole Medic, I sometimes must edit pictures manually, because of GIMP try to remove their sleeves, suits, etc. McRela
- So I saw your new uploads with the tournament medals. You're doing great but there's a few things I noticed. First, try to fully crop the image so the edge is touching the pixels on the side of the sleeves, so we can leave little extra space as possible. Next, I'm seeing a lot of white dots. Are you using the select tool when editing your images? --
- I think you may be doing them wrong. You may be forgetting to Channel to selection, like here:
Like this. -- Dr. Scaphandre 07:56, 7 September 2016 (PDT)
- Oh, as a side note for some of these medal pages you'll have noticed they're the same medal just with a different name. For those medals, just make an image redirect for their class pics. --
Dr. Scaphandre 08:15, 7 September 2016 (PDT)
- If you have trouble with the image redirects, then just change the filenames for now. Most of the work is done for you since a lot of the medals are the same. Just don't upload duplicates under a different name. --
Dr. Scaphandre 10:09, 7 September 2016 (PDT)
- If you have trouble with the image redirects, then just change the filenames for now. Most of the work is done for you since a lot of the medals are the same. Just don't upload duplicates under a different name. --
- So, for tips on image sizes, try to keep them in a size similar to the other HLMV works as an example. Nothing too big or too small. Basically, when posing ask yourself "Hold on, this littles kinda wrong" then chances are others will say the same. If you do something wrong, don't worry, as others will give criticism of your works. It takes practice to get it right, and it took me a few tries before I started producing good images. --
Dr. Scaphandre 21:18, 7 September 2016 (PDT)
- So, for tips on image sizes, try to keep them in a size similar to the other HLMV works as an example. Nothing too big or too small. Basically, when posing ask yourself "Hold on, this littles kinda wrong" then chances are others will say the same. If you do something wrong, don't worry, as others will give criticism of your works. It takes practice to get it right, and it took me a few tries before I started producing good images. --