Community Medieval Mode strategy

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Medieval Mode is a game mode added with the Australian Christmas update and is currently only activated by default on the map Degroot Keep. As only certain weapons are allowed, class balance is drastically altered from normal gameplay.


  • By default melee weapons have a 12% chance of Critical hits rather than the 2.5% chance of ranged weapons. Critical hits cause around 195 damage meaning all but Soldiers, Eyelander Demomen carrying 4 heads and Heavies can be killed in one hit. Be aware of this when using weapons that cannot deal Critical hits.
  • In Degroot Keep, the rocks around the tower at point B can be traversed by either team to surprise the enemy, although it is harder for BLU to scale the rocks onto the point. This is a recommended route for Scouts and Spies.
  • The console code "tf_medieval_thirdperson 1" can be used to aid in melee weapon aiming.
  • The itemset bonus carries over to medieval mode even if you cannot use all your weapons.
  • Placing a ! or a / before anything you say in chat will stop the auto translate feature.


  • Because all your weapons deal less damage than other classes, use your speed to your advantage and circle-strafe them to get as many hits as possible while taking as few as possible yourself.
  • Throw Mad Milk when you see a large gathering of players.
  • Because you can only use melee attacks, using Crit-a-Cola is very risky.
  • The Sandman's ball gives the Scout a ranged attack, albeit a very weak one.
  • Without the presence of Sentry Guns, Bonk! Atomic Punch is limited to distractions and escapes.
  • As the only form of explosive damage in Medieval Mode is the Ullapool Caber, you can use the Candy Cane with relatively low risk. However, since all enemies already drop a medkit on death, the Candy Cane has no benefit over the other Scout melee weapons (enemies will not drop two medkits with the Candy Cane equipped).
  • The Sun-on-a-Stick is a situational weapons so only use it when your team's Snipers always shoot fire arrows or Sharpened Volcano Fragment Pyros are available.
  • The Special Delivery set grants an additional 25 Health. This gives you 150 Health as opposed to 125 without the set or 110 with the Sandman equipped. Even if you can't select the Shortstop, 150 health is very useful (although you are restricted to using Mad Milk and the Holy Mackerel).
  • Use the Mad Milk for spychecking, as Spies will be affected by Mad Milk, like Jarate.
  • Try not to miss hits when using the Boston Basher, or you will hurt yourself and become an easy kill.
  • When attacking, if your team mates are capturing the second of the two outer points, wait by the main gate and you may be able to rush in and capture the final point before the defenders have a chance to react.


As the Soldier cannot use any of his rocket launchers, equipping the Gunboats is neither helpful nor recommended. The Shotgun is also not available, so you should use one of the Soldier's bugles, which can be quite useful to buff teammates in the absence of Übercharges:

  • The Buff Banner is extremely helpful when attacking the final point. Consider buffing friendly Snipers, especially if they can hit enemies with flaming arrows, as the afterburn will mini-crit so long as the Snipers are buffed. Buffing a friendly Pyro wielding the Sharpened Volcano Fragment will do the same. Bleeding is also affected by this, so coordination with your team is key.
  • The Battalion's Backup is, conversely, helpful when defending the final point, or when a Crit boosted enemy is about to charge in. If an enemy Soldier is using a Buff Banner, you may want to wait until he sounds his bugle, and then sound your own to cancel it out.

In terms of melee weapons:

  • The Shovel is good if you want consistent damage at all health levels.
  • The Pain Train should be used in place of the Shovel when attacking, as there are no bullets flying, and thus no added vulnerabilities.
  • The Equalizer can be used if you can maneuver yourself well and not die too quickly. It's important to remember that the Medic's Medicating Melody taunt with the Amputator and the Crusader's Crossbow will heal you even if you have the Equalizer out. Additionally, the Equalizer's Kamikaze taunt is one of the few ways to cause explosive damage in Medieval Mode; try catching enemies coming around corners or charging into the final point off-guard.
  • Using the Battalion's Backup and Equalizer, try to take small amounts of damage to build up your rage meter. Then, switch to your Equalizer to make a quick escape, regroup with your teammates, unleash the rage and help mow down your enemies with the Equalizer.


