File:Tf koreana.txt
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Tf_koreana.txt (file size: 1.26 MB, MIME type: text/plain)
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Recent changes
October 25, 2016 Patch (previous patches)
49634963"[english]TR_Dust_Hint_SetupGate" "Setup Gate"
49644964"TR_Target_EndDialog" "잘하셨습니다! 솔저 훈련을 마쳤으며 기초 훈련을 하실 수 있게 되었습니다. 확인 단추를 눌러 주 메뉴로 돌아가 훈련소를 다시 선택하여 팀 포트리스 2 게임 한 판을 느껴보십시오."
49654965"[english]TR_Target_EndDialog" "Good job! You've completed Soldier training and unlocked Basic Training! Return to the main menu by pressing DONE and select Basic Training to explore a round of Team Fortress 2."
4966N/A"TR_Dustbowl_EndDialog" "잘 하셨습니다! %s1 맵에서 이기고 데모맨을 연습할 수 있게 되었습니다.\n\n엔지니어나 메딕과 같은 다른 병과를 연습해 보시겠습니까? 오프라인 연습 세션을 해 보는 건 어떠신가요?\n\n온라인에서 다른 플레이어들과 함께 즐길 준비가 되셨나요? 메인 메뉴에서 플레이 시작을 선택하십시오."
4967N/A"[english]TR_Dustbowl_EndDialog" "Well done! You've won a game in %s1 and unlocked Demoman training!\n\nWant to try out other classes like the Engineer or Medic? Why not hop into an OFFLINE PRACTICE session?\n\nReady to play online against other players? Select START PLAYING at the main menu."
N/A4966"TR_Dustbowl_EndDialog" "잘 하셨습니다! %s1 맵에서 이기고 데모맨을 연습할 수 있게 되었네요.\n\n엔지니어나 메딕과 같은 다른 병과를 연습해 보시겠어요? 오프라인 연습 세션을 해 보는 건 어떠신가요?\n\n온라인에서 다른 플레이어들과 함께 즐길 준비가 되셨나요? 주 메뉴에서 \"게임 찾기\"를 선택하세요."
N/A4967"[english]TR_Dustbowl_EndDialog" "Well done! You've won a game in %s1 and unlocked Demoman training!\n\nWant to try out other classes like the Engineer or Medic? Why not hop into an OFFLINE PRACTICE session?\n\nReady to play online against other players? Select FIND A GAME at the main menu."
49684968"TF_IM_Target_Welcome" "무기 선택 및 조준 연습"
49694969"[english]TF_IM_Target_Welcome" "Weapon selection and target practice!"
49704970"TF_IM_Target_WeaponSwitch" "대상에게 적합한 무기로 전환해 공격하십시오."
54835483"[english]TF_TheBattalionsBackup_Desc" "Provides a defensive buff that protects\nnearby team members from crits,\nincoming sentry damage by 50%\nand 35% from all other sources.\nRage increases through damage done."
54845484"TF_OlSnaggletooth" "오래된 덧니"
54855485"[english]TF_OlSnaggletooth" "Ol' Snaggletooth"
5486N/A"TF_TheShortstop_Desc" "4발들이 탄창을 사용하여 한꺼번에 장전합니다!\n\nMann Co.에서 최근 출시한 제품으로,\n고자세 중절식 개인 방어 화기입니다."
N/A5486"TF_TheShortstop_Desc" "4발들이 탄창을 사용하여 한꺼번에 장전합니다!\n보조기능으로 적군을 밀쳐낼 수 있습니다!\n\nMann Co.에서 최근 출시한 제품으로,\n고자세 중절식 개인 방어 화기입니다."
54875487"[english]TF_TheShortstop_Desc" "Holds a 4-shot clip and reloads its entire clip at once.\nAlt-Fire to reach and shove someone!\n\nMann Co.'s latest in high attitude\nbreak-action personal defense."
54885488"TF_TheHolyMackerel_Desc" "물고기에게 맞으면 아주 창피할 겁니다."
54895489"[english]TF_TheHolyMackerel_Desc" "Getting hit by a fish has got to be humiliating."
83078307"[english]TR_Eng_End" "If traveling long distances it may be more effective to break down your buildings as opposed to moving each one."
83088308"TR_Eng_EndDestroy" "�%slot5%� 단추를 눌러서 철거 도구를 선택한 다음 구조물들을 전부 다 철거하고 엔지니어 훈련을 마치십시오."
83098309"[english]TR_Eng_EndDestroy" "Press �%slot5%� to bring up the �DESTROY TOOL� and destroy all your buildings to conclude Engineer training."
8310N/A"TR_Eng_EndDialog" "축하합니다! 당신은 엔지니어 훈련을 성공적으로 마쳤습니다.\n\n이것으로 훈련은 모두 다 끝났습니다. 이제 오프라인 연습을 해서 실력을 더 향상시키거나 다른 병과를 해 보십시오.\n\n만약 온라인으로 게임을 할 준비가 되었다면 메인 메뉴에 있는 '플레이 시작' 단추를 누르십시오."
8311N/A"[english]TR_Eng_EndDialog" "Congratulations, you've completed Engineer training.\n\nThis concludes your training. Try OFFLINE PRACTICE to continue honing your skills or try new classes.\n\nIf you're ready to play online, START PLAYING at the main menu."
N/A8310"TR_Eng_EndDialog" "축하합니다. 엔지니어 훈련을 성공적으로 마치셨군요!\n\n이것으로 모든 훈련이 끝났습니다. 이제 오프라인 연습을 해서 실력을 더 향상시키거나 다른 병과를 해 보세요.\n\n다른 플레이어와 온라인으로 상대할 준비가 되었다면 주 메뉴에 있는 \"게임 찾기\" 단추를 누르세요."
N/A8311"[english]TR_Eng_EndDialog" "Congratulations, you've completed Engineer training.\n\nThis concludes your training. Try OFFLINE PRACTICE to continue honing your skills or try new classes.\n\nReady to play online against other players? Select FIND A GAME at the main menu."
83128312"TR_Demo_IntroTitle" "데모맨"
83138313"[english]TR_Demo_IntroTitle" "The Demoman"
83148314"TR_Demo_Intro" "�데모맨�은 목표 지점을 수비하거나 센트리를 파괴하며 공격할 수 있는 다재다능한 병과입니다."
83438343"[english]TR_Demo_TargetSlot2Range" "Launch sticky bombs further by holding �%attack%� to build up �charge� and release �%attack%� to fire."
83448344"TR_Demo_TargetSlot2Range2" "계속하시려면 장거리에 있는 목표물을 파괴하십시오. �%attack% 단추를 누르고 있다가 놓으면 점착 폭탄이 더 멀리 날아갑니다."
83458345"[english]TR_Demo_TargetSlot2Range2" "Destroy the target at long range to continue. Remember to hold �%attack%� and release it to launch the sticky further."
8346N/A"TR_Demo_EndDialog" "훌륭합니다! 당신은 데모맨 훈련을 완수하셨습니다!\n\n스파이 훈련이 잠금 해제 되었습니다! 스파이를 시도해 보려면 메인 메뉴의 훈련을 선택하십시오.\n\n온라인에서 다른 플레이어들과 함께 즐길 준비가 되셨습니까? 메인 메뉴에서 '플레이 시작'을 선택하십시오."
