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Double Cross裂谷上方的桥梁区域。
— 夺取情报的侦察兵

夺旗 (CTF) (Capture the Flag)是围绕着队双方拥有的情报箱(又叫做旗帜)展开的一种游戏模式。双方队伍的胜利目标为夺取对方情报次数达到目标设置数量(默认为3)同时防止自己的情报被夺取次数达到设置数量,当双方队伍都没有在时间限制耗尽前夺取足够数量的情报时,比赛将进入突然死亡模式(除非两方情报被夺取并依然在运输途中,在这种情况下,在双方队伍的情报回归后将会出现超时。)



情报,也可叫做"intel," "旗帜," 或"文件箱," 是夺旗模式的主要游戏目标和同名旗帜。该物品为正面带有数字电子锁,且一角文件漏出外观的团队色文件箱,当被玩家捡起时,情报箱将发出携带者所属团队的颜色并将散落纸张,并出现团队色尾迹。


During a Capture the Flag round, each team is given their own Intelligence located within their section of the map. It must be retrieved from this location by the opposite team and returned to a defined point, usually the opposing team's capture zone where their Intelligence is stored.

The Intelligence can be taken by any enemy player that walks up onto it, but can not be interfered or moved by a friendly player. Once picked up by a player, the Intelligence will then appear on their back and the Announcer will notify both teams that the Intelligence has been taken. The Intelligence indicator located on the HUD will then point in the direction of the carrier, who must make their way out of the enemy base and back to their own. Carriers are visible to their respective team players as they emit a green, yellow, or red glow (based on their current health) that can be seen through walls.

While carrying the Intelligence, players become more vulnerable. Additionally, certain conditions may result in the player being unable to pick up and carry the Intelligence.

  • Intelligence carriers cannot use Teleporters.
  • The Medic's stock Medi Gun's ÜberCharge cannot be used on the Intelligence carrier, nor can a player pick up the Intelligence while ÜberCharged and thus invulnerable. This also applies to the Quick-Fix as well. (The charges from all other Medi Guns can be activated and work on both the Medic and the patient, even if one of them is carrying the Intelligence.)
  • Scouts are unable to drink Bonk! Atomic Punch while holding the Intelligence, and may not pick it up while under its effects.
  • Soldiers equipped with the Rocket Jumper and Demomen equipped with the Sticky Jumper are unable to carry the Intelligence.
  • Spies are unable to carry the Intelligence while Cloaked, but can pick it up while in disguise, removing their disguise. They cannot disguise or Cloak while carrying the Intelligence.
  • The Intelligence is dropped if the carrier is killed or enters a resupply area.
  • Engineers that use the Eureka Effect can teleport via the weapon's taunt, but the Intelligence will drop at the spot the Engineer teleported from.

Once the Intelligence is returned to a capture point, the successful team will gain one point shown in the Intelligence indicator, and will receive ten seconds of crit boost. There is no need for the capturing team's own Intelligence to be on their capture point at the time of the capture.

The Intelligence can be dropped manually if the player carrying it presses the drop-item button (Default key: L). Once dropped, a clock-like timer ring will appear over the Intelligence. When the default 60 seconds have passed without an ally picking it up again, it is automatically returned to its original position in the team's base. If an ally picks up and subsequently drops the intelligence, this timer will reset. Teams are required to defend the dropped Intelligence during this period or face losing it.

If the Intelligence carrier is killed by certain environmental hazards that prevent the dropped Intelligence from being touched, like the bottomless pits on Double Cross, it will be forcibly returned to its original position. This functionality is inherent to the map's code and not the intelligence itself, and thus has to be added to the map manually by its creator. While Valve official maps all share this for specific bottomless hazards, not all custom maps may utilize this function.


主条目: Community Capture the Flag strategy


主条目: List of maps

Capture the Flag maps carry the ctf_ prefix; community maps are identified with italic font.

