User:Shiz0/Russian translation of Team Fortress 2

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Проект перевода текстовой части Team Fortress 2 на русский язык. Целью проекта является создать полный, корректный и качественный перевод игры, не дожидаясь, пока это сделают официальные волонтёры (которых набрали с фанатских сайтов).

Список задач

  1. Обработать скриптом данный текст так, чтобы одна строка была с префиксом [English], другая без него (как это сейчас сделано в официальном переводе).
  2. Очень аккуратно, не теряя нужных и не добавляя лишних строк, заменить основную часть перевода (в основном ту, что была до выхода первого классового обновления медика) той, что уже сейчас есть в официальном русском переводе, попутно исправляя огрехи, но не меняя уже общепринятые варианты (т.е. не менять Поджигатель на Пиро и тому подобное).
  3. После предыдущего пункта с нуля начать переводить всё, что добавилось после классовых обновлений (достижения, подсказки, названия оружий, их свойства и прочее) из-за убогости официального перевода.
  4. Сделать новые русские шрифты, потому что старые сделаны очень халтурно - половина русских букв просто взята из обычного шрифта и слегка обработана. Выложить картинки с превью шрифтов в главе "Русские шрифты" данной статьи и сами файлы в 7z архиве. При этом НЕ ВЫКЛАДЫВАЙТЕ РАЗНЫЕ ВЕРСИИ ШРИФТОВ, дорабатывайте одну единственную. После обновления файла обязательно пишите список изменений и обновляйте превью.
  5. Заняться исправлением отображения шрифтов в игре, т.к. во многих местах используется обычный системный шрифт вместо игрового. Выложить изменённые файлы в 7z архиве в главе "Исправление отображения русских шрифтов" данной статьи. Желательно описать то, что исправлено и выложить скриншоты.


  • Строго запрещается изменять форматирование оригинального текста и порядок строк. Если в официальном русском переводе форматирование и/или порядок изменены, просьба это исправить в соответствии с оригиналом.
  • Названия оружий лучше синхронизировать с теми, что есть в официальной вики (т.е. здесь). Если там меняют название, то поменяйте его и здесь.
  • Перед применением своих изменений ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО пробегитесь глазами по похожим строкам, чтобы избежать разночтения и разных вариантов перевода одной и той же фразы/названия (например, нельзя переводить разведчик как скаут).
  • Просьба придерживаться официального стиля речи и не использовать жаргонные выражения.
  • Не занимайтесь вандализмом, все правки подобного типа будут в любом случае отменены, а администрации вики будет подана заявка на ваш бан.
  • Если после выхода очередного обновления добавились новые строки, просьба вставить их сюда аналогично тому, где они находятся в оригинальном английском текстовом файле. Если строки изменились (например, обновились свойства какого-нибудь оружия или описание достижения), просьба оперативно обновить перевод.
  • Если ваша грамотность хромает на обе ноги, лучше вообще не принимайтесь за это дело.
  • Если вы сомневаетесь в том, как перевести тот или иной фрагмент, отпишитесь об этом на странице обсуждения.
  • Можете перевести строки комментариев (например, // Classes).

Текст для перевода (соответствует оригиналу от 9 июля 2010 года)

"Language" "Russian" 
// Teams
"TF_AutoAssign" 			"&1 АВТО НАЗНАЧЕНИЕ"
"[English]TF_AutoAssign" 			"&1 AUTO ASSIGN"
"TF_BlueTeam" 				"&3 СИНИЕ"
"[English]TF_BlueTeam" 				"&3 BLU"
"TF_RedTeam" 				"&4 КРАСНЫЕ"
"[English]TF_RedTeam" 				"&4 RED"

"TF_Observer" 				"НАБЛЮДАТЕЛЬ"
"[English]TF_Observer" 				"OBSERVER"
"TF_Random" 				"ВСЁ РАВНО"
"[English]TF_Random" 				"RANDOM"

"TF_BlueTeam_Name"			"СИНИЕ"
"[English]TF_BlueTeam_Name"			"BLU"

"TF_RedTeam_Name"			"КРАСНЫЕ"
"[English]TF_RedTeam_Name"			"RED"

// Классы
"TF_Scout" 				"РАЗВЕДЧИК"
"[English]TF_Scout" 				"SCOUT"
"TF_Sniper" 				"СНАЙПЕР"
"[English]TF_Sniper" 				"SNIPER"
"TF_Soldier" 				"СОЛДАТ"
"[English]TF_Soldier" 				"SOLDIER"
"TF_Demoman" 				"ПОДРЫВНИК"
"[English]TF_Demoman" 				"DEMOMAN"
"TF_Medic" 				"МЕДИК"
"[English]TF_Medic" 				"MEDIC"
"[English]TF_HWGuy" 				"HEAVY"
"[English]TF_Pyro" 				"PYRO"
"TF_Spy" 				"ШПИОН"
"[English]TF_Spy" 				"SPY"
"TF_Engineer" 				"ИНЖЕНЕР"
"[English]TF_Engineer" 				"ENGINEER"

"TF_Class_Name_Undefined" 		" "
"TF_Class_Name_Scout" 			"Разведчик"
"[English]TF_Class_Name_Scout" 			"Scout"
"TF_Class_Name_Sniper" 			"Снайпер"
"[English]TF_Class_Name_Sniper" 		"Sniper"
"TF_Class_Name_Soldier" 		"Солдат"
"[English]TF_Class_Name_Soldier" 		"Soldier"
"TF_Class_Name_Demoman" 		"Подрывник"
"[English]TF_Class_Name_Demoman" 		"Demoman"
"TF_Class_Name_Medic" 			"Медик"
"[English]TF_Class_Name_Demoman" 		"Medic"
"TF_Class_Name_HWGuy" 			"Пулемётчик"
"[English]TF_Class_Name_Demoman" 		"Heavy"
"TF_Class_Name_Pyro" 			"Поджигатель"
"[English]TF_Class_Name_Demoman" 		"Pyro"
"TF_Class_Name_Spy" 			"Шпион"
"[English]TF_Class_Name_Demoman" 		"Spy"
"TF_Class_Name_Engineer" 		"Инженер"
"[English]TF_Class_Name_Demoman" 		"Engineer"

// Таблица очков
"TF_ScoreBoard_Blue"			"СИН."
"[English]TF_ScoreBoard_Blue"			"BLU"
"TF_ScoreBoard_Red"			"КРС."
"[English]TF_ScoreBoard_Red"			"RED"
"TF_ScoreBoard_Player"			"%s1 игрок"
"[English]TF_ScoreBoard_Player"			"%s1 player"
"TF_ScoreBoard_Players"			"игроков: %s1"
"[English]TF_ScoreBoard_Players"		"%s1 players"
"ScoreBoard_Spectator"			"%s1 зритель: %s2"
"[English]ScoreBoard_Spectator"			"%s1 spectator: %s2"
"ScoreBoard_Spectators"			"Зрители (%s1): %s2"
"[English]ScoreBoard_Spectators"		"%s1 spectators: %s2"
"TF_ScoreBoard_DEAD"			"МЁРТВ"
"[English]TF_ScoreBoard_DEAD"			"DEAD"
"TF_Scoreboard_Name"			"Имя"
"[English]TF_Scoreboard_Name"			"Name"
"TF_Scoreboard_Score"			"Счёт"
"[English]TF_Scoreboard_Score"			"Score"
"TF_Scoreboard_Ping"			"Пинг"
"[English]TF_Scoreboard_Ping"			"Ping"
"TF_Scoreboard_Bot"			"БОТ"
"[English]TF_Scoreboard_Bot"			"BOT"
"TF_ScoreBoard_Point"			"Очки: %s1"
"[English]TF_ScoreBoard_Point"			"%s1 point"
"TF_ScoreBoard_Points"			"Очки: %s1"
"[English]TF_ScoreBoard_Points"			"%s1 points"
"TF_ScoreBoard_KillsLabel"		"Убито:"
"[English]TF_ScoreBoard_KillsLabel"		"Kills:"
"TF_ScoreBoard_DeathsLabel"		"Смертей:"
"[English]TF_ScoreBoard_DeathsLabel"		"Deaths:"
"TF_ScoreBoard_AssistsLabel"		"Помощь:"
"[English]TF_ScoreBoard_AssistsLabel"		"Assists:"
"TF_ScoreBoard_DestructionLabel"	"Разрушения:"
"[English]TF_ScoreBoard_DestructionLabel"	"Destruction:"
"TF_ScoreBoard_CapturesLabel"		"Захвачено:"
"[English]TF_ScoreBoard_CapturesLabel"		"Captures:"
"TF_ScoreBoard_DefensesLabel"		"Защищено:"
"[English]TF_ScoreBoard_DefensesLabel"		"Defenses:"
"TF_ScoreBoard_DominationLabel"		"Превосходство:"
"[English]TF_ScoreBoard_DominationLabel"	"Domination:"
"TF_ScoreBoard_RevengeLabel"		"Месть:"
"[English]TF_ScoreBoard_RevengeLabel"		"Revenge:"
"TF_ScoreBoard_HealingLabel"		"Лечение:"
"[English]TF_ScoreBoard_HealingLabel"		"Healing:"
"TF_ScoreBoard_InvulnLabel"		"Неуязвимость:"
"[English]TF_ScoreBoard_InvulnLabel"		"Invulns:"
"TF_ScoreBoard_TeleportsLabel"		"Телепорты:"
"[English]TF_ScoreBoard_TeleportsLabel"		"Teleports:"
"TF_ScoreBoard_HeadshotsLabel"		"В голову:"
"[English]TF_ScoreBoard_HeadshotsLabel"		"Headshots:"
"TF_ScoreBoard_BackstabsLabel"		"В спину:"
"[English]TF_ScoreBoard_BackstabsLabel"		"Backstabs:"
"TF_ScoreBoard_BonusLabel"		"Бонус:"
"[English]TF_ScoreBoard_BonusLabel"		"Bonus:"

"TF_ScoreBoard_DamageLabel"		"Урон:"
"[English]TF_ScoreBoard_DamageLabel"		"Damage:"
"TF_ScoreBoard_SentryKillsLabel"		"Убито пушкой:"
"[English]TF_ScoreBoard_SentryKillsLabel"		"Sentry Kills:"

"Scoreboard_Server"			"Сервер: %s1"
"[English]Scoreboard_Server"			"Server: %s1"
"Scoreboard_TimeLeft"			"Время со смены карты: %s1:%s2:%s3"
"[English]Scoreboard_TimeLeft"			"Server map time left: %s1:%s2:%s3"
"Scoreboard_TimeLeftNoHours"		"Время до смены карты: %s1:%s2"
"[English]Scoreboard_TimeLeftNoHours"		"Server map time left: %s1:%s2"
"Scoreboard_NoTimeLimit"		"Время до смены карты: Неограничено"
"[English]Scoreboard_NoTimeLimit"		"Server map time left: No time limit"
"Scoreboard_ChangeOnRoundEnd"		"(Карта сменится после этого раунда...) Server map time left: 00:00"
"[English]Scoreboard_ChangeOnRoundEnd"		"(Map change on round end...) Server map time left: 00:00"

"TF_SteamRequired"			"Требуется подключение к Steam"
"[English]TF_SteamRequired"			"Steam Required"
"TF_SteamRequiredResetStats"		"Для сброса статистики требуется подключение к Steam."
"[English]TF_SteamRequiredResetStats"		"A connection to Steam is required in order to reset your statistics."

"TF_Nemesis"				"ЗЛОДЕЙ"
"[English]TF_Nemesis"				"NEMESIS"
"TF_Dominated"				"ЖЕРТВА"
"[English]TF_Dominated"				"DOMINATED"
"TF_Nemesis_lodef"			"ЗЛД"
"[English]TF_Nemesis_lodef"			"NEM"
"TF_Dominated_lodef"			"ЖРТ"
"[English]TF_Dominated_lodef"			"DOM"
"TF_NewNemesis"				"Новый злодей!"
"[English]TF_NewNemesis"				"New Nemesis!"
"TF_GotRevenge"				"Месть!"
"[English]TF_GotRevenge"				"Revenge!"
"TF_FreezeNemesis"			"Злодей"
"[English]TF_FreezeNemesis"			"Nemesis"

"TF_Taunt"				"Насмешка"
"[English]TF_Taunt"				"Taunt"

"TF_FeignArmed"				"-МУЛЯЖ-"
"[English]TF_FeignArmed"				"-ARMED-"

"classinfo_scout"			"Вы захватываете точки быстрее остальных классов!
Ваше специальное умение - двойной прыжок!"
"[English]classinfo_scout"			"You capture points faster than other classes!
double jump while in the air!"
"classinfo_sniper"			"Ваша снайперская винтовка наносит больший урон в режиме прицеливания!
Цельтесь в голову, чтобы сделать критический выстрел!"
"[English]classinfo_sniper"			"Your sniper rifle will power up to do more damage while you are zoomed in!
aim for the head to do critical hits!"
"classinfo_soldier"			"Цельтесь ракетой в ноги врагу!
Делайте реактивные прыжки с помощью ракетницы!"
"[English]classinfo_soldier"			"Shoot your rocket launcher at enemy's feet!
Use your rocket launcher to rocket jump!"
"classinfo_demo"			"Взрывайте бомбы-липучки на расстоянии, когда враг приблизится к ним!
Если взорвать бомбу, подпрыгнув над ней, можно совершить очень высокий прыжок!"
"[English]classinfo_demo"			"Remote detonate your stickybombs when enemies are near them!
Stickybomb jump by standing on a stickybomb and jumping as you detonate it!"
"classinfo_medic"			"Накапливайте Убер-заряд, леча товарищей по команде!
С помощью полного убер-заряда станьте неуязвимым и сделайте неуязвимым своего соратника!"
"[English]classinfo_medic"			"Fill your ÜberCharge by healing your team mates!
Use a full ÜberCharge to gain invulnerability for you and your medi gun target!"
"classinfo_heavy"			"Раскручивайте пулемёт вхолостую, чтобы быть готовым к встрече с врагом!"
"[English]classinfo_heavy"			"Spin your minigun without firing to be ready for approaching enemies!"
"classinfo_pyro"			"Устраивайте противнику засаду!
Чем ближе цель, тем эффективнее ваш огнемёт!"
"[English]classinfo_pyro"			"Ambush enemies at corners!
Your flamethrower is more effective the closer you are to your target!"
"classinfo_spy"				"Замаскируйтесь под противника и проникните на вражескую базу!
Используйте плащ, чтобы вас не заметили!
Наносите удар ножом в спину, чтобы моментально убить врага!
Ставьте жучки на вражеские постройки, чтобы уничтожить их!"
"[English]classinfo_spy"				"Disguise yourself as a enemy and infiltrate the enemy base!
cloak yourself to avoid being seen!
Backstab your enemies with your knife for an instant kill!
Plant sappers on enemy sentry guns to destroy them!"
"classinfo_engineer"			"Подбирайте упавшее оружие, чтобы возводить постройки!
Стройте пушки для защиты вашей базы! Улучшайте их до 3-го уровня!
Стройте раздатчики, чтобы обеспечивать товарищей по команде жизнями и патронами!
Стройте телепорты, чтобы ваши товарищи быстрее добирались на передовую!"
"[English]classinfo_engineer"			"Collect metal from fallen weapons to build with!
Build sentry guns to defend your base! Upgrade them to level 3!
Build dispensers to supply your teammates with health & ammo!
Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"
"classinfo_random"			"Позвольте игре сделать выбор за вас."
"[English]classinfo_random"			"Let the game randomly choose a class for you."

