Arme Festive

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Backpack Festive Scattergun.png

Festive Scattergun
Limitat Nivel 1 Scattergun

Backpack Festivized Tomislav.png

Tomislav Festivizat
Minigun de Nivel 5
20% viteză mai mare de rotație a tamburului
20% mai precis
Ucigaș silențios: Rotația țevii nu scoate sunete
20% viteza de tragere mai mică

Armele Festive sunt o clasificare specială de obiecte. Acestea sunt arme pentru fiecare clasă îmbrăcate în luminițe de Crăciun pâlpâitoare, asemănătoare cu cele de pe Industrial Festivizer. Luminițele sunt verzi, galbene și culoarea echipei, cu poza din ghiozdan având atât roșu cât și albastru în același timp. Singura excepție fiind luminile Stickybomb Launcher-ului Festiv, care pot fi schimbate complet când stilul "Festiv" este selectat. Unele arme au clopoțele ce se bălăngăne, becuri, globuri, panglici sau texturi diferite.

Armele Festive funcționează exact la fel ca armele normale. Schimbările sunt complet vizuale, neafectând felul în care jocul funcționează. Ele au fost adăugate în joc în timpul actualizărilor Australian Christmas 2011, Mecha Update, Smissmas 2013, 2014, 2016 și 2017.

Armele Festive puteau fi obținute din cutiile Naughty Winter Naughty Winter 2012, Naughty Winter Crate 2013 și Naughty Winter Crate 2014, fiind disponibile atât în calitatea Unică cât și în cea Stranie, deși versiunile Stranii sunt mult mai rare. Multe arme pot fi transformate în arme Festive folosind un Festivizer, dar acestea folosesc prefixul Festivizat spre deosebire de cele ce provin din cutii.

