Operación Starched Silliness

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< Operation Starched Silliness
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La Operación Starched Silliness fue un evento caritativo de Mann contra Máquinas organizado el día de las bromas de abril por Pineapple.TF, que fue anunciado el 31 de marzo de 2021 y concluyó el 19 de abril de 2021.

Para los memes y referencias, haz clic en un misión individual de Misiones y diríjase a la sección Memes y referencias.


El turno fue similar al de las campañas anteriores organizadas en servidores de Potato's Custom MVM, con algunos mapas iguales, misiones distintas y otros mapas nuevos como Thematic y Ventus.

Debido a la breve duración del evento de la comunidad, solo se ofreció un único turno, con una única medalla de recompensa.


Esta tabla muestra las misiones disponibles durante el evento. Cada misión tiene una dificultad intermedia.

Mapa Misión Número de oleadas
Mannhattan Metroll Malice 9
Meltdown Power Palooza 6
Oilrig Petrolleum Pandemonium 7
Quetzal Return to Monke 6
Rust Valley Ujealous 7
Thematic Cringe 9
Ventus Deluge Dirge 7


Este evento tuvo tres medallas conseguibles. Los jugadores que completaron al menos 6 misiones al completo recibieron la Piedra Almidonada con Aspecto de Patata 2021 en aspecto Genuino. Además, los creadores de contenido recibieron la medalla Super Spud, y los jugadores que donaron cinco dólares o más a la beneficencia Doctors Without Borders COVID-19 recibieron la medalla Curious Carbon.

Las medallas Potato Lookalike y Super Spud reusan el modelo de las medallas de participación y de creadores de contenido otorgadas anteriormente en la Operación Memes vs. Machines y Operación Mashed Mediocrity, mientras que Curious Carbon reusa el modelo de la medalla Turmalina Templada, de la Operación Madness vs. Machines; sin embargo, la medalla Curious Carbon tiene una coloración diamante azulado aplicada que no está disponible en el juego en otros casos.

Cada medalla tiene 2 estilos, llamados «Estilo 1» y «Estilo 2» en las medalla Potato Lookalike y Super Spud y «Normal» y «Solo gema» en la medalla Curious Carbon. El «Estilo 1» de la medalla Potato Lookalike muestra a la patata con su parasol, mientras que el «Estilo 2» la muestra vistiéndola como un sombrero. El «Estilo 1» de la medalla Super Spud muestra una pantalla con una patata pixeleada, sonriendo. El estilo «Normal» de la medalla Curious Carbon la gema siendo sostenida por una mano robot, mientras que el estilo «Solo gema» muestra únicamente la gema, sin la mano de robot.

Backpack Starched Silliness Potato Lookalike 2021.png

Piedra Almidonada con Aspecto de Patata 2021 de Calidad Genuina
Medalla de la Comunidad de Nivel 1
Sometimes, a potato is just a potato. However, this is actually not a potato, but rather a stone fetched from a nearby river that has been painted beige. Awarded to players of Tindall Berry's 2021 April Fools MvM charity tour!

( No intercambiable ni comerciable )

Backpack Starched Silliness Super Spud 2021.png

Superpatata de Starched Silliness 2021 de Calidad Genuina
Medalla de la Comunidad de Nivel 1
Strictly speaking, sometimes superfluously silly submissions surprising simple souls still shine. Some stolen starch-styled stones shall sufficiently show service. Awarded to creators of Tindall Berry's 2021 April Fools MvM charity tour!

( No intercambiable ni comerciable )

Backpack Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021.png

Carbón Curioso de Starched Silliness 2021 de Calidad Genuina
Medalla de la Comunidad de Nivel 1
Someone gave you this shiny rock that they claim to have found while mining to the bottom of the world when they learned that you gave away money to help stop a rampaging virus. You rock! Awarded to donors of Tindall Berry's 2021 April Fools MvM charity tour!