"TF_Welcome"				"Добро пожаловать"
"[English]TF_Welcome"				"Welcome"
"TF_Welcome_birthday"			"Добро пожаловать и поздравляем с днём рождения TF2!" 
"[English]TF_Welcome_birthday"			"Welcome and Happy Birthday TF2!"
"TF_Welcome_halloween"			"Добро пожаловать и счастивого Хэллоуина!"
"[English]TF_Cancel"				"CANCEL (&0)"
"TF_Cancel"				"Отмена (&0)"
"[English]TF_Cancel"				"CANCEL (&0)"
"TF_Back"				"&Назад"
"[English]TF_Back"				"&BACK"
"TF_WatchIntro"				"&Обучающее видео"
"[English]TF_Back"				"&BACK"
"TF_ReplayIntro"			"&Показать видео сначала"
"[English]TF_ReplayIntro"			"&REPLAY MOVIE"
"Button_SkipIntro"			"&Пропустить видео"
"[English]Button_SkipIntro"			"&SKIP MOVIE"
"TF_Continue"				"&Продолжить"
"[English]TF_Continue"				"&CONTINUE"
"TF_SelectATeam"			"Выберите команду"
"[English]TF_Continue"				"&CONTINUE"
"TF_SelectAClass"			"Выберите класс"
"[English]TF_SelectAClass"			"SELECT A CLASS"
"TF_AutoTeamSelect"			"Автовыбор"
"[English]TF_AutoTeamSelect"			"AUTO SELECT"
"TF_Spectate"				"Наблюдатель"
"[English]TF_Spectate"				"SPECTATE"
"TF_Play"				"Играть!"
"[English]TF_Play"				"PLAY!"
"TF_Close"				"&Закрыть"
"[English]TF_Close"				"&CLOSE"
"TF_ResetStats"				"&Обнулить статистику"
"[English]TF_ResetStats"				"&RESET STATS"
"TF_NextTip"				"Следующий &совет"
"[English]TF_NextTip"				"NEXT &TIP"
"TF_NextTip_360"			"Cледующий совет"
"[English]TF_NextTip_360"			"Next Tip"
"TF_Confirm"				"Подтвердить"
"[English]TF_Confirm"				"Confirm"
"TF_ConfirmResetStats"			"Вы уверены, что хотите обнулить свою статистику? После удаления данные невозможно будет вернуть!"
"[English]TF_ConfirmResetStats"			"Are you sure you want to reset your player stats?\nOnce reset your old stats cannot be recovered!"

"TF_TeamsSwitched"			"Команды поменялись местами."
"[English]TF_TeamsSwitched"			"Teams have been switched."

"TF_ClassMenu_Reset"			"Обнулить"
"[English]TF_ClassMenu_Reset"			"RESET"

"TF_WatchIntro_360"			"Обучающее видео"
"[English]TF_ClassMenu_Reset"			"RESET"
"Button_SkipIntro_360"			"Пропустить видео"
"[English]Button_SkipIntro_360"			"Skip Movie"
"TF_Continue_360"			"Продолжить"
"[English]TF_Continue_360"			"Continue"

"TF_Offense"				"Нападение"
"[English]Button_SkipIntro_360"			"Skip Movie"
"TF_Defense"				"Защита"
"[English]TF_Defense"				"DEFENSE"
"TF_Support"				"Поддержка"
"[English]TF_Support"				"SUPPORT"

"TF_Next"				"След."
"[English]TF_Next"				"Next"
"TF_Prev"				"Пред."
"[English]TF_Prev"				"Previous"
"TF_NextPrev"			"След. / Пред."
"[English]TF_NextPrev"			"Next / Previous"

"TF_timeleft"				"Осталось времени:  %s1:%s2"
"[English]TF_timeleft"				"Time left:  %s1:%s2"
"TF_timeleft_nolimit"			"* Без ограничения по времени *"
"[English]TF_timeleft_nolimit"			"* No Time Limit *"
"TF_nextmap"				"Следующая карта: %s1"
"[English]TF_nextmap"				"Next map : %s1"

"TF_PlayingTo"				"Игра до: %rounds%"
"[English]TF_PlayingTo"				"Playing to: %rounds%"

"TF_Cloak"				"Плащ"
"[English]TF_Cloak"				"CLOAK"
"TF_Metal"				"Металл"
"[English]TF_Metal"				"METAL"
"TF_Phase"				"Уклонение"
"[English]TF_Phase"				"DODGE"
"TF_Ball"				"Мяч"
"[English]TF_Ball"				"BALL"
"TF_Jar"				"Банка"
"[English]TF_Jar"				"JAR"
"TF_Rage"				"Ярость"
"[English]TF_Rage"				"RAGE"
"TF_Berzerk"				"Головы"
"[English]TF_Berzerk"				"HEADS"
"TF_Charge"				"Набег" 
"[English]TF_Charge"				"CHARGE"
"TF_EnergyDrink"			"Напиток"
"[English]TF_EnergyDrink"			"DRINK"
"TF_Revenge"				"Месть"
"[English]TF_Revenge"				"REVENGE"
"TF_Sandwich"				"Еда"
"[English]TF_Sandwich"				"FOOD"

"TF_OUT_OF_AMMO"			"Нет боеприпасов"

"Game_connected"			"%s1 присоединяется"
"[English]game_connected"			"%s1 connected"

"game_spawn_as"				"*Вы возродитесь как %s1"
"[English]game_spawn_as"				"*You will spawn as %s1"
"game_respawn_as"			"*Вы возродитесь как %s1"
"[English]game_respawn_as"			"*You will respawn as %s1"
"game_spawn_asrandom"			"*Вы возродитесь случайно выбранным классом"
"[English]game_respawn_as"			"*You will respawn as %s1"
"game_respawn_asrandom"			"*Вы возродитесь случайно выбранным классом"
"[English]game_respawn_asrandom"			"*You will respawn as a random class"

"round_restart_in_sec"			"Раунд начнется заново через 1 сек."
"[English]round_restart_in_sec"			"The round will restart in %s1 second"
"round_restart_in_secs"			"Раунд начнется заново через %s1 сек."
"[English]round_restart_in_secs"			"The round will restart in %s1 seconds"

"game_restart_in_sec"			"Игра начнется заново через 1 сек."
"[English]game_restart_in_sec"			"The game will restart in %s1 second"
"game_restart_in_secs"			"Игра начнется заново через %s1 сек."
"[English]game_restart_in_secs"			"The game will restart in %s1 seconds"

"game_switch_in_sec"			"Команды меняются местами!\nИгра начнется заново через 1 сек."
"[English]game_switch_in_sec"			"Switching teams!\nThe game will restart in %s1 second"
"game_switch_in_secs"			"Команды меняются местами!\nИгра начнется заново через %s1 сек."
"[English]game_switch_in_secs"			"Switching teams!\nThe game will restart in %s1 seconds"

"game_scramble_in_sec"			"Распределение по командам!\nИгра начнется заново через 1 сек."
"[English]game_scramble_in_sec"			"Scrambling the teams!\nThe game will restart in %s1 second"
"game_scramble_in_secs"			"Распределение по командам!\nИгра начнется заново через %s1 сек."
"[English]game_scramble_in_secs"			"Scrambling the teams!\nThe game will restart in %s1 seconds"

"game_respawntime_now"			"Приготовьтесь к возрождению"
"[English]game_respawntime_now"			"Prepare to respawn"
"game_respawntime_in_sec"		"Вы возродитесь через 1 секунду"
"[English]game_respawntime_in_sec"		"Respawn in: 1 second"
"game_respawntime_in_secs"		"Вы возродитесь через %s1 сек."
"[English]game_respawntime_in_sec"		"Respawn in: 1 second"
"game_respawntime_stalemate"		"В режиме мгновенной смерти нельзя возродиться"
"[English]game_respawntime_stalemate"		"No respawning in Sudden Death"
"game_respawntime_next_round"		"Вы возродитесь в следующем раунде"
"[English]game_respawntime_next_round"		"Respawn in: Wait for next round"

"game_auto_team_balance_in"		"Автобалансировка команд пройдет через %s1 сек."
"[English]game_auto_team_balance_in"		"Teams will be auto-balanced in %s1 seconds."
"game_player_was_team_balanced"	"%s1 перемещается в другую команду для баланса игры"
"[English]game_player_was_team_balanced"	"%s1 was moved to the other team for game balance"

"game_idle_kick"			"%s1 отключен от игры из-за слишком долгого бездействия"
"[English]game_idle_kick"			"%s1 has been idle for too long and has been kicked"

"[English]TF_MOTD_Title"				"MESSAGE OF THE DAY"

"TF_playerid_sameteam"			"%s1%s2"
"[English]TF_playerid_sameteam"			"%s1%s2"
"TF_playerid_diffteam"			"%s1Враг: %s2."
"[English]TF_playerid_sameteam"			"%s1%s2"
"TF_playerid_noteam"			"%s1"
"[English]TF_playerid_noteam"			"%s1"
"TF_playerid_object"			"%s1 - построил %s2."
"[English]TF_playerid_object"			"%s1 built by %s2"
"TF_playerid_object_mini"		"Мини-%s1 - построил %s2"
"[English]TF_playerid_object_mini"		"Mini-%s1 built by %s2"
"TF_playerid_object_mode"		"%s1 %s3 - построил %s2"
"[English]TF_playerid_object_mode"		"%s1 %s3 built by %s2"
"TF_playerid_object_level"			"( Уровень %s1 )"
"[English]TF_playerid_object_level"			"( Level %s1 )"
"TF_playerid_object_upgrading"		"Идёт модернизация: %s1."
"[English]TF_playerid_object_upgrading"			"Upgrade Progress: %s1"
"TF_playerid_object_upgrading_level"	"( Уровень %s1 ) Идёт модернизация: %s2"
"[English]TF_playerid_object_upgrading_level"	"( Level %s1 ) Upgrade Progress: %s2"
"TF_playerid_object_diffteam"		"Вражеский объект: %s1 - построил %s2."
"[English]TF_playerid_object_diffteam"		"Enemy %s1 built by %s2"
"TF_playerid_object_recharging"		"Перезарядка: %s1%."
"[English]TF_playerid_object_recharging"		"Recharging: %s1%"
"TF_playerid_healer"			"Медик: "
"[English]TF_playerid_healer"			"Healer: "
"TF_playerid_healtarget"		"Пациент: "
"[English]TF_playerid_healtarget"		"Healing: "
"TF_playerid_friendlyspy_disguise"	"Выглядит как %s1 %s2"
"[English]TF_playerid_healtarget"		"Healing: "
"TF_playerid_mediccharge"		"Убер-заряд: %s1%"
"[English]TF_playerid_mediccharge"		"ÜberCharge: %s1%"
"TF_playerid_mediccharge_wpn"	"Убер-заряд: %s1% (%s2)"
"[English]TF_playerid_mediccharge"		"ÜberCharge: %s1%"
"TF_playerid_teleporter_entrance_nomatch" "Нет другого конца телепорта!"
"[English]TF_playerid_teleporter_entrance_nomatch" "No matching teleporter!"
"TF_playerid_noheal"			"Эквалайзер блокирует лечение!"
"[English]TF_playerid_noheal"			"Equalizer blocks healing!"

"TF_friendly"				"дружественный"
"[English]TF_friendly"				"friendly"
"TF_enemy"				"вражеский"
"[English]TF_enemy"				"enemy"

// %s1 is optional difficulty
// %s2 is the name of the bot
"TF_Bot_Title_Enemy"				"Вражеский "
"[English]TF_Bot_Title_Enemy"				"Enemy "
"TF_Bot_Title_Friendly"				"Дружественный "
"[English]TF_Bot_Title_Friendly"				"Friendly "
"TF_Bot_Generic_ClassName"			"Игрок"
"[English]TF_Bot_Generic_ClassName"			"Player"

// Настройки клавиатуры
"[English]TF_Title"				"TEAM FORTRESS"
"TF_ClassSpecific_Keys"			"Специальные умения"
"[English]TF_ClassSpecific_Keys"			"CLASS SPECIFIC SKILL"
"TF_ClassSkill_Medic"			"Медик, убер-заряд"
"[English]TF_ClassSkill_Medic"			"MEDIC: Deploy ?berCharge"
"TF_ClassSkill_Heavy"			"Пулемётчик, холостая раскрутка пулемёта"
"[English]TF_ClassSkill_Heavy"			"HEAVY: Spin Minigun Barrel"
"TF_ClassSkill_Sniper"			"Снайпер, приближение"
"[English]TF_ClassSkill_Sniper"			"SNIPER: Zoom Sniper Rifle"
"TF_ClassSkill_Spy"				"Шпион, плащ"
"[English]TF_ClassSkill_Spy"				"SPY: Cloak / Uncloak"
"TF_ClassSkill_Spy_LastDisguise"	"Шпион, последний облик"
"[English]TF_ClassSkill_Spy_LastDisguise"	"SPY: Last Disguise"
"TF_ClassSkill_Spy_DisguiseTeam"	"Шпион, сменить цвет команды"
"[English]TF_ClassSkill_Spy_DisguiseTeam"	"SPY: Toggle Disguise Team"
"TF_ClassSkill_Demoman"			"Подрывник, взрыв бомб"
"[English]TF_ClassSkill_Demoman"			"DEMOMAN: Detonate Stickybombs"
"TF_Call_For_Medic"			"Позвать медика"
"[English]TF_Call_For_Medic"			"Call for a Medic"
"TF_DropFlag"				"Бросить дипломат"
"[English]TF_DropFlag"				"Drop the briefcase"
"TF_Switch_Classes_Immediately"		"Сменить класс"
"[English]TF_Switch_Classes_Immediately"		"Switch classes immediately"
"TF_Toggle_RoundInfo_Map"		"Показать карту раунда"
"[English]TF_Toggle_RoundInfo_Map"		"Toggle Round Info Map"
"TF_MapInfo"		"Сведения о карте"
"[English]TF_MapInfo"		"Show Map Information"
"TF_Inspect"		"Осмотреть цель"
"[English]TF_Inspect"		"Inspect Target"

"TF_voice_menu_A"			"Голосовое меню 1"
"[English]TF_voice_menu_A"			"Voice Menu 1"
"TF_voice_menu_B"			"Голосовое меню 2"
"[English]TF_voice_menu_B"			"Voice Menu 2"
"TF_voice_menu_C"			"Голосовое меню 3"
"[English]TF_voice_menu_C"			"Voice Menu 3"

// Посмертное фото
"TF_freezecam_snapshot"	"[%s1] Запечатлите этот момент!"
"[English]TF_freezecam_snapshot"	"[%s1] Save this moment!"