8347N/A"[english]TR_Demo_EndDialog" "Good job! You've completed Demoman training!\n\nSpy training is now unlocked! Select the TRAINING icon at the main menu to give him a try.\n\nReady to play online against other players? Select START PLAYING at the main menu."
N/A8346"TR_Demo_EndDialog" "좋습니다! 데모맨 훈련을 완수하셨군요!\n\n이제 스파이 훈련이 잠금 해제 되었습니다! 스파이 훈련을 시도해 보려면 다시 주 메뉴에서 훈련 아이콘을 누르세요.\n\n온라인에서 다른 플레이어들과 함께 즐길 준비가 되셨나요? 주 메뉴에서 \"게임 찾기\" 단추를 누르세요."
N/A8347"[english]TR_Demo_EndDialog" "Good job! You've completed Demoman training!\n\nSpy training is now unlocked! Select the TRAINING icon at the main menu to give him a try.\n\nReady to play online against other players? Select FIND A GAME at the main menu."
83488348"TR_Spy_IntroTitle" "스파이"
83498349"[english]TR_Spy_IntroTitle" "The Spy"
83508350"TR_Spy_Intro" "스파이는 다른 병과와는 다르게 적과 직접 맞서는 대신 은밀하게 적을 기습합니다."
84078407"[english]TR_Spy_EscapeBeginRetry" "Try again. Remember to �cloak� immediately after killing the target to disengage from combat and run out of line of sight."
84088408"TR_Spy_EscapeEnd" "남아있는 모든 적들을 동일한 방법으로 백스텝하고 스파이 훈련을 마무리 지으십시오."
84098409"[english]TR_Spy_EscapeEnd" "�Backstab� the remaining opponent with the same method to conclude Spy training."
8410N/A"TR_Spy_EndDialog" "잘 하셨습니다! 당신은 스파이 연습을 끝내고 이제 엔지니어 연습을 시작할 수 있습니다!\n\n본격적으로 실전에서 스파이를 해 보고 싶으십니까? 오프라인 연습을 해 보는 건 어떻습니까?\n\n온라인에서 즐길 준비가 다 되셨습니까? 메인 메뉴에서 '플레이 시작'을 누르십시오."
8411N/A"[english]TR_Spy_EndDialog" "Well done! You've completed Spy training and unlocked Engineer training!\n\nWant to try out the Spy in a game? Why not try OFFLINE PRACTICE.\n\nReady to play online? Click START PLAYING at the main menu."
N/A8410"TR_Spy_EndDialog" "잘 하셨어요! 스파이 연습을 끝내고 이제 엔지니어 연습을 시작할 수 있게 되었어요!\n\n본격적으로 실전에서 스파이를 해 보고 싶으신가요? 오프라인 연습을 해 보는 건 어떨까요?\n\n온라인에서 즐길 준비가 다 되셨나요? 주 메뉴에서 \"게임 찾기\"를 누르세요."
N/A8411"[english]TR_Spy_EndDialog" "Well done! You've completed Spy training and unlocked Engineer training!\n\nWant to try out the Spy in a game? Why not try OFFLINE PRACTICE.\n\nReady to play online against other players? Select FIND A GAME at the main menu."
84128412"TR_DemoRush_IntroTitle" "수레 밀기 모드"
84138413"[english]TR_DemoRush_IntroTitle" "Payload Game Mode"
84148414"TR_DemoRush_Intro" "Gold Rush에 오신 걸 환영합니다! 훈련 모드에서는 3개의 단계 중에서도 첫 번째 단계만 플레이할 수 있으나 시간 제한이 없습니다."
84498449"[english]TR_DemoRush_TipPath" "Try an alternate route if one is blocked by enemies or players. This may give you a better angle on a well entrenched enemy."
84508450"TR_DemoRush_HintCart" "수레 밀기"
84518451"[english]TR_DemoRush_HintCart" "Payload Cart"
8452N/A"TR_DemoRush_EndDialog" "잘하셨습니다! %s1 에서의 첫 번째 스테이지에서 팀이 승리하는 것을 도왔고 데모맨 훈련을 끝냈습니다!\n\n이제 스파이 훈련을 할 수 있습니다! 메인 메뉴에서 '훈련소' 아이콘을 눌러서 한번 플레이해 보세요.\n\n온라인에서 하실 준비가 다 되셨다고요? 메인 메뉴에서 '플레이 시작'을 누르세요."
8453N/A"[english]TR_DemoRush_EndDialog" "Excellent! You've helped your team win the first stage in %s1 and completed Demoman training!\n\nSpy training is now unlocked! Select the TRAINING icon at the main menu to give him a try.\n\nReady to play online against other players? Select START PLAYING at the main menu."
N/A8452"TR_DemoRush_EndDialog" "훌륭해요! %s1 맵의 첫 번째 단계에서 팀이 승리하는 것을 도왔고 데모맨 훈련을 마치셨군요!\n\n이제 스파이 훈련을 할 수 있습니다! 주 메뉴에서 '훈련소' 아이콘을 눌러서 한번 플레이 해 보세요.\n\n온라인에서 플레이 하실 준비가 다 되셨다고요? 주 메뉴에서 \"게임 찾기\"를 누르세요."
N/A8453"[english]TR_DemoRush_EndDialog" "Excellent! You've helped your team win the first stage in %s1 and completed Demoman training!\n\nSpy training is now unlocked! Select the TRAINING icon at the main menu to give him a try.\n\nReady to play online against other players? Select FIND A GAME at the main menu."
84548454"TR_Eng1_IntroTitle" "지점 수비"
84558455"[english]TR_Eng1_IntroTitle" "Defend the Point"
84568456"TR_Eng1_Intro" "Dustbowl에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 본 플레이어는 레드 팀에 소속되어 두 번째 지점을 수비해야 합니다."
2067020670"TF_SupplyCrate_BLTaunt" "Mann Co. 오디션 필름"
2067120671"[english]TF_SupplyCrate_BLTaunt" "Mann Co. Audition Reel"
2067220672"TF_SupplyCrate_BLTaunt_Desc" "이 잠겨진 필름은 Love & War 업데이트에서 추가된 무작위 도발을 포함하고 있으며 드물게 특별한 효과를 가진 범상찮은 등급의 도발 아이템이 포함되어 있습니다!\n\n열기 위해 일반 Mann Co. 보급 상자 열쇠가 필요합니다. Mann Co. 상점에서 구매하세요!"
20673N/A"[english]TF_SupplyCrate_BLTaunt_Desc" "This locked reel contains a random taunt from the Love And War update and also has a rare chance to contain an unusual taunt with special effects!\n\nYou need a standard Mann Co. Supply Crate Key to open this. You can pick one up at the Mann Co. Store."
N/A20673"[english]TF_SupplyCrate_BLTaunt_Desc" "This locked reel contains a random taunt from the Love And War update and also has a rare chance to contain an Unusual taunt with special effects!\n\nYou need a standard Mann Co. Supply Crate Key to open this. You can pick one up at the Mann Co. Store."