Lista de arme

Obiecte Festive posibile
Clasele Din seriile de cutii Mann Co.
Naughty Winter Crate Naughty Winter Crate 2012 Cutie de Iarnă Naughty 2013 Naughty Winter Crate 2014
Festive Scattergun Festive Bat Festive Holy Mackerel Festive Force-A-Nature Festive Bonk! Atomic Punch
Festive Scattergun Festive Bat Festive Holy Mackerel Festive Force-A-Nature Festive Bonk! Atomic Punch
Festive Rocket Launcher Festive Buff Banner Festive Black Box Festive Shotgun
Festive Rocket Launcher Festive Buff Banner Festive Black Box Festive Shotgun
Festive Flamethrower Festive Axtinguisher Festive Flare Gun Festive Backburner Festive Shotgun
Festive Flame Thrower Festive Axtinguisher Festive Flare Gun Festive Backburner Festive Shotgun
Festive Stickybomb Launcher Festive Grenade Launcher Festive Eyelander Festive Chargin' Targe
Festive Stickybomb Launcher Festive Grenade Launcher Festive Eyelander Festive Chargin' Targe
Festive Minigun Festive Sandvich Festive Gloves of Running Urgently Festive Shotgun
Festive Minigun Festive Sandvich Festive Gloves of Running Urgently Festive Shotgun
Festive Wrench Festive Frontier Justice Festive Wrangler Festive Shotgun
Festive Wrench Festive Frontier Justice Festive Wrangler Festive Shotgun
Festive Medi Gun Festive Ubersaw Festive Crusader's Crossbow Festive Bonesaw
Festive Medi Gun Festive Ubersaw Festive Crusader's Crossbow Festive Bonesaw
Festive Sniper Rifle Festive Huntsman Festive Jarate Festive SMG
Festive Sniper Rifle Festive Huntsman Festive Jarate Festive SMG
Festive Knife Festive Ambassador Festive Sapper Festive Revolver
Festive Knife Festive Ambassador Festive Sapper Festive Revolver
Obiecte Festivizate posibile
Primare Festivized Scattergun Festivized Shortstop Festivized Soda Popper
Scattergun Festivizat1 2 Shortstop Festivizat2 Soda Popper Festivizat2
Secundare Festivized Winger
Winger Festivizat2
Melee Festivized Sandman Festivized Holy Mackerel
Sandman Festivizat Holy Mackerel Festivizat2
Primare Festivized Rocket Launcher Festivized Black Box Festivized Air Strike
Rocket Launcher Festivizat1 2 Black Box Festivizat1 2 Air Strike Festivizat2
Melee Festivized Shovel Festivized Disciplinary Action
Shovel Festivizat Disciplinary Action Festivizat2
Primare Festivized Flame Thrower Festivized Degreaser Festivized Dragon's Fury
Flame Thrower Festivizat1 2 Degreaser Festivizat2 Dragon's Fury Festivizat2
Secundare Festivized Detonator Festivized Scorch Shot
Detonator Festivizat2 Scorch Shot Festivizat2
Melee Festivized Fire Axe Festivized Powerjack Festivized Back Scratcher
Fire Axe Festivizat Powerjack Festivizat2 Back Scratcher Festivizat2
Primare Festivized Grenade Launcher Festivized Loch-n-Load Festivized Loose Cannon Festivized Iron Bomber
Grenade Launcher Festivizat1 2 Loch-n-Load Festivizat2 Loose Cannon Festivizat2 Iron Bomber Festivizat2
Secundare Festivized Stickybomb Launcher Festivized Scottish Resistance
Stickybomb Launcher Festivizat1 2 Scottish Resistance Festivizat
Melee Festivized Scotsman's Skullcutter Festivized Claidheamh Mòr Festivized Persian Persuader
Scotsman's Skullcutter Festivizat2 Claidheamh Mòr Festivizat2 Persian Persuader Festivizat2
Primare Festivized Minigun Festivized Natascha Festivized Brass Beast Festivized Tomislav
Minigun Festivizat1 2 Natascha Festivizat Brass Beast Festivizat2 Tomislav Festivizat1 2
Secundare Festivized Family Business
Family Business Festivizat2
Primare Festivized Rescue Ranger
Rescue Ranger Festivizat2
Melee Festivized Wrench Festivized Jag
Wrench Festivizat1 2 Jag Festivizat2
Primare Festivized Crusader's Crossbow
Crusader's Crossbow Festivizat2
Secundare Festivized Medi Gun Festivized Kritzkrieg Festivized Quick-Fix
Medi Gun Festivizat1 2 Kritzkrieg Festivizat Quick-Fix Festivizat
Melee Festivized Ubersaw Festivized Amputator
Ubersaw Festivizat2 Amputator Festivizat2
Primare Festivized Sniper Rifle Festivized Bazaar Bargain
Sniper Rifle Festivizat1 2 Bazaar Bargain Festivizat2
Secundare Festivized SMG
SMG Festivizat1 2
Melee Festivized Kukri Festivized Shahanshah
Kukri Festivizat Shahanshah Festivizat2
Secundare Festivized Revolver
Revolver Festivizat2
Melee Festivized Knife Festivized Spy-cicle
Knife Festivizat1 2 Spy-cicle Festivizat
Leaderboard class scout.png Scout
Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer
Secundare Festivized Pistol
Pistol Festivizat2
Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier
Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro
Secundare Festivized Reserve Shooter
Reserve Shooter Festivizat2
Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier
Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro
Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy
Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer
Festivized Shotgun Festivized Panic Attack
Shotgun Festivizat2 Panic Attack Festivizat2

1 Include varianta de Australium
2 Include varianta Decorată

Istoria actualizărilor

Patch-ul din 15 decembrie 2011 (Australian Christmas 2011)
  • Au fost adăugate variante Festive ale următoarelor arme: Scattergun, Bat, Rocket Launcher, Flame Thrower, Stickybomb Launcher, Minigun, Wrench, Medi Gun, Sniper Rifle și Knife.