// Radio and chat strings can have control characters embedded to set colors.  For the control characters to be used, one must be at the start of the string.
// The control characters can be copied and pasted in notepad.
// {STX} = 0x02 (STX) - Use team color up to the end of the player name.  This only works at the start of the string, and precludes using the other control characters.
// {ETX} = 0x03 (ETX) - Use team color from this point forward
// {EOT} = 0x04 (EOT) - Use location color from this point forward
// {ENQ} = 0x05 (ENQ) - Use achievement color from this point forward
// {SOH} = 0x01 (SOH) - Use normal color from this point forward
"TF_Chat_Team_Loc"		"{SOH}(TEAM) {ETX}%s1{SOH} @ {EOT}%s3{SOH} :  %s2"
"TF_Chat_Team"			"{SOH}(TEAM) {ETX}%s1{SOH} :  %s2"
"TF_Chat_Team_Dead"		"{SOH}*DEAD*(TEAM) {ETX}%s1{SOH} :  %s2"
"TF_Chat_Spec"			"{SOH}(Spectator) {ETX}%s1{SOH} :  %s2"
"TF_Chat_All"			"{STX}%s1 :  %s2"
"TF_Chat_AllDead"		"{SOH}*DEAD* {ETX}%s1{SOH} :  %s2"
"TF_Chat_AllSpec"		"{SOH}*SPEC* {ETX}%s1{SOH} :  %s2"
"TF_Name_Change"		"{SOH}* {ETX}%s1{SOH} changed name to {ETX}%s2"

"TF_holiday_restriction_halloween"	"Holiday Restriction: Halloween"

// Вооружение
"TF_Weapon_Bat"			"Бита"
"[English]TF_Weapon_Bat"			"Bat"
"TF_Weapon_Bottle"		"Бутылка"
"[English]TF_Weapon_Bottle"		"Bottle"
"TF_Weapon_FireAxe"		"Пожарный топор"
"[English]TF_Weapon_FireAxe"		"Fire Axe"
"TF_Weapon_Club"		"Мачете"
"[English]TF_Weapon_Club"		"Kukri"
"TF_Weapon_Crowbar"		"Монтировка"
"[English]TF_Weapon_Crowbar"		"Crowbar"
"TF_Weapon_Bonesaw"		"Пила"
"[English]TF_Weapon_Bonesaw"		"Bonesaw"
"TF_Weapon_FlameThrower"	"Огнемёт"
"[English]TF_Weapon_FlameThrower"	"Flame Thrower"
"TF_Weapon_GrenadeLauncher"	"Гранатомёт"
"[English]TF_Weapon_GrenadeLauncher"	"Grenade Launcher"
"TF_Weapon_PipebombLauncher"	"Бомбомёт"
"[English]TF_Weapon_PipebombLauncher"	"Stickybomb Launcher"
"TF_Weapon_Knife"		"Нож"
"[English]TF_Weapon_Knife"		"Knife"
"TF_Weapon_Medikit"		"Аптечка"
"[English]TF_Weapon_Medikit"		"Medikit"
"TF_Weapon_Minigun"		"Пулемёт"
"[English]TF_Weapon_Minigun"		"Minigun"
"TF_Weapon_Pistol"		"Пистолет"
"[English]TF_Weapon_Pistol"		"Pistol"
"TF_Weapon_Fists"		"Кулаки"
"[English]TF_Weapon_Fists"		"Fists"
"TF_Weapon_Revolver"		"Револьвер"
"[English]TF_Weapon_Revolver"		"Revolver"
"TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher"	"Ракетомёт"
"[English]TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher"	"Rocket Launcher"
"TF_Weapon_Shotgun"		"Дробовик"
"[English]TF_Weapon_Shotgun"		"Shotgun"
"TF_Weapon_Shovel"		"Лопата"
"[English]TF_Weapon_Shovel"		"Shovel"
"TF_Weapon_SMG"			"ППМ"
"[English]TF_Weapon_SMG"			"SMG"
"TF_Weapon_SniperRifle"		"Снайперская винтовка"
"[English]TF_Weapon_SniperRifle"		"Sniper Rifle"
"TF_Weapon_SuperSMG"		"Супер-ППМ"
"[English]TF_Weapon_SuperSMG"		"Super SMG"
"TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher"	"Бомбомёт"
"[English]TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher"	"Stickybomb Launcher"
"TF_Weapon_Tranq"		"Транквилизатор"
"[English]TF_Weapon_Tranq"		"Tranquilizer Gun"
"TF_Weapon_Wrench"		"Разводной ключ"
"[English]TF_Weapon_Wrench"		"Wrench"
"TF_Weapon_ObjectSelection"	"Строить"
"[English]TF_Weapon_ObjectSelection"	"Build"
"TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer"	"КПК" 
"[English]TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer"	"PDA"
"TF_Weapon_Flag"		"Флаг"
"[English]TF_Weapon_Flag"		"Flag"
"TF_Weapon_Nailgun"		"Гвоздемёт"
"[English]TF_Weapon_Nailgun"		"Nail Gun"
"TF_Weapon_Medigun"		"Лечебная пушка"
"[English]TF_Weapon_Medigun"		"Medi Gun"
"TF_Weapon_Scattergun"		"Обрез"
"[English]TF_Weapon_Scattergun"		"Scattergun"
"TF_Weapon_SyringeGun"		"Шприцемет"
"[English]TF_Weapon_SyringeGun"		"Syringe Gun"
"TF_Weapon_Watch"		"Маскирующие часы"
"[English]TF_Weapon_Watch"		"Invis Watch"
"TF_Weapon_FlareGun"		"Ракентица"
"[English]TF_Weapon_FlareGun"		"Flare Gun"
"TF_Weapon_LunchBox"		"Закуска"
"[English]TF_Weapon_LunchBox"		"Lunch Box"
"TF_Wearable_Shield"		"Щит"
"[English]TF_Wearable_Shield"		"Shield"
"TF_Weapon_Jar"			"Баночное карате"
"[English]TF_Weapon_Jar"			"Jar Based Karate"
"TF_Weapon_CompoundBow"		"Лук"
"[English]TF_Weapon_CompoundBow"		"Bow"
"TF_Weapon_Battle_Banner"	"Боевое знамя"
"[English]TF_Weapon_Battle_Banner"	"Battle Banner"
"TF_Weapon_Sword"		"Меч"
"[English]TF_Weapon_Sword"		"Sword"
"TF_Weapon_Axe"			"Топор"
"[English]TF_Weapon_Axe"			"Axe"
"TF_Weapon_Pickaxe"		"Кирка"
"[English]TF_Weapon_Pickaxe"		"Pickaxe"
"TF_Weapon_Laser_Pointer"	"Лазерный указатель"
"[English]TF_Weapon_Pickaxe"		"Pickaxe"
"TF_Weapon_SledgeHammer"	"Кувалда"
"[English]TF_Weapon_SledgeHammer"	"Sledgehammer"
"TF_Weapon_MakeshiftClub"	"Самодельная дубинка"
"[English]TF_Weapon_MakeshiftClub"	"Makeshift Club"
"TF_Weapon_Robot_Arm"		"Рука робота"
"[English]TF_Weapon_Robot_Arm"		"Robot Arm"

"TF_Wearable_Boots"		"Сапоги"
"[English]TF_Wearable_Boots"		"Boots"
"TF_Wearable_Medal"		"Медаль"
"[English]TF_Wearable_Medal"		"Medal"
"TF_Wearable_Badge"		"Badge"
"[English]TF_Wearable_Badge"		"Badge"
"TF_Wearable_Holiday_Hat"	"Праздничная Шляпа"
"[English]TF_Wearable_Holiday_Hat"	"Holiday Hat"
"TF_Wearable_HonestyHalo" 	"Аура Честности"
"[English]TF_Wearable_Holiday_Hat"	"Holiday Hat"

"TF_Scout_Hat_1"		"Batter's Helmet"
"TF_Sniper_Hat_1"		"Trophy Belt"
"TF_Soldier_Hat_1"		"Soldier's Stash"
"TF_Demo_Hat_1"			"Demoman's Fro"
"TF_Medic_Hat_1"		"Prussian Pickelhaube"
"TF_Pyro_Hat_1"			"Pyro's Beanie"
"TF_Heavy_Hat_1"		"Football Helmet"
"TF_Engineer_Hat_1"		"Mining Light"
"TF_Spy_Hat_1"			"Fancy Fedora"
"TF_Engineer_Cowboy_Hat"	"Texas Ten Gallon"
"TF_Engineer_Train_Hat"		"Engineer's Cap"
"TF_Heavy_Ushanka_Hat"		"Officer's Ushanka"
"TF_Heavy_Stocking_cap"		"Tough Guy's Toque"
"TF_Soldier_Pot_Hat"		"Stainless Pot"
"TF_Soldier_Viking_Hat"		"Tyrant's Helm"
"TF_Demo_Scott_Hat"		"Glengarry Bonnet"
"TF_Medic_Tyrolean_Hat"		"Vintage Tyrolean"
"TF_Pyro_Chicken_Hat"		"Respectless Rubber Glove"
"TF_Spy_Camera_Beard"		"Camera Beard"
"TF_Medic_Mirror_Hat"		"Otolaryngologist's Mirror"
"TF_Pyro_Fireman_Helmet"	"Brigade Helm"
"TF_Scout_Bonk_Helmet"		"Bonk Helm"
"TF_Scout_Newsboy_Cap"		"Ye Olde Baker Boy"
"TF_Spy_Derby_Hat"		"Backbiter's Billycock"
"TF_Sniper_Straw_Hat"		"Professional's Panama"
"TF_Sniper_Jarate_Headband"	"Master's Yellow Belt"
"TF_Hatless_Scout"		"Baseball Bill's Sports Shine"
"TF_Hatless_Sniper"		"Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixative"
"TF_Hatless_Engineer"		"Texas Slim's Dome Shine"
"TF_Demo_Top_Hat"		"Scotsman's Stove Pipe"
"TF_HonestyHalo"		"Cheater's Lament"
"TF_Halloween_Hat"		"Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask"
"TF_Domination_Hat"		"Ghastly Gibus"
"TF_Domination_Hat_Desc"	"Embroidered initials say 'Z.M.'"
"TF_L4DHat"			"Bill's Hat"
"TF_Wearable_L4DHat"		"Veteran's Beret"
"TF_PropagandaContest_FirstPlace"	"J.Axer's Dapper Topper"
"TF_PropagandaContest_FirstPlace_Desc"	"First Place Winner, Propaganda Contest"
"TF_PropagandaContest_SecondPlace"	"Amber's Rad As All Hell Hat"
"TF_PropagandaContest_SecondPlace_Desc"	"First Runner-Up, Propaganda Contest"
"TF_PropagandaContest_ThirdPlace"	"Uncle Sam"
"TF_PropagandaContest_ThirdPlace_Desc"	"Second Runner-Up, Propaganda Contest"
"TF_ToweringPillar_Hat"		"Towering Pillar of Hats"
"TF_NobleAmassment_Hat"		"Noble Amassment of Hats"
"TF_ModestPile_Hat"		"Modest Pile of Hat"
"TF_OSXItem"			"Earbuds"
"TF_OSXItem_Desc"		"OSX represent!"
"TF_MedicMask"			"Physician's Procedure Mask"
"TF_HeavyHair"			"Hound Dog"
"TF_DemomanHallmark"		"Hustler's Hallmark"
"TF_SpyNobleHair"		"Magistrate's Mullet"
"TF_EngineerWeldingMask" 	"Hotrod"
"TF_ScoutBeanie"		"Troublemaker's Tossle Cap"
"TF_PyroBrainSucker"		"Triboniophorus Tyrannus"
"TF_SoldierSamurai"		"Killer's Kabuto"
"TF_SniperPithHelmet"		"Shooter's Sola Topi"
"TF_TTG_MaxsHat"		"Max's Severed Head"
"TF_ScoutWhoopee"		"Whoopee Cap"
"TF_PyroMonocle"		"Whiskered Gentleman"
"TF_MedicGoggles"		"Ze Goggles"
"TF_MedicGoggles_Desc"		"Nothing"
"TF_EngineerEarmuffs"		"Safe'n'Sound"
"TF_DemomanTricorne"		"Tippler's Tricorne"
"TF_SpyBeret"			"Frenchman's Beret"
"TF_SniperFishingHat"		"Bloke's Bucket Hat"
"TF_PyroHelm"			"Vintage Merryweather"
"TF_SoldierDrillHat"		"Sergeant's Drill Hat"
"TF_MedicGatsby"		"Gentleman's Gatsby"
"TF_HeavyDorag"			"Heavy Duty Rag"
"TF_Wrangler_Desc"		"Управляйте своей Сторожевой Пушкой вручную"
"[English]TF_Wrangler_Desc"		"Take manual control of your Sentry Gun"

// Строки смертей. Оставил старыми.
"DeathMsg_Suicide"		"прощается с жестоким миром!"
"[English]DeathMsg_Suicide"		"bid farewell, cruel world!"
"DeathMsg_AssistedSuicide"	"добивает"
"[English]DeathMsg_AssistedSuicide"	"finished off"
"DeathMsg_Fall"			"умирает мучительной смертью"
"[English]DeathMsg_Fall"			"fell to a clumsy, painful death"
"Msg_Captured"			"захватывает"
"[English]Msg_Captured"			"captured"
"Msg_Defended"			"защищает"
"[English]Msg_Defended"			"defended"
"Msg_Dominating"		"набирает превосходство над"
"[English]Msg_Dominating"		"is DOMINATING"
"Msg_Revenge"			"наслаждается местью над"
"[English]Msg_Revenge"			"got REVENGE on"
"Msg_PickedUpFlag"		"подбирает разведданные!"
"[English]Msg_PickedUpFlag"		"picked up the intelligence!"
"Msg_CapturedFlag"		"захватывает разведданные!"
"[English]Msg_CapturedFlag"		"captured the intelligence!"
"Msg_DefendedFlag"		"защищает разведданные!"
"[English]Msg_DefendedFlag"		"defended the intelligence!"
"TF_OK"				"ОК"
"[English]TF_OK"				"OK"

"TF_Spy_DisguiseRemoved"	"Ваша маскировка снята."
"[English]TF_Spy_DisguiseRemoved"	"Your disguise has been removed."
"TF_Spy_Disguising"			"Disguising as %s1 %s2..."
"TF_Spy_Disguised_as"		"You are disguised as a %s1 %s2."
"TF_Spy_DisguiseWeapon"		"Disguise Weapon: %s1."

"TF_Spy_Disguise_Team_Blue"		"BLU"
"TF_Spy_Disguise_Team_Red"		"RED"

"TF_Object_Sentry"			"Sentry Gun"
"TF_Object_Dispenser"		"Dispenser"
"TF_Object_Tele"		"Teleporter"
"TF_Object_Tele_Exit"		"Teleporter Exit"
"TF_object_sapper"			"Sapper"

"TF_Teleporter_Mode_Entrance"	"Entrance"
"TF_Teleporter_Mode_Exit"	"Exit"

"TF_Object_Sentry_360"			"Sentry"
"TF_Object_Tele_Entrance_360"	"Entrance"
"TF_Object_Tele_Exit_360"		"Exit"

"TF_ObjStatus_SentryGun_Building"	"Sentry Gun  Building... %s1"
"TF_ObjStatus_SentryGun_Level1"		"Sentry Gun ( Level %s1 )  Health %s2  Shells %s3"
"TF_ObjStatus_SentryGun_Level3"		"Sentry Gun ( Level 3 )  Health %s1  Shells %s2  Rockets %s3"

"TF_ObjStatus_Dispenser_Building"	"Dispenser  Building... %s1"
"TF_ObjStatus_Dispenser"			"Dispenser  ( Level %s1 )  Health %s1"

"TF_ObjStatus_Teleporter_Building"	"Teleporter  Building... %s1"
"TF_ObjStatus_Teleporter"			"Teleporter (Level %s1 )  Health %s1  Status - %s2"

"TF_ObjStatus_Sapper_Building"		"Sapper  Building... %s1"
"TF_ObjStatus_Sapper"				"Sapper  Health %s1  Target Health %s2"

"TF_Obj_Teleporter_State_Idle"		"Looking for Matching Teleporter"
"TF_Obj_Teleporter_State_Ready"				"Ready"
"TF_Obj_Teleporter_State_Charging"			"Charging"
"Teleporter_idle"					"This teleporter does not have a match."

