Team Fortress Wiki:Competitive representation/UGC Highlander League/EU/Archive Winter 2011

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Revision as of 14:47, 27 March 2011 by Merple (talk | contribs) (Match #8: this map... :S)
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I will use this page to organise the EU team. Info about upcoming practice matches and matches proper will be mirrored on this page alongside the steam group. Discussions as to who can/can't make it should be done in the steam group, however by being part of the team I expect you are committed to make room in your calender around my proposed times for each match, and be prepared as best as you can be for deviations from that time. We must have more players than we need for each match, rather than less.

Relevant links:


Roster is currently in draft stages. Take a look, and leave feedback.


Matches will be scheduled according to the availability of the team, listed here. Please keep that document up-to-date. If you don't have access to edit the document, contact me via Steam.

Practice matches

I will try to hold at least 1 practice match before each of our matches on the maps we will play. If we get a full 16 player team then the matches will be an 8v8 with players in their chosen classes. Practice matches will be around the same time as matches, but may have to be held on weekdays.



Pre-season 1

Pre-season 2

Pre-season 3


Match #1

Match #2

Match #3

Match #4

Match #5

Match #6

Match #7

Match #8

Opponents: Second Side
Status: Scheduled: Sunday 27th March, 19:00 GMT
Score: Wiki: -  ·  Opponents: -
Demos: -  ·  -

Map: koth_sawmill
Time: Scheduled: Sunday 27th March, 19:00 GMT. Join Group Chat 1 hour in advance.
Win Conditions: Teams play to a total of 4 all-cap Points. The match is played in two possible Matchrounds, lasting 30 minutes each or until one team has all-capped 4 TOTAL times. The Match ends when a Team scores for the 4th time, this may happen in the first or second Matchround.

Overtime (OT): A tied cumulative score of (1-1, 2-2, 3-3) after two Matchrounds results in an OT Matchround, in which the first cap wins the Match. This 3rd Matchround OT is played as a full normal matchround except scoring is 'sudden death', meaning that the first all-cap score wins the match. If your team is still tied (scoreless) after one full 30 min OT round, a 4th matchround can be played as a second OT using the conditions of "no respawning, last man standing wins".

Server: (Home) UC2
Weapons: All weapons allowed. No Polycount-set hats, no set-bonuses from sets that do not require hats (omit one weapon from these sets). - Rules changed since last match.



Attending RJackson DrAkcel nVis merple
Unknown VeKoB Nightbox Smashman Picard i-ghost Infi^ Vulturas i-ghost Focusknock happyfrog Michael Leftism Neo_Player Moussekateer ScatmanJohn

If you're unknown, please adjust the table as to whether or not you'll attend yourself.