
From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 11:31, 23 March 2021 by KpCT (talk | contribs)
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Basic information
Birth place: Brazil
Native language: Brazilian Portuguese
Team Fortress 2
Favourite classes: Soldier & Spy
Favourite maps: Hightower
Favourite hats: Federal Casemaker
Contact information

Hello! I'm a Brazilian person looking to fix, translate or update pages in the Official TF2 Wiki.
I used to play TF2 almost every day, I was also a Spy main.
Little inside joke with my username.
My username (KpCT) was KappaCeTe back then, now it's like that to avoid the little inside joke with the word "Helmet" (Capacete) in brazilian portuguese.

Edit icon.png This user is a Team Fortress Wiki editor.
TF2 crosshair.png This user is a Team Fortress Wiki translator!
Tf2 1000.png This user has logged 1000 hours total in Team Fortress 2.
User Monte GreenWiki.gif This user likes to see this wiki turning green.
en-2 This user has intermediate knowledge of English.
Flag Brazil.png This user will kick your ass the Brazilian way!
User Soldier.png This user is a Soldier.
Heavyhater.png This user is a Heavy Hater.
"Eat it, fatty!"
Heavy laugh.png This user page is so small,
it is funny to me!
2-dice-icon.png This user loves surfing the Wiki via Random Page.
P Do not want.png This user hates overlinking.
Kollectivization.png This user page is 1,415 bytes large.
LargeEdit.jpg This user likes to edit articles in GIANT MAN chunks.
SmallEdit.jpg This user likes to edit articles in teeny baby bits.
RED Wiki Cap.png This user does not edit this wiki for the sole purpose of getting a Wiki Cap.
User Translator.png This user translates Team Fortress 2 to a language other than English.

Userbox Nope.png This user is credit to team?...

-81 This user plays with -dxlevel 81, because they're a poor.
Minecraftblock.png This user has succumbed to Minecraft addiction.
Reddit logo.png This user is a Redditor.
Steam tray.png This user dreams of making his own games.