Template:PatchDiff/September 24, 2021 Patch/tf/resource/tf romanian.txt

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Revision as of 00:51, 25 September 2021 by PhoneWave (talk | contribs) (Diff of file "tf/resource/tf_romanian.txt" for patch September 24, 2021 Patch.)
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71067106"TF_Armory_Item_MapToken" "Când acest obiect este achiziţionat, toate veniturile (net din orice taxă aplicabilă) vor merge direct la membrii comunităţii care au creat harta.\n\nNivelul de apartenenţă pentru o hartă va creşte pentru fiecare 25 timbre de hartă.\n\nDe asemenea, se va oferi o �Pălărie a Călătorului prin Lume� la prima achiziţionare a oricărui timbru de hartă."
71077107"[english]TF_Armory_Item_MapToken" "When this item is purchased, all the proceeds (net of any applicable tax) will go directly to the community members who made the map.\n\nMembership level for a map will increase for every 25 map stamps.\n\nA �World Traveler's Hat� will also be given out the first time any map stamp has been purchased."
71087108"TF_Armory_Item_BackpackExpander" "Când acest obiect este folosit, va adăuga rucsacului tău 100 de locuri. Ia aminte că există un maxim de 2.000 de locuri."
7109N/A"[english]TF_Armory_Item_BackpackExpander" "When this item is used, it will add 100 extra slots to your backpack. Note that there is a maximum of 2000 slots."
N/A7109"[english]TF_Armory_Item_BackpackExpander" "When this item is used, it will add 100 extra slots to your backpack. Note that there is a maximum of 3000 slots."
71107110"IT_Title" "Testare de Obiecte"
71117111"[english]IT_Title" "Item Testing"
71127112"IT_CurrentlyTesting" "Acum Testezi:"
2221222212"KillEaterEvent_NonCritKills" "Ucideri non-criticale, nici mini-criticale"
2221322213"[english]KillEaterEvent_NonCritKills" "Not Crit nor MiniCrit Kills"
2221422214"KillEaterEvent_PlayersHit" "Jucători Loviți"
22215N/A"[english]KillEaterEvent_PlayersHit" "Players Hit"
N/A22215"[english]KillEaterEvent_PlayersHit" "Player Hits"
2221622216"KillEaterEvent_CosmeticAssists" "Asistări"
2221722217"[english]KillEaterEvent_CosmeticAssists" "Assists"
2221822218"TF_StrangePart_NonCritKills" "Strange Part: Not Crit nor MiniCrit Kills"
2714527145"TF_Wearable_Idol" "Idol"
2714627146"[english]TF_Wearable_Idol" "Idol"
2714727147"TF_Wearable_Fish" "Captura zilei"
27148N/A"[english]TF_Wearable_Fish" "Catch of the Day"
N/A27148"[english]TF_Wearable_Fish" "Fish"
2714927149"cp_mossrock_authors" "Freyja\nE-Arkham\nMichał „AsG_Alligator” Byczko\nPEAR\nAndrew „Dr. Spud” Thompson\nJake „Xi.Cynx” Handlovic\nFuzzymellow\nAeon „Void” Bollig\nNeal „Blade x64” Smart\nHarlen „UEAKCrash” Linke"
2715027150"[english]cp_mossrock_authors" "Freyja\nE-Arkham\nMichał 'AsG_Alligator' Byczko\nPEAR\nAndrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson\nJake 'Xi.Cynx' Handlovic\nFuzzymellow\nAeon 'Void' Bollig\nNeal 'Blade x64' Smart\nHarlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke"
2715127151"koth_lazarus_authors" "Aeon „Void” Bollig\nFuzzymellow\nTim „SedimentarySocks” BL\nTim „Sky” Dunnett\nBenjamin „Badgerpig” Blåholtz\nStiffy360"