  • While the Fire Axe will provide consistent damage, the Back Scratcher is a superior replacement for Medieval Mode, as everyone drops medkits upon death. This will, however, diminish Medic healing from the Crusader's Crossbow and the Medicating Melody taunt of the Amputator.
  • The Powerjack provides the same damage boost as the Back Scratcher, but does not inflict random Critical hits. However, when using the Powerjack as part of the Gas Jockey's Gear, your move speed will be faster than a Medic's, without having to fear bullets.
  • The Axtinguisher's use is limited, due to fire only being present in the form of a flaming Huntsman arrow or the Sharpened Volcano Fragment, the only weapon which gives the Pyro his signature ability to set enemies on fire. If there is another Pyro wielding one of these on your team, use the other to make for deadly coordination.
  • Due to the lack of buildings, the Homewrecker is a poor choice for Medieval Mode; you should choose one of the weapons above instead.


  • The Demoman has the most melee weapons of any class, try out different loadout combinations in Medieval Mode.
  • Due to the Stickybomb Launcher being unavailable, use of the Chargin' Targe is highly recommended.
  • The Eyelander's ability of being able to collect heads, as well as its larger range, can prove to be greatly useful by allowing a better chance of hitting your opponent, as well as a health and speed boost with each head taken (at the cost of being unable to deal random Critical hits).
  • The Scotsman's Skullcutter in combination of the Chargin' Targe can work very well due to its higher damage and chance of random Crits, although the 15% move speed reduction otherwise should be considered.
  • The Ullapool Caber is the only weapon capable of causing explosive damage (barring the Soldier's Kamikaze taunt), and can easily take out a cluster of enemies with a full Crit charge.
    • Use the Ullapool Caber with the Chargin' Targe for a Kamikaze like attack. This is especially useful when a crowd of enemies are on the final point, as a fully charged Caber can either easily clear the point for capping (BLU) or stop the capping (RED)
    • The blast knockback from hitting an enemy can lift you up from the ground to the castle's battlement, allowing for distracting Snipers if on offense or a quick getaway on defense. Though you will be severely weakened, you can count on the element of surprise to create a distraction to aid your teammates.
    • Having the full Expert's Ordanance set, along with the Chargin' Targe will grant protection against afterburn caused by flaming Huntsman arrows and the Sharpened Volcano Fragment.


  • Always make sure to equip a lunchbox item rather than the unusable Shotgun.
  • The Buffalo Steak Sandvich can be used to grant Mini-Crits for your melee weapon. Use this to your advantage in Medieval Mode, but beware, as all hits taken will also be Mini-Crits.
  • The Dalokohs Bar is more useful in Medieval Mode than in conventional gameplay due to Medics being unable to overheal, and the vast amount of health pickups (which grant slightly more health while your maximum health is increased).
  • The Killing Gloves of Boxing can guarantee Crits for 5 seconds after a kill with them. Use this to your advantage in areas with many enemies, such as the final control point.
  • Use of the Gloves of Running Urgently is not recommended because of its health draining effects and its low damage output.
  • Use of the Fists of Steel is not recommended for Medieval Mode due to their effect of boosting the Heavy's vulnerability to melee weapons, which are widely used in this mode.
  • The Warrior's Spirit is recommended due to its high damage output and ability to Crit, compensating for the 20 health reduction.
  • The Buffalo Steak Sandvich and the Killing Gloves of Boxing can be a devastating combo; the initial Mini-Crit buff can lead to the K.G.B.'s Crit buff, which in conjunction with the Steak Sandvich's speed boost becomes extremely deadly.


Without a Shotgun, Pistol, or Buildings, the Engineer's role in Medieval Mode is very limited. Specifically:

  • The stock Wrench is not recommended, as you'll have the same speed and do the same damage as a Pyro wielding the Fire Axe, but with significantly less health (125 instead of a Pyro's 175).
  • The Jag is worse, doing 25% less damage than the Wrench with none of its usual benefits.

Instead of using those, use one of the two weapons below, though keep in mind that neither of them deal random Critical hits:

  • The Gunslinger gives you a much needed extra 25 health (bringing you up to 150), a guaranteed Crit after three successive punches on an enemy, and a taunt kill: the Organ Grinder.
  • The Southern Hospitality makes enemies bleed, which is especially useful for Spy-checking in the absence of Pyros, but the afterburn from flaming arrows or a Pyro's Sharpened Volcano Fragment should be considered. If a friendly Soldier uses a Buff Banner, stay in range to ensure the bleed effect does additional damage.
  • With your low health, ensure you know where the health kits are. Keep tabs on where your Medic is, especially if you are using the Southern Hospitality and catch fire. If you are on fire or bleeding and taking Mini-Crit damage from an enemy Soldier's Buff Banner, see if there is a friendly Soldier using the Battalion's Backup and stay in range.