Patch-ul din 19 decembrie 2011

Patch-ul din 23 decembrie 2011

  • [Nedocumentat] Poza din ghiozdan a Stickybomb Launcher-ului Festiv a fost actualizată pentru a se vedea luminițele.

Patch-ul din 20 decembrie 2012 (Mecha Update)

  • Au fost adăugate variante Festive ale următoarelor arme: Holy Mackerel, Buff Banner, Axtinguisher, Grenade Launcher, Sandvich, Frontier Justice, Ubersaw, Huntsman și Festive Ambassador.

Patch-ul din 8 ianuarie 2013

  • Versiunile Festive ale armelor pot completa seturi de obiecte acum.

Patch-ul din 16 ianuarie 2013

  • Variantele Festive ale Sandvich-ului, Buff Banner-ului și Huntsman-ului sunt permise acum în modul Medieval.

Patch-ul din 14 februarie 2013

  • A fost adăugat un stil multicolor luminițelor Stickybomb Launcher-ului Festiv.

Patch-ul din 19 martie 2013

  • Grenade Launcher-ul Festiv poate avea partea stranie pentru Lovituri Critice acum.

Patch-ul din 27 martie 2013

  • Axtinguisher-ul Festiv a fost reparat pentru a nu mai pluti în lume câteodată după moartea jucătorului.

Patch-ul din 19 iunie 2013

  • Frontier Justice-ul Festiv a fost reparat pentru a nu mai folosi culoarea greșită a mânecilor în echipa BLU.

Patch-ul din 6 decembrie 2013

  • Kiturile Killstreak au fost actualizate pentru a funcționa cu arme Festive.

Patch-ul din 20 decembrie 2013 (Smissmas 2013)

  • Au fost adăugate variante Festive ale următoarelor arme: Force-A-Nature, Black Box, Flare Gun, Eyelander, Gloves of Running Urgently, Wrangler, Crusader's Crossbow, Jarate și Festive Sapper.

Patch-ul din 9 ianuarie 2014

  • Crusader's Crossbow-ul Festiv poate fi folosit în modul Medieval acum.

Patch-ul din 23 ianuarie 2014

  • Gloves of Running Urgently Festiv a fost actualizat pentru a include materiale albastre când este echipat în echipa BLU.

Patch-ul din 5 martie 2014

  • Crusader's Crossbow-ul Festiv a fost actualizat pentru a folosi aceeași țintă ca și Huntsman-ul.

Patch-ul din 18 iunie 2014

  • [Nedocumentat] Luminițele Festive au fost actualizate.

Patch-ul din 8 iulie 2014

  • Au fost reparate unele arme Festive ce foloseau cel mai mic nivel de detaliu în vederea la prima persoană.

Patch-ul din 17 iulie 2014

  • Sapper-ul Festiv a fost reparat pentru a avea un model în echipa BLU.

Patch-ul din 10 septembrie 2014

  • Force-A-Nature-ul Festiv a fost reparat pentru a folosi animația corectă de batjocură.
  • [Nedocumentat] Scout folosește acum răspunsurile vocale specifice "săriturilor cu forța" pentru Force-A-Nature-ul Festiv.

Patch-ul din 17 septembrie 2014

  • A fost adăugat atributul Limitat Armelor Festive.

Patch-ul din 22 decembrie 2014 (Smissmas 2014)

  • Au fost adăugate variante Festive ale următoarelor arme: Bonk! Atomic Punch, Backburner, Chargin' Targe, Bonesaw, SMG, Revolver și Shotgun.

Patch-ul din 29 aprilie 2015

  • Targe-ul Festiv folosește materialul corect pentru echipa BLU acum.

Patch-ul din 3 iulie 2015

  • Armele cu modele atașate își afișează corect atașamentele acum.

Patch-ul din 6 iulie 2015

  • Au fost reparate unele arme care nu își arătau atașamentele după moartea jucătorului.

Patch-ul din 19 august 2015

  • Revolver-ul Festiv a fost repart pentru a fi echipat în mână corect.

