Tincan Termination (custom mission)

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Tincan Termination
Operation Digital Directive Mvm autumnull rc2 adv tincan termination.png
Basic Information
Name: Tincan Termination

File name:

Developer(s): BotRot
Map: Autumnull
Mission type: Invasion
Waves: 7
Difficulty: Advanced
Starting credits: 800
Maximum possible credits: 6600
Minimum respawn wave time: 3
Maximum respawn wave time: 6
Fixed respawn time: Yes
Tour: Digital Directive
Sentry Buster spawn time: 0 seconds
Sentry Buster respawn time: 35,30 seconds

Tincan Termination is an advanced invasion mission made by BotRot. It is available on the custom Autumnull map.


  • Shield Medic's projectile shield can deal damage to players.
  • Pyro Robots can now airblast grenades, stickybombs, and arrows.
  • Sniper Robots don't have a visible laser when aiming.
  • Sentry Busters don't deal damage to robots.
  • Some weapon stats changed in this mission, see the Stat changes section for more details.


Sub-wave Class Count Delay(s) Credits
Wave 1 (750 Credits)
Heavy steelfist
Expert Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
3 6 9 0 20 100
Hard Shortstop 2 6 22 5 4 100

Quick-Fix Medic
Easy Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full Über
Pyro backscratcher
Hard Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
6 12 30 10 6 50
Hard Direct Hit 5 10 25 10 6 50
Scout stun
Expert Pictogram plus.png -95% recharge time
Pictogram plus.png Ball Marks Target
1 2 2 20 40 100
Pyro fury
Normal 6 12 24 8 6 100
Easy 5 10 25 10 6 100
Pyro fury
Normal 2 4 4 13 30 150
Engineer ranger nys

Giant Charged Engineer
Expert Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Expert Pictogram plus.png 600 HP
Does not teleport in
Does not build teleporters
1 30 35
Wave 2 (700 Credits)
Sniper bow bleed

Bleed Bowman
Hard Pictogram plus.png On hit:Target bleed for 5 seconds
2 6 30 0 1 100
Pyro flare

Rapid Flare Pyro
Normal 2 6 30 0 1 100
Heavy shotgun
Normal Pictogram info.png No stats change 2 8 24 0 1 100
Demo loosecannon

Double Donk Demoman
Normal 1 12 32 3 1 50
Soldier conch
Hard Pictogram plus.png +800%
2 2 2 20 0 100
Pyro reflect daan

Giant Airblast Pyro
Expert Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
20,000 1 1 1 5 0 150
Scout bonk

Bonk Scatter Scout
Normal 7 14 35 5 8 50

Type 2
Expert Buff BannerChargin' Targe 2 4 4 20 25 50
Sniper sydneysleeper
Hard Darwin's Danger Shield
Vision range 3000
2 25 35
Wave 3 (700 Credits)
Pyro gascann

Giant Gaseous Pyro
Expert Fires continuously 3 3 3 0 0 100

Giant Regen Medic
Soldier blackbox
Normal 6 12 18 15 6 50
Soldier buff
Hard Pictogram plus.png +800%
5 10 25 5 4 100
Soldier buff
Hard Pictogram plus.png +800%
3 9 21 5 4 100
Scout stun

Hyper League Scout
Demoknight persian nys

Giant Persian Demoknight
Expert 1 3 3 15 23 100
Normal 4 12 44 5 5 100

Demoman Charger
Hard Chargin' Targe
Pyro gascann

Giant Gaseous Pyro
Expert Fires continuously 4 8 12 5 25 100

Big Heal Medic
Normal Pictogram plus.png Syringe gun applies mad milk on hit
Pyro backscratcher
Hard Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
1 1 10 20 15 50

Saharan Spy
Expert 2 40 40
Wave 4 (800 Credits)
Heavy accurate

Giant Penetrating Heavy
Expert 2 6 6 0 12 100
Medic shield qf

Shield Medic
Pyro fury
Normal 6 12 36 7 7 100
Scout cola

Cola Scout
Normal 2 10 26 5 2 100
Medic uber
Normal Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full Über
Scout fan
Expert 1 5 5 10 12 100
30,000 Pictogram comment.png Tank comes with sticky cannon
1 1 1 5 0 200
Soldier stun spammer