// Level strings

// Generic CP level strings
"CP5_red_setup_goal"			"Capture all five of the Control Points to win the game!"
"CP5_blue_setup_goal"			"Capture all five of the Control Points to win the game!"
"CP_setup_30sec"			"Game begins in 30 seconds!"
"CP_setup_10sec"			"Game begins in 10 seconds!"
"CP_cap_cp3"				"the Central Control Point"
"CP_cap_red_cp1"			"the RED Base"
"CP_cap_blue_cp1"			"the BLU Base"

// Dustbowl level strings
"Dustbowl_red_setup_goal"		"Defend the Control points against team BLU!"
"Dustbowl_blue_setup_goal"		"Capture both Control Points to win the round and advance!"
"Dustbowl_red_final_goal"		"Defend the final two Control Points or the enemy will win the game!"
"Dustbowl_blue_final_goal"		"Capture the final two Control Points to win the game!"
"Dustbowl_team1"			"Attackers"
"Dustbowl_team2"			"Defenders"
"Dustbowl_you_secure_one"		"You secured\nCommand Point ONE !!"
"Dustbowl_you_secure_two"		"You secured\nCommand Point TWO !!"
"Dustbowl_protect_HQ"			"Protect your HQ from\nthe attacking team !!"
"Dustbowl_bring_flag"			"Bring your flag\nto the HQ !!"
"Dustbowl_take_flag_one"		"Take the flag to\nCommand Point ONE."
"Dustbowl_take_flag_two"		"Take the flag to\nCommand Point TWO."
"Dustbowl_take_flag_HQ"			"Take the flag to the HQ !!"
"Dustbowl_blue_secures_one"		"Team BLU Secures\nCommand Point ONE !!"
"Dustbowl_blue_secures_two"		"Team BLU Secures\nCommand Point TWO !!"
"Dustbowl_flag_returned"		"Flag has returned to base."
"Dustbowl_90_secs"			"90 seconds till gates open."
"Dustbowl_60_secs"			"60 seconds till gates open."
"Dustbowl_30_secs"			"30 seconds till gates open."
"Dustbowl_10_secs"			"10 seconds till gates open."
"Dustbowl_gates_open"			"Gates are open !!"
"Dustbowl_five_minutes_left"		"Time remaining:\nFive minutes"
"Dustbowl_four_minutes_left"		"Time remaining:\nFour minutes"
"Dustbowl_three_minutes_left"		"Time remaining:\nThree minutes"
"Dustbowl_two_minutes_left"		"Time remaining:\nTwo minutes"
"Dustbowl_sixty_seconds_left"		"Time remaining:\nSixty seconds"
"Dustbowl_thirty_seconds_left"		"Time remaining:\nThirty seconds"
"Dustbowl_attackers_win"		"The Headquarters has\nbeen captured !!"
"Dustbowl_defenders_win"		"The Headquarters has\nbeen successfully defended !!"
"Dustbowl_cap_1_A"		"First Cap, Stage One"
"Dustbowl_cap_1_B"		"Second Cap, Stage One"
"Dustbowl_cap_2_A"		"First Cap, Stage Two"
"Dustbowl_cap_2_B"		"Second Cap, Stage Two"
"Dustbowl_cap_3_A"		"First Cap, Stage Three"
"Dustbowl_cap_3_B"		"the Rocket, Final Cap"

// Goldrush level strings
"Goldrush_red_setup_goal"		"Prevent the enemy team from moving the cart to your base!"
"Goldrush_blue_setup_goal"		"Move the cart to the Control Points to win the round and advance!"
"Goldrush_red_final_goal"		"Prevent the cart from moving to your base or the enemy will win the game!"
"Goldrush_blue_final_goal"		"Move the cart to the enemy base to destroy it and win the game!"
"Goldrush_team1"			"Attackers"
"Goldrush_team2"			"Defenders"
"Goldrush_cap_1_A"		"First Cap, Stage One"
"Goldrush_cap_1_B"		"Second Cap, Stage One"
"Goldrush_cap_2_A"		"First Cap, Stage Two"
"Goldrush_cap_2_B"		"Second Cap, Stage Two"
"Goldrush_cap_3_A"		"First Cap, Stage Three"
"Goldrush_cap_3_B"		"Second Cap, Stage Three"
"Goldrush_cap_3_C"		"Atomic pit, Final Cap"

// Badwater level strings
"Badwater_cap_1"		"First Capture point"
"Badwater_cap_2"		"Second Capture point"
"Badwater_cap_3"		"Third Capture point"
"Badwater_cap_4"		"Final Capture point"

// Thunder Mountain level strings
"Thunderm_cap_1_A"		"Ramp deck, Stage One"
"Thunderm_cap_1_B"		"Main Platform, Stage One"
"Thunderm_cap_2_A"		"Lumber Mill, Stage Two"
"Thunderm_cap_2_B"		"The Pit, Stage Two"
"Thunderm_cap_3_A"		"Building A, Stage Three"
"Thunderm_cap_3_B"		"Building B, Stage Three"
"Thunderm_cap_3_C"		"Tower, Final Cap"

// 2fort level strings
"2fort_red_setup_goal"			"Grab the Intelligence Briefcase from the enemy basement. Return to your basement to win!"
"2fort_blue_setup_goal"			"Grab the Intelligence Briefcase from the enemy basement. Return to your basement to win!"

// Granary level strings
"Granary_red_setup_goal"		"Capture all five Control Points to win the game!"
"Granary_blue_setup_goal"		"Capture all five Control Points to win the game!"
"Granary_cap_cp3"			"the Central Control Point"
"Granary_cap_red_cp2"			"the RED Warehouse"
"Granary_cap_red_cp1"			"the RED Base"
"Granary_cap_blue_cp2"			"the BLU Warehouse"
"Granary_cap_blue_cp1"			"the BLU Base"

// Gravelpit level strings
"Gravelpit_red_setup_goal"		"Defend all three Control Points against team BLU to win the game!"
"Gravelpit_blue_setup_goal"		"Capture all three Controls Points to win! First capture A and B, then move on to C."
"Gravelpit_cap_A"			"cap A, the Radio Tower"
"Gravelpit_cap_B"			"cap B, the Radar"
"Gravelpit_cap_C"			"cap C, the Laser Gun"

// Hydro level strings
"Hydro_red_setup_goal"			"Capture BLU's single Control Point to win the round. Prevent them from doing the same!"
"Hydro_blue_setup_goal"			"Capture RED's single Control Point to win the round. Prevent them from doing the same!"
"Hydro_red_base_attack"			"Capture team BLU's final Control Point to win the game!"
"Hydro_red_base_defend"			"Defend your final Control Point against BLU or they will win!"
"Hydro_blue_base_attack"		"Capture team RED's final Control Point to win the game!"
"Hydro_blue_base_defend"		"Defend your final Control Point against RED or they will win!"
"Hydro_cap_red_base"		"the RED Base"	
"Hydro_cap_blue_base"		"the BLU Base"
"Hydro_cap_radar_dish"		"the Radar Dish"
"Hydro_cap_dam"				"the Dam"
"Hydro_cap_power_plant"		"the Power Plant"
"Hydro_cap_warehouse"		"the Warehouse"

// Well level strings
"Well_red_setup_goal"			"Capture all five of the Control Points to win the game!"
"Well_blue_setup_goal"			"Capture all five of the Control Points to win the game!"
"Well_setup_30sec"			"Game begins in 30 seconds!"
"Well_setup_10sec"			"Game begins in 10 seconds!"
"Well_cap_center"			"Central Control Point"
"Well_cap_red_two"			"the RED Warehouse"
"Well_cap_red_rocket"			"the RED Base"
"Well_cap_blue_two"			"the BLU Warehouse"
"Well_cap_blue_rocket"			"the BLU Base"

// Pipeline level strings
"Pipeline_setup_goal"			"Move your cart to the capture point first to win this heat!"
"Pipeline_final_goal"			"Move your cart to destroy the enemy base before they destroy yours!"
"Pipeline_cap_1_red"			"Red's first Capture point"
"Pipeline_cap_1_blue"			"Blue's first Capture point"
"Pipeline_cap_2_red"			"Red's second Capture point"
"Pipeline_cap_2_blue"			"Blue's second Capture point"
"Pipeline_cap_3_red"			"Red's final capture point"
"Pipeline_cap_3_blue"			"Blue's final capture point"

// Hightower level strings
"hightower_setup_goal"			"Move your cart to the top of your HighTower to win"
"hightower_cap_red"			"Red's HighTower"
"hightower_cap_blue"			"Blue's HighTower"

// Badlands level strings
"Badlands_cap_cp3"			"the Central Control Point"
"Badlands_cap_red_cp2"			"the RED Spire"
"Badlands_cap_red_cp1"			"the RED Base"
"Badlands_cap_blue_cp2"			"the BLU Spire"
"Badlands_cap_blue_cp1"			"the BLU Base"

// KOTH Viaduct strings
"koth_setup_goal"			"Capture and hold the Control Point to win the game!"
"koth_viaduct_cap"			"the Control Point"

"Arena_cap"			"the Control Point"

// Win panel strings
"Winpanel_Team1"			"TEAM"
"Winpanel_Team2"			"Team"
"Winpanel_BlueWins"			"BLU TEAM WINS!"
"Winpanel_BlueAdvances"			"BLU TEAM SEIZES AREA"
"Winpanel_BlueDefends"			"BLU TEAM DEFENDS!"
"Winpanel_RedWins"			"RED TEAM WINS!"
"Winpanel_RedAdvances"			"RED TEAM SEIZES AREA"
"Winpanel_RedDefends"			"RED TEAM DEFENDS!"

"Winpanel_TeamWins"			"%s1 %s2 WINS!"
"Winpanel_TeamLost"			"%s1 %s2 LOST!"
"Winpanel_TeamAdvances"			"%s1 %s2 SEIZES AREA"
"Winpanel_TeamDefends"			"%s1 %s2 DEFENDS!"

"Winpanel_BlueMVPs"			"BLU Team MVPs:"
"Winpanel_RedMVPs"			"RED Team MVPs:"
"Winpanel_TopPlayers"			"Top Players:"
"Winpanel_PointsThisRound"		"Points this round:"
"Winpanel_CapturePointsRemaining"	"%s1 more areas to win"
"Winpanel_CapturePointRemaining"	"%s1 more area to win"
"Winpanel_WinningCapture"		"Winning capture: %s1"

"Winreason_AllPointsCaptured"		"%s1 captured all control points"
"Winreason_FlagCaptureLimit"		"%s1 captured the enemy intelligence %s2 times"
"Winreason_OpponentsDead"		"%s1 killed all opponents during sudden death"
"Winreason_DefendedUntilTimeLimit"	"%s1 successfully defended until time ran out"
"Winreason_TimeLimit"			"%s1 had more points when the time limit was reached"
"Winreason_WinLimit"			"%s1 had more points when the win limit was reached"
"Winreason_WinDiffLimit"		"%s1 was ahead by the required difference to win"
"Winreason_Stalemate"			"You're all losers"
"Winreason_Arena"			"%s1 killed all opponents"
"Winreason_PayloadRace"			"%s1 won the payload race"

"Tournament_WaitingForTeams"		"Waiting for teams to organize"
"Tournament_Countdown"			"Starting in %s1 seconds... Press 'F4' to cancel"
"Tournament_TeamReady"			"Ready"
"Tournament_TeamNotReady"		"Not Ready"
"Tournament_WinConditions"		"Win Conditions: "
"Tournament_WinConditionsMinute"	"minute"
"Tournament_WinConditionsRound"		"round"
"Tournament_WinConditionsWin"		"win"
"Tournament_WinConditionsMinutes"	"minutes"
"Tournament_WinConditionsRounds"	"rounds"
"Tournament_WinConditionsWins"		"wins"
"Tournament_WinConditionsNone"		"None"
"Tournament_WinConditionsSecond"	"second"
"Tournament_WinConditionsSeconds"	"seconds"
"Tournament_TeamSetupNotReady"		"Team Not Ready"
"Tournament_TeamSetupReady"		"Team Ready"
"Tournament_Instructions"		"F4 = change team name/status"
"Tournament_TeamNamePanel"		"Team Name"
"Winpanel_TournamentTeamWins"		"%s1 WINS!"
"Winpanel_TournamentTeamLost"		"%s1 LOST!"
"Winpanel_TournamentTeamAdvances"	"%s1 SEIZES AREA"
"Winpanel_TournamentTeamDefends"	"%s1 DEFENDS!"
"Winpanel_TournamentMVPs"		"%s1 MVPs:"
"Tournament_TeamName_Change"		"{ETX}%s1{SOH} changed team name to {ENQ}%s2"
"Tournament_ReadyState_Change"		"{ETX}%s1{SOH} changed team state to {ENQ}%s2"
"Tournament_StopWatchNoCap"		"Capture time not yet set"
"Tournament_StopWatchPointCaptureAttacker"		"Capture %s1 %s2 to win!"
"Tournament_StopWatchPointCaptureDefender"		"Defend %s1 %s2 to win!"
"Tournament_StopWatchPointCaptureSpectator"		"Attackers need %s1 %s2 to win"
"Tournament_StopWatch_Point"		"point"
"Tournament_StopWatch_Points"		"points"
"Tournament_StopWatch_TimeVictory"	"Beat %s1's time to win!"
"Tournament_StopWatch_TimeVictoryDefender"	"%s1's time"
"Tournament_StopWatch_LabelDefender"	"Stop %s1's advance!"
"Tournament_StopWatch_AttackerScore"	"Beat %s1's score to win!"
"Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPointsAndTime"	"%s1 got {ETX}%s2{SOH} in just {ETX}%s3{SOH}. If %s4 gets {ETX}%s5{SOH} faster, they win!"
"Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPointsAndTime2"	"If %s1 doesn't beat %s2's time, they can still win by capturing more points. To win, %s3 needs to capture {ETX}%s4{SOH} before the round ends!"
"Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPoints"	"%s1 didn't capture any points last round. If %s2 captures {ETX}1 point{SOH}, they win!"

// Misc. strings
"TF_Gates_90_secs"			"90 seconds till gates open."
"TF_Gates_60_secs"			"60 seconds till gates open."
"TF_Gates_30_secs"			"30 seconds till gates open."
"TF_Gates_10_secs"			"10 seconds till gates open."
"TF_Gates_open"				"Gates are open !!"
"TF_Time_FiveMinutesLeft"		"Time remaining:\nFive minutes"
"TF_Time_FourMinutesLeft"		"Time remaining:\nFour minutes"
"TF_Time_ThreeMinutesLeft"		"Time remaining:\nThree minutes"
"TF_Time_TwoMinutesLeft"		"Time remaining:\nTwo minutes"
"TF_Time_SixtySecondsLeft"		"Time remaining:\nSixty seconds"
"TF_Time_ThirtySecondsLeft"		"Time remaining:\nThirty seconds"
"TF_Time_attackers_win"			"Attackers win !!\nThe command points have\nall been captured !!"
"TF_Time_defenders_win"			"Defenders win !!\nThe command points have\nbeen successfully defended !!"

// Attack/Defend strings
"TF_AD_TakeFlagToPoint"			"Take the flag to\nthe Command Point."
"TF_AD_YouSecuredPoint"			"You secured\nCommand Point %s1 !!"
"TF_AD_AttackersSecuredPoint"		"Attackers Secured\nCommand Point %s1 !!"
"TF_AD_FlagReturned"			"Flag has returned to base."

// CTF strings
"TF_CTF_PlayerPickup"		"You PICKED UP the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!\n\nReturn to BASE!"
"TF_CTF_PlayerTeamPickup"	"Your team PICKED UP the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!"
"TF_CTF_OtherTeamPickup"	"Your INTELLIGENCE has been PICKED UP!"

"TF_CTF_PlayerTeamCapture"	"Your team CAPTURED the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!"
"TF_CTF_OtherTeamCapture"	"Your INTELLIGENCE was CAPTURED!"

"TF_CTF_PlayerDrop"		"You dropped the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!"
"TF_CTF_PlayerTeamDrop"		"The ENEMY INTELLIGENCE was dropped!"
"TF_CTF_OtherTeamDrop"		"Your INTELLIGENCE has been dropped!"

"TF_CTF_PlayerTeamReset"	"Your INTELLIGENCE has been returned!"
"TF_CTF_OtherTeamReset"		"The ENEMY INTELLIGENCE was returned!"

"TF_CTF_Wrong_Goal"		"Take the INTELLIGENCE back to YOUR BASE."

"TF_CTF_No_Invuln"			"You cannot be INVULNERABLE while carrying the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!"
"TF_CTF_No_Tele"			"You cannot TELEPORT while carrying the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!"

"Team_Capture_Linear"		"Preceding\npoint\nnot owned!"
"Team_Capture_Blocked"		"Capture\nblocked\nby enemy"
"Team_Blocking_Capture"		"Blocking\nenemy\ncapture!"
"Team_Reverting_Capture"	"Reverting\ncapture!"
"Team_Waiting_for_teammate"	"Waiting for\nteammate"
"Team_Cannot_Capture"		"Your team can't\ncapture this!"
"Team_Capture_OwnPoint"		"Defend\nthis point."
"Team_Capture_NotNow"		"No capturing\nat this time."
"Team_Capture_Owned"		"Capture Point\nalready owned."
"Team_Progress_Blocked"		"Progress\nblocked\nby enemy"

"Cant_cap_stealthed"		"Cannot capture point\n    while stealthed."
"Cant_cap_disguised"		"Cannot capture point\n    while disguised."
"Cant_cap_invuln"		"Cannot capture point\n  while invulnerable."
"Cant_cap_stunned"		"Cannot capture point\n    while stunned." 

