Template:PatchDiff/December 1, 2022 Patch/tf/scripts/items/items game.txt

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< Template:PatchDiff/December 1, 2022 Patch
Revision as of 00:44, 2 December 2022 by PhoneWave (talk | contribs) (Diff of file "tf/scripts/items/items_game.txt" for patch December 1, 2022 Patch.)
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181900181900 "prefab" "unusualifier_base"
181901181901 "static_attrs"
181902181902 {
181903N/A "unusualifier_attribute_template_name" "taunt_unusualifier_halloween2022_effects"
N/A181903 "unusualifier_attribute_template_name" "taunt_unusualifier_effects"
181904181904 }
181905181905 }
199839199839 {
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199841199841 {
199842N/A "unusual_hat_chance_halloween2022_case" "1"
N/A199842 "unusual_hat_chance_cosmetics_case" "1"
199843199843 "check_unusual_quality" "1"
199844199844 }
199845199845 }
202209202209 {
202210202210 "hide_lootlist" "1"
202211202211 "loot_list_collection" "Invasion_collection_01_lootlist"
N/A202212 "lootlist_jobs"
N/A202213 {
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N/A202215 {
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N/A202218 }
N/A202219 }
202212202220 }
202213202221 "invasion_case02_loot_list_97"
202214202222 {
202215202223 "hide_lootlist" "1"
202216202224 "loot_list_collection" "Invasion_collection_02_lootlist"
N/A202225 "lootlist_jobs"
N/A202226 {
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N/A202228 {
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N/A202230 "unusual_taunt_effects_series_1" "1"
N/A202231 "check_unusual_quality" "1"
N/A202232 }
N/A202233 }
202217202234 }
202218202235 "halloween2015_case01_loot_list_98"
202219202236 {
202220202237 "hide_lootlist" "1"
202221202238 "loot_list_collection" "halloween2015_collection_lootlist"
N/A202239 "lootlist_jobs"
N/A202240 {
N/A202241 "attribute_templates"
N/A202242 {
N/A202243 "unusual_hat_chance_halloween2015" "1"
N/A202244 "check_unusual_quality" "1"
N/A202245 }
N/A202246 }
202222202247 }
202223202248 "tough_break_case_collection_01_lootlist_99"
202224202249 {
202283202308 "hide_lootlist" "1"
202284202309 "loot_list_collection" "halloween2016_collection_lootlist"
202285202310 "lootlist_jobs"
N/A202311 {
N/A202312 "attribute_templates"
N/A202313 {
N/A202314 "unusual_hat_chance_halloween2016_case" "1"
N/A202315 "check_unusual_quality" "1"
N/A202316 }
N/A202317 }
N/A202318 "lootlist_jobs"
202286202319 {
202287202320 "additional_drop"
202288202321 {
202555202588 "hide_lootlist" "1"
202556202589 "loot_list_collection" "halloween2018_collection"
202557202590 "lootlist_jobs"
N/A202591 {
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N/A202593 {
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N/A202595 "check_unusual_quality" "1"
N/A202596 }
N/A202597 }
N/A202598 "lootlist_jobs"
202558202599 {
202559202600 "additional_drop"
202560202601 {
202597202638 "hide_lootlist" "1"
202598202639 "loot_list_collection" "halloween2019_collection"
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N/A202641 {
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N/A202643 {
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N/A202645 "check_unusual_quality" "1"
N/A202646 }
N/A202647 }
N/A202648 "lootlist_jobs"
202600202649 {
202601202650 "additional_drop"
202602202651 {
202615202664 "loot_list" "festivizer_lootlist"
202616202665 }
202617202666 }
N/A202667 "lootlist_jobs"
N/A202668 {
N/A202669 "attribute_templates"
N/A202670 {
N/A202671 "unusual_hat_chance_smissmas2019_case" "1"
N/A202672 "check_unusual_quality" "1"
N/A202673 }
N/A202674 }
202618202675 }
202619202676 "winter2019_war_paint_loot_list_126"
202620202677 {
202625202682 {
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N/A202685 "lootlist_jobs"
N/A202686 {
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N/A202688 {
N/A202689 "unusual_hat_chance_summer2020_case" "1"
N/A202690 "check_unusual_quality" "1"
N/A202691 }
N/A202692 }
202628202693 }
202629202694 "halloween2020_bonus_items"
202630202695 {
202640202705 "hide_lootlist" "1"
202641202706 "loot_list_collection" "halloween2020_collection"
202642202707 "lootlist_jobs"
N/A202708 {
N/A202709 "attribute_templates"
N/A202710 {
N/A202711 "unusual_hat_chance_halloween2020_case" "1"
N/A202712 "check_unusual_quality" "1"
N/A202713 }
N/A202714 }
N/A202715 "lootlist_jobs"
202643202716 {
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202645202718 {
202663202736 "loot_list" "festivizer_lootlist"
202664202737 }
202665202738 }
N/A202739 "lootlist_jobs"
N/A202740 {
N/A202741 "attribute_templates"
N/A202742 {
N/A202743 "unusual_hat_chance_smissmas2020_case" "1"
N/A202744 "check_unusual_quality" "1"
N/A202745 }
N/A202746 }
202666202747 }
202667202748 "winter2020_war_paint_loot_list_131"
202668202749 {
202673202754 {
202674202755 "hide_lootlist" "1"
202675202756 "loot_list_collection" "Summer2021Cosmetics_collection"