If only the Wrench and Jag are available to you, you may want to consider switching to another class.


As the Syringe Gun and Medi Guns are not available, it's highly recommended you equip the Crusader's Crossbow:

  • The Crusader's Crossbow is the only way to heal teammates at long range, and provides a reliable ranged attack.
  • You can fire bolts through the window slits, the gaps of the spawn gates, and through the gate to the final control point, just like the Sniper's Huntsman.
  • Make sure to memorize the ammo placements, as the Crusader's Crossbow is the only weapon that uses ammo aside from the aforementioned Huntsman.
  • If you see a mass of players, firing bolts at them even at random will almost guarantee a useful hit, either damaging an enemy or healing an ally. Pump away!

When it comes to your choice of a melee weapon:

  • The lack of Medi Guns makes the Vita-Saw a poor choice, as it lowers your health by 10 with no benefit.
  • Similarly, the Übersaw is less useful, giving you 20% slower swinging speed, with the only benefit being the ability to use its Spinal Tap taunt kill.
  • The stock Bonesaw will do consistent damage, but the Amputator is superior. Its Medicating Melody taunt can be used to directly heal team mates in the absence of your Medi Gun or a Crossbow. This is especially effective when the fight is clustered around control points. Try to find a sheltered place to perform the taunt, as you are a sitting duck while you perform it.
    • Using the Crusader's Crossbow and Amputator together increases your passive health regeneration, making you a true Medieval Medic.


  • When on the BLU team on Degroot Keep, once the main gate opens, position yourself in front of the gate, and fire arrows toward the capture point, then duck to the side out of the gate's line of fire after each shot then reload. People will be clustering around the capture point and it will be easy to hit opponents without much aiming.
  • Conversely, when on the RED team on Degroot Keep, once the main gate opens, put yourself in a position where you can shoot outwards through the main gate into the battlefield. As most enemies will be rushing in a straight line through the corridor toward you with melee weapons, it will be very easy to hit them as well.
  • Remember that arrows can pass through the holes in the gates and the tower window slits.
  • Snipers that focus on sniping should use the Razorback to prevent backstabs by Spies. Snipers that use the Huntsman merely as a ranged weapon (and are willing to get into melee range) should consider equipping the Darwin's Danger Shield in lieu of the Razorback.
  • The Bushwacka is only useful when teamed up with a Buff Banner Soldier, against a Scout under the effects of Crit-a-Cola or against a Heavy under the effects of the Buffalo Steak Sandvich. Before the Feb 3 2011 update, the only way to catch fire in the Medieval Mode was to be hit by flaming arrows, meaning the Bushwacka was still given some advantage over the Kukri. Now that the Sharpened Volcano Fragment is another weapon that can ignite foes, The Bushwacka has those weaknesses. Be very careful against those types of Pyro's.
  • Snipers can still light their arrows using the torches spread through Degroot Keep.
    • Right clicking after igniting an arrow allows you to move around and shoot the arrow elsewhere.
  • Except for the Medic, the Sniper is the only class that can use ranged weapons in Medieval Mode.
  • Focusing your fire with other Snipers can be extremely effective and can allow for quicker kills.
  • Before the gate to the final control point opens, you can still fire your Huntsman through the gaps.
    • This can also be used at the BLU spawn, as demonstrated to the right.


  • Stay out of direct melee fights. Instead, Backstab enemies when they are distracted in battle.
  • Without the presence of the Flamethrower, Spies are harder to find. Classes with bleeding effect weapons can be substitute spycheckers. Also, watch out for Snipers with flaming arrows. With the introduction of the Sharpened Volcano Fragment, Spies can be ignited this way.
  • The best time to stab is when the gate is open and the defending team is focusing their attention on the gate leaving them prone.
  • By the same token, while defending the last point, you can easily drop down from the battlements and backstab foes entering or clustering around the gates.
  • With the Cloak and Dagger, use the alcoves at points A and B to hide and wait for an opportune moment to strike.
  • Watch out for Scouts, as they may have Mad Milk that will sabotage your Cloak.
  • Pay attention to what weapon your disguise target is carrying (especially if you're using Your Eternal Reward). If your disguise target is holding a weapon that cannot be used in Medieval Mode, that gives the enemy team proof that you are a Spy.
  • If not using a disguise, try to stab the enemy as fast as you can, if he is using tf_medieval_thirdperson 1 he might see you.