2067420674"TF_BreadBox" "빵 상자"
2067520675"[english]TF_BreadBox" "Bread Box"
2067620676"TF_BreadBox_Desc" "이 기간 한정 아이템은 제작을 통해서만 얻을 수 있습니다.\n2014년 7월 9일 이후로는 더 이상 제작할 수 없습니다."
2313523135"[english]TF_Matchmaking_RemovedFromQueue" "Removed from matchmaking queue.\n"
2313623136"TF_Competitive_Pass" "경쟁전 경기 주선 참가권"
2313723137"[english]TF_Competitive_Pass" "Competitive Matchmaking Pass"
23138N/A"TF_Competitive_Pass_Desc" "이 참가권을 제출하여 대전 모드 베타의 등급전에 대한 접근권을 얻을 수 있습니다."
N/A23138"TF_Competitive_Pass_Desc" "이 참가권을 제출하여 경쟁전의 등급전에 대한 접근 권한을 얻을 수 있습니다."
2313923139"[english]TF_Competitive_Pass_Desc" "Grants access to Competitive Matchmaking.\n\nCannot be Traded"
2314023140"TF_Competitive_RequiresPass_Title" "경쟁전 참가권 필요"
2314123141"[english]TF_Competitive_RequiresPass_Title" "Competitive Access Required"
23142N/A"TF_Competitive_RequiresPass" "대전 모드에서 플레이하시려면, 대전 주선 베타 참가권을 가지고 있어야 합니다."
N/A23142"TF_Competitive_RequiresPass" "경쟁전은 경쟁전 경기 주선 참가권을 소유하고, Steam Guard 모바일 인증기가 활성화되어야 가능합니다."
2314323143"[english]TF_Competitive_RequiresPass" "You do not currently meet the requirements for ranked matchmaking. You must have a Competitive Matchmaking Beta Pass and Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator enabled."
2314423144"TF_Competitive_Disconnect" "대전이 끝났습니다. 플레이해 주셔서 감사합니다!"
2314523145"[english]TF_Competitive_Disconnect" "The match is over. Thanks for playing!"
2348823488"TF_CollectionCrafting_NoItem" "아이템 없음"
2348923489"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_NoItem" "No item"
2349023490"TF_CollectionCrafting_NoUnusual" "범상찮은 아이템은 허용되지 않음"
23491N/A"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_NoUnusual" "No unusual items allowed"
N/A23491"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_NoUnusual" "No Unusual items allowed"
2349223492"TF_CollectionCrafting_NotCraftable" "제작에 사용할 수 없음"
2349323493"[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_NotCraftable" "Not usable in crafting"
2349423494"TF_CollectionCrafting_NoRarity" "등급이 없는 아이템"
2395423954"[english]TF_Halloween2015Pass_desc" "The Scream Fortress VII event ended on November 12, 2015.\n\nThe Soul Gargoyle granted access to Merasmissions during the event.\nYou could level up the gargoyle by collecting souls. Souls could be found by killing enemies, completing Merasmissions and finding Soul Gargoyles.\nLeveled up at 666, 1337, and 2000 Souls.\n\nProvided access to Halloween transmutes where you can transmute 3 items for a non-tradable Halloween item from years past.\nA bonus was given for every 10 transmutes."
2395523955"halloween2015_collection_name" "가고일 수집품"
2395623956"[english]halloween2015_collection_name" "Gargoyle Collection"
23957N/A"halloween2015_collection_desc" "이 상자는 잠겨있으며\n가고일 열쇠로 열 수 있습니다.\n\n상자에는 가고일 수집품\n커뮤니티 제작 아이템이 들어있습니다."
23958N/A"[english]halloween2015_collection_desc" "This Case is locked and requires a\nGargoyle Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item \nfrom the Gargoyle Collection."
N/A23957"halloween2015_collection_case_desc" "이 상자는 잠겨있으며\n가고일 열쇠로 열 수 있습니다.\n\n상자에는 가고일 수집품\n커뮤니티 제작 아이템이 들어있습니다."
N/A23958"[english]halloween2015_collection_case_desc" "This Case is locked and requires a\nGargoyle Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item \nfrom the Gargoyle Collection."
2395923959"halloween2015_collection_case" "가고일 상자"
2396023960"[english]halloween2015_collection_case" "Gargoyle Case"
23961N/A"halloween2015_collection_adtext" "-가고일 상자\n-커뮤니티가 제작한 장식 아이템이 들어있습니다.\n-열기 위해서는 가고일 열쇠가 필요합니다.\n-내용물은 이상하거나 모자는 범상찮을 수 있습니다.\n-이 상자는 특별한 범상찮은 효과가 있습니다."
23962N/A"[english]halloween2015_collection_adtext" "-Gargoyle Case\n-Contains Community Cosmetics\n-Requires a Gargoyle Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange and hats may be Unusual.\n-Unusuals have effects unique to this case"
N/A23961"halloween2015_collection_case_adtext" "-가고일 상자\n-커뮤니티가 제작한 장식 아이템이 들어있습니다.\n-열기 위해서는 가고일 열쇠가 필요합니다.\n-내용물은 이상하거나 모자는 범상찮을 수 있습니다.\n-이 상자는 특별한 범상찮은 효과가 있습니다."
N/A23962"[english]halloween2015_collection_case_adtext" "-Gargoyle Case\n-Contains Community Cosmetics\n-Requires a Gargoyle Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange and hats may be Unusual.\n-Unusuals have effects unique to this case"
2396323963"halloween2015_collection_key" "가고일 열쇠"
2396423964"[english]halloween2015_collection_key" "Gargoyle Key"
2396523965"halloween2015_collection_key_desc" "가고일 상자를 여는데 쓰임"
2397323973"Attrib_Particle101" "이 일은 모두에게 수수께끼야"
2397423974"[english]Attrib_Particle101" "It's a mystery to everyone"
2397523975"Attrib_Particle102" "이 일은 내게 수수께끼야"
23976N/A"[english]Attrib_Particle102" "It's a puzzle to me "
N/A23976"[english]Attrib_Particle102" "It's a puzzle to me"
2397723977"Attrib_Particle103" "에테르 불자국"
2397823978"[english]Attrib_Particle103" "Ether Trail"
2397923979"Attrib_Particle104" "지옥에테르 불자국"
2401324013"TF_HalloweenOffering_NoItem" "아이템 없음"
2401424014"[english]TF_HalloweenOffering_NoItem" "No item"
2401524015"TF_HalloweenOffering_NoUnusual" "범상찮은 아이템은 허용되지 않음"
24016N/A"[english]TF_HalloweenOffering_NoUnusual" "No unusual items allowed"
N/A24016"[english]TF_HalloweenOffering_NoUnusual" "No Unusual items allowed"
2401724017"TF_HalloweenOffering_Invalid" "연성에 쓸 수 없습니다!"
2401824018"[english]TF_HalloweenOffering_Invalid" "Not usable in transmute"
2401924019"TF_HalloweenItem_SoulAppeared" "영혼 가고일이 신비롭게도 귀하를 위해 나타났습니다. 가서 찾으세요!"
