Team Fortress Wiki talk:Competitive representation/UGC Highlander League/US/Archive Winter 2011

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Revision as of 02:36, 5 April 2011 by LordKelvin (talk | contribs) (After-match review: ctf_impact2)
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After-match review: ctf_impact2

I figured that since this talk page isn't used for much of anything, I may as well use it to see what we can learn from our matches.

First thing, this was a horribly shitty map. There was no real way to defend effectively, it was crazy easy to get spawn-camped, and the intel was placed horribly. It might make sense for Quake, but there is absolutely no reason why UGC should have used a non-vanilla map for matches. It doesn't make sense to complain since it's over now, but it really shouldn't have been a problem in the first place.

Overall, we did pretty well this time, considering the circumstances. Roster issues meant we had to field mercs and play classes that we weren't practicing for, but otherwise we still did pretty well and managed to fend off the other team's pushes several times. However, I feel that we should solidify our schedules a bit earlier in advance so that we know which classes may be needed so that we can practice in advance. For me, I was mainly practicing Demoman on the map and figuring out how to use the drop-down and where to plant sticky traps, but since inShane didn't show up I had to switch to Medic, and I have no idea how much Jman practiced the map.

We're getting better at coordinating our moves and calling out events, but there were still plenty of problems. For one, from what I saw, Magikarp spent a whole lot of time camping their Engy and trying to kill his Sentry nest despite the fact that most of us were nowhere near the Intel; if he'd been helping us with defending by stabbing their players or even just distracting as they tried to push, it might have helped us a bit. I was also having trouble trying to make pushes with teammates since we were still all over the place, so I spent a lot of time in the defending area with Wind since I needed to keep building Über. This ties partially into practicing more and playing the classes that we're used to, if we can coordinate better then we can play more offensively.

I also wanted to propose, again, that we schedule some times with the EU UGC team and scrim against each other. It lets us get a better feel for how we can coordinate on that specific map, and that really should give us an advantage over some of the other teams we've been playing. I know that scheduling a practice with this many players can be hard, but we won't know unless we try.

Overall, the main issue is just that we need to practice more together, and in the roles that we're going to play for the match. We're all good enough to be able to wing it on these maps, but the problem is making coordinated pushes and organizing effective defenses, which requires practice. If we can play more together, we can get better. --User LordKelvin Signature.png LordKelvin 02:36, 5 April 2011 (UTC)