Patch-ul din 7 ianuarie 2016

  • [Nedocumentat] Wrench-ul Festiv a fost reparat pentru a se vedea luminițele în viziunea clientului.

Patch-ul din 19 august 2016

  • [Nedocumentat] A fost actualizată descrierea variantei Festive a Bonk! Atomic Punch-ului.

Patch-ul din 21 decembrie 2016 (Smissmas 2016)

  • Au fost adăugate variante Festive ale următoarelor arme: Sandman, Shovel, Fire Axe, Scottish Resistance, Natascha, Jag, Kritzkrieg, Quick-Fix, Kukri, Spy-cicle și Pistol.

Patch-ul din 1 noiembrie 2017

  • Festive Jag-ul a fost reparat pentru a se vedea luminițele.

Patch-ul din 21 decembrie 2017 (Smissmas 2017)

  • Lista de arme ce pot fi Festivizate a fost mărită: Ubersaw, Dragon's Fury, Amputator, Air Strike, Back Scratcher, Scotsman's Skullcutter, Bazaar Bargain, Black Box, Claidheamh Mòr, Crusader's Crossbow, Degreaser, Loose Cannon, Persian Persuader, Detonator, Brass Beast, Holy Mackerel, Loch-n-Load, Powerjack, Iron Bomber, Reserve Shooter, Disciplinary Action, Family Business, Shahanshah, Scorch Shot, Shortstop, Soda Popper, Rescue Ranger, Tomislav, Panic Attack, and Winger.
  • Apar mușcături pe Sandvich-ul Festiv în timp ce este mâncat acum.
  • [Nedocumentat] Armele de Australium pot fi Festivizate acum.

Patch-ul din 4 ianuarie 2018

  • Obiectele festivizate au fost actualizate pentru a folosi titlul "Festivizat" în numele lor în loc de "Festiv".
    • Acestă actualizare va ajuta în distingerea armelor Festive de cele pe care a fost folosit un Festivizer.

Patch-ul din 23 septembrie 2019

  • Sapper-ul Festiv face zgomote când este atașat de clădiri acum.

Conținut nefolosit

Axtinguisher-ul Festiv, Chargin' Targe-ul Festiv, Sandvich-ul Festiv și Bonesaw-ul Festiv sunt codate pentru a putea fi vopsite, dar abilitatea este dezactivată.

Axtinguisher Festiv

Variante nefolosite de vopsele
Articol principal: Paint Can
Mişcaţi cursorul mouse-ului peste chenare pentru a vedea imaginea pe un fundal întunecat.
Vopsele individuale
Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher E6E6E6.png Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher D8BED8.png Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher C5AF91.png Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher 7E7E7E.png
An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge Color No. 216-190-216 Peculiarly Drab Tincture Aged Moustache Grey
Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher 141414.png Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher 2D2D24.png Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher 694D3A.png Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher 7C6C57.png
A Distinctive Lack of Hue After Eight Radigan Conagher Brown Ye Olde Rustic Colour
Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher A57545.png Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher CF7336.png Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher E7B53B.png Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher F0E68C.png
Muskelmannbraun Mann Co. Orange Australium Gold The Color of a Gentlemann's Business Pants
Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher E9967A.png Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher FF69B4.png Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher 7D4071.png Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher 51384A.png
Dark Salmon Injustice Pink as Hell A Deep Commitment to Purple Noble Hatter's Violet
Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher 2F4F4F.png Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher 424F3B.png Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher 808000.png Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher 729E42.png
A Color Similar to Slate Zepheniah's Greed Drably Olive Indubitably Green
Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher 32CD32.png Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher BCDDB3.png
The Bitter Taste of Defeat and Lime A Mann's Mint
Vopsele de echipă
Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher A89A8C.png Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher 839FA3.png Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher 3B1F23.png Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher 18233D.png
Waterlogged Lab Coat (RED) Waterlogged Lab Coat (BLU) Balaclavas Are Forever (RED) Balaclavas Are Forever (BLU)
Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher B8383B.png Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher 5885A2.png Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher 483838.png Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher 384248.png
Team Spirit (RED) Team Spirit (BLU) Operator's Overalls (RED) Operator's Overalls (BLU)
Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher 803020.png Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher 256D8D.png Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher 654740.png Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher 28394D.png
The Value of Teamwork (RED) The Value of Teamwork (BLU) An Air of Debonair (RED) An Air of Debonair (BLU)
Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher C36C2D.png Unused Painted Festive Axtinguisher B88035.png RED Festive Axtinguisher.png BLU Festive Axtinguisher.png
Cream Spirit (RED) Cream Spirit (BLU) Nevopsit (RED) Nevopsit (BLU)