// Invade strings
"TF_Invade_FlagReturned"		"The FLAG has returned!"
"TF_Invade_PlayerPickup"		"You PICKED UP the FLAG!\n\nTake it to the ENEMY BASE!"
"TF_Invade_PlayerTeamPickup"		"Your team PICKED UP the FLAG!"
"TF_Invade_OtherTeamPickup"		"The ENEMY has PICKED UP the FLAG!"
"TF_Invade_PlayerCapture"		"You CAPTURED the FLAG!"
"TF_Invade_PlayerTeamCapture"		"Your team CAPTURED the FLAG!"
"TF_Invade_OtherTeamCapture"		"The ENEMY CAPTURED the FLAG!"
"TF_Invade_PlayerFlagDrop"		"You dropped the FLAG!"
"TF_Invade_FlagDrop"			"The FLAG was dropped!"
"TF_Invade_Wrong_Goal"			"Take the flag to the ENEMY BASE."
"TF_Invade_FlagNeutral"			"The FLAG has become NEUTRAL!\nGet the FLAG!"

"TF_Flag_AltFireToDrop"			"Press ALT-FIRE to drop the flag."

"FreezePanel_NoKiller"			"You were killed"
"FreezePanel_Killer"			"You were killed by"
"FreezePanel_Killer_Dead"		"You were killed by the late"
"FreezePanel_Nemesis"			"You were killed again by"
"FreezePanel_Nemesis_Dead"		"You were killed again by the late"
"FreezePanel_KillerObject"		"You were killed by the %objectkiller% of"
"FreezePanel_KillerObject_Dead"		"You were killed by the %objectkiller% of the late"
"FreezePanel_KillerHealth"		"Health left: %s1"
"FreezePanel_Callout"			"A bit of you!"
"FreezePanel_Callout2"			"Another bit!"
"FreezePanel_Callout3"			"More bits!"
"FreezePanel_Item"				"%killername% is carrying:"

"Callout_Ragdoll"			"You!"
"Callout_Head"				"Your head!"
"Callout_Foot"				"Your foot!"
"Callout_Hand"				"Your hand!"
"Callout_Torso"				"Your torso!"
"Callout_Organ1"			"Your spleen!"
"Callout_Organ2"			"Your lungs!"
"Callout_Organ3"			"Your liver!"
"Callout_Organ4"			"Your pancreas!"
"Callout_Organ5"			"Your kidney!"
"Callout_Organ6"			"Your appendix!"

"WaitingForPlayersPanel_WaitOnPlayers"	"Waiting for other players"
"WaitingForPlayersPanel_WaitEnding"		"Starting Game"

"ControlPointIconCappers" 		"x%numcappers%"

"game_WaitingForPlayers"				"Waiting For Players"
"game_Overtime"				"Overtime"
"game_Setup"				"Setup"
"EnterStalemate"			"Sudden Death Mode!\nNo more respawning!"
"game_SuddenDeath"			"Sudden Death"
"game_stalemate_cant_change_class"	"%s1 seconds have passed.\nYou can't change class in Sudden Death Mode now!"

"TF_CantChangeClassNow"			"You can't change class at this time."
"TF_CantChangeTeamNow"			"You can't change team at this time."

// Intro

"Gametype_CTF"				"Capture the Flag"
"Gametype_CP"				"Control Points"
"Gametype_Escort"			"Payload"
"Gametype_Arena"			"Arena"
"Gametype_EscortRace"		"Payload Race"
"Gametype_Koth"				"King of the Hill"
"Gametype_Training"			"Training Mode"

"Intro_Title"				"Game Mode Introduction:   %gamemode%"

"Intro_CaptureIntro"                    "Welcome to the Capture Point game mode introduction."
"Intro_capturepoints"			"Your team must own 5 Capture Points to win.\nThe HUD shows which team owns each capture point."
"Intro_fakecapture"			"Stand near the Capture Point to capture it.\nThe HUD shows your capture progress."
"Intro_multcapture"			"Multiple team members capture points faster!\nHelp your team out!"
"Intro_yourpoint"			"Don't let the enemy capture your last point!\nDefend it or you lose!"

// Capture the Files Intro
"Intro_ctf_intro"		"Game Mode Introduction: Each team must capture the enemy's secret files, while defending their own."
"Intro_ctf_red_assault_base"	"Assault the enemy base to steal their secret files."
"Intro_ctf_red_steal_files"	"Steal the briefcase from the basement of the enemy base."
"Intro_ctf_red_return_and_cap"	"Return the briefcase to the desk in your team's basement to capture it and score."
"Intro_ctf_red_defend"	"Don't forget to help defend your team's briefcase from the enemy!"
"Intro_ctf_blue_assault_base"	"Assault the enemy base to steal their secret files."
"Intro_ctf_blue_steal_files"	"Steal the briefcase from the basement of the enemy base."
"Intro_ctf_blue_return_and_cap"	"Return the briefcase to the desk in your team's basement to capture it and score."
"Intro_ctf_blue_defend"	"Don't forget to help defend your team's briefcase from the enemy!"

// Gravelpit intro

"Intro_attack_defense_intro"		"This is an attack defense map,  \nBLU tries to capture areas while RED tries to stop them."
"Intro_attack_defense_capping"		"BLU must stand near the Capture Point to capture it.\nThe HUD shows your capture progress."
"Intro_attack_defense_cap_a"		"BLU must capture both Capture point A ..."
"Intro_attack_defense_cap_b"		"and also Capture point B.  \nBLU can capture the points in any order." 
"Intro_attack_defense_cap_final"	"After BLU owns capture point A and capture point B the final Capture point unlocks"
"Intro_attack_defense_cap_timer"        "BLU earns 3 minutes on the timer for each succesful captured point. RED cannot capture points back once BLU own them."

// Hints
"Hint_spotted_a_friend"				"You have spotted a teammate!"
"Hint_spotted_an_enemy"				"You have spotted an enemy!"
"Hint_killing_enemies_is_good"		"You killed an enemy!"
"Hint_out_of_ammo"					"Your weapon is out of ammo!"
"Hint_turn_off_hints"				"You can turn off hints in the options menu,\n under Options -> Multiplayer -> Advanced -> 'Auto Help'"
"Hint_pickup_ammo"					"Pick up ammo from fallen weapons!"

"Hint_Cannot_Teleport_With_Flag"	"You cannot teleport when you have the briefcase."
"Hint_Cannot_Cloak_With_Flag"		"You cannot cloak when you have the briefcase."
"Hint_Cannot_Disguise_With_Flag"	"You cannot disguise when you have the briefcase."
"Hint_Cannot_Attack_While_Cloaked"	"You cannot attack while cloaked."
"Hint_Cannot_Invuln_With_Flag"		"You cannot go invulnerable when you have the briefcase."
"Hint_Cannot_Attack_While_Feign_Armed"	"You cannot attack while feign death is armed."
"Hint_Cannot_Arm_Feign_Now"		"You need a full cloak meter to arm feign death."

"Hint_ClassMenu"					"Press '%changeclass%' to change your player class."

// Altfires
"Hint_altfire_sniperrifle"			"You can hit '%attack2%' to zoom with your sniper rifle."
"Hint_altfire_grenadelauncher"		"You can hit '%attack2%' to detonate stickybombs even while using your grenade launcher."
"Hint_altfire_pipebomblauncher"		"You can hit '%attack2%' to detonate stickybombs launched with your stickybomb launcher."
"Hint_altfire_rotate_building"		"You can hit '%attack2%' to rotate buildings before you place them."

// Soldier specific
"Hint_Soldier_rpg_reload"			"Hit '%reload%' to reload your rocket launcher.\nReload it whenever you're out of combat!"

// Engineer specific
"Hint_Engineer_use_wrench_onown"	"Hit constructing objects with your wrench\nto make them build faster!"
"Hint_Engineer_use_wrench_onother"	"Hit your teammate's constructing objects with your wrench\nto help them build faster!"
"Hint_Engineer_build_sentrygun"		"Build sentry guns to defend your team's base.\nThe fourth slot in your weapon selection holds buildables."
"Hint_Engineer_build_dispenser"		"Build Dispensers to help your teammates to resupply.\nThe fourth slot in your weapon selection holds buildables."
"Hint_Engineer_build_teleporters"	"Build Teleporters to help your team defend forward areas.\nThe fourth slot in your weapon selection holds buildables."
"Hint_Engineer_pickup_metal"		"Pick up metal from fallen weapons\nto use in building objects!"
"Hint_Engineer_repair_object"		"Hit damaged objects with your wrench to repair them!"
"Hint_Engineer_metal_to_upgrade"	"You need more metal to upgrade your sentry gun!"
"Hint_Engineer_upgrade_sentrygun"	"Upgrade sentry guns by hitting them with your wrench.\nThey can be upgraded all the way to level 3!"
"Hint_object_has_sapper"		"This building is being destroyed by a sapper!\n Shoot the sapper to destroy it!"

"Hint_object_your_object_sapped"	"One of your buildings is being destroyed!"	
"Hint_enemy_using_dispenser"		"An enemy is using your dispenser!"
"Hint_enemy_using_tp_entrance"		"An enemy is near your teleporter entrance!"
"Hint_enemy_using_tp_exit"			"An enemy is near your teleporter exit!"

"WinPanel_Red_Team_Wins"			"RED Team Wins"
"WinPanel_Blue_Team_Wins"			"BLU Team Wins"
"WinPanel_Stalemate"				"STALEMATE!"

"StatPanel_Title_Dead"				"On the bright side..."
"StatPanel_Title_Alive"				"Well, that was impressive! Last round:"

"StatPanel_Format_Close"			"That round: %s1  Your best: %s2"

"StatPanel_Kills_Best"				"You had more kills as %s1 that round than your previous best."
"StatPanel_Captures_Best"			"You had more captures as %s1 that round than your previous best."
"StatPanel_Defenses_Best"			"You defended more points as %s1 that round than your previous best."
"StatPanel_DamageDealt_Best"			"You've caused more damage as %s1 than your previous best."
"StatPanel_PlayTime_Best"			"You stayed alive as %s1 longer that round than your previous best."
"StatPanel_Healing_Best"			"You healed more as %s1 that round than your previous best."
"StatPanel_Invulnerable_Best"			"You went invulnerable more that round than your previous best."
"StatPanel_KillAssists_Best"			"You had more kill assists that round as %s1 than your previous best."
"StatPanel_Backstabs_Best"			"You had more backstabs that round than your previous best."
"StatPanel_HealthLeached_Best"			"You stole more health from enemy Medics and dispensers that round than your previous best."
"StatPanel_BuildingsBuilt_Best"			"You built more buildings that round than your previous best."
"StatPanel_BuildingsDestroyed_Best"		"You destroyed more buildings that round as %s1 than your previous best."
"StatPanel_Headshots_Best"			"You had more headshots that round than your previous best."
"StatPanel_SentryKills_Best"			"Your sentry gun had more kills that round than your previous best."
"StatPanel_Teleports_Best"			"Your teleporter was used more that round than your previous best."
"StatPanel_Dominations_Best"			"You dominated more new opponents that round as %s1 than your previous best."
"StatPanel_Revenge_Best"			"You got revenge on more opponents that round as %s1 than your previous best."
"StatPanel_PointsScored_Best"			"You scored more points that round as %s1 than your previous best."

"StatPanel_Kills_Tie"				"You tied your record for kills as %s1 that round."
"StatPanel_Captures_Tie"			"You tied your record for captures as %s1 that round."
"StatPanel_Defenses_Tie"			"You tied your record for defenses as %s1 that round."
"StatPanel_DamageDealt_Tie"			"You tied your record for damage dealt as %s1 that round."
"StatPanel_PlayTime_Tie"			"You tied your record for time alive as %s1 that round."
"StatPanel_Healing_Tie"				"You tied your record for healing as %s1 that round."
"StatPanel_Invulnerable_Tie"			"You tied your record for invulns that round."
"StatPanel_KillAssists_Tie"			"You tied your record for kill assists as %s1 that round."
"StatPanel_Backstabs_Tie"			"You tied your record for backstabs that round."
"StatPanel_HealthLeached_Tie"			"You tied your record for health stolen from the enemy that round."
"StatPanel_BuildingsBuilt_Tie"			"You tied your record for buildings built that round."
"StatPanel_BuildingsDestroyed_Tie"		"You tied your record for buildings destroyed as %s1 that round."
"StatPanel_Headshots_Tie"			"You tied your record for headshots that round."
"StatPanel_SentryKills_Tie"			"You tied your record for kills by your sentry gun that round."
"StatPanel_Teleports_Tie"			"You tied your record for teleports that round."
"StatPanel_Dominations_Tie"			"You tied your record for opponents dominated as %s1 that round."
"StatPanel_Revenge_Tie"				"You tied your record for revenge as %s1 that round."
"StatPanel_PointsScored_Tie"			"You tied your record for points scored as %s1 that round."

"StatPanel_Kills_Close"				"You came close to your record for kills as %s1 that round."
"StatPanel_Captures_Close"			"You came close to your record for captures as %s1 that round."
"StatPanel_Defenses_Close"			"You came close to your record for defenses as %s1 that round."
"StatPanel_DamageDealt_Close"			"You came close to your record for damage dealt as %s1 that round."
"StatPanel_PlayTime_Close"			"You came close to your record for time alive as %s1 that round."
"StatPanel_Healing_Close"			"You came close to your record for healing as %s1 that round."
"StatPanel_Invulnerable_Close"			"You came close to your record for invulns that round."
"StatPanel_KillAssists_Close"			"You came close to your record for kill assists as %s1 that round."
"StatPanel_Backstabs_Close"			"You came close to your record for backstabs that round."
"StatPanel_HealthLeached_Close"			"You came close to your record for health stolen from the enemy that round."
"StatPanel_BuildingsBuilt_Close"		"You came close to your record for buildings built that round."
"StatPanel_BuildingsDestroyed_Close"		"You came close to your record for buildings destroyed as %s1 that round."
"StatPanel_Headshots_Close"			"You came close to your record for headshots that round."
"StatPanel_SentryKills_Close"			"You came close to your record for kills by your sentry gun that round."
"StatPanel_Teleports_Close"			"You came close to your record for teleports that round."
"StatPanel_Dominations_Close"			"You came close to your record for opponents dominated as %s1 that round."
"StatPanel_Revenge_Close"			"You came close to your record for revenge as %s1 that round."
"StatPanel_PointsScored_Close"			"You came close to your record for points scored as %s1 that round."

"StatPanel_Label_Kills"				"# Kills: "
"StatPanel_Label_DamageDealt"		"Damage dealt: "
"StatPanel_Label_PlayTime"			"Play time: "
"StatPanel_Label_Healing"			"Health points healed: "
"StatPanel_Label_Invulnerable"		"Invulnerable activated: "
"StatPanel_Label_Backstabs"			"# Backstabs: "
"StatPanel_Label_HealthLeached"		"Health leached: "
"StatPanel_Label_Buildings_Built"	"# Buildings built: "
"StatPanel_Label_SentryKills"		"# Kills by sentry: "
"StatPanel_Label_Teleports"			"# uses of teleport: "

"StatSummary_Label_PerformanceReport"	"YOUR PERFORMANCE REPORT"
"StatSummary_Label_BestMoments"		"YOUR BEST MOMENTS"
"StatSummary_Label_AsAnyClass"		"As any class:"
"StatSummary_Label_TIP"			"TIP"
"StatSummary_ScoreAsClassFmt"		"%s1 (as %s2)"
"StatSummary_Records"				"RECORDS:"
"StatSummary_StatTitle_MostPoints"	"Most points"
"StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgPoints"	"Avg points"
"StatSummary_StatTitle_MostKills"	"Most kills"
"StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgKills"	"Avg kills"
"StatSummary_StatTitle_MostCaptures"	"Most captures"
"StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgCaptures"	"Avg captures"
"StatSummary_StatTitle_MostAssists"	"Most assists"
"StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgAssists"	"Avg assists"
"StatSummary_StatTitle_MostDamage"	"Most damage"
"StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgDamage"	"Avg damage"
"StatSummary_StatTitle_TotalPlaytime"	"Total playtime"
"StatSummary_StatTitle_LongestLife"	"Longest life"

"Tip_Fmt"				"Tip: %s1"

"Tip_1_Count"				"16"
"Tip_1_1"				"As a Scout, jump again in mid-air to change direction, and avoid enemy fire."
"Tip_1_2"				"As a Scout, you capture control points twice as fast as other classes."
"Tip_1_3"				"As a Scout, you're most effective when you stay moving and use your speed to your advantage."
"Tip_1_4"				"As a Scout, your scattergun is lethal at point blank range."
"Tip_1_5"				"As a Scout, your pistol is great for picking off enemies at a distance."
"Tip_1_6"				"As a Scout, your scattergun can kill most classes with two hits."
"Tip_1_7"				"As a Scout, you can use the Force-A-Nature to give yourself an extra boost up while jumping."
"Tip_1_8"				"As a Scout, you are most dangerous when you attack from the side or behind. Use alternate routes to flank the enemy."
"Tip_1_9"				"As a Scout, use your Sandman's alt-fire to stun an enemy."
"Tip_1_10"				"As a Scout, your bat provides 15 extra health compared to the Sandman. Use your bat if survival is a top priority."
"Tip_1_11"				"As a Scout, the Force-A-Nature causes enemies at close range to be knocked back."
"Tip_1_12"				"As a Scout, the Sandman's stun ball will stun longer the further it flies."
"Tip_1_13"				"As a Scout, the Sandman's stun ball will render the target immobile if hit at maximum range."
"Tip_1_14"				"As a Scout, remember that the Sandman's stun ball doesn't stun at close range but still does slight damage to the target."
"Tip_1_15"				"As a Scout, use the Bonk! Energy Drink to distract a sentry and allow other teammates to destroy it."
"Tip_1_16"				"As a Scout, use the Bonk! Energy Drink to avoid sentries and other damage."

