User:Tark/Audio responses

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< User:Tark
Revision as of 15:52, 21 September 2024 by Tark (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<!--The goal of this project is to replace all .wav files across the wiki with .mp3 files and establish a dictionary of transcriptions for each audio file. For reference, ple...")
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  • Do not use quotation marks for regular audio:
medic thanks01:
en: Thank you
Would likely render as:
Thank you

  • Use manual quotation marks for audio that includes actions, non-verbal cues or descriptions of how the dialogue is spoken:
medic weapon taunts03:
en: [laughing] I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm not laughing at you, it's just your weapon. It's so... [breaks into laughter again]
Would likely render as:
[laughing] I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm not laughing at you, it's just your weapon. It's so... [breaks into laughter again]

  • For audio that require context or where context would significantly improve the transcription, make use of the Context is Good™ feature:
medic specialcompleted11:
en: Can you feel ze Schadenfreude?
medic specialcompleted11-context:
en: "Schadenfreude" is a German compound noun referring to the taking of pleasure in the pain of others
Would likely render as:
Can you feel ze Schadenfreude? ("Schadenfreude" is a German compound noun referring to the taking of pleasure in the pain of others)

  • Similarly, the Oh My, This Looks Like a Pain to Actually Implement in a Template™ feature can be used when the non-verbal cue occurs at the beginning of the audio:
medic taunts07:
en: Hello, Fräuleins!
medic taunts07-cue:
en: Cheery, taunting voice
medic taunts07-context:
en: Translation: "Hello, (young) Ladies!"
Would likely render as:
[Cheery, taunting voice] Hello, Fräuleins! (Translation: "Hello, (young) Ladies!")

  • For audio fully in languages other than English, add a new string with the English translation via the Context is Good™ feature:
medic mvm loot godlike01: Vunderbar.
medic mvm loot godlike01-context:
en: Translation: "Wonderful."
Would likely render as:
Vunderbar. (Translation: "Wonderful.")

  • In cases with multiple or "other" speakers, label them in bold:.
medic item_secop round start02:
en: '''Normally''': I am ready, my friends! '''Evilly''': Kill all your friends. '''Normally''': Ooh, good idea!
Would likely render as:
Normally: I am ready, my friends! Evilly: Kill all your friends. Normally: Ooh, good idea!

medic item zombiebird dominated01:
en: '''Archimedes''': BRAWK! Dominated!
Would likely render as:
Archimedes: BRAWK! Dominated!

  • Screams are ALWAYS IN ALL CAPS:
medic specialcompleted06:
Would likely render as:

How can you help

do the thing