119th medals

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Revision as of 05:05, 21 February 2011 by Seb26 (talk | contribs) (return into disambig page (although a somewhat overindulgent one); the article doesn't really cover much more than what each individual page does.)
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119th medals refers to four Miscellaneous items released with the 119th Update on April 29, 2010, commemorating the dates that players purchased Team Fortress 2.

The four medals are—

  • the Primeval Warrior – awarded to players who played the game during the pre-game release beta-testing phase;
  • the Grizzled Veteran – awarded to players who purchased the game within 3 months of its initial release;
  • the Soldier of Fortune – awarded to players who purchased the game 3 months to a year after release; and
  • the Mercenary – awarded to players who purchased the game more than a year after release.