
From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 18:41, 5 January 2024 by KingK (talk | contribs) (My Small Bio on personal and gaming)
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  • Howdy, this would be the start of something my butt is going to have to work on.

What do I do here... ooo I know I'll test on this place. Its just like the steam thing yea...

Woah this might be fun

Do I upload an image here... hmm

  • GAH TOO MUCH TO READ! I don't want to mess myself up ;-;

This will hurt - Sisyphus Prime, Ultrakill. ok. Ill be for real.

My Message to those who visit

Howdy! My name is KingK, I don't like using my real name online, However I have some nicknames you all can call me by like King or Regal. I joined this wiki at 1/5/24 and I really like to see what changes and improvements I can do to help support this wiki on. Hopefully I also become a huge helping hand. And there is no point of lying but I really want that hat too!

It's my goal to try and get this hat and I guess that would be my 2024 new year's resolution! Hopefully.

My Small Bio on personal and gaming

I am a huge Tf2 fan. Sure I may not seem like one but I've been playing since 2020. Why? I never had a really good laptop or a laptop to begin with. I saw Tf2 back in 2016 maybe (due to sfms) but I was like "Dang I like this game, can i download it on mobile or somethin". Yeah I had no PC. Ever since Covid struck I was forced to use a laptop for online class and finally had some stable internet connection. I downloaded Tf2 and oh boy it was.... not so great. My laptop (which i still use today) back then was very low and had only 4 GB of ram FOR 3 YEARS. Anyways long story short 2023 was when I finally played Tf2 without the trouble of too much frame drops and freezing and a somewhat. I've liked the game for its fun and creative mindset and its cartoony style of an FPS.


I'm going to college soon and Idk I'll start my helpful atrocities in this wiki. Tomorrow is another day, LOOK OUT Tf2 PLAYERS KINGK WILL BE IN YOUR WALLS!!! (or in that case in your wiki ready to help out in the future) I Just don't know what to start with...

We will see. Thank you! More will be updated soon. I don't have much time so I will help out whenever.

oh right, my about me.

  • Likes Tf2, will not trade with you (because Im broke)
  • Southeast Asian
  • I like food
  • Im lonely hahaha
  • 16
  • likes to draw sometimes here and there.
  • Wants to be a well known being in the Tf2 community and in online publicity.