Giant Burst Stun Soldier
Expert 4 4 4 35 0 100
Medic uber
Medic uber
Medic uber
Normal Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full Über
Sniper bow

Penetrating Bowman
Hard Begins after 4B is all dead 3 12 30 10 3 100
Soldier bison

Bison Soldier
Expert Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Sniper sydneysleeper
Hard Darwin's Danger Shield
Vision range 3000
3 30 50
Wave 5 (700 Credits)

Type 1
Expert Buff BannerChargin' Targe
Pictogram plus.png +800%
3 3 3 0 0 200

Type 1
Expert Battalion's BackupChargin' Targe
Pictogram plus.png +800%

Type 1
Expert ConcherorChargin' Targe
Pictogram plus.png +800%
2/3 Normal
1/3 Hard
Backburner 5 15 50 5 5 50
Soldier conch
Expert Pictogram plus.png +800%
2 8 20 5 3 100
Normal Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full Über
Pictogram plus.png +900% heal rate
Pictogram minus.png -90% ÜberCharge rate
Heavy shotgun
Expert 1 3 3 20 25 50
Demo skullcutter

Skullcutter Demoknight
Hard 4 8 48 5 4 50
Demo loosecannon

Double Donk Demoman
Normal 5 8 35 9 4 50
Heavy deflector
Expert 2 4 4 25 45 200
Soldier frostbite bats

Major FrostBlut
Expert Pictogram plus.png +800%
Expert Pictogram plus.png 600 HP
1 60 50

Saharan Spy
Expert 2 70 35
Wave 6 (900 Credits)
27,500 1 1 1 0 0 100
27,500 1 1 1 7 0 100
Scout stun
Expert Pictogram plus.png -95% recharge time
Pictogram plus.png Ball Marks Target
1 6 6 20 6 100
Medic crossbow burst

Giant Crossbow Medic
Expert 2 2 2 0 0 100
Medic kritz

Giant Kritzkrieg Medic
Heavy steelfist
Expert Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
5 10 15 5 7 100
Hard Direct Hit 6 12 24 5 7 50
Pyro reflect daan

Giant Airblast Pyro
Expert Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
2 4 4 20 25 50
2/3 Normal
1/3 Hard
4 12 20 3 2 100
Sniper bow bleed

Bleed Bowman
Hard 4 12 24 3 2 100
Soldier barrage infinite
Expert 2 2 2 25 0 100
Medic kritz

Giant Kritzkrieg Medic

Lawrence Sniper
Expert Vision range 2500 10 10 999

Lawrence Sniper
Expert Vision range 2500 2 70 40

Saharan Spy
Expert 7 12 999

Saharan Spy
Expert 2 70 40
Wave 7 (650 Credits)
Sniper bow multi

Resistance Piercer Bowman
Expert Razorback
Pictogram plus.png Apply jarate effect on backstab attacker
4 8 16 0 6 100
Sniper bow multi

Resistance Piercer Bowman
Expert Cozy Camper
Pictogram plus.png +1075 Max Health
Pictogram plus.png Regenerate 40 HP per second
Sniper bow multi

Resistance Piercer Bowman
Expert Darwin's Danger Shield
Pictogram plus.png +1075 Max Health
Demoknight samurai

Type 2
Expert Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
2 4 8 6 8 100
Demoknight persian nys

Giant Persian Demoknight
Expert Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
1 4 4 0 6 100
Pyro flare

Giant Scorch Fury Pyro
Expert Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
2 4 6 5 12 100
Soldier stun spammer

Giant Burst Stun Soldier
Expert 1 3 3 15 30 100
Heavy accurate

Giant Penetrating Heavy
Expert Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
1 3 3 20 25 100
Medic bullet

Bullet Vaccinator Medic
Expert Begins after 7A has finished spawning 3 12 50 0 12 50
Medic overheal

Overhealer Medic
Medic shield qf

Shield Medic

Stat changes

Weapon/Class New Stats/Stats Change
Gas Passer
Gas Passer
Pictogram info.png Added: Unusual Effect: Massed Flies

