Template:PatchDiff/September 9, 2016 Patch/tf/resource/tf schinese.txt

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Revision as of 01:14, 10 September 2016 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Diff of file "tf/resource/tf_schinese.txt" for patch September 9, 2016 Patch.)
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20862086"TF_IM_Badlands_Intro" "Badlands 是控制点地图"
20872087"[english]TF_IM_Badlands_Intro" "Badlands is a Control Point map"
20882088"TF_IM_CP_ToWin" "每个团队必须夺取全部五个控制点才能获得胜利"
2089N/A"[english]TF_IM_CP_ToWin" "To win, each team must own all five Control Points"
N/A2089"[english]TF_IM_CP_ToWin" "To win, each team must own all Control Points"
20902090"TF_IM_CP_Capture" "你必须站在占领区边界内,直到拥有控制点,才算成功夺取控制点"
20912091"[english]TF_IM_CP_Capture" "To capture a Control Point, stand within the Capture Zone boundaries until you own the Control Point"
20922092"TF_IM_CP_TimeAdd" "每夺取一个控制点,就会获得相应的时间奖励"
35633563"[english]Keep" "KEEP"
35643564"ClassBeingEquipped" "%loadoutclass%"
35653565"[english]ClassBeingEquipped" "%loadoutclass%"
3566N/A"ChangeButton" "更改..."
N/A3566"ChangeButton" "更改…"
35673567"[english]ChangeButton" "CHANGE..."
35683568"DoneButton" "完成!"
35693569"[english]DoneButton" "DONE!"
52285228"Attrib_WrenchBuildsMiniSentry" "建造迷你步哨枪来取代一般步哨枪"
52295229"[english]Attrib_WrenchBuildsMiniSentry" "Replaces the Sentry with a Mini-Sentry"
52305230"Attrib_SentryKilledRevenge" "在您的步哨枪被摧毁时,步哨枪积累的每次杀敌可提供 2 次复仇爆击\n每次助攻可提供 1 次复仇爆击。\n死亡时复仇爆击清空"
5231N/A"[english]Attrib_SentryKilledRevenge" "Gain 2 revenge crits for each sentry kill and\n1 for each sentry assist when your sentry is destroyed.\nRevenge crits are lost on death"
N/A5231"[english]Attrib_SentryKilledRevenge" "Gain 2 revenge crits for each sentry kill and\n1 for each sentry assist when your sentry is destroyed."
52325232"Attrib_BuildingCostReduction" "建造时金属消耗量减少 %s1"
52335233"[english]Attrib_BuildingCostReduction" "%s1 metal reduction in building cost"
52345234"TF_Unique_Sentry_Shotgun" "边境裁决者"
95669566"TF_GameModeDesc_CP" "占领全部控制点以获得胜利。"
95679567"[english]TF_GameModeDesc_CP" "Capture all points to win."
95689568"TF_GameModeDetail_CP" "要获得胜利,每支队伍必须占领所有的控制点。\n\n部分控制点要在其他控制点被占领后才解锁。"
9569N/A"[english]TF_GameModeDetail_CP" "To win each team must own all Control Points.\n\nSome Control Points will be locked until others are captured."
N/A9569"[english]TF_GameModeDetail_CP" "To win, each team must own all Control Points.\n\nSome Control Points will be locked until others are captured."
95709570"TF_GameModeDesc_Escort" "蓝队沿着轨道推动战车。红队需要阻止蓝队。"
95719571"[english]TF_GameModeDesc_Escort" "BLU pushes the cart down the track. RED needs to stop them."
95729572"TF_GameModeDetail_Escort" "蓝队通过护送战车到达敌方基地来获得胜利。站在战车旁以推动它。\n\n红队通过阻止战车到达他们基地中心来获得胜利。\n\n敌人可以通过靠近战车来阻止它移动。"
1272412724"[english]TF_DemoTreasureChest_Style2" "Right Hip"
1272512725"TF_DemoTreasureChest_Style3" "左臀"
1272612726"[english]TF_DemoTreasureChest_Style3" "Left Hip"
12727N/A"Attrib_CannotPickUpIntelligence" "穿戴者不能捡起情报箱"
N/A12727"Attrib_CannotPickUpIntelligence" "穿戴者不能捡起情报箱或手球"
1272812728"[english]Attrib_CannotPickUpIntelligence" "Wearer cannot carry the intelligence briefcase or PASS Time JACK"
1272912729"Attrib_DmgBonus_Undisguised" "当没有伪装时,伤害 +%s1%"
1273012730"[english]Attrib_DmgBonus_Undisguised" "+%s1% damage bonus while undisguised"
1483214832"[english]default_cp_description" "Objective:
14833N/ATo win each team must own all five Control Points.
N/A14833To win, each team must own all five Control Points.
1483514835Other Notes:
1483614836Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked."
1486414864"[english]cp_coldfront_description" "A community map created by \"Icarus\"
14867N/ATo win each team must own all five Control Points.
N/A14867To win, each team must own all five Control Points.
1486914869Other Notes:
1487014870Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked."
1490114901"[english]cp_fastlane_description" "A community map created by \"skdr\"
14904N/ATo win each team must own all five Control Points.
N/A14904To win, each team must own all five Control Points.
1490614906Other Notes:
1490714907Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked."
1493514935"[english]cp_gullywash_final1_description" "A community map created by Jan 'Arnold' Laroy
14938N/ATo win each team must own all five Control Points.
