Category:Notable persons
This category is for link pages for notable persons. Notable persons are people who whose work through Valve has notably contributed to the Team Fortress series games and supporting media. Because they are notable to the game, they are typically mentioned multiple times and their names are typically linked to resources that provide additional information about them.
A particular indicator of notability is that the Team Fortress Wiki would be incomplete without their mention and their notability cannot be expressed with a single external link. The pages in this category are for acknowledgement and identification of individuals' contributions, not for Trivia.
It is important to understand that notable persons/content artist pages must not be developed into biographies. This wiki’s policy is no biographies of real persons, living or otherwise. These notable persons pages are intended only as augmented disambiguations, indexes, and redirects. Strict adherence to limited content and format policy (below) is enforced.
Notable persons represented with pages in this category are restricted to
- Team Fortress Comic/Media artists, colorists, and writers
- Team Fortress Soundtrack composers
- Team Fortress Voice actors
- Specific executive and non-artist staff of Valve notable to Team Fortress
Other persons specifically excluded from the pages of the category:
- Production staff (e.g., video end credits) probably should not be covered as they presently are not covered. It could be discussed whether to add any production staff with an actual Wikipedia article at the time, but one-off contributions (e.g., famous performer sampled in a media) could be handled in Trivia.
- Community developers (maps, items, effects, etc) should not get notable persons pages on that particular basis alone as Community developers are presently adequately covered with links to their Steam profiles and Workshops.
- Real persons with no direct personal works within Team Fortress, but who are referenced by content in the game, should generally have their names linked in-line to their Wikipedia biography (e.g., Clint Eastwood, Ennio Morricone) under associated content Trivia sections.
- Expand usefulness of links from names of notable persons beyond just one external link.
- For persons linked in multiple places, the same useful redirection is available consistently (for example, Makani was linked a great many times, but inconsistently).
- For persons with multiple biographical, gallery, or social accounts, all such sites can be linked, consistently and maintainably.
- For persons with multiple works in the Team Fortress franchise, articles about most/all of their works can be linked.
Content standards
- The Page title should be the public name of the person, preferably as it appears in their Wikipedia biography, if available, or would appear for such an article.
- Name mangling of personal names in Wikipedia need not be duplicated within this wiki; e.g.,
- Wikipedia title with mangling: Robin Walker (game designer)
- Team Fortress Wiki title without mangling: Robin Walker
- If there is no Wikipedia biography page for the person, consider creating one there if the person meets Wikipedia notability criteria.
- Name mangling of personal names in Wikipedia need not be duplicated within this wiki; e.g.,
- The Infobox image should be the best neutral profile image used in the person's Wikipedia profile, if available. These should be close to 3:2 aspect ratio.
- The List of links in the
box about the person or their work (where available):, such as:- Wikipedia (
independently curated and reviewed
neutrally biographic
configuration controlled)
- IMDb bio page for the person
- Team Fortress Wiki user profile
- Steam account (
the subject's intended public presence within the Steam Community)
- Workshop (
Gallery of Valve art
targeted relevance to TF2 and Valve content)
- Deviant art account: (
intended by subject to present artist's own work)
- Twitter: (
popular platform, more for following
sometimes more active)
- Wikipedia (
- Prose is limited to at most a two sentence lead for living persons:
- The first sentence should state the public name of the person (as in the page title), any alias or Steam ID the person uses in the context of Team Fortress content, and their occupation(s).
- The second sentence, if used, briefly states one or two of the most important reasons the person is notable to the Team Fortress franchise.
- For deceased persons, an additional sentence may acknowledge their death, but the provided links above should be the source of details beyond mention of the year -- the same sentence may link to tfwiki coverage to any Valve memorials.
- A Team Fortress works section may list only those works published by Valve directly related to the Team Fortress franchise.
- Voice actors should not be credited in this list for a video work in which it is not clear that they recorded content unique to the work (e.g., Invasion had no obviously original dialog and so should not be listed in these pages as a voice actors work).
- Content tributes may be listed for these notable persons, especially Valve employees (e.g., Robin Walkers for Robin Walker).
- A small Gallery can be included, but because the person's work is covered elsewhere, such examples should be limited to supporting the statements made in the lead or links under Team Fortress works, if they are not already covered elsewhere.
Coverage of Valve executive and non-artist staff:
Limited to the following list, expandable only through discussed and recorded consensus. Their steam account identification should be included only if it is public knowledge.
Category tree
This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.