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N/A202758 {
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N/A202760 {
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N/A202762 "check_unusual_quality" "1"
N/A202763 }
N/A202764 }
202676202765 }
202677202766 "halloween2021_bonus_items"
202678202767 {
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N/A202780 {
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N/A202782 {
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N/A202784 "check_unusual_quality" "1"
N/A202785 }
N/A202786 }
N/A202787 "lootlist_jobs"
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202693202790 {
202711202808 "loot_list" "festivizer_lootlist"
202712202809 }
202713202810 }
N/A202811 "lootlist_jobs"
N/A202812 {
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N/A202814 {
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N/A202817 }
N/A202818 }
202714202819 }
202715202820 "summer2022_cosmetic_loot_list_136"
202716202821 {
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N/A202825 {
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N/A202827 {
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N/A202830 }
N/A202831 }
202719202832 }
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N/A202850 "check_unusual_quality" "1"
N/A202851 }
N/A202852 }
N/A202853 "lootlist_jobs"
202733202854 {
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202735202856 {
216250216371 }
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216252216373 {
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216255N/A "localized_desc" "#Gametype_HalloweenFeatured_Desc"
216256N/A "list_image" "casual/gametype_halloween"
216257N/A "restrictions"
216258N/A {
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216260N/A }
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N/A216375 "localized_name" ""
N/A216376 "localized_desc" ""
N/A216377 "list_image" ""
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216262216380 {
216263216381 "1"
216264216382 {
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216267N/A }
216268N/A "2"
216269N/A {
216270N/A "name" "ctf_helltrain_event"
216271N/A "enabled" "1"
216272N/A }
216273N/A "3"
216274N/A {
216275N/A "name" "plr_hacksaw_event"
216276N/A "enabled" "1"
216277N/A }
216278N/A "4"
216279N/A {
216280N/A "name" "ctf_crasher"
216281N/A "enabled" "1"
216282N/A }
216283N/A "5"
216284N/A {
216285N/A "name" "pl_sludgepit_event"
216286N/A "enabled" "1"
216287N/A }
216288N/A "6"
216289N/A {
216290N/A "name" "cp_spookeyridge"
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216291216384 "enabled" "1"
216292216385 }
216293216386 }
216454216547 "name" "koth_synthetic_event"
216455216548 "enabled" "1"
216456216549 }
N/A216550 "31"
N/A216551 {
N/A216552 "name" "koth_sawmill_event"
N/A216553 "enabled" "1"
N/A216554 }
N/A216555 "32"
N/A216556 {
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N/A216559 }
N/A216560 "33"
N/A216561 {
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N/A216564 }
N/A216565 "34"
N/A216566 {
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N/A216569 }
N/A216570 "35"
N/A216571 {
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N/A216573 "enabled" "1"
N/A216574 }
N/A216575 "36"
N/A216576 {
N/A216577 "name" "cp_spookeyridge"
N/A216578 "enabled" "1"
N/A216579 }
216457216580 }
216458216581 }
216459216582 "christmas"
218885219008 "rolling_match_tags"
218886219009 {
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218888N/A "featured" "1"
218889219011 }
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218891219013 {
218895219017 }
218896219018 "featured"
218897219019 {
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218899219021 }
218900219022 }
218901219023 }
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218910219032 {
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218913219034 }
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218915219036 {
218919219040 }
218920219041 "featured"
218921219042 {
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218923219044 }
218924219045 }
218925219046 }
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218937219057 }
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218939219059 {
218943219063 }
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218947219067 }
218948219068 }
218949219069 }
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218961219080 }
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218963219082 {
218967219086 }
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218971219090 }
218972219091 }
218973219092 }
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218985219103 }
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218987219105 {
218991219109 }
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218995219113 }
218996219114 }
218997219115 }
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219021219138 }