( No intercambiable ni comerciable )

Variaciones de color

Artículo principal: Bote de Pintura
Coloca el ratón sobre las celdas para ver el fondo en color negro. Haz clic en las imágenes para agrandarlas.
[hide]Operación Starched Silliness: Estilo 1
  • Piedra Almidonada con Aspecto de Patata 2021
  • Superpatata de Starched Silliness 2021
  • Carbón Curioso de Starched Silliness 2021
Estilo 1
Colores individuales
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 E6E6E6.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 E6E6E6 BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 D8BED8.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 D8BED8 BLU.png
Una Extraordinaria Abundancia de Tinte (RED) Una Extraordinaria Abundancia de Tinte (BLU) No. de Color 216-190-216 (RED) No. de Color 216-190-216 (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 C5AF91.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 C5AF91 BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 7E7E7E.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 7E7E7E BLU.png
Tintura Peculiarmente Pálida (RED) Tintura Peculiarmente Pálida (BLU) Gris Bigote Anciano (RED) Gris Bigote Anciano (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 141414.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 141414 BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 2D2D24.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 2D2D24 BLU.png
Distintiva Falta de Tonalidad (RED) Distintiva Falta de Tonalidad (BLU) After Eight (RED) After Eight (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 694D3A.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 694D3A BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 7C6C57.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 7C6C57 BLU.png
Marrón Radigan Conagher (RED) Marrón Radigan Conagher (BLU) El Color Rústico Y Anticuado (RED) El Color Rústico Y Anticuado (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 A57545.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 A57545 BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 CF7336.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 CF7336 BLU.png
Marrón de Musculitos (RED) Marrón de Musculitos (BLU) Naranja Mann Co. (RED) Naranja Mann Co. (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 E7B53B.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 E7B53B BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 F0E68C.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 F0E68C BLU.png
Dorado Australium (RED) Dorado Australium (BLU) El Color de los Pantalones de un Hombre de Negocios (RED) El Color de los Pantalones de un Hombre de Negocios (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 E9967A.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 E9967A BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 FF69B4.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 FF69B4 BLU.png
Oscura Injusticia del Salmón (RED) Oscura Injusticia del Salmón (BLU) Endiabladamente Rosa (RED) Endiabladamente Rosa (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 7D4071.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 7D4071 BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 51384A.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 51384A BLU.png
Un Profundo Compromiso con el Púrpura (RED) Un Profundo Compromiso con el Púrpura (BLU) Violeta del Sombrerero Noble (RED) Violeta del Sombrerero Noble (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 2F4F4F.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 2F4F4F BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 424F3B.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 424F3B BLU.png
Un Color Similar a la Pizarra (RED) Un Color Similar a la Pizarra (BLU) Codicia de Zepheniah (RED) Codicia de Zepheniah (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 808000.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 808000 BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 729E42.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 729E42 BLU.png
Oliva Monótono (RED) Oliva Monótono (BLU) Indudablemente Verde (RED) Indudablemente Verde (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 32CD32.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 32CD32 BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 BCDDB3.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 BCDDB3 BLU.png
El Sabor Amargo de la Derrota y la Lima (RED) El Sabor Amargo de la Derrota y la Lima (BLU) Menta Varonil (RED) Menta Varonil (BLU)
Colores de equipo
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 A89A8C.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 839FA3.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 3B1F23.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 18233D.png
Bata de Laboratorio Empapada (RED) Bata de Laboratorio Empapada (BLU) Pasamontañas para la Eternidad (RED) Pasamontañas para la Eternidad (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 B8383B.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 5885A2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 483838.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 384248.png
Espíritu de Equipo (RED) Espíritu de Equipo (BLU) Mono de Operario (RED) Mono de Operario (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 803020.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 256D8D.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 654740.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 28394D.png
El Valor del Trabajo en Equipo (RED) El Valor del Trabajo en Equipo (BLU) Un Aire Elegante (RED) Un Aire Elegante (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 C36C2D.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 B88035.png RED Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019.png BLU Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019.png
