Template:Scream Fortress 2013 Unusual effects

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Revision as of 22:46, 4 November 2021 by Boba (talk | contribs) (going through all effect templates and ordering unusual effects as they are actually ordered in the game files, to help people find effects more easily at a glance)
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List of Scream Fortress V Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Arcana.png
Unusual Spellbound.png
Unusual Chiroptera Venenata.png
Unusual Poisoned Shadows.png
Unusual Something Burning This Way Comes.png
Unusual Hellfire.png
Arcana Spellbound Chiroptera Venenata Poisoned Shadows Something Burning This Way Comes Hellfire
Unusual Darkblaze.png
Unusual Demonflame.png
Darkblaze Demonflame