Team Fortress Wiki:Archived discussions/Talk:Common weapon mechanics
I feel like this page isn't super necessary and should either be incorporated into Weapons. Most of the stuff I see in here so far (As the page was made before being completed) doesn't really seem necessary to mention on the Weapons page because they'd be better on the individual weapon pages (GRU health drain being instant, Half-Zatoichi needing to be fully deployed for the weapon switching health penalty, Miniguns requiring the wind-down animation to finish, Sniper Rifles requiring the rechamber to be finished, Beggar's/Cow Mangler not being able to be switched away, etc.). Perhaps if the Attacking/Reloading sections are finished there might be more things that are worth mentioning, but so far there doesn't really seem anything that should be mentioned there (Maybe besides the standard deploy time).
GrampaSwood (talk) 14:41, 16 January 2022 (UTC)
Agreed. There is not enough here for a standalone article, and I believe GrampaSwood has said it all: most of the content here would be better on the individual weapon pages. - BrazilianNut (talk) 14:39, 19 January 2022 (UTC)