2427324273"[english]pl_snowycoast_authors" "E-Arkham\nFissionMetroid101"
2427424274"cp_vanguard_authors" "Maxime 'Fubar' Dupuis\nKevin 'Ravidge' Brook\nGavin 'Equinoxo' Sawford"
2427524275"[english]cp_vanguard_authors" "Maxime 'Fubar' Dupuis\nKevin 'Ravidge' Brook\nGavin 'Equinoxo' Sawford"
24276N/A"ctf_landfall_authors" "Andrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson\nWade 'Nineaxis' Fabry\nMark 'Shmitz' Major\n"
24277N/A"[english]ctf_landfall_authors" "Andrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson\nWade 'Nineaxis' Fabry\nMark 'Shmitz' Major\n"
N/A24276"ctf_landfall_authors" "Andrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson\nWade 'Nineaxis' Fabry\nMark 'Shmitz' Major"
N/A24277"[english]ctf_landfall_authors" "Andrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson\nWade 'Nineaxis' Fabry\nMark 'Shmitz' Major"
2427824278"koth_highpass_authors" "Yannick 'Bloodhound' Milhahn\n'Psy'\nJesús 'Drawer' Vera"
2427924279"[english]koth_highpass_authors" "Yannick 'Bloodhound' Milhahn\n'Psy'\nJesús 'Drawer' Vera"
2428024280"TF_Map_Snowycoast" "Snowycoast"
2449124491"[english]pyroland_grenadelauncher_sweetdreams" "The Sweet Dreams Grenade Launcher"
2449224492"pyroland_knife_bluemew" "파란 야옹이 칼"
2449324493"[english]pyroland_knife_bluemew" "The Blue Mew Knife"
N/A24494"pyroland_medigun_flowerpower" "꽃과 사랑과 평화 메디 건"
N/A24495"[english]pyroland_medigun_flowerpower" "The Flower Power Medi Gun"
2449424496"pyroland_minigun_mistercuddles" "껴안기 친구"
2449524497"[english]pyroland_minigun_mistercuddles" "The Mister Cuddles"
2449624498"pyroland_pistol_bluemew" "파란 야옹이 권총"
2449724499"[english]pyroland_pistol_bluemew" "The Blue Mew Pistol"
N/A24500"pyroland_revolver_flowerpower" "꽃과 사랑과 평화 리볼버"
N/A24501"[english]pyroland_revolver_flowerpower" "The Flower Power Revolver"
2449824502"pyroland_rocketlauncher_bluemew" "파란 야옹이 로켓 발사기"
2449924503"[english]pyroland_rocketlauncher_bluemew" "The Blue Mew Rocket Launcher"
2450024504"pyroland_scattergun_bluemew" "파란 야옹이 스캐터건"
2450124505"[english]pyroland_scattergun_bluemew" "The Blue Mew Scattergun"
N/A24506"pyroland_scattergun_flowerpower" "꽃과 사랑과 평화 스캐터건"
N/A24507"[english]pyroland_scattergun_flowerpower" "The Flower Power Scattergun"
N/A24508"pyroland_shotgun_flowerpower" "꽃과 사랑과 평화 산탄총"
N/A24509"[english]pyroland_shotgun_flowerpower" "The Flower Power Shotgun"
2450224510"pyroland_smg_bluemew" "파란 야옹이 기관단총"
2450324511"[english]pyroland_smg_bluemew" "The Blue Mew SMG"
2450424512"pyroland_sniperrifle_balloonicorn" "풍서니콘 저격소총"
2450724515"[english]pyroland_sniperrifle_rainbow" "The Rainbow Sniper Rifle"
2450824516"pyroland_stickybomblauncher_sweetdreams" "달콤한 꿈 점착 폭탄 발사기"
2450924517"[english]pyroland_stickybomblauncher_sweetdreams" "The Sweet Dreams Stickybomb Launcher"
N/A24518"gentlemanne_flamethrower_coffinnail" "구름과자 화염 방사기"
N/A24519"[english]gentlemanne_flamethrower_coffinnail" "The Coffin Nail Flame Thrower"
N/A24520"gentlemanne_grenadelauncher_coffinnail" "구름과자 유탄 발사기"
N/A24521"[english]gentlemanne_grenadelauncher_coffinnail" "The Coffin Nail Grenade Launcher"
2451024522"gentlemanne_grenadelauncher_topshelf" "고품격 유탄 발사기"
2451124523"[english]gentlemanne_grenadelauncher_topshelf" "The Top Shelf Grenade Launcher"
2451224524"gentlemanne_knife_topshelf" "고품격 칼"
2451324525"[english]gentlemanne_knife_topshelf" "The Top Shelf Knife"
N/A24526"gentlemanne_medigun_coffinnail" "구름과자 메디 건"
N/A24527"[english]gentlemanne_medigun_coffinnail" "The Coffin Nail Medi Gun"
2451424528"gentlemanne_medigun_highrollers" "화려한 도박꾼 메디 건"
2451524529"[english]gentlemanne_medigun_highrollers" "The High Roller's Medi Gun"
N/A24530"gentlemanne_minigun_coffinnail" "구름과자 미니건"
N/A24531"[english]gentlemanne_minigun_coffinnail" "The Coffin Nail Minigun"
2451624532"gentlemanne_minigun_topshelf" "고품격 미니건"
2451724533"[english]gentlemanne_minigun_topshelf" "The Top Shelf Minigun"
N/A24534"gentlemanne_revolver_coffinnail" "구름과자 리볼버"
N/A24535"[english]gentlemanne_revolver_coffinnail" "The Coffin Nail Revolver"
2451824536"gentlemanne_revolver_topshelf" "고품격 리볼버"
2451924537"[english]gentlemanne_revolver_topshelf" "The Top Shelf Revolver"
N/A24538"gentlemanne_rocketlauncher_coffinnail" "구름과자 로켓 발사기"
N/A24539"[english]gentlemanne_rocketlauncher_coffinnail" "The Coffin Nail Rocket Launcher"
2452024540"gentlemanne_rocketlauncher_highrollers" "화려한 도박꾼 로켓 발사기"
2452124541"[english]gentlemanne_rocketlauncher_highrollers" "The High Roller's Rocket Launcher"
N/A24542"gentlemanne_scattergun_coffinnail" "구름과자 스캐터건"
N/A24543"[english]gentlemanne_scattergun_coffinnail" "The Coffin Nail Scattergun"
N/A24544"gentlemanne_shotgun_coffinnail" "구름과자 산탄총"
N/A24545"[english]gentlemanne_shotgun_coffinnail" "The Coffin Nail Shotgun"
2452224546"gentlemanne_smg_highrollers" "화려한 도박꾼 기관단총"
2452324547"[english]gentlemanne_smg_highrollers" "The High Roller's SMG"
N/A24548"gentlemanne_sniperrifle_coffinnail" "구름과자 저격소총"
N/A24549"[english]gentlemanne_sniperrifle_coffinnail" "The Coffin Nail Sniper Rifle"
N/A24550"gentlemanne_stickybomblauncher_coffinnail" "구름과자 점착 폭탄 발사기"
N/A24551"[english]gentlemanne_stickybomblauncher_coffinnail" "The Coffin Nail Stickybomb Launcher"
2452424552"gentlemanne_wrench_topshelf" "고품격 렌치"
2452524553"[english]gentlemanne_wrench_topshelf" "The Top Shelf Wrench"
2452624554"warbird_flamethrower_warhawk" "워호크 화염 방사기"
2459124619"[english]Attrib_IsFestive" "Festivized"
2459224620"ItemDescFestive2015" "이 축제장식 도구는 2015년 무기 수집품 아이템에 적용할 수 있습니다."