Name Picture File name
2Fort Ctf 2fort bridge ss.png ctf_2fort
2Fort Invasion Ctf 2fort invasion.png ctf_2fort_invasion
Double Cross CTF DoubleCross RedBase.png ctf_doublecross
Landfall Ctf landfall rc0005.jpg ctf_landfall
(Capture the Flag)
CTF Sawmill Center.png ctf_sawmill
Turbine CTF Turbine Center.png ctf_turbine
(Capture the Flag)
Ctfwell04.png ctf_well


Leaderboard class scout.png 侦察兵


取得敌方情报 25 次。

在单轮夺旗模式游戏中取得敌方情报 3 次。

Leaderboard class pyro.png 火焰兵

点燃 5 个拿着你方情报的敌人。

Leaderboard class heavy.png 机枪手

杀死 10 个拿着你方情报的敌人。

Leaderboard class engineer.png 工程师

杀死 20 个携带我方情报的玩家。

Leaderboard class sniper.png 狙击手



2007年10月8日补丁 (Pre-Released)
  • Sudden Death only starts in CTF mode if both flags are at home.

October 10, 2007 (Initial Game Release)

  • Added Capture the Flag mode.
  • Added map: 2Fort.


  • Fixed exploit that allowed players to teleport with the intelligence.


  • Updated server log entries for flag captures to detail the number of captures and the tf_flag_caps_per_round value.


  • Added map: Well (Capture the Flag).


  • Updated CTF mode to remember the player who stole the intelligence from the enemy base and reward that player if the flag is captured by someone else.

2008年6月19日补丁 (Pyro Update)

  • Added map: Turbine.

2009年2月24日补丁 (Scout Update)

  • Fixed obscure bug where spectators were able to carry the flag.


  • Scouts now drop the Intelligence if they're carrying it when they start phasing.

2009年8月13日补丁 (Classless Update)

  • Added map: Sawmill (Capture the Flag).
  • Capturing the flag in a CTF game mode now gives the entire capturing team 10 seconds of crit-boost.

2009年12月17日补丁 (WAR! Update)

  • Added map: Double Cross.


  • Your Eternal Reward no longer disguises the Spy if they are carrying the flag.


  • Added a glow effect to the team intelligence entities when they’re not being carried.


  • [未记载] Intelligence no longer appears on the backs of players who are carrying it.

2011年5月5日补丁 (Replay Update)

  • Fixed the briefcase not being drawn on players when it's being carried in CTF maps.

2012年6月27日补丁 (Pyromania Update)

  • Friendly players glow when carrying the flag.
  • Fixed rare cases where flag could fall out of the world.


  • Fixed a client crash related to the CTF HUD.
  • Fixed the CTF HUD not updating properly.

2015年1月15日补丁 #1

2015年7月23日补丁 #1

  • Fixed being able to carry the flag with the Rocket/Sticky Jumpers.

2015年10月6日补丁 (Invasion Community Update)

  • Added map: 2Fort Invasion.

2015年12月17日补丁 (Tough Break Update)

  • Added map: Landfall.

2018年3月28日补丁 #1


  • Occasionally, the status on the bottom center of the HUD will not change when a player takes or drops the Intelligence.
  • Rarely, some bomb-related responses can be pronounced when a player carrying Intelligence is killed.
  • If a player has the Intelligence and then the map is reset, the next round will have the player who had the Intelligence continue to glow until another player has picked up the intelligence or that player has died.


  • The Neutral Intelligence briefcase is a white-colored version of the standard briefcase that appears in the game files. It remains unused by Valve in official maps; however, it was included by them for use by Community developers in custom game modes (such as "Single Flag CTF", FortWars, and "Achievement Servers"). Most recently, Valve employed a version of the neutral Intelligence case as the initial pickup for the new Special Delivery game mode: the intelligence has been remodeled into an explosive suitcase.
  • As placeholders during early stages, Valve used modified versions of Team Fortress Classic's flags, which can be still be seen in the game files, featuring the faces of TF2's development team. The face that appears on the red flag is that of Robin Walker, the co-creator of the Team Fortress series, while the blue flag bears Charlie Brown.
  • Some Achievements related to the Intelligence can be obtained in Doomsday, a map for the game mode Special Delivery.
  • There is an option that allows servers to specify the length of a crit boost on a successful capture, or to disable it entirely (tf_ctf_bonus_time).