"Tip_2_Count"				"13"
"Tip_2_1"				"As a Sniper, the longer you spend zoomed in the scope, the more damage the shot will do."
"Tip_2_2"				"As a Sniper, aim for the head to do critical damage."
"Tip_2_3"				"As a Sniper, zoom with the sniper rifle by hitting %attack2%."
"Tip_2_4"				"As a Sniper, use your secondary submachine gun to deal with nearby enemies."
"Tip_2_5"				"As a Sniper, a fully charged sniper rifle head shot can kill most classes instantly."
"Tip_2_6"				"As a Sniper, use your secondary submachine gun to deal with nearby enemies."
"Tip_2_7"				"As a Sniper, your shot will miss if the Huntsman is pulled back longer than 5 seconds. Reset it by hitting %attack2%."
"Tip_2_8"				"As a Sniper, Jarate can reveal hidden Spies. Be wary, as Spies using the Dead Ringer won't be visible if they cloak after being soaked."
"Tip_2_9"				"As a Sniper, the Razorback breaks after being stabbed. Grab a new one from a resupply locker."
"Tip_2_10"				"As a Sniper, your Razorback emits a loud electric sound when a Spy attempts to backstab you. Listen for it!"
"Tip_2_11"				"As a Sniper, use Jarate to douse flames on yourself and on teammates."
"Tip_2_12"				"As a Sniper, all hits on enemies who have been doused with Jarate are minicrits."
"Tip_2_13"				"As a Sniper, the Tribalman's Shiv causes a bleed on hit.  This can be useful for tracking down Spies."

"Tip_3_Count"				"17"
"Tip_3_1"				"As a Soldier, you can rocket jump to great heights by simultaneously jumping and firing a rocket at the ground."
"Tip_3_2"				"As a Soldier, aim rockets at enemies feet to ensure they can't avoid the explosion damage."
"Tip_3_3"				"As a Soldier, make sure you keep your rocket launcher loaded. Hit %reload% to reload it at any time."
"Tip_3_4"				"Hit %voicemenu 0 0% to call for a Medic if you get hurt. Nearby Medics will be notified of your need."
"Tip_3_5"				"Damaging yourself during Setup time does not increase your Medic's ÜberCharge rate."
"Tip_3_6"				"As a Soldier, a crouch-jump will increase your rocket jump height!"
"Tip_3_7"				"As a Soldier, switch to shotgun for enemies at extremely close range to avoid damaging yourself."
"Tip_3_8"				"As a Soldier, if you're paired with a Medic take advantage of safe opportunities to damage yourself to build ÜberCharge faster!"
"Tip_3_9"				"As a Soldier, you can use your rockets to pop enemies into the air."
"Tip_3_10"				"As a Soldier, your shotgun can be useful in combat if you need to reload your rocket launcher."
"Tip_3_11"				"As a Soldier, angle your rockets slightly behind you to propel yourself forward faster!"
"Tip_3_12"				"As a Soldier, the Direct Hit rockets have a very small blast radius.  Aim directly at your enemies to maximize damage."
"Tip_3_13"				"As a Soldier, the Buff Banner's rage meter will reset if you die. Don't be afraid to use it for yourself to make a push or escape!"
"Tip_3_14"				"As a Soldier, the Buff Banner, once charged and then activated, provides mini-crits for you and all teammates nearby."
"Tip_3_15"				"As a Soldier, the Equalizer's speed bonus when at low health can also be used to quickly escape."
"Tip_3_16"				"As a Soldier, the Equalizer does a lot of damage when you are at very low health."
"Tip_3_17"				"As a Soldier, Medics cannot heal you or activate ÜberCharge on you if you have the Equalizer out."

"Tip_4_Count"				"18"
"Tip_4_1"				"As a Demoman, hit %attack% to fire sticky bombs and then use %attack2% to detonate them later."
"Tip_4_2"				"As a Demoman, the longer you hold down the fire button, the farther the shot will go."
"Tip_4_3"				"As a Demoman, set off sticky bombs beneath your feet to pipe bomb jump up to great heights."
"Tip_4_4"				"As a Demoman, shoot sticky bombs onto walls and ceilings where they're hard to spot."
"Tip_4_5"				"As a Demoman, detonate sticky bombs at any time regardless of which weapon you're currently using."
"Tip_4_6"				"As a Demoman, crouch in the air when jumping for a sticky bomb jump to achieve maximum height."
"Tip_4_7"				"As a Demoman, sticky bomb jump at an angle to propel yourself in a certain direction rather than just up."
"Tip_4_8"				"As a Demoman, use your grenade launcher for direct combat. Grenades detonate upon impact with an enemy unless they touch the ground first."
"Tip_4_9"				"As a Demoman, your bottle does the same amount of damage whether it is smashed open or not."
"Tip_4_10"				"Sticky bombs can be destroyed by shooting at them with any weapon that uses bullets. Explosions won't destroy them, but will knock them out of the way."
"Tip_4_11"				"As a Demoman, the Scottish Resistance is great for defense.  Place multiple sticky bomb groups to defend a lot of territory.  Your sticky bombs also destroy enemy sticky bombs!"
"Tip_4_12"				"As a Demoman with the Scottish Resistance, keep a line of sight to your sticky bombs so you can detonate them when needed."
"Tip_4_13"				"As a Demoman, the Chargin' Targe's explosive and fire damage resistance in addition to its charge ability compliment the Eyelander's lower max health and inability to cause random critical hits."
"Tip_4_14"				"As a Demoman, the Chargin' Targe's charge ability doesn't grant a critical hit until near the end of the charge.  Your weapon will glow when the time is right!"
"Tip_4_15"				"As a Demoman with the Chargin' Targe, you can't change direction during a charge. Try to line charges up with where an enemy will be rather than where an enemy is."
"Tip_4_16"				"As a Demoman, the Chargin' Targe's charge ability is also perfect for quick getaways!"
"Tip_4_17"				"As a Demoman, your Bottle has no negative attributes compared to the minus 25 health on the Eyelander.  Use your Bottle if survival is a priority."
"Tip_4_18"				"As a Demoman, collect heads by killing enemies with the Eyelander.  Each head increases your maximum health as well as gives you a speed boost!"

"Tip_5_Count"				"22"
"Tip_5_1"				"As a Medic, use your medigun to heal teammates, and buff them up to 150%% of their normal health."
"Tip_5_2"				"As a Medic, fill your ÜberCharge by healing teammates. Then hit %attack2% to go invulnerable."
"Tip_5_3"				"As a Medic, your ÜberCharge makes both you and your medigun target invulnerable for a short time."
"Tip_5_4"				"As a Medic, you fill your ÜberCharge faster by healing teammates who are more hurt."
"Tip_5_5"				"As a Medic, keep alert for teammates calling for your help. Use the Medic arrows onscreen to find them."
"Tip_5_6"				"As a Medic, you build ÜberCharge at the maximum rate during setup time."
"Tip_5_7"				"As a Medic, you cannot capture a Control Point while invulnerable."
"Tip_5_8"				"As a Medic, heal Soldiers and Demomen at the beginning of rounds so they can use the extra health to rocket or sticky jump across the map."
"Tip_5_9"				"As a Medic, you can ÜberCharge without a heal target to save yourself in dire situations."
"Tip_5_10"				"As a Medic, it's better to use an ÜberCharge too early than lose it by being killed."
"Tip_5_11"				"As a Medic, mess with the enemy by using the \"ÜberCharge ready!\" voice command to pretend you have an ÜberCharge prepared."
"Tip_5_12"				"As a Medic, you can keep multiple targets overhealed allowing them to absorb more damage."
"Tip_5_13"				"As a Medic, your bonesaw swings 20%% faster than the Übersaw. Use the bonesaw in defensive situations where ÜberCharge isn't as important."
"Tip_5_14"				"As a Medic, remember that syringes travel in arcs. Aim higher than your intended target to land successful hits."
"Tip_5_15"				"As a Medic, remember that critical hits have no effect on sentry guns. Use the Kritzkrieg in areas full of players instead."
"Tip_5_16"				"As a Medic, the Übersaw will still gain you ÜberCharge if the enemy being hit is a Scout phasing with Bonk! Atomic Punch."
"Tip_5_17"				"As a Medic, using ÜberCharge to be invulnerable to damage does not mean you are free from harm. Watch out for Pyro air blasts and explosive knock back."
"Tip_5_18"				"As a Medic, when attacking with an ÜberCharge try to get as close to sentries as possible so your teammates can get close enough to destroy them."
"Tip_5_19"				"As a Medic, your default syringe gun automatically heals you over time by 3 health per second compared to the Blutsauger's 1 health per second."
"Tip_5_20"				"As a Medic, the Ubersaw will not gain you ÜberCharge if the enemy being hit is a disguised Spy."
"Tip_5_21"				"As a Medic, the Kritzkrieg's taunt heals 10 health. Use it when there are no health kits or other Medics nearby."
"Tip_5_22"				"As a Medic, pay attention to other Medics on your team. Keeping multiple Medics alive will help keep the rest of the team alive too."

"Tip_6_Count"				"13"
"Tip_6_1"				"As a Heavy, hold %attack2% to keep your minigun spinning, ready for approaching enemies."
"Tip_6_2"				"As a Heavy, you're a great Medic buddy. Keep a clear line of sight to your Medic to keep the Medigun on you."
"Tip_6_3"				"Hit %voicemenu 0 0% to call for a Medic if you get hurt. Nearby Medics will be notified of your need."
"Tip_6_4"				"As a Heavy, your minigun chews up a lot of ammo. Pick up fallen weapons to refill your supply."
"Tip_6_5"				"As a Heavy, your Sandvich can be a life saver. Try to find a safe place before eating your Sandvich or you may be rudely interrupted."
"Tip_6_6"				"As a Heavy, you have the most health on your team."
"Tip_6_7"				"As a Heavy, you don't lose momentum while spinning up your minigun in the air. Use this to surprise enemies around corners."
"Tip_6_8"				"As a Heavy, use your Sandvich to heal up!  Use %attack2% to throw it on the ground for friendly players to pick up as health.  Don't worry, it comes with a plate to keep it clean."
"Tip_6_9"				"As a Heavy, your fists swing 20%% faster than the Killing Gloves of Boxing. Equip them with the Sandvich to quickly dispatch lunchtime attackers."
"Tip_6_10"				"As a Heavy, the Sandvich can be dropped by hitting %attack2%. A dropped Sandvich can heal a teammate 50%% of their maximum health."
"Tip_6_11"				"As a Heavy, be sure to get another Sandvich if you drop yours. Sandviches can be replenished from health kits, but only if your current health is full."
"Tip_6_12"				"As a Heavy, your minigun's spin-up can waste the Killing Gloves of Boxing's 5-second critical buff. Carry your shotgun with the K.G.B. to maximize the critical boost!"
"Tip_6_13"				"As a Heavy, the Sandvich can be dropped by hitting %attack2% and can extinguish burning teammates. Use this to save your Medic."

"Tip_7_Count"				"21"
"Tip_7_1"				"As a Pyro, your flamethrower does more damage the closer you are to the enemy."
"Tip_7_2"				"As a Pyro, ambush enemies to catch them in the short range of your flamethrower. Use corners to your advantage."
"Tip_7_3"				"As a Pyro, your flamethrower chews up a lot of ammo. Pick up fallen weapons to refill your supply."
"Tip_7_4"				"As a Pyro, switch to your shotgun if enemies retreat beyond the short range of your flamethrower."
"Tip_7_5"				"As a Pyro, you can often set enemies on fire and retreat, leaving them to die from the burning."
"Tip_7_6"				"Hit %voicemenu 0 0% to call for a Medic if you get hurt. Nearby Medics will be notified of your need."
"Tip_7_7"				"As a Pyro, your flame thrower can ignite enemy Spies disguised as your team.  Spy check teammates that act suspicious!"
"Tip_7_8"				"As a Pyro, utilize the bonus damage on the Axtinguisher by igniting your foes."
"Tip_7_9"				"As a Pyro, help protect an Engineer's sentries by pushing away sticky bombs and checking for Spies."
"Tip_7_10"				"As a Pyro, you can neutralize an ÜberCharge by pushing the Medic or his heal target out of range of each other using the Flame Thrower's compression blast with %attack2%!"
"Tip_7_11"				"As a Pyro, push enemies out of your way using the flame thrower's compression blast with %attack2%."
"Tip_7_12"				"As a Pyro, the flame thrower's compression blast %attack2% can extinguish burning teammates."
"Tip_7_13"				"As a Pyro, you do not ignite from fire.  Use your shotgun or fire axe against enemy Pyros to counter this."
"Tip_7_14"				"As a Pyro, the Backburner is more useful for ambushing the enemy as it gets bonus damage when attacking from behind!"
"Tip_7_15"				"As a Pyro, the Flare Gun can do mini-crits if fired at enemies who are already burning if hit at medium to long range."
"Tip_7_16"				"As a Pyro, your flame thrower or Flare Gun will not work underwater."
"Tip_7_17"				"As a Pyro, hit %attack2% with your default flame thrower to let out a blast of compressed air. Use it to reflect incoming projectiles, put out burning teammates, and push enemies back!"
"Tip_7_18"				"As a Pyro, use your flame thrower on friendly Snipers to light their Huntsman arrows on fire. Flaming arrows can ignite the enemy."
"Tip_7_19"				"As a Pyro, use %attack2% to reflect projectiles back at the enemy team!  This includes rockets, grenades, Jarate, and more!"
"Tip_7_20"				"As a Pyro, remember, the flame thrower's compression blast %attack2% can use up a lot of ammo.  Use it when you need to!"
"Tip_7_21"				"As a Pyro, utilize the flame thrower's compression blast %attack2% to push sticky bombs out of the way.  Help out your Engineers or clear a Control Point!"

