Talk:Item drop system

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Revision as of 09:40, 24 December 2010 by Ee9 (talk | contribs) (Double Drop-Rate week: December 23rd-30th, 2010)
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Daily Item Cap

Hi guys. I was discussing things with ShunyValdez, and there seems to be a daily cap on the number of items you can get aside from the weekly cap of hours in which you can get items. Essentially, if you idle for a single day and use up all your "alloted weekly cap of hours", you might not be able to get any more items for the rest of the week.

There seems to be some truth to this as when I played for over 12 hrs, I only got 6 items for the entire week, but then when I played for about 2-3hrs/day in the span of 3 days, I was able to get 12 items (and it wasn't carry-over from the previous week - I had just received 6 items the week before).

Can anyone else confirm this? There's also been some talk that idling will get you less items than actively playing, possibly due to the daily item cap + weekly hours cap combination? Essentially if idlers use up all their alloted weekly hours in the span of a single day, that's it for them, just 6 items? -Object404 02:09, 6 December 2010 (UTC)

As far as my observation has been, it really doesn't affect it, as I've heard this "rumor" before. I've idled weeks in straight up training mode for 24 hours straight, and other times in playtime bunches of 2-4 hours, like you've stated. The amount of drops I received wasn't that significantly different - they seemed to be still in the same ballpark of 6-10 items + 1-3 crates, regardless of method, server type (local or an idle server), or play time. Everything is complete speculation until commented on by devs, in my opinion. I can probably go more in depth, but that can be reserved for a PM/friend request/IRC chat if you wish to converse further on this matter with my observations/results. ventus|talk    02:16, 6 December 2010 (UTC)
Was your idling continous over a span of days, or was it just for 1-2 days out of a week? How long were your idling sessions per day? Thanks! -Object404 03:55, 6 December 2010 (UTC)
I heard it was 11 hours, with the last week's unused hours stacking on top. Wakkydude 20:08, 18 December 2010 (UTC)

Multiple drop mechanics

I've added an explanation on how a player can "receive" multiple items/drops (shown on the hud as multiple "has found"). I would be thinking of a way to make the explanation a lot clearer (I'm unsatisfied at the current state). -- ShunyValdez 15:55, 8 October 2010 (UTC)

Under what conditions will you not receive item drops?

The information I have been able to find is old, and sometimes contradictory. I was hoping to find the answers here, on the wiki, but no mention is made in this article. Do you still have to be signed into the friends system to receive item drops? If you do not, when did this change take place? Lastly, can you receive drops in training mode, offline practice, or by creating a private LAN or internet server?

If somebody can find this information, I feel it would be a great addition to the article, for people like myself who haven't followed the system very closely. --Shackanaw 08:32, 10 July 2010 (UTC)

I'll answer what I do know: You can receive drops in a private LAN server (I get items all the time while tr_walkway'ing), and I assume offline practice/training mode is exactly the same as that (only a different map). As for your other question, I don't know D: — WindPower 08:35, 10 July 2010 (UTC)
I received an item drop in offline practice while I was not signed into my friends list, so those two are answered. However, I still do not know when they made it so you do not have to be signed into the Steam Community. --Shackanaw 01:08, 16 July 2010 (UTC)


What's that "cite error" BS at the bottom of the page? -Shine () 13:40, 23 August 2010 (UTC)

There were <ref> tags in use without <references /> appearing anywhere on the page. I've fixed it now. seb26 [talk] 21:22, 23 August 2010 (UTC)

Why is there a Milestone section to this article?

It seems to be unnecessarily long, and doesn't add more to the generalized discussion than just indicating that items drop from earning achievements in addition to randomly.

Absoluteparanoia 12:59, 14 October 2010 (UTC)


"Despite the new systems Idling still exists, however it is now possible using the offline mode (use of the -textmode game launch parameter combined with -novid and -nosound to disable video and audio processing respectively) leaving server providers free to provide a gaming experience."

-novid just disables the intro video, it would seem to be -textmode that actually disables video. I don't use -textmode though so I'll let someone else who knows more fix it...

--The MAZZTer 19:52, 14 October 2010 (UTC)

I noticed this too. - LingoSalad(talk) 14:03, 23 November 2010 (UTC)

New way of idling

I have been playing in the offline practice mode with the bots and got no less then 2 weapons and a crate. This will allow a lot of players to idle without connecting to the internet or using a lot of CPU. We need to test further what can and can't be used to see how to idle in this mode. Daminshi

This seems odd, I'm pretty sure the drop system is managed outside of the TF2 client. Perhaps it could've been things in your TF2 drop queue that you didn't receive when you last signed off. Either way, if anybody supports your claim then I'll certainly be interested in looking into this. -RJ 02:04, 15 October 2010 (UTC)

This was a significant amount of time between drops and I didn't get those several items before. I even used no clip and Sv_cheats randomly and still got the crate. It's weird. Also got a new Huntsman.  :3 I love this. Daminshi

The idling article is marked for deletion, but giving instructions and/or discussing the various methods for connecting to TF2 servers and the likelihood of recieving items from the item drop system is ok?Nooch 02:22, 15 October 2010 (UTC)
This isn't a new way, you've always been able to idle in offline practice --Firestorm 02:22, 15 October 2010 (UTC)
This is news to me because I've tried it before and it didn't work. It was before the April patch that changed the random time drop to the fixed time drop, must have been very unlucky with my PC running for 36 hours. Daminshi
Oh you meant offline practise? I misinterpreted you and thought you meant Steam was in Offline mode. -RJ 09:56, 15 October 2010 (UTC)
Now I know for certain that items can be dropped in that mode. I got a error saying my "server", my TF2 client running offline practice, "lost connection to Steam." So the Steam item and drop servers are connected to my "offline" practice mode. Daminshi

Items drop outside of game

I've been getting a few weapons when I start up my game and look in the Mann Store. Who else has noticed? Daminshi

56 items per week?