2459324621"[english]ItemDescFestive2015" "This Festivizer can be applied to a 2015 Weapon Collection item."
N/A24622"TF_CombatTextBatching" "피해량 수치를 누적해 표시"
N/A24623"[english]TF_CombatTextBatching" "Accumulate combat text damage events into a single number"
2459424624"TF_ScoreBoard_PingAsText" "점수판에 핑 값을 문자로 표시합니다."
2459524625"[english]TF_ScoreBoard_PingAsText" "Display ping values as text on the scoreboard"
2459624626"TF_ScoreBoard_AltClassIcons" "점수판에 대체 병과 아이콘을 표시합니다."
2459724627"[english]TF_ScoreBoard_AltClassIcons" "Display alternate class icons on the scoreboard"
24598N/A"MMenu_Update" "적수를 만나다 업데이트"
24599N/A"[english]MMenu_Update" "Meet Your Match Update"
N/A24628"MMenu_Update" "특집"
N/A24629"[english]MMenu_Update" "Featured"
2460024630"Store_ViewMarket" "장터에서 보기"
2460124631"[english]Store_ViewMarket" "View On Market"
2460224632"Store_StartingAt" "장터 시작 가격"
2461724647"[english]TF_StrangeCount_Transfer_Self" "Item is already chosen."
2461824648"TF_StrangeCount_Transfer_NotEnoughMatches" "점수를 옮길 적합한 아이템이 없습니다."
2461924649"[english]TF_StrangeCount_Transfer_NotEnoughMatches" "No matching items to transfer stats with."
N/A24650"Tooltip_CombatTextBatching" "피해량 수치가 표시되도록 설정된 상태에서 이 설정을 사용하면 특정 대상에게 준 피해량 수치가 누적되어 나타납니다."
N/A24651"[english]Tooltip_CombatTextBatching" "If set, and using the Combat Text option, consecutive damage done to the same target will be added together into a single number."
2462024652"TF_Matchmaking_Show" "대전 주선 열기"
2462124653"[english]TF_Matchmaking_Show" "Open Matchmaking"
2462224654"TF_Matchmaking_Title" "대전 주선"
2462324655"[english]TF_Matchmaking_Title" "Matchmaking"
24624N/A"QuestLog_BadgeProgress" "%s1 우표 진행률"
24625N/A"[english]QuestLog_BadgeProgress" "%s1 Stamp Progress"
24626N/A"QuestLog_ContractsCompleted" "완료한 계약 수"
24627N/A"[english]QuestLog_ContractsCompleted" "Contracts Completed"
N/A24656"QuestLog_BadgeProgress" "%s1 영혼 가고일 진행률"
N/A24657"[english]QuestLog_BadgeProgress" "%s1 Soul Gargoyle Progress"
N/A24658"QuestLog_ContractsCompleted" "완료한 메라'임무'스 수"
N/A24659"[english]QuestLog_ContractsCompleted" "Merasmissions Completed"
2462824660"QuestLog_NeedPassForContracts" "불행한 휴가 작전 참가권을 사용하여\n계약을 받습니다."
2462924661"[english]QuestLog_NeedPassForContracts" "To receive contracts\nactivate a Tough Break Campaign Pass."
2463024662"QuestConfirmEquipLoaners_Title" "대여한 무기를 장착하시겠습니까?"
2472724759"[english]TF_dec15_medic_winter_jacket2_emblem_style1" "Style 1"
2472824760"TF_dec15_medic_winter_jacket2_emblem_style2" "양식 2"
2472924761"[english]TF_dec15_medic_winter_jacket2_emblem_style2" "Style 2"
N/A24762"Msg_PasstimeEventScoreTitle" "%team% 팀이 득점하였습니다!"
N/A24763"[english]Msg_PasstimeEventScoreTitle" "%team% SCORE"
2473024764"RefurbishItem_RemoveFestivizerTitle" "축제장식을 없앨까요?"
2473124765"[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveFestivizerTitle" "Remove Festivizer?"
2473224766"RefurbishItem_RemoveFestivizerCombo" "축제장식 없애기"
2475124785"[english]TFUI_InvTooltip_ItemFound" "%s1%s2%s3%s4%s5"
2475224786"TF_Class_Change" "�%s1 님이� �%s2 병과로 변경하였습니다."
2475324787"[english]TF_Class_Change" "�* �%s1� changed class to �%s2"
N/A24788"TF_Competitive_Abandoned" "누군가 경기를 포기하여 불이익을 받게 되었습니다. 이제 나가도 괜찮지만, 계속 경기를 진행할 수 있습니다."
N/A24789"[english]TF_Competitive_Abandoned" "A player abandoned the match and will be penalized. It is now safe to leave, but you may continue to play."
N/A24790"TF_Competitive_AbandonedTitle" "경기 종료"
N/A24791"[english]TF_Competitive_AbandonedTitle" "Match Over"
2475424792"TF_Competitive_Rank" "계급: %s1 %s2"
2475524793"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank" "Rank: %s1 %s2"
2475624794"TF_Competitive_Rank_0" "신참"
2491524953"[english]TF_sbox2014_trenchers_topper_style1" "Style 1"
2491624954"TF_sbox2014_trenchers_topper_style2" "양식 2"
2491724955"[english]TF_sbox2014_trenchers_topper_style2" "Style 2"
N/A24956"Msg_PasstimeEventPowerDownBonus" "추가 골문이 닫혔습니다!"
N/A24957"[english]Msg_PasstimeEventPowerDownBonus" "BONUS GOAL CLOSED"
2491824958"Msg_PasstimeEventPowerDownTitle" "잭 위력 하락!"
2491924959"[english]Msg_PasstimeEventPowerDownTitle" "JACK POWER DOWN"
N/A24960"Msg_PasstimeEventPowerUpBonus" "추가 골문이 열렸습니다!"
N/A24961"[english]Msg_PasstimeEventPowerUpBonus" "BONUS GOAL OPEN"
2492024962"Msg_PasstimeEventPowerUpTitle" "잭 위력 상승!"
2492124963"[english]Msg_PasstimeEventPowerUpTitle" "JACK POWER UP"
2492224964"Msg_PasstimeEventPowerUpDetail" "추가 골은 더 많은 점수를 얻습니다!"
