Valve 商店貨運箱
< Valve Store Shipment Box
Revision as of 01:58, 16 September 2022 by ShadowMan44 (talk | contribs)
“Ok guys, bad news: we lost that last one.” This article documents content for Team Fortress 2 that was removed from the game. It may contain speculation, broken links or errors. |
Valve 商店貨運箱(Valve Store Shipment Box)是一個只能使用一次的動作物品,可供全職業使用。目前這物品無法得到,也缺乏材質檔。
- [未記載] 將 Valve 商店貨運箱新增至遊戲中。
2012年5月3日 [物品綱要更新]
- 這物品已從曼恩企業目錄上移除。
- [未記載] 這物品已從遊戲中移除。