Rafflesiature's Garden

From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 23:12, 16 May 2024 by Rafflesiature (talk | contribs) (I do admit that it is a bit short, however, let's just say that I am still finding my footing here <3)
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Basic information
Type: Translator
Gender: I am the gender that I am
Native language: French/English/More to come
Team Fortress 2
Favorite classes: Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy
Contact information
Steam page: Steam tray.png Rafflesia

Heya, I truly hope that everyone who is seeing this page is having a more than wonderful day!

My account name is Rafflesiature, but I go by Rafflesia, Flora or whatever nickname you want to give me!

My special interests mainly resolve around video games, however, moreso around how they were made more than anything.
I am also a massive nerd when it comes to certain series, be it Pokémon, Mario, Mega Man.
Heck, I even have a massive fascination when it comes to games considered bad, I adore playing them and deep diving into their history!

I have another fascination, languages, communication as a whole has been a massive piece of interest to me, the whole idea if being able to talk with another person, and the words that we have made to complete such tasks is just, I'm sorry if it sounds weird but I just adore how many languages there are in the world!

Don't believe I have much else to say, so, I wish you all a good day, and I wish to have a fully translated TF2 wiki one day!