Espíritu Crema (RED) Espíritu Crema (BLU) Sin pintura (RED) Sin pintura (BLU)
Estilo 1
Colores individuales
Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 E6E6E6.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 E6E6E6 BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 D8BED8.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 D8BED8 BLU.png
Una Extraordinaria Abundancia de Tinte (RED) Una Extraordinaria Abundancia de Tinte (BLU) No. de Color 216-190-216 (RED) No. de Color 216-190-216 (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 C5AF91.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 C5AF91 BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 7E7E7E.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 7E7E7E BLU.png
Tintura Peculiarmente Pálida (RED) Tintura Peculiarmente Pálida (BLU) Gris Bigote Anciano (RED) Gris Bigote Anciano (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 141414.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 141414 BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 2D2D24.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 2D2D24 BLU.png
Distintiva Falta de Tonalidad (RED) Distintiva Falta de Tonalidad (BLU) After Eight (RED) After Eight (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 694D3A.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 694D3A BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 7C6C57.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 7C6C57 BLU.png
Marrón Radigan Conagher (RED) Marrón Radigan Conagher (BLU) El Color Rústico Y Anticuado (RED) El Color Rústico Y Anticuado (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 A57545.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 A57545 BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 CF7336.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 CF7336 BLU.png
Marrón de Musculitos (RED) Marrón de Musculitos (BLU) Naranja Mann Co. (RED) Naranja Mann Co. (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 E7B53B.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 E7B53B BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 F0E68C.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 F0E68C BLU.png
Dorado Australium (RED) Dorado Australium (BLU) El Color de los Pantalones de un Hombre de Negocios (RED) El Color de los Pantalones de un Hombre de Negocios (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 E9967A.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 E9967A BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 FF69B4.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 FF69B4 BLU.png
Oscura Injusticia del Salmón (RED) Oscura Injusticia del Salmón (BLU) Endiabladamente Rosa (RED) Endiabladamente Rosa (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 7D4071.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 7D4071 BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 51384A.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 51384A BLU.png
Un Profundo Compromiso con el Púrpura (RED) Un Profundo Compromiso con el Púrpura (BLU) Violeta del Sombrerero Noble (RED) Violeta del Sombrerero Noble (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 2F4F4F.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 2F4F4F BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 424F3B.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 424F3B BLU.png
Un Color Similar a la Pizarra (RED) Un Color Similar a la Pizarra (BLU) Codicia de Zepheniah (RED) Codicia de Zepheniah (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 808000.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 808000 BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 729E42.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 729E42 BLU.png
Oliva Monótono (RED) Oliva Monótono (BLU) Indudablemente Verde (RED) Indudablemente Verde (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 32CD32.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 32CD32 BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 BCDDB3.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 BCDDB3 BLU.png
El Sabor Amargo de la Derrota y la Lima (RED) El Sabor Amargo de la Derrota y la Lima (BLU) Menta Varonil (RED) Menta Varonil (BLU)
Colores de equipo
Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 A89A8C.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 839FA3.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 3B1F23.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 18233D.png
Bata de Laboratorio Empapada (RED) Bata de Laboratorio Empapada (BLU) Pasamontañas para la Eternidad (RED) Pasamontañas para la Eternidad (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 B8383B.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 5885A2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 483838.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 384248.png
Espíritu de Equipo (RED) Espíritu de Equipo (BLU) Mono de Operario (RED) Mono de Operario (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 803020.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 256D8D.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 654740.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 28394D.png
El Valor del Trabajo en Equipo (RED) El Valor del Trabajo en Equipo (BLU) Un Aire Elegante (RED) Un Aire Elegante (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 C36C2D.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 B88035.png RED Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019.png BLU Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019.png
Espíritu Crema (RED) Espíritu Crema (BLU) Sin pintura (RED) Sin pintura (BLU)
