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Grenade may refer to:

See also: Bomb
Weapons in Team Fortress 2
Healgrenade2.PNG Heal Grenade, a scrapped weapon for the Medic.
Grenade proj red.png Projectiles fired from the Demoman's Grenade Launcher, Loch-n-Load, and Iron Bomber.
Item icon Ullapool Caber.png Ullapool Caber, a melee weapon for the Demoman.
Cosmetic items
Item icon A Whiff of the Old Brimstone.png A Whiff of the Old Brimstone, a cosmetic item for the Demoman.
Item icon Battery Bandolier.png Battery Bandolier, a cosmetic item for the Demoman.
Item icon Captain's Cocktails.png Captain's Cocktails, a cosmetic item for the Soldier.
Item icon Grub Grenades.png Grub Grenades, a cosmetic item for the Soldier.
Backpack Lumbricus Lid.png Holy Hand Grenades, a part of the Lumbricus Lid cosmetic item for the Soldier.
Item icon Ornament Armament.png Ornament Armament, a cosmetic item for the Soldier, Pyro, and Demoman.
Item icon Professor's Pineapple.png Professor's Pineapple, a cosmetic item for the Soldier, Pyro, and Demoman.
Soldiergrenadekilltaunt.png Grenade, the kill taunt for the Soldier's Equalizer and Escape Plan.
Weapons in Team Fortress Classic
Caltrop tfc.png Caltrop, a primary grenade for the Scout.
Conc tfc.png Concussion Grenade, a secondary grenade for the Scout and Medic.
Detpack TFC.png Detpack, a special weapon for the Demoman.
Emp tfc.png EMP Grenade, a secondary grenade for the Engineer.
Gas tfc.png Hallucination Grenade, a secondary grenade for the Spy.
Frag tfc.png Hand Grenade, a primary grenade for all classes except for the Scout and Civilian.
Mirv tfc.png MIRV Grenade, a secondary grenade for the Heavy Weapons Guy and Demoman.
Nail Grenade TFC.png Nail Grenade, a secondary grenade used by the Soldier.
Napalm tfc.png Napalm Grenade, a secondary grenade for the Pyro.