Team Fortress Wiki:Competitive representation/UGC Highlander League/US/Archive Winter 2011
- Preseason Record: 2-1
- Seasonal Record 3-7
Please, add us to your Steam friends for easy communication or to ask us any questions you might have.
Steam group is the official group for announcements and the like. For an invitation, add one of the leaders and ask about it.
Mumble is now mandatory. on the basis of it being the standard voice chat program for competitive teams. Please take the ten minutes required to install and configure it or you will be replaced by someone that already has.
Important Note
Taken from UGC League Guidelines...
"Unusual Hats Disallowed The unusual hats are no longer allowed in competition, due to the lack of effects shown on disguised spies.. More power to the spy!"
Yes, this means no Wiki Caps in matches now. Sorry guys.
Wiki Mumble Server
Port: 64738
Current Members
- Fendermcbender
- Firestorm
- GeminiViRiS
- GenCoolio
- inShane
- Lagg
- LordKelvin
- Nate
- Swordz
- Tele-Viper
- TheMedik
- Tturbo
- WindPower
- Magikarp
- TheLastCourier
- For most up to date info on class lineups per match, please see the Google Docs Roster.
- Note to all members: If you're going to be on this team - please be actively willing and ready to play. Fighting against a virtually exponentially decreasing list of available members is not very fun.