Template talk:Fmc3
Time format always on english
The names of the strings are always on english, regardless of the page language.
This should fix the issue, however, it would cause problems in subpages.
{{#time:{{{date-format|{{lang | en = F j, Y \a\t h:i:s A | es = j "de" F "de" Y "a las" h:i:s A }}}}} | October 12, 2011 2:12:00 + {{#expr:({{Fmp3}} + {{{offset|0}}}) * 2551392 }} seconds - 1 days + {{#expr:({{{adjustment|0}}} * 2)}} days + 1 seconds - {{#expr:({{{adjustment|0}}} * 2)}} seconds | {{SUBPAGENAME}}}}
- Other solution would be creating another template for every language with their correct time format · Ashe (talk) 17:57, 20 May 2021 (UTC)
is parameter, you can change it directly:{{Fmc3|date-format=j "de" F "de" Y "a las" h:i:s A|adjustment=0|offset=-1}}
yields13 de March de 2025 a las 01:43:13 AM
.- As for the problem with subpages, could you elaborate a little bit on that? I haven't been able to find any issues yet. — Tark lm(pt-br) 18:32, 20 May 2021 (UTC)
- Right, it doesn't cause problems. Then the only change it should have is adding {{SUBPAGENAME}}
{{#time:{{{date-format|F j, Y \a\t h:i:s A}}} | October 12, 2011 2:12:00 + {{#expr:({{Fmp3}} + {{{offset|0}}}) * 2551392 }} seconds - 1 days + {{#expr:({{{adjustment|0}}} * 2)}} days + 1 seconds - {{#expr:({{{adjustment|0}}} * 2)}} seconds | {{SUBPAGENAME}}}}