Candy Cane
Added: On Kill with any weapon: Adds stack. Each stack grants you and teammates within 1000 units +3% passive ammo regen up to a cap of 30%
Added: On landing after a rocket jump: deal explosive damage in a 150 units radius Explosive landing damage is increased the longer you're airborne after a rocket jump
Changed: +200% ÜberCharge rate
Added: +75% damage bonus on secondary weapon, +125% damage bonus on melee weapon (+150% damage bonus if Axtinguisher is equipped)
Changed: -90% damage penalty
 Ullapool Caber
Added: Become a Sentry Buster. Taunt to detonate (revert back to a regular Demoman on detonation)
Added: Can pass through enemies
Added: Deal damage to build Beserk. Taunt to activate Berserk and gain health on hit for 10 seconds
Added: +125% damage bonus on all weapons (+90% damage bonus if Widowmaker is equipped)
Added: On Taunt: Revives all dead teammates and teleport them to your location with temporary uber and speed boost. Ability has a 40 seconds cooldown between use (cooldown is shared across all medics)
 Fortified Compound
Added: Fires explosive arrows that stick to enemies and surfaces. Arrows detonate after 3 seconds
New stats
On Hit: Force a non-giant enemy to fight on your side
Controlled enemies are crit boosted and will self-destruct after 8 seconds
Support giants can be converted for a shorter duration, are not crit boosted and will not self-destruct (Wave 7 only)
No reload necessary
-99.9% damage penalty
-300% slower firing speed
-80% max primary ammo on wearer
'Do no harm.'
50% metal reduction in building cost (Wave 4 only)