Template:Translation templates

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Revision as of 21:36, 1 December 2024 by BrazilianNut (talk | contribs) (Moved "Other" from bottom to right side; moved {{Used by}} to "Other"; added more templates; added "Documentation".)
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See also

Name templates
Link templates

Documentation for Translation templates

This is a list of templates dedicated to automated translations.

  • Name templates: Templates that translate the name of a thing, like an item or a map.
  • Link templates: Templates that translate the name of a thing, like an item or a map, while also generating a link to its respective article in the appropriate language.
  • Other: Templates that translate things other than names, like descriptions and frequently used terms, and/or that are meant to be used in other templates rather than in sentences in articles.

When updating this template:

  • Templates that have both a name and a link version (e.g.: {{item name}} and {{item link}}) should be inserted side by side and at the top in those columns.
  • Templates that only have a name or a link version should be inserted at the bottom of that column.
  • Multiple templates that serve the same purpose (e.g.: {{class link}} and {{cl}}) should be put together with {{md}} in-between them.
  • Templates should be listed alphabetically.