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Revision as of 22:20, 26 March 2024 by SomewhatCloudy (talk | contribs)
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Hello! Coming to you from the far off year of 2024. I occasionally try to post stuff when I notice things that need adding that I could possibly be helpful with. I like spelled stuff.

February 13, 2024 ~~ Uploaded Gifs of Brigade Helms with all paint spells since the wiki didn't have anything showing off the color changing aspect. (Chromatic Corruption, Sinister Staining, Die Job, Spectral Spectrum, and Putrescent Pigmentation). I caved and had to buy these since I legitimately tried for days in console commands to create a trigger to give me the spell attribute in console, only to learn that function is unfortunately non-working. But hey! It's a nice lil' collection I have now.

March 25, 2024 ~~ Added Scream Fortress 2023 and Smissmas 2023 Cosmetic Items to Equip Region according to their applicable equip regions classified on the individual cosmetic's page. 35 Total Cosmetics Listed.

March 26, 2024 ~~ Added Remaining Scream Fortress 2021, Scream Fortress 2022 and Summer 2023 Cosmetic Items to Equip Region according to their applicable equip regions classified on the individual cosmetic's page. 37 Total Cosmetics Listed.