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“ | Mi sono unito a questa squadra solo per uccidere imbecilli come te!
Premi per ascoltare
— Il Soldato
” |
In Team Fortress 2 ci sono due compagnie bloccate in una guerra una contro l'altra, RED (Reliable Excavation Demolition) e BLU (Builder's League United). Queste compagnie formano le due squadre per cui il giocatore può giocare. C'è anche una terza "squadra", Spettatore, a cui un giocatore può unirsi se vuole osservare i giocatori partecipanti. Esistono anche altre "squadre" per i vari boss di Halloween, così la loro intelligenza artificiale può attaccare giocatori della squadra RED e della squadra BLU, e possono essere attaccati da entrambe le squadre.
Selezione della squadra
When the player joins a server, or presses whichever key is bound to changeteam
(Default .
); an interface pops up allowing the user to select their team: 1: Random/Auto Assign, 2: Spectator, 3: BLU or 4: RED.
In Arena Mode, the player can either choose Spectator or ‘Fight’, which will automatically assign them to either RED or BLU at the beginning of the round, depending on which side has the least players.
By default, a player may be unable to choose a particular team if there is a player difference (between the teams) of 1; the player will only be allowed to choose the smaller team. Server administrators are able to turn this feature off, or adjust the player-difference number via the Console command: mp_teams_unbalanced_limit
Once in-game, a player can check the teams by displaying the Scoreboard via the default key: Tab
, or the console command +showscores
In game
During a game, a player works with their team to fulfil the objectives of the game mode they're playing. In attack-defense game-modes, RED is the defending team and BLU is the offending team.
Some classes have weapons that are designed to interact with a player's team, for example the Medic's Medi Gun is used to heal teammates and the Soldier's Buff Banner, once charged, makes all damage done by nearby teammates mini-crits.
A team can consist of any number of players, each being one of nine Classes. Each class is designed, and has weapons, to fulfil a particular role within a team, and all nine classes are split into 3 sub-groups: Offensive, Defensive and Support.
In spectate mode, a player can watch the match through the eyes of any of the participating players, or roam around freely. While respawning, a player will be in spectate mode (but will not be listed as part of the Spectate team) until that player respawns.
While spectating, a player may use the primary and secondary fire buttons (Default: Mouse 1
, and Mouse 2
) to cycle their view through the participating players; a player can also use the spacebar key to switch between a first and third person perspective, or go into "noclip" mode (fly freely around the map), if the server allows.
- A yellow and green team existed in some maps in the original Team Fortress.