2492324965"[english]Msg_PasstimeEventPowerUpDetail" "Bonus goal is worth more points"
N/A24966"TF_LastHitbeeps" "적군 처치 시 평소와 다른 타격음 재생"
N/A24967"[english]TF_LastHitbeeps" "Play a last hit sound when one of your attacks kills an enemy"
2492424968"TF_Dingaling_LastHit_Volume" "마지막 타격음 크기"
2492524969"[english]TF_Dingaling_LastHit_Volume" "Last Hit sound volume"
2492624970"TF_Dingaling_LastHit_PitchLowDmg" "낮은 피해량의 마지막 타격음 음높이"
2497925023"[english]TF_bak_pocket_villains" "Pocket Villains"
2498025024"NewItemMethod_ViralCompetitiveBetaPassSpread" "경쟁전 베타 참가권이 생성되었습니다!"
2498125025"[english]NewItemMethod_ViralCompetitiveBetaPassSpread" "Your Competitive Beta Pass �Generated�:"
N/A25026"Item_ViralCompetitiveBetaPassSpread" "�%s1� 님이 %s2 %s3 아이템 발견!"
N/A25027"[english]Item_ViralCompetitiveBetaPassSpread" "�%s1� has found:: %s2 %s3"
2498225028"TF_fall2013_escapist_style1" "양식 1"
2498325029"[english]TF_fall2013_escapist_style1" "Style 1"
2498425030"TF_fall2013_escapist_style2" "양식 2"
2501125057"[english]TF_MM_LeaveQueue_Title" "Exit Search?"
2501225058"TF_MM_LeaveQueue_Confirm" "이 화면에서 나오면 대기열에서 빠지게 됩니다. 계속 진행할까요?"
2501325059"[english]TF_MM_LeaveQueue_Confirm" "Leaving this screen will remove you from the search queue. Proceed?"
N/A25060"TF_jul13_koolboy_style1" "공유는 배려이다"
N/A25061"[english]TF_jul13_koolboy_style1" "Sharing is Caring"
N/A25062"TF_jul13_koolboy_style2" "나눔은 겁쟁이들이나 한다고!"
N/A25063"[english]TF_jul13_koolboy_style2" "Sharing is for Wusses"
2501425064"TF_fall2013_brimfull_of_bullets_style0" "좋은 놈"
2501525065"[english]TF_fall2013_brimfull_of_bullets_style0" "Good"
2501625066"TF_fall2013_brimfull_of_bullets_style1" "나쁜 놈"
2508525135"[english]GameType_TerritorialControl" "Territorial Control"
2508625136"GameType_Misc" "기타"
2508725137"[english]GameType_Misc" "Misc"
N/A25138"TF_MM_Abandon_Ban" "포기할 경우 경기 주선 기능에서 차단되어 게임을 찾는 시간에 영향을 받습니다."
N/A25139"[english]TF_MM_Abandon_Ban" "Abandoning your team will result in a matchmaking ban for a significant period of time."
N/A25140"TF_GameModeDesc_Misc" "다른 분류에 해당되지 않는 게임모드입니다."
N/A25141"[english]TF_GameModeDesc_Misc" "Game modes that don't fit into one of the other categories."
2508825142"TF_GameModeDetail_Misc" "본 항목을 선택하면 지역 점령, 특별 배달, 중세, 플레이어 말살 같은 게임 모드를 플레이합니다."
2508925143"[english]TF_GameModeDetail_Misc" "Select this option to play game modes like Territorial Control, Special Delivery, Medieval, and Player Destruction."
2509025144"TF_enlightened_mann_style0" "묘사하기엔 너무 거만한"
2516125215"[english]TF_may16_dayjogger" "The Dayjogger"
2516225216"TF_may16_dayjogger_desc" " "
2516325217"[english]TF_may16_dayjogger_desc" ""
N/A25218"TF_may16_patriots_pouches" "애국자의 탄창주머니"
N/A25219"[english]TF_may16_patriots_pouches" "The Patriot's Pouches"
2516425220"TF_may16_patriots_pouches_desc" " "
2516525221"[english]TF_may16_patriots_pouches_desc" ""
2516625222"TF_may16_dad_duds" "샤이닝 아재"
2517525231"[english]TF_may16_demos_dustcatcher" "The Demo's Dustcatcher"
2517625232"TF_may16_demos_dustcatcher_desc" " "
2517725233"[english]TF_may16_demos_dustcatcher_desc" ""
N/A25234"TF_may16_scoped_spartan" "스파르탄 저격수"
N/A25235"[english]TF_may16_scoped_spartan" "The Scoped Spartan"
2517825236"TF_may16_scoped_spartan_desc" " "
2517925237"[english]TF_may16_scoped_spartan_desc" ""
2518025238"TF_TheElf_Style0" "북극"
2523325291"[english]TF_may16_patriots_pouches_style1" "Normal"
2523425292"TF_may16_patriots_pouches_style2" "위장"
2523525293"[english]TF_may16_patriots_pouches_style2" "Camo"
N/A25294"TF_Competitive_Welcome_Title" "경쟁전 경기 주선에 오신 것을 환영합니다!"
N/A25295"[english]TF_Competitive_Welcome_Title" "Welcome to Competitive Matchmaking!"
N/A25296"TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionOne_Title" "경쟁전이란?"
N/A25297"[english]TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionOne_Title" "About Competitive Play"
N/A25298"TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionThree_Title" "경쟁전 경기 포기"
N/A25299"[english]TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionThree_Title" "Abandoning Competitive Matches"
N/A25300"TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionThree_Text" " 경쟁전 경기 중에 (서버는 떠나는 행위로) 경기를 포기할 경우 패배로 처리되고 포기 불이익이 적용되어 긴 시간 동안 경쟁전 경기에 참가할 수 없게 됩니다. 때문에 경기를 지속적으로 포기할 경우 대기 시간이 늘어납니다."
N/A25301"[english]TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionThree_Text" " Abandoning your teammates (leaving the server) during a competitive match will count as an automatic loss. Additionally, you will receive a matchmaking cooldown, preventing you from playing further competitive matches for a significant time. Subsequent abandons will greatly increase the length of this cooldown."
N/A25302"TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionFour_Title" "연결이 끊긴 경우"
N/A25303"[english]TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionFour_Title" "Connection Loss"
N/A25304"TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionFour_Text" " 경쟁전 경기에서 이유에 상관없이 연결이 끊길 경우 진행 중인 게임에 다시 참가할 수 있는 여유 기한을 드립니다. 이 기한이 지나기 전에 게임에 다시 참가하지 않으면 경기를 포기한 것으로 처리됩니다."
N/A25305"[english]TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionFour_Text" " If you lose connection to a competitive match for any reason, you will receive a short grace period during which you will be prompted to rejoin the game in progress. After this grace period expires, you will automatically abandon the match."
2523625306"TF_Competitive_Welcome_Confirm" "알겠소!"
2523725307"[english]TF_Competitive_Welcome_Confirm" "Got it!"
2523825308"TF_Competitive_Welcome_DontShow" "다시는 보여주지 마세요."