"Tip_8_Count"				"31"
"Tip_8_1"				"As a Spy, use your knife to backstab enemies from behind, killing them instantly."
"Tip_8_2"				"As a Spy, disguise yourself as an enemy with your disguise kit. Beware, attacking will remove your disguise."
"Tip_8_3"				"As a Spy, hit %attack2% to cloak and become fully invisible for a short period of time."
"Tip_8_4"				"As a Spy, use your cloak to get behind enemy lines, and your disguise to move around amongst them."
"Tip_8_5"				"As a Spy, try to act like an enemy while disguised. Observe where enemy team members are, and disguise as one of them."
"Tip_8_6"				"As a Spy, place your electro sappers on enemy sentry guns to destroy them. Disguises aren't lost when placing sappers."
"Tip_8_7"				"As a Spy, your electro sappers disable sentry guns before destroying them. Sap a sentry gun before attacking the Engineer."
"Tip_8_8"				"As a Spy, call for enemy Medics by hitting %voicemenu 0 0% while disguised."
"Tip_8_9"				"As a Spy, be careful when using voice commands while disguised. The enemy team will see them said in the text chat by whoever you're disguised as."
"Tip_8_10"				"As a Spy, the Ambassador does not do critical headshots when cooling down. Make each shot precise and timed to maximize damage."
"Tip_8_11"				"As a Spy, try not to be hit by flames when arming the Dead Ringer, or else the flames may hit you again and reveal your location."
"Tip_8_12"				"As a Spy while cloaked with the Dead Ringer, your silhouette won't appear when colliding with enemies."
"Tip_8_13"				"As a Spy, the Cloak and Dagger can regenerate cloak while moving around so long as you are uncloaked when doing so."
"Tip_8_14"				"As a Spy, pick up ammo and fallen weapons to recharge cloak when using your invis watch or the Dead Ringer."
"Tip_8_15"				"As a Spy, the Cloak and Dagger will only drain if you are moving. Stand still or uncloak to regain lost charge."
"Tip_8_16"				"As a Spy, your silhouette can be seen if you move around while cloaked with the Cloak and Dagger for too long. Find a safe spot to sit and recharge."
"Tip_8_17"				"As a Spy, the Dead Ringer makes a very loud noise when uncloaking. Find a safe place away from enemies to uncloak."
"Tip_8_18"				"As a Spy, disguise as your own team by hitting the %disguiseteam% key. Use this in friendly areas or with the Dead Ringer to hide your presence from the enemy."
"Tip_8_19"				"As a Spy, hit %lastdisguise% while already disguised to change what weapon your disguise is holding."
"Tip_8_20"				"As a Spy, hit %lastdisguise% to automatically disguise as the last disguise you previously had."
"Tip_8_21"				"As a Spy, you can take enemy teleporters while disguised.  Surprise!"
"Tip_8_22"				"As a Spy, bumping into enemies while cloaked makes you slightly visible to everyone."
"Tip_8_23"				"As a Spy, if you're set on fire while cloaked, the enemy can see you and you cannot recloak!"
"Tip_8_24"				"As a Spy, use your revolver to pick off targets that are low on health, or to deal with classes that are dangerous to get near, such as Pyros."
"Tip_8_25"				"As a Spy, if you are quick, you can stab an Engineer and then sap his gun before it turns around and shoots you."
"Tip_8_26"				"As a Spy, The Dead Ringer makes you take significantly less damage from all attacks while you are invisible."
"Tip_8_27"				"As a Spy, avoid taking fall damage; it will give away your location!"
"Tip_8_28"				"As a Spy, your sappers sap both ends of a teleporter. Try sapping the end the Engineer isn't at."
"Tip_8_29"				"As a Spy, your Dead Ringer can fake a death. Try to use it when you're weak, or else it will be wasted or too obvious."
"Tip_8_30"				"As a Spy, reloading your revolver will mimic the reload action of your current disguise."
"Tip_8_31"				"As a Spy, use the Dead Ringer after being burned to extinguish the flames."

"Tip_9_Count"				"17"
"Tip_9_1"				"As an Engineer, use the build tool to place sentry guns, dispensers, and teleporters."
"Tip_9_2"				"As an Engineer, you need metal to build, repair, and upgrade your buildings. Collect fallen weapons to get more metal."
"Tip_9_3"				"As an Engineer, hit your sentry gun with your wrench to upgrade it with metal. Each level adds more health and firepower."
"Tip_9_4"				"As an Engineer, build dispensers to provide your teammates with health and ammo. They also generate metal for you to use."
"Tip_9_5"				"As an Engineer, build teleporters to help your team reach the front line faster."
"Tip_9_6"				"As an Engineer, keep an eye out for enemy Spies attaching sappers to your buildings. Use your wrench to remove sappers."
"Tip_9_7"				"As an Engineer, help your fellow Engineers!  Your wrench can upgrade or repair their buildings."
"Tip_9_8"				"As an Engineer, hit your buildings with your wrench while they are constructing to make them build faster."
"Tip_9_9"				"As an Engineer, it can be useful to move your buildings forward with your team."
"Tip_9_10"				"As an Engineer, remember to upgrade your buildings.  Level 3 teleporters recharge much faster allowing your team to keep the pressure on."
"Tip_9_11"				"As an Engineer, hit either the entrance or the exit of your teleporter with your wrench to repair and upgrade both sides."
"Tip_9_12"				"As an Engineer, hit %attack2% to rotate building blueprints before you hit %attack% to build. Use this to face teleporters away from walls."
"Tip_9_13"				"As an Engineer, you can do more than just maintain your buildings. Use your shotgun and your pistol to assist in fights and to defend."
"Tip_9_14"				"As an Engineer, sentry guns aren't restricted to just defensive measures. Deploy them quickly in hidden locations to aid in an offensive push."
"Tip_9_15"				"As an Engineer, remember that disguised Spies can take your teleporter. Try not to stand on top of your teleporter exit."
"Tip_9_16"				"As an Engineer, check for Spies with your weapons if someone suspicious approaches."
"Tip_9_17"				"As an Engineer, use your shotgun and pistol to destroy enemy sticky bombs placed near your buildings."

"Tip_HLTV"				"You are watching SourceTV."

"Tip_arena_Count"			"7"
"Tip_arena_1"				"Keep an eye on the player count at the top of the screen to tell when your team has an advantage."
"Tip_arena_2"				"With no healthkits in the level, Medics are very valuable in Arena, protect them at all costs."
"Tip_arena_3"				"The capture point in the middle of the map will be active after 60 seconds."
"Tip_arena_4"				"You don’t respawn in Arena, so don’t die!"
"Tip_arena_5"				"No single class is most important in Arena, focus on countering the other team's entire composition."
"Tip_arena_6"				"You can change your class at the start of an Arena match before the gates open."
"Tip_arena_7"				"As an Engineer, make sure you’re building dispensers to heal your teammates."

"TF_ClassRecord_MostPoints"		"Most points:"
"TF_ClassRecord_MostKills"		"Most kills:"
"TF_ClassRecord_MostAssists"		"Most assists:"
"TF_ClassRecord_MostCaptures"		"Most captures:"
"TF_ClassRecord_MostDefenses"		"Most defenses:"
"TF_ClassRecord_MostDamage"		"Most damage:"
"TF_ClassRecord_MostDestruction"	"Most destruction:"
"TF_ClassRecord_MostDominations"	"Most dominations:"
"TF_ClassRecord_LongestLife"		"Longest life:"
"TF_ClassRecord_MostHealing"		"Most healing:"
"TF_ClassRecord_MostInvulns"		"Most invulns:"
"TF_ClassRecord_MostSentryKills"	"Most kills by sentry:"
"TF_ClassRecord_MostTeleports"		"Most teleports:"
"TF_ClassRecord_MostHeadshots"		"Most headshots:"
"TF_ClassRecord_MostBackstabs"		"Most backstabs:"

"TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostPoints"			"point(s)"
"TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostKills"			"kill(s)"
"TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostAssists"		"assist(s)"
"TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostCaptures"		"capture(s)"
"TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostDefenses"		"defense(s)"
"TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostDamage"			"damage"
"TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostDestruction"	"building(s) destroyed"
"TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostDominations"	"domination(s)"
"TF_ClassRecord_Alt_LongestLife"		"life time"
"TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostHealing"		"healing"
"TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostInvulns"		"uber charge(s)"
"TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostSentryKills"	"kill(s) by sentry"
"TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostTeleports"		"teleport use(s)"
"TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostHeadshots"		"headshot(s)"
"TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostBackstabs"		"backstab(s)"

"TF_Name_change_limit_exceeded"	"Name change denied (rate exceeded)."

"Building_hud_building"				"Building..."
"Building_hud_sentry_shells"		"Shells:"
"Building_hud_sentry_rockets"		"Rockets:"
"Building_hud_sentry_upgrade"		"Upgrade:"
"Building_hud_sentry_numkills"		"Kills: %numkills%"
"Building_hud_sentry_numassists"	"Assists: %numassists%"
"Building_hud_sentry_kills_assists"	"%numkills% (%numassists%)"
"Building_hud_dispenser_ammo"		"Metal:"
"Building_hud_tele_charging"		"Charging..."
"Building_hud_tele_times_used"		"Times Used:\n%timesused%"

"Building_hud_tele_times_used_360"		"Used:\n%timesused%"

"Building_hud_sentry_not_built"			"Sentry Gun\nNot Built"				
"Building_hud_dispenser_not_built"		"Dispenser\nNot Built"
"Building_hud_tele_enter_not_built"		"Entrance\nNot Built"
"Building_hud_tele_exit_not_built"		"Exit\nNot Built"
"Building_hud_tele_not_built"			"Teleporter Entrance\nNot Built"

"Building_hud_sentry_not_built_360"			"Sentry\nNot Built"				
"Building_hud_tele_enter_not_built_360"		"Entrance\nNot Built"
"Building_hud_tele_exit_not_built_360"		"Exit\nNot Built"

"Hud_Menu_Demolish_Title"				"Demolish"
"Hud_Menu_Build_Title"					"Build"
"Hud_Menu_Disguise_Title"				"Disguise"

"Hud_Menu_Build_Cant_Afford"			"Not Enough\nMetal"
"Hud_Menu_Build_Already_Built"			"Already Built" 
"Hud_Menu_Build_Unavailable"			"Not Available" 
"Hud_Menu_Build_Cancel"					"Hit '%lastinv%' to Cancel"
"Hud_Menu_Build_ToggleMode"			"Hit 'e' to Toggle Building Types"

"Hud_Menu_Spy_Minus_Toggle"				"Hit 'e' to Toggle Team"

// hud menu actions
"Hud_Menu_Spy_Toggle"					"Toggle Teams"
"Hud_Menu_Spy_Select_Disguise"			"Select Disguise"
"Hud_Menu_Build_Action_Demolish"		"Demolish"
"Hud_Menu_Build_Action_Build"			"Build"

// prefix for subtitle
"Voice"					"Voice"

"Cancel"				"Cancel"

"LoadingMap"				"You're on your way to:"

"TF_Ubercharge"				"ÜBERCHARGE: %charge%%%"
"TF_UberchargeMinHUD"			"%charge%%%"
"TF_NotBuilt"				"Not Built"

// Voice Menu
"Voice_Menu_Medic"		"MEDIC!"
"Voice_Menu_Go"			"Go! Go! Go!"
"Voice_Menu_Help"		"Help!"
"Voice_Menu_Yes"		"Yes"
"Voice_Menu_No"			"No"
"Voice_Menu_MoveUp"		"Move Up!"
"Voice_Menu_Left"		"Go Left"
"Voice_Menu_Right"		"Go Right"
"Voice_Menu_Incoming"		"Incoming"
"Voice_Menu_CloakedSpy"		"Spy!"
"Voice_Menu_SentryAhead"	"Sentry Ahead!"
"Voice_Menu_TeleporterHere"	"Teleporter Here"
"Voice_Menu_DispenserHere"	"Dispenser Here"
"Voice_Menu_SentryHere"		"Sentry Here"
"Voice_Menu_ActivateCharge"	"Activate Charge!"
"Voice_Menu_ChargeReady"	"MEDIC: ÜberCharge Ready"
"Voice_Menu_Cheers"		"Cheers"
"Voice_Menu_Jeers"		"Jeers"
"Voice_Menu_Positive"		"Positive"
"Voice_Menu_Negative"		"Negative"
"Voice_Menu_NiceShot"		"Nice Shot"
"Voice_Menu_GoodJob"		"Good Job"
"Voice_Menu_BattleCry"		"Battle Cry"
"Voice_Menu_Thanks"		"Thanks!"

"TF_classautokill"		"Suicide after choosing a player class"

"TF_CurrentPlayers"		"Current Players"

// Xbox 360 Matchmaking

// Welcome Dialog
"TF_PlayerMatch_Title"		"Xbox LIVE Player Match"
"TF_PlayerMatch_Desc"		"Play on Xbox LIVE in games where\nstatistics are not tracked."
"TF_RankedMatch_Title"		"Xbox LIVE Ranked Match"
"TF_RankedMatch_Desc"		"Play on Xbox LIVE in ranked\ngames where statistics are tracked."
"TF_SystemLink_Title"		"System Link Match"
"TF_LoadCommentary"		"Developer Commentary"
"TF_Achievements_Title"		"My Achievements"
"TF_Rankings_Title"		"Ranking"
"TF_Controller_Title"		"Controller"
"TF_Options_Title"		"Options"
"TF_Quit_Title"			"Quit"
"TF_Paused_Title"		"Team Fortress Options"
"TF_ModifyMatch_Title"		"Modify Session"

// Leaderboard Dialogs
"TF_PersonalStats_Title"		"Personal Stats"
"TF_StatsLeaderboards_Title"	"Stats Leaderboards"
"TF_RankedLeaderboards_Title"		"Ranked Leaderboards"

// Player/Ranked Match Dialogs
"TF_QuickMatch_Title"		"Join a Quick Match"
"TF_QuickMatch_Desc"		"Jump straight into a game against\nsimilarly matched opponents."
"TF_HostMatch_Title"		"Host a Match"
"TF_HostMatch_Desc"		"Create a new game session exactly\nas you want."
"TF_CustomMatch_Title"		"Find a Custom Match"
"TF_CustomMatch_Desc"		"Search for game sessions based on your\npreferred match criteria."

// System Link Dialog
"TF_SystemLink_Host_Title"	"Host a Match"
"TF_SystemLink_Host_Desc"	"Create a match on your Local Area Network."   
"TF_SystemLink_Join_Title"	"Join a Match"
"TF_SystemLink_Join_Desc"	"Find another match to join on your\nLocal Area Network." 

// Options Dialog Titles
"TF_PlayerMatch_Host_Title"	"Create a Custom Player Match"
"TF_PlayerMatch_Client_Title"	"Find a Player Match"
"TF_RankedMatch_Host_Title"	"Create a Custom Ranked Match"
"TF_RankedMatch_Client_Title"	"Find a Ranked Match"
"TF_SystemLink_Host_Dialog"	"Host a System Link Match"
"TF_SystemLink_Client_Dialog"	"Select a game to join"

"TF_Achievements_Dialog_Title"	"My Team Fortress 2 Achievements"
"TF_Achievement_Locked"		"Locked"
"TF_Achievement_Unlocked"	"Unlocked"
"TF_Achievement_NumberingFmt"	"%s1 - %s2 of %s3"

"Achievement_Group_All"		"All (%s1 of %s2)"
"Achievement_Group_0"		"General (%s1 of %s2)"
"Achievement_Group_1000"	"Scout Pack (%s1 of %s2)"
"Achievement_Group_1100"	"Sniper Pack (%s1 of %s2)"
"Achievement_Group_1200"	"Soldier Pack (%s1 of %s2)"
"Achievement_Group_1300"	"Demoman Pack (%s1 of %s2)"
"Achievement_Group_1400"	"Medic Pack (%s1 of %s2)"
"Achievement_Group_1500"	"Heavy Pack (%s1 of %s2)"
"Achievement_Group_1600"	"Pyro Pack (%s1 of %s2)"
"Achievement_Group_1700"	"Spy Pack (%s1 of %s2)"
"Achievement_Group_1800"	"Engineer Pack (%s1 of %s2)"
"Achievement_Group_1900"	"Halloween Event (%s1 of %s2)"

"TF_MatchOption_Scenario"	"Scenario"
"TF_MatchOption_FlagCapLimit"	"Flag Capture Limit"
"TF_MatchOption_Rounds"		"Number of Rounds"
"TF_MatchOption_GameSize"	"Game Size"
"TF_MatchOption_AutoBalance"	"Team Auto Balance"
"TF_MatchOption_PrivateSlots"	"Private Slots"
"TF_MatchOption_MaxTime"	"Max Game Time"
"TF_MatchOption_WinLimit"	"Round Win Limit"
"TF_GameTime"			"Game Time"
"TF_Ranked"			"Ranked Match"
"TF_Unranked"			"Player Match"

"TF_PressStart"			"Press START to play"
"TF_StartingInSecs"		"Starting in: %s1 seconds"
"TF_StartingInSec"		"Starting in: %s1 second"
"TF_WaitingForPlayersFmt"	"Waiting for %s1 players"
"TF_WaitingForPlayerFmt"	"Waiting for %s1 player"
"TF_WaitingForHost"		"Waiting for the host"

"TF_Lobby_Title"		"Game Lobby"
"TF_Lobby_Host"			"Hosted by:"

"TF_On"				"On"
"TF_Off"			"Off"
"TF_Any"			"Any"
"TF_MaxTimeNoLimit"		"No Limit"
"TF_NoTimeLimit"		"No Time Limit"
"TF_MaxTimeFmt"			"%s1 Minutes"
"TF_GameSizeFmt"		"%s1 Players"
"TF_ViewGamercard"		"View Gamercard"
"TF_KickPlayer"			"Kick Player"
"TF_AttackDefend"		"Attack / Defend"
"TF_TerritoryControl"	"Territorial Control"
"TF_GameState_InLobby"	"Status: In Lobby"
"TF_GameState_InLobby_lodef"	"Status:\nIn Lobby"
"TF_GameState_GameInProgress"	"Status: In Game"
"TF_GameState_GameInProgress_lodef"	"Status:\nIn Game"
"TF_Recommended_Players"	"Available bandwidth might be insufficient for selected number of players."