"The maximum amount of items you can get is not known, however it can't exceed 56 because the day drop limit is 8. On average a player gets ~6 items a week. [2] The system resets each player's item drop count around each Wednesday, Pacific standard time where Valve is located."

Seems somebody messed up here. Secret Agent Clank 01:51, 24 October 2010 (UTC)

Er. I thought it was, like, 11 items a week?

Idling page says 8-12 items a week, which seems right, so I'm going to change that.
Regardless, from what I hear, if you don't get your drops for a week they carry over, can anyone confirm?
One of my sources :
Secret Agent Clank 03:40, 27 October 2010 (UTC)
I've heard a LOT of contradictory information regarding the drop limits. Some places say 8-12 items per DAY, others (like here) say per WEEK. I know I can get 11-13 items per day, which is already more than this page and other sources I've seen have claimed. Lately for some reason I get NO drops anymore during normal gameplay, but if I leave the game idling for even 30 minutes - even AFTER a day of no drops whatsoever, and regardless of how long ago the drop system was reset - I start getting items again. What on earth is going on here?!
I'm still experimenting with the system to determine how many items can be acquired per week/why I don't get drops anymore except when idling. About to test if I can get more items after having gotten 12 or so earlier in the week, perhaps I'll report back if I get any interesting results. Will-T 06:48, 31 October 2010 (UTC)
There are not caps on the quantity of items one can receive per week, but instead caps on the amount of playtime in which drops can be obtained - and this playtime has been determined based upon the average time spent in TF2 to make it fairer for those who don't have the time to play. This means that light-players will get more than they would've with the older system, and heavy-players would get a similar amount (instead of a lot more - with the old sytstem. Check out the tf2 blog about the newer system here: -RJ 09:36, 31 October 2010 (UTC)

No items when playing with bots?

My computer isn't powerful enough to handle online matches very well, but I can play with bots just fine, so that's what I've done for a long time now. For several weeks I haven't gotten any item drops in normal gameplay with bots. I do, however, seem to get drops if I'm playing tr_walkway or just mucking around solo on any map, even the same ones that don't give drops with bots. Does anyone else have this experience? Has Valve changed something so that using bots stops the drop system from working? Will-T 21:36, 11 November 2010 (UTC)

I was still able to get items when playing with bots... Maybe you just hit your cap. Meter1060 19:20, 23 November 2010 (UTC)
I got a drop while playing with bots today, so I think things might be back to normal, though I don't know what was different before, if anything. I don't think it was me hitting my cap, because I wouldn't get drops even if I'd found nothing at all yet in that week. For now it looks like things are good again ... I hope they stay that way! Will-T 20:07, 25 November 2010 (UTC)

Separate drop timers?

In the Mann Co. Supply Crate discussion we noticed that drops are on separate timers. At the very least, there is separation between droppable tools and droppable weapons/hats as its pretty common to see a double drop (i.e. a crate and a weapon drop on the same death). I don't think there is enough verifiable data out there to add onto the wiki page but how do we start determining what is separate and what isn't? Is it possible since hats drop so infrequently? Iloverice 23:59, 11 November 2010 (UTC)

I believe Robin has responded in an email that they are indeed on separate timers because it wouldn't be fair to have one of your item drops used up by an item that you need to pay to open. Moussekateer 00:01, 12 November 2010 (UTC)
Then it might be useful information to put in. Meter1060 19:21, 23 November 2010 (UTC)
I thought the article used to say this. Was it removed, or maybe I'm misremembering? (Digging through the edit history is tedious.) The separate drop timer would be useful information to include, maybe just cite "personal correspondence." --Itsatrap 19:21, 24 November 2010 (UTC)
Aha, I found it. It was mentioned in the Mann Co. Supply Crate article in early October, but was removed on October 12, 2010 as an unsourced statement. A quick web search turns up comments that "crates use a separate drop system," but those all point back to the wiki, so nothing solid. --Itsatrap 19:42, 24 November 2010 (UTC)
Maybe a good ol' fashioned email to Robin is in order so we can source it? Meter1060 19:59, 24 November 2010 (UTC)

Double Drop-Rate week: December 23rd-30th, 2010

Item drops are doubled from tomorrow through the day before New Year's Eve.

ALSO: there'll be a special "stocking stuffer" sometime, possibly Christmas. Satorifan 04:41, 23 December 2010 (UTC)

*Quick update: That's what's dropping, and it IS confirmed that it'll drop on Christmas. Satorifan 04:53, 23 December 2010 (UTC)
We know all this. Also you can get the key now. User Moussekateer signature sprite.pngMoussekateer·talk 04:54, 23 December 2010 (UTC)
The hours per week are the same to can get items? Jag Gentleman 23:58, 23 December 2010 (UTC)
Yes, seems like it. User Moussekateer signature sprite.pngMoussekateer·talk 00:00, 24 December 2010 (UTC)

There is a little bit of confusion about what the «double drop rate» means. Do items drop two regular amounts or just twice faster? Ee9 09:40, 24 December 2010 (UTC)

Error in "Advantages and disadvantages"

"- alleviating the need for dedicated idling servers.", in textmode you still need to connect to a server to be eligible for drops. Bobic 07:24, 23 December 2010 (UTC)

I think what it's saying is that you don't need to connect to an external server anymore. You do have to connect to one but it can be your own (training map or bot map). User Moussekateer signature sprite.pngMoussekateer·talk 07:27, 23 December 2010 (UTC)