Chargin' Targe Festiv

Variante nefolosite de vopsele
Articol principal: Paint Can
Mişcaţi cursorul mouse-ului peste chenare pentru a vedea imaginea pe un fundal întunecat.
Vopsele individuale
Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe E6E6E6.png Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe D8BED8.png Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe C5AF91.png Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe 7E7E7E.png
An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge Color No. 216-190-216 Peculiarly Drab Tincture Aged Moustache Grey
Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe 141414.png Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe 2D2D24.png Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe 694D3A.png Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe 7C6C57.png
A Distinctive Lack of Hue After Eight Radigan Conagher Brown Ye Olde Rustic Colour
Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe A57545.png Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe CF7336.png Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe E7B53B.png Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe F0E68C.png
Muskelmannbraun Mann Co. Orange Australium Gold The Color of a Gentlemann's Business Pants
Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe E9967A.png Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe FF69B4.png Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe 7D4071.png Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe 51384A.png
Dark Salmon Injustice Pink as Hell A Deep Commitment to Purple Noble Hatter's Violet
Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe 2F4F4F.png Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe 424F3B.png Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe 808000.png Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe 729E42.png
A Color Similar to Slate Zepheniah's Greed Drably Olive Indubitably Green
Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe 32CD32.png Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe BCDDB3.png
The Bitter Taste of Defeat and Lime A Mann's Mint
Vopsele de echipă
Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe A89A8C.png Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe 839FA3.png Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe 3B1F23.png Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe 18233D.png
Waterlogged Lab Coat (RED) Waterlogged Lab Coat (BLU) Balaclavas Are Forever (RED) Balaclavas Are Forever (BLU)
Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe B8383B.png Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe 5885A2.png Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe 483838.png Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe 384248.png
Team Spirit (RED) Team Spirit (BLU) Operator's Overalls (RED) Operator's Overalls (BLU)
Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe 803020.png Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe 256D8D.png Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe 654740.png Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe 28394D.png
The Value of Teamwork (RED) The Value of Teamwork (BLU) An Air of Debonair (RED) An Air of Debonair (BLU)
Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe C36C2D.png Unused Painted Festive Chargin' Targe B88035.png RED Festive Chargin' Targe.png BLU Festive Chargin' Targe.png
Cream Spirit (RED) Cream Spirit (BLU) Nevopsit (RED) Nevopsit (BLU)

