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Anniversary Annihilation promo.png

周年湮灭行动(Operation Anniversary Annihilation)是一项由 Moonlight MvM 组织并由 [1] 主办的社区曼恩 vs. 机器旅程。 旅程的公测于2022年7月9日开始。该活动计划于2022年8月15日结束。


2022年7月9日,周年湮灭行动开启公测,25 个任务和 17 张地图,其中包括 DecoyMannhattanMannworksRottenburg 等官方地图,以及复刻之前的社区活动的地图,以及重新设计的官方地图,例如地图 Coldtown。



地图 任务 回合数
Decoy Decimal Destruction 6
Rottenburg German Gears 7
Area 52 Nuclear Threat 6
Havana Rogue Gallery
Swirl Twirled Trap 7
Mannworks XLR-8 8

地图 任务 回合数
Coldtown Brimstone 7
Estate Eviction Notice 8
Mannhattan Factory Reset 6
Steep Fatal Error 1
Havana Fisherman's Fury 3
Dockyard Malicious Malware 7
Nox Robotic Ravage 6
Rusted Remnants 7
Cyberia Snowblitz 6
Tensai Wasabi Warzone 3
Quetzal Wilderness Warfare 8

地图 任务 回合数
Powerplant Current Surge 6
Mannhattan Discordant
Decoy Dissolution 7
Nox Gruesome Garrison 5
Hideout Interloper
Coldtown Night Before Smissmas 6
Dockyard Overkill 7
Swirl Virtual Insanity 6


在本次活动可以赢得 6 枚奖牌:3 枚为完成旅程的奖励,3 枚为在国际动物福利基金会的慈善活动中捐赠的奖励。内容创作者也会获得Auspicious Automaton Assembler's Accolade。

在战役中完成任意 2 个任务可以获得 Participation Trophy 奖牌,完成 6 个可用的中级难度任务中的至少 5 个可以获得 Galvanized Goblet 奖牌,完成 19 个可用的高级或专家难度任务中的至少 11 个可以获得 Soul-Binding Star 奖牌。

此外,玩家可以通过物品资金来捐赠不同金额的捐款,从而获得捐赠奖章。向慈善活动捐赠至少 5 美元可以获得 Caregiving Corundum 奖牌,捐赠至少 10 美元可以获得除了上述的奖牌之外的 Heroistic Heart 奖牌,捐赠至少 15 美元可以获得 Dastardly Diamond 奖牌以及上述的两件奖牌。

Participation Trophy 和 Galvanized Goblet 奖牌重复使用了水壶争夺战行动中的锈铁新手和黑铁水壶奖牌,而其余奖牌重复使用狂人大战机器行动中的模型。 Soul-Binding Star 重用了 Pinnacle of Ingenuity 的模型,而 Caregiving Corundum、Heroistic Heart 和 Dastardly Diamond 分别重用了 Grandiose Garnet、Hopeful Heart 和 Chaotic Crystal 的模型。 然而,后四枚奖牌都会自带特殊的自定义染色,而这些颜色在游戏中是不存在的。 Soul-Binding Star 为深紫色,其余三颗则为特殊的团队颜色:Heroistic Heart 在红队中为紫色,在蓝队中则为浅蓝色,而 Caregiving Corundum 和 Dastardly Diamond 在红队和蓝队中则为不同深浅的红色和蓝色。

Soul-Binding Star、Caregiving Corundum、Heroistic Heart和Dastardly Diamond各有两种款式,分别名为“普通”和“只有宝石”。“只有宝石”样式仅显示其宝石,没有周围的金属框架。

Participation Trophy 和 Galvanized Goblet 是由ColtehRevSwordstoneWaveNukeKratosBenoist3012PelipoikasigsegvHyperionHydrogensedisocksSntrNeoDementStar Brightinterrobang投稿于Steam创意工坊的作品。

Soul-Binding Star、Caregiving Corundum、Heroistic Heart 和 Dastardly Diamond 是由NeoDementSntrErikkusigsegvJakapoaPelipoikainterrobangMayor RevZ-BenkratosNukeHydrogenHyperionPotato's MvM ServerDaanBoxSwordstoneGeel投稿于Steam创意工坊的作品。

Auspicious Automaton Assembler's Accolade是由GadgetLeSwordfishHydrogen投稿于Steam创意工坊的作品。

Backpack Canteen Crasher Rust Starter Medal 2018.png

纯正 Anniversary Annihilation Participation Trophy 2022
等级 1 Community Medal
We would congratulate you on your efforts, but you didn't exactly do much to get a pat on the back. So instead, try to enjoy this rusted metal on that scrawny chest of yours. Awarded to players of Moonlight MvM's summer charity tour!

( 不可交易或在市场出售 )

Backpack Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018.png

纯正 Anniversary Annihilation Galvanized Goblet 2022
等级 1 Community Medal
You didn't think we'd send you into an army of robots without a reward, would you? Just for you, we have some spare galvanized beauties that were definitely not taken off dead mercs who failed before you. Awarded to players of Moonlight MvM's summer charity tour!