de Calidad Normal
Colores individuales
Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 E6E6E6.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 D8BED8.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 C5AF91.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 7E7E7E.png
Una Extraordinaria Abundancia de Tinte No. de Color 216-190-216 Tintura Peculiarmente Pálida Gris Bigote Anciano
Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 141414.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 2D2D24.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 694D3A.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 7C6C57.png
Distintiva Falta de Tonalidad After Eight Marrón Radigan Conagher El Color Rústico Y Anticuado
Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 A57545.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 CF7336.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 E7B53B.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 F0E68C.png
Marrón de Musculitos Naranja Mann Co. Dorado Australium El Color de los Pantalones de un Hombre de Negocios
Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 E9967A.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 FF69B4.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 7D4071.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 51384A.png
Oscura Injusticia del Salmón Endiabladamente Rosa Un Profundo Compromiso con el Púrpura Violeta del Sombrerero Noble
Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 2F4F4F.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 424F3B.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 808000.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 729E42.png
Un Color Similar a la Pizarra Codicia de Zepheniah Oliva Monótono Indudablemente Verde
Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 32CD32.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 BCDDB3.png
El Sabor Amargo de la Derrota y la Lima Menta Varonil
Colores de equipo
Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 A89A8C.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 839FA3.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 3B1F23.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 18233D.png
Bata de Laboratorio Empapada (RED) Bata de Laboratorio Empapada (BLU) Pasamontañas para la Eternidad (RED) Pasamontañas para la Eternidad (BLU)
Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 B8383B.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 5885A2.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 483838.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 384248.png
Espíritu de Equipo (RED) Espíritu de Equipo (BLU) Mono de Operario (RED) Mono de Operario (BLU)
Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 803020.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 256D8D.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 654740.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 28394D.png
El Valor del Trabajo en Equipo (RED) El Valor del Trabajo en Equipo (BLU) Un Aire Elegante (RED) Un Aire Elegante (BLU)
Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 C36C2D.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 B88035.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 UNPAINTED.png
Espíritu Crema (RED) Espíritu Crema (BLU) Sin pintura
[hide]Operación Starched Silliness: Estilo 2
  • Piedra Almidonada con Aspecto de Patata 2021
  • Superpatata de Starched Silliness 2021
  • Carbón Curioso de Starched Silliness 2021
Estilo 2
Colores individuales
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 E6E6E6 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 E6E6E6 Style 2 BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 D8BED8 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 D8BED8 Style 2 BLU.png
Una Extraordinaria Abundancia de Tinte (RED) Una Extraordinaria Abundancia de Tinte (BLU) No. de Color 216-190-216 (RED) No. de Color 216-190-216 (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 C5AF91 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 C5AF91 Style 2 BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 7E7E7E Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 7E7E7E Style 2 BLU.png
Tintura Peculiarmente Pálida (RED) Tintura Peculiarmente Pálida (BLU) Gris Bigote Anciano (RED) Gris Bigote Anciano (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 141414 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 141414 Style 2 BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 2D2D24 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 2D2D24 Style 2 BLU.png
Distintiva Falta de Tonalidad (RED) Distintiva Falta de Tonalidad (BLU) After Eight (RED) After Eight (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 694D3A Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 694D3A Style 2 BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 7C6C57 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 7C6C57 Style 2 BLU.png
Marrón Radigan Conagher (RED) Marrón Radigan Conagher (BLU) El Color Rústico Y Anticuado (RED) El Color Rústico Y Anticuado (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 A57545 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 A57545 Style 2 BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 CF7336 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 CF7336 Style 2 BLU.png
Marrón de Musculitos (RED) Marrón de Musculitos (BLU) Naranja Mann Co. (RED) Naranja Mann Co. (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 E7B53B Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 E7B53B Style 2 BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 F0E68C Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 F0E68C Style 2 BLU.png