Sandvich Festiv

Variante nefolosite de vopsele
Articol principal: Paint Can
Mişcaţi cursorul mouse-ului peste chenare pentru a vedea imaginea pe un fundal întunecat.
Vopsele individuale
Unused Painted Festive Sandvich E6E6E6.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich D8BED8.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich C5AF91.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 7E7E7E.png
An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge Color No. 216-190-216 Peculiarly Drab Tincture Aged Moustache Grey
Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 141414.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 2D2D24.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 694D3A.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 7C6C57.png
A Distinctive Lack of Hue After Eight Radigan Conagher Brown Ye Olde Rustic Colour
Unused Painted Festive Sandvich A57545.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich CF7336.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich E7B53B.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich F0E68C.png
Muskelmannbraun Mann Co. Orange Australium Gold The Color of a Gentlemann's Business Pants
Unused Painted Festive Sandvich E9967A.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich FF69B4.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 7D4071.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 51384A.png
Dark Salmon Injustice Pink as Hell A Deep Commitment to Purple Noble Hatter's Violet
Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 2F4F4F.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 424F3B.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 808000.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 729E42.png
A Color Similar to Slate Zepheniah's Greed Drably Olive Indubitably Green
Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 32CD32.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich BCDDB3.png
The Bitter Taste of Defeat and Lime A Mann's Mint
Vopsele de echipă
Unused Painted Festive Sandvich A89A8C.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 839FA3.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 3B1F23.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 18233D.png
Waterlogged Lab Coat (RED) Waterlogged Lab Coat (BLU) Balaclavas Are Forever (RED) Balaclavas Are Forever (BLU)
Unused Painted Festive Sandvich B8383B.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 5885A2.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 483838.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 384248.png
Team Spirit (RED) Team Spirit (BLU) Operator's Overalls (RED) Operator's Overalls (BLU)
Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 803020.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 256D8D.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 654740.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 28394D.png
The Value of Teamwork (RED) The Value of Teamwork (BLU) An Air of Debonair (RED) An Air of Debonair (BLU)
Unused Painted Festive Sandvich C36C2D.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich B88035.png RED Festive Sandvich.png BLU Festive Sandvich.png
Cream Spirit (RED) Cream Spirit (BLU) Nevopsit (RED) Nevopsit (BLU)

Bonesaw Festiv

Variante nefolosite de vopsele
Articol principal: Paint Can
Mişcaţi cursorul mouse-ului peste chenare pentru a vedea imaginea pe un fundal întunecat.
Vopsele individuale
Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw E6E6E6.png Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw D8BED8.png Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw C5AF91.png Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw 7E7E7E.png
An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge Color No. 216-190-216 Peculiarly Drab Tincture Aged Moustache Grey
Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw 141414.png Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw 2D2D24.png Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw 694D3A.png Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw 7C6C57.png
A Distinctive Lack of Hue After Eight Radigan Conagher Brown Ye Olde Rustic Colour
Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw A57545.png Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw CF7336.png Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw E7B53B.png Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw F0E68C.png
Muskelmannbraun Mann Co. Orange Australium Gold The Color of a Gentlemann's Business Pants
Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw E9967A.png Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw FF69B4.png Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw 7D4071.png Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw 51384A.png
Dark Salmon Injustice Pink as Hell A Deep Commitment to Purple Noble Hatter's Violet
Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw 2F4F4F.png Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw 424F3B.png Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw 808000.png Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw 729E42.png
A Color Similar to Slate Zepheniah's Greed Drably Olive Indubitably Green
Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw 32CD32.png Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw BCDDB3.png
The Bitter Taste of Defeat and Lime A Mann's Mint
Vopsele de echipă
Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw A89A8C.png Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw 839FA3.png Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw 3B1F23.png Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw 18233D.png
Waterlogged Lab Coat (RED) Waterlogged Lab Coat (BLU) Balaclavas Are Forever (RED) Balaclavas Are Forever (BLU)
Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw B8383B.png Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw 5885A2.png Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw 483838.png Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw 384248.png
Team Spirit (RED) Team Spirit (BLU) Operator's Overalls (RED) Operator's Overalls (BLU)
Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw 803020.png Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw 256D8D.png Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw 654740.png Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw 28394D.png
The Value of Teamwork (RED) The Value of Teamwork (BLU) An Air of Debonair (RED) An Air of Debonair (BLU)
Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw C36C2D.png Unused Painted Festive Bonesaw B88035.png RED Festive Bonesaw.png BLU Festive Bonesaw.png
Cream Spirit (RED) Cream Spirit (BLU) Nevopsit (RED) Nevopsit (BLU)


  • Axtinguisher, Chargin' Targe și Sandvich-ul Festiv nu luminează când acestea sunt amplificate critic.


  • Scout
  • Soldier
  • Pyro
  • Demoman
  • Heavy
  • Engineer
  • Medic
  • Sniper
  • Spy

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