( 不可交易或在市场出售 )

Paint Splat 281538.png
Backpack Anniversary Annihilation Soul-Binding Star 2022.png

纯正 Anniversary Annihilation Soul-Binding Star 2022
等级 1 Community Medal
Many have tried to capture the soul of a mission in the form of a gemstone, but the stone always breaks upon capturing a single mission. This star-shaped stone, however, is capable of holding the souls of every mission in this event. Awarded to players of Moonlight MvM's summer charity tour!

( 不可交易或在市场出售 )

Paint Splat 56000B-269.png
Backpack Anniversary Annihilation Caregiving Corundum 2022.png

纯正 Anniversary Annihilation Caregiving Corundum 2022
等级 1 Community Medal
While we don't give credit, you came back when you were richer and gave some of that wealth to help out animals in need. Awarded to donors of Moonlight MvM's summer charity tour!

( 不可交易或在市场出售 )

Paint Splat 730051-6B80.png
Backpack Anniversary Annihilation Heroistic Heart 2022.png

纯正 Anniversary Annihilation Heroistic Heart 2022
等级 1 Community Medal
Your bottomless heart has assisted many animals in need, and while we couldn't revive the yetis Hale punched into extinction, you did your part for the remaining animals. Awarded to donors of Moonlight MvM's summer charity tour!

( 不可交易或在市场出售 )

Paint Splat 8A1D1D-8187.png
Backpack Anniversary Annihilation Dastardly Diamond 2022.png

纯正 Anniversary Annihilation Dastardly Diamond 2022
等级 1 Community Medal
The legendary accursed diamond is the subject of countless mythologies. This isn't that diamond; it's just something our specially trained truffle hogs sniffed out of a diamond mine in Arkansas. Awarded to donors of Moonlight MvM's summer charity tour!

( 不可交易或在市场出售 )

Backpack Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017.png

纯正 Auspicious Automaton Assembler's Accolade
等级 1 Community Medal
Not everyone has what it takes to create a challenge that is also fun. Great job blowing it out of the water, merc! Awarded to content creators of Moonlight MvM's events!

( 不可交易或在市场出售 )


  • Auspicious Automaton Assembler's Accolade
Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 E6E6E6.png Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 D8BED8.png Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 C5AF91.png Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 7E7E7E.png
独特满桶白 颜色编号 216-190-216 沉闷乏味赭 老年胡须灰
Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 141414.png Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 2D2D24.png Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 694D3A.png Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 7C6C57.png
特别无色黑 晚八点 褐色 老式乡村啡色
Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 A57545.png Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 CF7336.png Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 E7B53B.png Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 F0E68C.png
肌肉男的肤色 曼恩企业橙 澳元素金 绅士商务裤的颜色
Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 E9967A.png Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 FF69B4.png Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 7D4071.png Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 51384A.png
不公正的深橙红 闪亮的粉红色 誓约之紫 贵族帽商紫色
Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 2F4F4F.png Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 424F3B.png Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 808000.png Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 729E42.png
石板似的颜色 贪欲黑暗绿色 平淡榄色 不容置疑的绿色
Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 32CD32.png Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 BCDDB3.png
苦涩的青柠绿 曼恩公司薄荷色
Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 A89A8C.png Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 839FA3.png Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 3B1F23.png Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 18233D.png
浸满水的实验工作服(红队) 浸满水的实验工作服(蓝队) 不朽的巴拉克拉瓦(红队) 不朽的巴拉克拉瓦(蓝队)
Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 B8383B.png Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 5885A2.png Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 483838.png Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 384248.png
团队精神(红队) 团队精神(蓝队) 技工的工作服(红队) 技工的工作服(蓝队)
Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 803020.png Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 256D8D.png Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 654740.png Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 28394D.png
团队之力(红队) 团队之力(蓝队) 优雅的姿态(红队) 优雅的姿态(蓝队)
Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 C36C2D.png Painted Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017 B88035.png RED Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017.png BLU Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017.png
奶油精神(红队) 奶油精神(蓝队) 未被染色(红队) 未被染色(蓝队)


[hide]周年湮灭行动 - 样式
  • Soul-Binding Star
  • Caregiving Corundum
  • Heroistic Heart
  • Dastardly Diamond
主条目: 式样
Painted Anniversary Annihilation Soul-Binding Star 2022 UNPAINTED.png
Painted Anniversary Annihilation Soul-Binding Star 2022 UNPAINTED Gem Only.png
普通 Gem Only
主条目: 式样
RED Anniversary Annihilation Caregiving Corundum 2022.png
RED Anniversary Annihilation Caregiving Corundum 2022 Gem Only.png
普通 Gem Only
主条目: 式样
RED Anniversary Annihilation Heroistic Heart 2022.png
RED Anniversary Annihilation Heroistic Heart 2022 Gem Only.png
普通 Gem Only
主条目: 式样
RED Anniversary Annihilation Dastardly Diamond 2022.png
RED Anniversary Annihilation Dastardly Diamond 2022 Gem Only.png
普通 Gem Only



  • [未记载] 周年湮灭行动的奖牌被添加进游戏中。