Dorado Australium (RED) Dorado Australium (BLU) El Color de los Pantalones de un Hombre de Negocios (RED) El Color de los Pantalones de un Hombre de Negocios (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 E9967A Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 E9967A Style 2 BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 FF69B4 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 FF69B4 Style 2 BLU.png
Oscura Injusticia del Salmón (RED) Oscura Injusticia del Salmón (BLU) Endiabladamente Rosa (RED) Endiabladamente Rosa (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 7D4071 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 7D4071 Style 2 BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 51384A Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 51384A Style 2 BLU.png
Un Profundo Compromiso con el Púrpura (RED) Un Profundo Compromiso con el Púrpura (BLU) Violeta del Sombrerero Noble (RED) Violeta del Sombrerero Noble (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 2F4F4F Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 2F4F4F Style 2 BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 424F3B Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 424F3B Style 2 BLU.png
Un Color Similar a la Pizarra (RED) Un Color Similar a la Pizarra (BLU) Codicia de Zepheniah (RED) Codicia de Zepheniah (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 808000 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 808000 Style 2 BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 729E42 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 729E42 Style 2 BLU.png
Oliva Monótono (RED) Oliva Monótono (BLU) Indudablemente Verde (RED) Indudablemente Verde (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 32CD32 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 32CD32 Style 2 BLU.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 BCDDB3 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 BCDDB3 Style 2 BLU.png
El Sabor Amargo de la Derrota y la Lima (RED) El Sabor Amargo de la Derrota y la Lima (BLU) Menta Varonil (RED) Menta Varonil (BLU)
Colores de equipo
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 A89A8C Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 839FA3 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 3B1F23 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 18233D Style 2.png
Bata de Laboratorio Empapada (RED) Bata de Laboratorio Empapada (BLU) Pasamontañas para la Eternidad (RED) Pasamontañas para la Eternidad (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 B8383B Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 5885A2 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 483838 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 384248 Style 2.png
Espíritu de Equipo (RED) Espíritu de Equipo (BLU) Mono de Operario (RED) Mono de Operario (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 803020 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 256D8D Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 654740 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 28394D Style 2.png
El Valor del Trabajo en Equipo (RED) El Valor del Trabajo en Equipo (BLU) Un Aire Elegante (RED) Un Aire Elegante (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 C36C2D Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 B88035 Style 2.png RED Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 Style 2.png BLU Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 Style 2.png
Espíritu Crema (RED) Espíritu Crema (BLU) Sin pintura (RED) Sin pintura (BLU)
Estilo 2
Colores individuales
Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 E6E6E6 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 D8BED8 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 C5AF91 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 7E7E7E Style 2.png
Una Extraordinaria Abundancia de Tinte No. de Color 216-190-216 Tintura Peculiarmente Pálida Gris Bigote Anciano
Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 141414 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 2D2D24 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 694D3A Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 7C6C57 Style 2.png
Distintiva Falta de Tonalidad After Eight Marrón Radigan Conagher El Color Rústico Y Anticuado
Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 A57545 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 CF7336 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 E7B53B Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 F0E68C Style 2.png
Marrón de Musculitos Naranja Mann Co. Dorado Australium El Color de los Pantalones de un Hombre de Negocios
Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 E9967A Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 FF69B4 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 7D4071 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 51384A Style 2.png
Oscura Injusticia del Salmón Endiabladamente Rosa Un Profundo Compromiso con el Púrpura Violeta del Sombrerero Noble
Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 2F4F4F Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 424F3B Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 808000 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 729E42 Style 2.png
Un Color Similar a la Pizarra Codicia de Zepheniah Oliva Monótono Indudablemente Verde
Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 32CD32 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 BCDDB3 Style 2.png
El Sabor Amargo de la Derrota y la Lima Menta Varonil
Colores de equipo
Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 A89A8C Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 839FA3 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 3B1F23 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 18233D Style 2.png
