
From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 00:54, 18 April 2011 by Fruitbasket (talk | contribs) (About Me)
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My crappy Stats so you can make fun of them and me.

Killicon backstab.png

About Me

  • My name is Fruitbasket, I am not gay nor have I ever read the manga.
  • My real name is Charley.
  • I am horrid at speaking and spelling English. I use spell check.
  • I play Everything in TF2, Mostly Spy/Medic/Solider combo.
  • Other than TF2 I will always be addicted to CSS.

The story behind the name Fruitbasket goes to when I used to be addicted to CoD. I would play online and found out rather quickly taht the user name "Unknown Solider" would not work. So at first I used the name Snowman but that lasted 4 hours or so till I changed it to Fruitbasket. From that moment on I never changed it because it stuck. I get made fun of sometimes because of it but most of the time players embrase the joke. Oh well, No one is going to read this paragraph anyway.