2524525315"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Gold_2nd" "UGC 6vs6 Gold 2nd Place"
2524625316"TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Gold_3rd" "UGC 6 대 6 경기 골드 3위"
2524725317"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Gold_3rd" "UGC 6vs6 Gold 3rd Place"
N/A25318"TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_MC_1st" "AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup 1위"
N/A25319"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_MC_1st" "AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup 1st Place"
N/A25320"TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_MC_2nd" "AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup 2위"
N/A25321"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_MC_2nd" "AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup 2nd Place"
N/A25322"TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_MC_3rd" "AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup 3위"
N/A25323"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_MC_3rd" "AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup 3rd Place"
N/A25324"TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_MC_Participant" "AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup 참가상"
N/A25325"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_MC_Participant" "AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup Participant"
N/A25326"TF_TournamentMedal_72hr_summer_jimijam" "TF2Maps 하계 72시간 즉흥 제작 참가상"
N/A25327"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_72hr_summer_jimijam" "TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Summer Participant"
2524825328"TF_TournamentMedal_72hr_jimijam_style0" "훈장"
2524925329"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_72hr_jimijam_style0" "Medal"
2525025330"TF_TournamentMedal_72hr_jimijam_style1" "장식핀"
2525125331"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_72hr_jimijam_style1" "Pin"
N/A25332"TF_reddit_random_acts_Desc" "Random Acts of TF2의 자비로운 선물꾼들에게 주어지는 훈장입니다."
N/A25333"[english]TF_reddit_random_acts_Desc" "A medal to recognize the generous gifters of the Random Acts of TF2 group"
2525225334"TF_Wearable_Pouch" "주머니"
2525325335"[english]TF_Wearable_Pouch" "Pouch"
2525425336"cp_sunshine_authors" "Rebecca 'phi' Ailes\nKimberly 'iiboharz' Riswick\nSebastian Grus\nMellowretro\nTim 'SedimentarySocks' BL"
2529325375"[english]TF_Map_Sunshine_StrangePrefix" " Sunburned"
2529425376"TF_Map_Metalworks_StrangePrefix" " 낙하 단조된"
2529525377"[english]TF_Map_Metalworks_StrangePrefix" " Drop-Forged"
N/A25378"TF_Map_Swiftwater_StrangePrefix" " 숨막히는"
N/A25379"[english]TF_Map_Swiftwater_StrangePrefix" " Breathtaking"
2529625380"Winreason_ScoreLimit" "%s1 팀이 %s2 번 득점하여 승리하였습니다!"
2529725381"[english]Winreason_ScoreLimit" "%s1 won by scoring %s2 times"
N/A25382"Winreason_ScoreLimit_One" "%s1 팀이 득점하여 승리하였습니다!"
N/A25383"[english]Winreason_ScoreLimit_One" "%s1 won by scoring"
2529825384"WinPanel_StopWatch_Watching_RoundFinal" "공수 교대!"
2529925385"[english]WinPanel_StopWatch_Watching_RoundFinal" "SWITCHING SIDES!"
N/A25386"GameType_Passtime_Desc" "죽음의 축농구하키를 해 봅시다."
N/A25387"[english]GameType_Passtime_Desc" "Play a deadly game of soccerhockeybasketball."
2530025388"Gametype_Arena_Desc" "카운터 스트라이크처럼 하십시오!"
2530125389"[english]Gametype_Arena_Desc" "Play Counter-Strike!"
2530225390"Gametype_SD_Desc" "'평범한' 점령 지점에 단 하나의 깃발을 가지고 싸우십시오."
2530525393"[english]TF_MMCat_Core" "Core Game Modes"
2530625394"TF_MMCat_Alternative" "변형 게임 모드"
2530725395"[english]TF_MMCat_Alternative" "Alternative Game Modes"
N/A25396"TF_PASS_TIME_HAT_NAME" "메라즈무스의 다차원 텔레비전 시청"
N/A25397"[english]TF_PASS_TIME_HAT_NAME" "Tune Merasmus's Multi-Dimensional Television"
2530825398"TF_PASS_TIME_GRIND_NAME" "대박!"
2530925399"[english]TF_PASS_TIME_GRIND_NAME" "Jackpot!"
2531025400"TF_PASS_TIME_GRIND_DESC" "'패스' 시간에서 10번 승리하십시오."
2531125401"[english]TF_PASS_TIME_GRIND_DESC" "Win 10 rounds playing PASS Time."
N/A25402"TF_StrangeFilter_Prefix_Competitive" " 경쟁전"
N/A25403"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_Prefix_Competitive" " Competitive"
N/A25404"TF_StrangeFilter_Competitive" "이상한 여과기: 경쟁전"
N/A25405"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_Competitive" "Strange Filter: Competitive"
2531225406"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSunshine" "이상한 여과기: Sunshine (커뮤니티)"
2531325407"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSunshine" "Strange Filter: Sunshine (Community)"
2531425408"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSunshine_Desc" "이상한 품질의 무기에 이 이상한 여과기를 덧붙이고 원하는 점수를 고르면 해당 무기로 Sunshine 맵에서 세운 그 점수를 기록하게 됩니다."
2535725451"[english]Attrib_TeleporterBuildCost" "%s1% metal cost when constructing or upgrading teleporters"
2535825452"Attrib_DmgBonusVsBurning" "불타는 적 대상 %s1% 피해"
2535925453"[english]Attrib_DmgBonusVsBurning" "%s1% damage vs burning players"
N/A25454"Attrib_PierceResists" "공격은 피해 저항 및 추가 효과를 무시합니다."
N/A25455"[english]Attrib_PierceResists" "Attacks pierce damage resistance effects and bonuses"
2536025456"TF_use_min_viewmodels_option" "간소화된 1인칭 모델 사용"
2536125457"[english]TF_use_min_viewmodels_option" "Use minimized viewmodels"
2536225458"MMenu_FindAGame" "게임 찾기"
2536525461"[english]MMenu_PlayList_Casual_Button" "Casual"
2536625462"MMenu_PlayList_Casual_Desc" "게임 모드를 선택하고 다른 팀포2 플레이어들과 전투를 펼칩니다."
2536725463"[english]MMenu_PlayList_Casual_Desc" "Play a match of TF2 with other players in a game mode of your choosing."
N/A25464"MMenu_PlayList_Competitive_Button" "경쟁전"
N/A25465"[english]MMenu_PlayList_Competitive_Button" "Competitive"
N/A25466"MMenu_PlayList_Competitive_Desc" "다른 플레이어와 경쟁하고 계급을 올리세요."
N/A25467"[english]MMenu_PlayList_Competitive_Desc" "Play a ranked, competitive match with other players."
2536825468"MMenu_PlayList_MvM_Button" "Mann 대 기계"
2536925469"[english]MMenu_PlayList_MvM_Button" "Mann vs. Machine"
2537025470"MMenu_PlayList_MvM_Desc" "6명의 플레이어로 이루어진 팀과 협동하여 살인 로봇의 공격을 막아내야 합니다."
2537725477"[english]MMenu_PlayList_Training_Button" "Training"
2537825478"MMenu_PlayList_Training_Desc" "팀포2를 제대로 배워봅시다."
2537925479"[english]MMenu_PlayList_Training_Desc" "Learn the ins and outs of TF2."