N/A14938To win, each team must own all five Control Points.
1494014940Other Notes:
1494114941Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked."
1835118351"[english]cp_process_final_description" "A community map created by Ian 'Scorpio Uprising' Cuslidge
18354N/ATo win each team must own all five Control Points.
N/A18354To win, each team must own all five Control Points.
1835618356Other Notes:
1835718357Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked."
1836218362"[english]cp_standin_final_description" "A community map created by Ian 'Scorpio Uprising' Cuslidge
18365N/ATo win each team must own all three Control Points."
N/A18365To win, each team must own all three Control Points."
1836618366"Attrib_AmmoPerShotMissed" "每射失一发:-%s1 弹药"
1836718367"[english]Attrib_AmmoPerShotMissed" "Per Shot Missed: -%s1 ammo"
1836818368"TF_tw_demobot_armor" "机器爆破手的铠甲"
1968919689"[english]cp_snakewater_final1_description" "A community map created by Toivo Sawen
19691N/ATo win each team must own all five Control Points.
N/A19691To win, each team must own all five Control Points.
1969219692Other Notes:
1969319693Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked."
1969419694"TF_MvMScoreboard_Tour" "旅程等级"
2569625696"TF_Matchmaking_Ban_Duration_Remaining" "因为强制退出比赛\n你进入了 %s1 小时 %s2 分钟的冷却时间\n剩余时间:%s3 小时 %s4 分钟"
2569725697"[english]TF_Matchmaking_Ban_Duration_Remaining" "You have received a %s1 hour %s2 minute \ncooldown for abandoning or poor behavior.\nTime remaining: %s3 hours %s4 minutes"
2569825698"TF_Matchmaking_Ban_Duration_Remaining_Long_Penalty" "因为强制退出比赛\n你进入了 %s1 天 %s2 小时的冷却时间\n剩余时间:%s3 天 %s4 小时"
25699N/A"[english]TF_Matchmaking_Ban_Duration_Remaining_Long_Penalty" "You have received a %s1 day %s2 hour \\cooldown for abandoning or poor behavior.\nTime remaining: %s3 days %s4 hours"
N/A25699"[english]TF_Matchmaking_Ban_Duration_Remaining_Long_Penalty" "You have received a %s1 day %s2 hour \ncooldown for abandoning or poor behavior.\nTime remaining: %s3 days %s4 hours"
2570025700"TF_Matchmaking_Ban_Duration_Remaining_Long_Penalty_Short_Duration" "因为强制退出比赛\n你进入了 %s1 天 %s2 小时的冷却时间\n剩余时间:%s3 小时 %s4 分钟"
2570125701"[english]TF_Matchmaking_Ban_Duration_Remaining_Long_Penalty_Short_Duration" "You have received a %s1 day %s2 hour \n cooldown for abandoning or poor behavior.\nTime remaining: %s3 hours %s4 minutes"
2570225702"TF_Matchmaking_Ban_Duration_Remaining_Short" "因为强制退出比赛\n你进入了 %s1 分钟的冷却时间\n剩余时间:%s2 分钟"
2591925919"[english]TF_Map_tr_dustbowl" "Dustbowl (Training)"
2592025920"TF_Map_tr_target" "Target(训练)"
2592125921"[english]TF_Map_tr_target" "Target (Training)"
N/A25922"TF_War_EndFutureDate" "战争将于 %s1 结束"
N/A25923"[english]TF_War_EndFutureDate" "War ends on %s1"
N/A25924"TF_War_EndPastDate" "战争已于 %s1 结束"
N/A25925"[english]TF_War_EndPastDate" "War ended on %s1"
2592225926"TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Report" "举报"
2592325927"[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Report" "Report"
2592425928"TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Report_Reason1" "作弊"
2592925933"[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Report_Reason3" "Harassment"
2593025934"TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Report_Reason4" "骚扰"
2593125935"[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Report_Reason4" "Griefing"
N/A25936"TF_Notification_MM_Ban_For_Excessive_Reports" "由于其他玩家的大量举报,你已被匹配系统封禁。在本次封禁结束后,再被举报会导致时间更长的封禁。"
N/A25937"[english]TF_Notification_MM_Ban_For_Excessive_Reports" "You have received a matchmaking ban due to excessive reports from other players. After the current ban is completed, further reports will result in subsequent bans of increased duration."
N/A25938"TF_Notification_Reported_Player_Has_Been_Banned" "你举报的某个玩家已受到了匹配封禁,作为对其不当行为的处罚。感谢你为维护 TF2 社区的秩序做出的贡献。"
N/A25939"[english]TF_Notification_Reported_Player_Has_Been_Banned" "Someone you reported has received a matchmaking ban as a result of their behavior. Thank you for your contributions in helping to make the TF2 community a fun and welcoming place for all players."
N/A25940"TF_War_Winner_PyroTitle" "火焰队获得了胜利!"
N/A25941"[english]TF_War_Winner_PyroTitle" "Team Pyro has won!"
N/A25942"TF_War_Winner_PyroDesc" "火焰队在战争中表现卓越,因此火焰兵将在未来的更新中获得全套的游戏内容大礼包!"
N/A25943"[english]TF_War_Winner_PyroDesc" "Due to Team Pyro's effort in the war, Pyro will be receiving a class pack in a future update!"