Pumpkin bomb

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Pumpkin Bombs are an environmental hazard unique to the event version of Harvest. They occur at certain spots on the map and will explode when shot with a bullet firing weapon, causing high damage over a moderate radius. After a short amount of time they will respawn, ready to be blown apart again.

The Pumpkin bomb kill icon

In order to obtain the Attack o' Lantern scarechievement, players must cause the deaths of 5 opponents by exploding nearby pumpkin bombs. This achievement is only available during the annual Hallowe'en Special.

Pumpkin Jump

A player can perform a 'Pumpkin jump' by standing on or near a pumpkin bomb, and either jumping or attacking it point blank. This will launch the player up in the air in a similar fashion to the Rocket Jump. While this carries the player an impressive distance, it is a highly damaging technique and is not recommended for weaker classes.

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