N/A25480"MMenu_PlayList_QuickPlay_Button" "빠른 게임"
N/A25481"[english]MMenu_PlayList_QuickPlay_Button" "Quickplay"
N/A25482"MMenu_PlayList_QuickPlay_Desc" "빠르게 게임을 찾아서 참가합니다."
N/A25483"[english]MMenu_PlayList_QuickPlay_Desc" "Quickly find a game to join."
N/A25484"MMenu_CompetitiveAccess" "경쟁전 접속"
N/A25485"[english]MMenu_CompetitiveAccess" "Competitive Access"
2538025486"MMenu_CompetitiveAccessOption1" "선택사항 1"
2538125487"[english]MMenu_CompetitiveAccessOption1" "OPTION 1"
2538225488"MMenu_CompetitiveAccessOption2" "선택사항 2"
2539925505"[english]MMenu_SafeMode_SaveSettings" "Keep Settings"
2540025506"MMenu_SafeMode_LeaveSafeMode" "안전 모드 나가기"
2540125507"[english]MMenu_SafeMode_LeaveSafeMode" "Leave Safe Mode"
N/A25508"Store_Class_Bundles" "초보자용 묶음"
N/A25509"[english]Store_Class_Bundles" "Starter Packs"
2540225510"Store_Case_Label" "상자"
2540325511"[english]Store_Case_Label" "Cases"
2540425512"Store_Key_Label" "열쇠"
2558125689"[english]TF_War_Winner_PyroTitle" "Team Pyro has won!"
2558225690"TF_War_Winner_PyroDesc" "파이로 진영이 전쟁에서 노력한 덕분에, 파이로는 훗날 업데이트에서 병과 콘텐츠 묶음을 받게 됩니다!"
2558325691"[english]TF_War_Winner_PyroDesc" "Due to Team Pyro's effort in the war, Pyro will be receiving a class pack in a future update!"
N/A25692"TF_Weapon_Skullbat" "해골 방망이"
N/A25693"[english]TF_Weapon_Skullbat" "Skull Bat"
N/A25694"TF_Medal_TipOfTheHats2016_Desc" "Tip of the Hats 2016 자선 행사에 기여한 플레이어들에게 수여됩니다."
N/A25695"[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHats2016_Desc" "Awarded to those who contributed to the Tip of the Hats 2016 charity event"
N/A25696"TF_TournamentMedal_Florida_LAN_2016_Desc" "Florida LAN 2016 행사에 참여했거나 기여한 플레이어에들에게 수여됩니다."
N/A25697"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Florida_LAN_2016_Desc" "Awarded to those who contributed to or participated in the Florida LAN 2016 event"
2558425698"TF_Wearable_Rose" "장미"
2558525699"[english]TF_Wearable_Rose" "Rose"
2558625700"TF_RobotPart_Type" "로봇 부품"
2559125705"[english]TF_FestivizerTool" "Festivizer"
2559225706"Attrib_LoseRevengeCritsOnDeath" "복수 치명타는 죽으면 사라집니다."
2559325707"[english]Attrib_LoseRevengeCritsOnDeath" "Revenge crits are lost on death"
N/A25708"TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_MatchOver" "재경기?"
N/A25709"[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_MatchOver" "Rematch?"
N/A25710"TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_RematchVoteEndTime" "재경기 투표 %s1 초 후 종료"
N/A25711"[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_RematchVoteEndTime" "Rematch voting ends in %s1"
N/A25712"TF_Matchmaking_SafeToLeave" "이제 경기를 떠나도 괜찮습니다."
N/A25713"[english]TF_Matchmaking_SafeToLeave" "This match is safe to leave"
N/A25714"TF_Matchmaking_NotSafeToLeave" "지금 경기를 떠나면 불이익을 받게 됩니다!"
N/A25715"[english]TF_Matchmaking_NotSafeToLeave" "It is not safe to leave this match"
N/A25716"TF_XPSource_Score" "점수"
N/A25717"[english]TF_XPSource_Score" "Score"
N/A25718"TF_XPSource_ObjectiveBonus" "목표 수행"
N/A25719"[english]TF_XPSource_ObjectiveBonus" "Objective Bonus"
N/A25720"TF_XPSource_CompletedMatch" "경기 완료"
N/A25721"[english]TF_XPSource_CompletedMatch" "Match Completed"
N/A25722"TF_XPSource_Comp_Abandon" "경기 포기"
N/A25723"[english]TF_XPSource_Comp_Abandon" "Abandon Penalty"
N/A25724"TF_XPSource_Comp_Win" "경기 승리"
N/A25725"[english]TF_XPSource_Comp_Win" "Match Win"
N/A25726"TF_XPSource_Comp_Loss" "경기 패배"
N/A25727"[english]TF_XPSource_Comp_Loss" "Match Loss"
N/A25728"TF_SurveyQuestion_MatchQuality" "방금 플레이한 경기를 평가해 주세요!"
N/A25729"[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_MatchQuality" "Please rate the quality of the match you just played:"
N/A25730"TF_SurveyQuestion_Submitting" "제출 중..."
N/A25731"[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_Submitting" "Submitting..."
N/A25732"TF_SurveyQuestion_ThankYouTitle" "감사합니다!"
N/A25733"[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_ThankYouTitle" "Thank you!"
N/A25734"TF_SurveyQuestion_ThankYouBody" "팀포2 개발진과 의견을 나눠 주셔서 감사합니다."
N/A25735"[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_ThankYouBody" "We appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback with the TF2 team."
N/A25736"TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapFifthCurveEvent_Desc" "이상한 품질의 무기에 이 이상한 여과기를 덧붙이고 원하는 점수를 고르면 해당 무기로 Brimstone 맵에서 세운 그 점수를 기록하게 됩니다."
N/A25737"[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapFifthCurveEvent_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Brimstone."
N/A25738"Attrib_Particle3014" "소름끼치는 소용돌이"
N/A25739"[english]Attrib_Particle3014" "Spectral Swirl"
N/A25740"TF_secondrate_sorcery" "도발: 이류 저주술"
N/A25741"[english]TF_secondrate_sorcery" "Taunt: Second Rate Sorcery"
File info
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![]() | This media is extracted from the game Team Fortress 2. The copyright for it is held by Valve Corporation, who created the software. |
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Date/Time | Dimensions | User | Comment | |
current | 23:46, 2 August 2024 | (1.26 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for August 2, 2024 Patch. |
20:04, 25 July 2024 | (1.19 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for July 25, 2024 Patch. | |
01:09, 10 January 2024 | (1.19 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for January 9, 2024 Patch. | |
19:06, 20 December 2023 | (1.12 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for December 20, 2023 Patch. | |
02:04, 19 December 2023 | (1.12 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for December 18, 2023 Patch. | |
21:06, 15 December 2023 | (1.12 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for December 15, 2023 Patch. | |
22:23, 12 July 2023 | (1.1 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for July 12, 2023 Patch. | |
18:38, 20 March 2023 | (1.1 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for March 20, 2023 Patch. | |
21:21, 1 March 2023 | (1.1 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for March 1, 2023 Patch. | |
15:15, 6 January 2023 | (1.07 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_koreana.txt for January 5, 2023. |
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