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The Scout

Tools are usable game items in Team Fortress 2. Introduced with the Mann-Conomy Update, tools have various cosmetic purposes although they cannot directly affect gameplay themselves. Tools can be obtained via purchase from the Mann Co. Store and others can be found through the item drop system. All tools can be traded to other players, however, none can be obtained by use of the crafting system.


Mann Co. Supply

Icon Name Description Availability
Mann Co. Supply Crate Key Mann Co. Supply Crate Key A key used to open a Mann Co. Supply Crate. $2.49 / £1.99 / 2.35 / 240rub / R$ 14.99 / 10.25
Mann Co. Supply Crate Mann Co. Supply Crate A dropped item that contains a random item determined by its series number. Drop

Item customization

Icon Name Description Availability
Name Tag Name Tag Name Tags are used to rename items (can be removed by user). Drop / Uncrate / $0.99 / £0.79 / 0.95 / 96rub / R$ 5.99 / 4
Paint Can Paint Can Paint is used to change the color of hats (can be removed by user). Drop / Uncrate / $Template:Dictionary/price/paint can / £Template:Dictionary/price/paint can / Template:Dictionary/price/paint can / Template:Dictionary/price/paint canrub / R$ Template:Dictionary/price/paint can / Template:Dictionary/price/paint can
Description Tag Description Tag Changes the description of weapons, hats, or Miscellaneous items (can be removed by user). Drop / Uncrate / $0.99 / £0.79 / 0.95 / 96rub / R$ 5.99 / 4

Tool release dates

Main article: Item timeline

See also