Bata de Laboratorio Empapada (RED) Bata de Laboratorio Empapada (BLU) Pasamontañas para la Eternidad (RED) Pasamontañas para la Eternidad (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 B8383B Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 5885A2 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 483838 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 384248 Style 2.png
Espíritu de Equipo (RED) Espíritu de Equipo (BLU) Mono de Operario (RED) Mono de Operario (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 803020 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 256D8D Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 654740 Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 28394D Style 2.png
El Valor del Trabajo en Equipo (RED) El Valor del Trabajo en Equipo (BLU) Un Aire Elegante (RED) Un Aire Elegante (BLU)
Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 C36C2D Style 2.png Painted Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 B88035 Style 2.png RED Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 Style 2.png BLU Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 Style 2.png
Espíritu Crema (RED) Espíritu Crema (BLU) Sin pintura (RED) Sin pintura (BLU)
Solo gema
Colores individuales
Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 E6E6E6 Gem Only.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 D8BED8 Gem Only.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 C5AF91 Gem Only.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 7E7E7E Gem Only.png
Una Extraordinaria Abundancia de Tinte No. de Color 216-190-216 Tintura Peculiarmente Pálida Gris Bigote Anciano
Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 141414 Gem Only.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 2D2D24 Gem Only.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 694D3A Gem Only.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 7C6C57 Gem Only.png
Distintiva Falta de Tonalidad After Eight Marrón Radigan Conagher El Color Rústico Y Anticuado
Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 A57545 Gem Only.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 CF7336 Gem Only.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 E7B53B Gem Only.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 F0E68C Gem Only.png
Marrón de Musculitos Naranja Mann Co. Dorado Australium El Color de los Pantalones de un Hombre de Negocios
Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 E9967A Gem Only.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 FF69B4 Gem Only.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 7D4071 Gem Only.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 51384A Gem Only.png
Oscura Injusticia del Salmón Endiabladamente Rosa Un Profundo Compromiso con el Púrpura Violeta del Sombrerero Noble
Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 2F4F4F Gem Only.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 424F3B Gem Only.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 808000 Gem Only.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 729E42 Gem Only.png
Un Color Similar a la Pizarra Codicia de Zepheniah Oliva Monótono Indudablemente Verde
Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 32CD32 Gem Only.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 BCDDB3 Gem Only.png
El Sabor Amargo de la Derrota y la Lima Menta Varonil
Colores de equipo
Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 A89A8C Gem Only.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 839FA3 Gem Only.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 3B1F23 Gem Only.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 18233D Gem Only.png
Bata de Laboratorio Empapada (RED) Bata de Laboratorio Empapada (BLU) Pasamontañas para la Eternidad (RED) Pasamontañas para la Eternidad (BLU)
Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 B8383B Gem Only.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 5885A2 Gem Only.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 483838 Gem Only.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 384248 Gem Only.png
Espíritu de Equipo (RED) Espíritu de Equipo (BLU) Mono de Operario (RED) Mono de Operario (BLU)
Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 803020 Gem Only.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 256D8D Gem Only.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 654740 Gem Only.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 28394D Gem Only.png
El Valor del Trabajo en Equipo (RED) El Valor del Trabajo en Equipo (BLU) Un Aire Elegante (RED) Un Aire Elegante (BLU)
Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 C36C2D Gem Only.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 B88035 Gem Only.png Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 UNPAINTED Gem Only.png
Espíritu Crema (RED) Espíritu Crema (BLU) Sin pintura


Artículo principal: Estilos
[hide]Operación Starched Silliness: Estilos
  • Piedra Almidonada con Aspecto de Patata 2021
  • Superpatata de Starched Silliness 2021
  • Carbón Curioso de Starched Silliness 2021
RED Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019.png
RED Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019 Style 2.png
Estilo 1 Estilo 2
RED Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 Style 1.png
RED Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019 Style 2.png
Estilo 1 Estilo 2
Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 UNPAINTED.png
Painted Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021 UNPAINTED Gem Only.png
Normal Solo gema

Historial de actualización

Parche del 22 de junio de 2021 n.° 1

  • Se han añadido las medallas de Starched Silliness 2021 al juego.

Véase también

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