Custom robots

Normal Robot

Cola Scout

Icon Name Primary Secondary Attributes
Scout cola
Cola Scout Shortstop
Pictogram plus.png -55% cooldown time
Pictogram plus.png No mark of death when active

Rapid Flare Pyro

Icon Name Secondary Hat Attributes
Pyro flare
Rapid Flare Pyro Flare Gun
Flare Gun
Old Guadalajara
Old Guadalajara
Pictogram plus.png +60% faster firing speed
Pictogram plus.png +80% faster reload speed

Double Donk Demoman

Icon Name Primary Attributes
Demo loosecannon
Double Donk Demoman Loose Cannon
Loose Cannon
Pictogram plus.png +90% faster firing speed
Pictogram plus.png -50% fuse time on grenades
Pictogram minus.png -50% clip size
Pictogram minus.png +2 degree grenade spread
Pictogram minus.png Does not fire until fully reloaded

Bullet Vaccinator Medic

Icon Name Secondary Attributes
Medic bullet
Bullet Vaccinator Medic Medi Gun
Medi Gun
Pictogram info.png Use ubercharge immediately when spawn in
Pictogram info.png Ubercharge is 75% bullet resistance
Pictogram plus.png +100% heal rate
Pictogram plus.png +9999% ubercharge rate
Pictogram plus.png +50% bullet resistance when healing
Pictogram minus.png -100% max overheal

Overhealer Medic

Icon Name Primary Secondary Hat Attributes
Medic overheal
Overhealer Medic Syringe Gun
Syringe Gun
Das Naggenvatcher
Das Naggenvatcher
Pictogram plus.png +100% heal rate
Pictogram plus.png +50% max overheal
Pictogram plus.png Overheal does not decay
Pictogram plus.png +100% overheal build rate
Pictogram plus.png Syringe Gun apply mad milk on hit
Pictogram minus.png -99% ubercharge rate
Pictogram minus.png -100% overheal received

Shield Medic

Icon Name Secondary Hat Attributes
Medic shield qf
Shield Medic Quick-Fix
Bot Dogger
Bot Dogger
Pictogram plus.png +100% heal rate
Pictogram plus.png +100% shield duration
Pictogram plus.png Use level 2 projectile shield
Pictogram minus.png -100% max overheal
Pictogram minus.png Unable to use ubercharge

Bleed Bowman

Icon Name Primary Attributes
Sniper bow
Bowman Huntsman
Pictogram plus.png On hit: Target bleed for 5 seconds
Pictogram minus.png -50% damage penalty

Lawrence Sniper

Icon Name Primary Melee Hat Attributes
Lawrence Sniper Bazaar Bargain
Bazaar Bargain
Desert Marauder
Desert Marauder
Pictogram plus.png +200% charge rate
Shahanshah stats:
Pictogram plus.png +100% damage bonus when below 50% health
Pictogram minus.png -50% damage penalty when above 50% health

Giant Robot

Giant Burst Stun Soldier

Icon Name Primary Attributes
Soldier stun spammer
Giant Burst Stun Soldier Rocket Launcher
Rocket Launcher
Pictogram plus.png 4200 HP
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Pictogram plus.png +5 rockets in clip
Pictogram plus.png +60% faster reload speed
Pictogram plus.png +90% faster firing speed
Pictogram plus.png Rocket stun target on direct hit
Pictogram plus.png +60% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png -50% movement speed
Pictogram minus.png -35% slower projectile speed
Pictogram minus.png Does not fire until fully reloaded

Major FrostBlut

Icon Name Primary Secondary Attributes
Soldier frostbite bats
Giant Burst Fire Soldier Rocket Launcher
Rocket Launcher
Battalion's Backup
Battalion's Backup
Pictogram plus.png 4200 HP
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Pictogram plus.png +100% damage bonus
Pictogram plus.png +9900% rage on hit
Pictogram plus.png +5 rockets in clip
Pictogram plus.png +50% faster firing speed
Pictogram plus.png +60% faster reload rate
Pictogram plus.png On hit: Target bleed for 5 seconds
Pictogram plus.png Slow target on hit for 5 seconds
Pictogram plus.png +800% buff duration
Pictogram plus.png +60% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png -50% movement speed
Pictogram minus.png -10% slower projectile speed
Pictogram minus.png Does not fire until fully reloaded

