Revision as of 05:26, 18 December 2010 by HaZZMaTT98 (talk | contribs) (Created page with 'What's up? I am HaZZMaTT98, or HaZZ for short. I am just a gamer who has played VALVe games since Half Life. I've owned every VALVe game, on various accounts. I am currently addi…')
What's up? I am HaZZMaTT98, or HaZZ for short. I am just a gamer who has played VALVe games since Half Life. I've owned every VALVe game, on various accounts. I am currently addicted to mapping for both CSS and TF2 and playing TF2. I try my best to help people online. Atleast I hope I've helped people. I make some stuff and let you keep tabs on what I do on my [HaZZaRDouZ PRoDuCTioNZ blog]. I put what I am doing and releases of things I am creating. I am also interested in contributing to Team Fortress 2 by making weapons/hats. If anyone could help me or point me in the direction of a modeling tutorial I would be very thankful! Thanks for reading! Seeya.