Giant Airblast Pyro

Icon Name Primary Hat Attributes
Pyro reflect daan
Giant Airblast Pyro Degreaser
Dead Cone
Dead Cone
Pictogram plus.png 3000 HP
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Pictogram plus.png -75% airblast cooldown
Pictogram plus.png +400% airblast push force
Pictogram plus.png +40% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png -75% damage penalty
Pictogram minus.png -50% move speed

Giant Gaseous Pyro

Icon Name Primary Secondary Hat Attributes
Giant Gaseous Pyro Flamethrower
Flame Thrower
Gas Passer
Gas Passer
Employee of the Mmmph
Employee of the Mmmph
Pictogram info.png Fires continuously
Pictogram plus.png 3000 HP
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Pictogram plus.png +40% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png -50% move speed
Gas Passer stats:
Pictogram plus.png -95% cooldown time
Pictogram plus.png +200% afterburn damage
Pictogram plus.png Apply -65% movement speed on target

Giant Scorch Fury Pyro

Icon Name Primary Secondary Hat Attributes
Pyro flare
Giant Scorch Fury Pyro Dragon's Fury
Dragon's Fury
Scorch Shot
Scorch Shot
Bolted Birdcage
Bolted Birdcage
Pictogram info.png Fires continuously
Pictogram plus.png 3000 HP
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Pictogram plus.png +40% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png -50% move speed
Scorch Shot stats:
Pictogram info.png This weapon is passive weapon
Pictogram plus.png +70% faster firing speed
Pictogram plus.png +70% faster reload speed
Pictogram minus.png +5 degree flare spread

Giant Penetrating Heavy

Icon Name Primary Hat Attributes
Heavy accurate
Giant Penetrating Heavy Tomislav
Capo's Capper
Capo's Capper
Pictogram plus.png 5000 HP
Pictogram plus.png +25% damage bonus
Pictogram plus.png Bullets penetrate 3 players
Pictogram plus.png +70% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png -50% movement speed
Pictogram minus.png Cannot see past 1200 units

Giant Charged Engineer

Icon Name Primary Attributes
Engineer ranger nys
Giant Charged Engineer Rescue Ranger
Rescue Ranger
Pictogram plus.png 3000 HP
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Pictogram plus.png +140% faster reload speed
Pictogram plus.png +40% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png 25% slower firing speed
Pictogram minus.png -50% movement speed

Giant Crossbow Medic

Icon Name Primary Hat Attributes
Medic crossbow burst
Giant Crossbow Medic Crusader's Crossbow
Crusader's Crossbow
Berliner's Bucket Helm
Berliner's Bucket Helm
Pictogram plus.png 4500 HP
Pictogram plus.png +14 arrows in clip
Pictogram plus.png +90% faster firing speed
Pictogram plus.png +85% faster reload speed
Pictogram plus.png +40% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png +3 degree arrow spread
Pictogram minus.png -50% movement speed
Pictogram minus.png Does not fire until fully reloaded

Giant Kritzkrieg Medic

Icon Name Primary Secondary Hat Attributes
Medic kritz
Giant Kritzkrieg Medic Crusader's Crossbow
Crusader's Crossbow
Platinum Pickelhaube
Platinum Pickelhaube
Pictogram info.png Use ubercharge immediately when spawns in
Pictogram plus.png 4500 HP
Pictogram plus.png +40% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png -25% movement speed
Crusader's Crossbow stats:
Pictogram plus.png +2 arrows in clip
Pictogram plus.png +75% faster firing speed
Pictogram plus.png +75% faster reload speed
Pictogram minus.png Does not fire until fully reloaded
Kritzkrieg stats:
Pictogram plus.png +19900% heal rate
Pictogram plus.png +9999% ÜberCharge rate
Pictogram plus.png +999 seconds Über duration