"TF_Rank"				"Rank"
"TF_Gamertag"			"Gamertag"

"TF_HostName"			"Host Name"
"TF_Players"			"Players"
"TF_Top"				"Top Rank"
"TF_YourRank"			"Your Rank"
"TF_YourBest"			"Your Best:"

"TF_Icon_Ping_Red"		"M"
"TF_Icon_Ping_Yellow"		"N"
"TF_Icon_Ping_Green"		"O"
"TF_Icon_Voice"			"V"
"TF_Icon_Voice_Idle"		"W"
"TF_Icon_Alert"			"!"
"TF_Icon_NotReady"		","
"TF_Icon_Ready"			"."
"TF_Icon_Start"			"s"

"TF_ChangeTeam"			"Change Team"
"TF_ChangeClass"		"Change Class"
"TF_Attacking"			"Attacking"
"TF_Defending"			"Defending"

"TF_Dlg_NotOnlineEnabled"	"You need an Xbox LIVE Gold Membership to access this feature. Would you like to select a different profile?"
"TF_Dlg_NotOnlineSignedIn"	"You need to sign in to Xbox LIVE to access this feature. Would you like to sign in now?"
"TF_Dlg_SearchingForGames"	"Searching for games..."
"TF_Dlg_CreatingGame"		"Creating the game..."
"TF_Dlg_ExitSessionText"	"Are you sure you want to leave this game?"
"TF_Dlg_NoGamesFound"		"No games were found matching your criteria.\n\nWould you like to host a game?"
"TF_Dlg_CreateFailed"		"Failed to create a game."
"TF_Dlg_JoinRefused"		"This game is no longer accepting players."
"TF_Dlg_GameFull"		"This game is full."
"TF_Dlg_JoinFailed"		"Failed to join to the game."
"TF_Dlg_ConfirmKick"	"Remove this player from the game?"
"TF_Dlg_ClientKicked"	"You have been kicked from this game."
"TF_Dlg_LostHost"			"Connection to the host was lost."
"TF_Dlg_LostServer"			"Connection to the game server was lost."
"TF_Dlg_Connecting"		"Connecting..."
"TF_Dlg_ModifyingSession"	"Modifying session..."
"TF_Dlg_CheckingStorageDevice" "Checking storage device..."

//Spectator Panel
"TF_Spectator_ChangeClass"	"Press [ %changeclass% ] to Change Class"
"TF_Spectator_ChangeTeam"	"Press [ %changeteam% ] to Change Team"
"TF_Spectator_AutoDirector" "Press [ %strafe% ] for Auto Director"
"TF_Spectator_SwitchCamModeKey"	"[%jump%]"
"TF_Spectator_SwitchCamMode"	"Switch Camera Mode"
"TF_Spectator_CycleTargetFwdKey" "[%attack%]"
"TF_Spectator_CycleTargetFwd"	"Cycle Targets (fwd)"
"TF_Spectator_CycleTargetRevKey" "[%attack2%]"
"TF_Spectator_CycleTargetRev"	"Cycle Targets (rev)"
"TF_Spectator_Spectating"		"Spectating:"

"TF_teambalanced"		"The teams have been auto-balanced"
"TF_teamswitch"			"The teams have been switched"
"TF_teamswitch_attackers"	"You are now Attacking!"
"TF_teamswitch_defenders"	"You are now Defending!"
"TF_teamswitch_red"		"You are now on RED!"
"TF_teamswitch_blue"		"You are now on BLU!"
"TF_suddendeath"		"SUDDEN DEATH!"
"TF_suddendeath_mode"		"SUDDEN DEATH MODE!"
"TF_suddendeath_join"		"Sit back and relax while you wait for this petty conflict to end."
"TF_suddendeath_timer"		"You've run out of time. Watch your back and finish 'em off. No more spawning."
"TF_suddendeath_limit"		"Map time limit reached. No more spawning, so make this count."

// Intro Movies

"TF_IM_WellCTF_Intro"	"Well (CTF) is a Capture the Flag map"
"TF_IM_WellCTF_ToWin"	"To win a point, steal the enemies intelligence briefcase and return it to your capture point"
"TF_IM_WellCTF_IntelDrop"	"Dropped briefcases will return to their base in 60 seconds"

"TF_IM_2Fort_Intro"		"2Fort is a Capture the Flag map"
"TF_IM_2Fort_ToWin"	"To win a point, steal the enemies intelligence briefcase and return it to your basement"
"TF_IM_2Fort_IntelStatus"	"The status and location of both intelligence briefcases can be found at the base of your screen"
"TF_IM_2Fort_IntelDrop"	"Dropped briefcases will return to their basement in 60 seconds"

"TF_IM_Gravelpit_Intro"	"Gravel Pit is an Attack/Defend Control Point map"
"TF_IM_Gravelpit_RedWin"	"Team RED wins by defending their Control Points"
"TF_IM_Gravelpit_BlueWin"	"Team BLU wins by capturing all control points before the time runs out"

"TF_IM_Dustbowl_Intro"	"Dustbowl is an Attack/Defend Control Point map"
"TF_IM_Dustbowl_ToWin"	"Team BLU must advance through three stages to win"
"TF_IM_Dustbowl_Stages"	"Each stage contains two Control Points"

"TF_IM_Hydro_Intro"	"Hydro is a Territorial Control Point map"
"TF_IM_Hydro_ToWin"	"A team must control all six territories to win"
"TF_IM_Hydro_ToWin2"	"Each team starts with three territories"
"TF_IM_Hydro_Stages"	"Stages will be played with two Control points at a time"
"TF_IM_Hydro_CP"		"Capture the enemy Control Point in a stage to win the territory"

"TF_IM_Well_Intro"		"Well (CP) is a Control Point map"
"TF_IM_Granary_Intro"	"Granary is a Control Point map"
"TF_IM_Badlands_Intro"	"Badlands is a Control Point map"

"TF_IM_CP_ToWin"		"To win, each team must own all five Control Points"
"TF_IM_CP_Capture"	"To capture a Control Point, stand within the Capture Zone boundaries until you own the Control Point"
"TF_IM_CP_TimeAdd"	"Time is added to the clock when a Control Point is captured"
"TF_IM_CP_Locked"	"Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked"

"TF_IM_Goldrush_Intro"	"Gold Rush is a Payload map with three stages"
"TF_IM_Goldrush_BlueWin"	"BLU team wins by escorting the cart to RED team's final point before the time runs out"
"TF_IM_Goldrush_RedWin"	"RED team wins by preventing the cart from reaching their final point"
"TF_IM_Goldrush_MoveCart"	"The cart moves along the track when BLU players are near it"
"TF_IM_Goldrush_CartHeals"	"The cart dispenses health and ammo to the BLU team"
"TF_IM_Goldrush_RollsBack"	"If the cart doesn't move for 30 seconds it will start to roll backwards"
"TF_IM_Goldrush_TimeAdd"	"Time is added to the clock when the cart reaches each check point"

"TF_IM_Basin_Intro"	 "Badwater Basin is a Payload map with just one stage"
"TF_IM_Basin_BlueWin"	 "BLU team wins by escorting the cart to RED team's final point before the time runs out"
"TF_IM_Basin_RedWin"	 "RED team wins by preventing the cart from reaching their final point"
"TF_IM_Basin_MoveCart"	 "The cart moves along the track when BLU players are near it"
"TF_IM_Basin_CartHeals" "The cart dispenses health and ammo to the BLU team"
"TF_IM_Basin_RollsBack" "If the cart doesn't move for 30 seconds it will start to roll backwards"
"TF_IM_Basin_TimeAdd"	 "Time is added to the clock when the cart reaches each check point"

"TF_IM_Arena_Intro"	 "Welcome to Team Fortress Arena"
"TF_IM_Arena_RandomTeam" "In Arena mode you will be randomly assigned to a team"
"TF_IM_Arena_ToWin"	 "To win, your team must either eliminate all players on the opposing team..."
"TF_IM_Arena_OrCapture"	 "...or capture the control point that will be activated during the round"
"TF_IM_Arena_NoDie" 	 "There is no respawning in Arena mode, so don't die!"
"TF_IM_Arena_Losing"     "Players on the losing team may have to sit out the next round if other players are waiting to play"
"TF_IM_Arena_Scramble"	 "The teams will be scrambled after one team reaches the win limit"

// Achievements
"TF_GET_TURRETKILLS_DESC"		"Accumulate 10 sentry gun kills with a single sentry."
"TF_KILL_NEMESIS_DESC"			"Get five revenge kills."
"TF_GET_CONSECUTIVEKILLS_NODEATHS_DESC"	"Get five kills in a row without dying."
"TF_GET_HEALED_BYENEMY_NAME"		"Master of Disguise"
"TF_GET_HEALED_BYENEMY_DESC"		"Trick an opposing Medic into healing you."
"TF_GET_HEADSHOTS_DESC"			"Get 25 headshots as a Sniper."
"TF_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDSONLY_NAME"		"With Friends Like these..."
"TF_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDSONLY_DESC"		"Play in a game with 7 or more players from your friends list."
"TF_GET_MULTIPLEKILLS_DESC"		"Accumulate 1000 total kills."
"TF_WIN_2FORT_NOENEMYCAPS_NAME"		"Powerhouse Offense"
"TF_WIN_2FORT_NOENEMYCAPS_DESC"		"Win 2Fort with a shutout."
"TF_WIN_WELL_MINIMUMTIME_DESC"		"Win Well in 5 minutes or less."
"TF_WIN_HYDRO_NOENEMYCAPS_DESC"		"Win Hydro without giving up a capture."
"TF_WIN_DUSTBOWL_NOENEMYCAPS_DESC"	"Successfully defend Dustbowl without giving up a capture."
"TF_WIN_GRAVELPIT_NOENEMYCAPS_DESC"	"Successfully defend Gravel Pit without giving up a capture."
"TF_PLAY_GAME_EVERYCLASS_DESC"		"Play a complete round with every class."
"TF_PLAY_GAME_EVERYMAP_DESC"		"Play a complete game on 2Fort, Dustbowl, Granary, Gravel Pit, Hydro, and Well (CP)."
"TF_GET_HEALPOINTS_DESC"		"Accumulate 25000 heal points as a Medic."
"TF_BURN_PLAYERSINMINIMUMTIME_DESC"	"Set five enemies on fire in 30 seconds."

// Medic Achievement Pack
"TF_MEDIC_TOP_SCOREBOARD_DESC"	"Play a full round without killing any enemies, and score the highest on a team of 6 or more players."
"TF_MEDIC_HEAL_UNDER_FIRE_DESC"	"Heal a teammate who's taking fire from 4 enemies at once."
"TF_MEDIC_SIMUL_CHARGE_DESC"	"Work with 2 other Medics to deploy 3 simultaneous ÜberCharges."
"TF_MEDIC_SETUP_CHARGE_DESC"	"Have an ÜberCharge ready before the Setup phase ends."
"TF_MEDIC_RAPID_CHARGE_DESC"	"Deploy 3 ÜberCharges in less than 5 minutes, and assist in 5 kills during that time."
"TF_MEDIC_COUNTER_CHARGE_DESC"	"Deploy an ÜberCharge within 8 seconds of a nearby enemy Medic deploying his."
"TF_MEDIC_SWITCH_TO_MEDIC_DESC"	"In a team with no Medics, be the first person to switch to Medic after a teammate calls for 'Medic!', and then heal 500 health."
"TF_MEDIC_SAVE_TEAMMATE_DESC"	"Deploy an ÜberCharge on a teammate less than a second before they're hit by a critical explosive."
"TF_MEDIC_CHARGE_BLOCKER_NAME"	"Preventive Medicine"
"TF_MEDIC_CHARGE_BLOCKER_DESC"	"Block the enemy from capturing a control point with an ÜberCharged teammate."
"TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_MEDIC_DESC"	"Assist a fellow Medic in killing 5 enemies in a single life."
"TF_MEDIC_SYRINGE_SCOUTS_DESC"	"Kill 50 Scouts with your syringe gun."
"TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_MEDICS_DESC"	"Kill 50 Medics with your bone saw."
"TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_HEAVY_LONG_DESC"	"Assist a Heavy in killing 10 enemies, where neither of you die."
"TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_SCOUT_NAME"	"You'll Feel a Little Prick"
"TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_SCOUT_DESC"	"Assist in killing 3 enemies with a single ÜberCharge on a Scout."
"TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_PYRO_DESC"		"Assist in burning 5 enemies with a single ÜberCharge on a Pyro."
"TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_HEAVY_DESC"	"Assist in punching 2 enemies with a single ÜberCharge on a Heavy."
"TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_DEMOMAN_NAME"	"Medical Breakthrough"
"TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_DEMOMAN_DESC"	"Assist in destroying 5 enemy Engineer buildings with a single ÜberCharge on a Demoman."
"TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_SOLDIER_DESC"	"Assist in exploding 5 enemies with a single ÜberCharge on a Soldier."
"TF_MEDIC_HEAL_ENGINEER_DESC"	"Heal an Engineer as he repairs his sentry gun while it's under enemy fire."
"TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_CAPTURER_NAME"	"Ubi concordia, ibi victoria"
"TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_CAPTURER_DESC"	"Assist in killing 3 enemies on an enemy control point, in a single life."
"TF_MEDIC_HEAL_CALLERS_DESC"	"Heal 200 teammates after they've called for 'Medic!'."
"TF_MEDIC_EXTINGUISH_TEAMMATES_DESC"	"Extinguish 100 burning teammates."
"TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_VS_NEMESES_NAME"	"Doctor Assisted Homicide"
"TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_VS_NEMESES_DESC"	"Assist in killing 20 nemeses."
"TF_MEDIC_KILL_WHILE_CHARGED_DESC"	"Kill 5 enemies in a single life, while having your ÜberCharge ready, but undeployed."
"TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_NOMISSES_DESC"	"Hit enemies with your bonesaw 5 times in a row without dying or missing."
"TF_MEDIC_HEAL_LARGE_DESC"	"Accumulate 7000 heal points in a single life."
"TF_MEDIC_HEAL_HUGE_DESC"	"Accumulate 10000 heal points health in a single life."
"TF_MEDIC_HEAL_GRIND_DESC"	"Accumulate 1 million total heal points."
"TF_MEDIC_KILL_HEALED_SPY_DESC"	"Kill an enemy Spy that you have been healing."
"TF_MEDIC_SAVE_FALLING_TEAMMATE_DESC"	"Save a falling teammate from dying on impact."
"TF_MEDIC_CHARGE_JUGGLE_DESC"	"ÜberCharge 2 teammates at once."
"TF_MEDIC_FREEZECAM_RAGDOLL_DESC"	"Provide an enemy with a freezecam shot of you taunting above their ragdoll."
"TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_SPY_CALLERS_DESC"	"Use your bonesaw to kill 5 Spies who have been calling for 'Medic!'."
"TF_MEDIC_CHARGE_FRIENDS_DESC"	"ÜberCharge ten of your Steam Community Friends."
"TF_MEDIC_INVITE_JOIN_CHARGE_DESC"	"Join a game that one of your friends is in and then deploy an ÜberCharge on him."
"TF_MEDIC_HEAL_ACHIEVER_DESC"	"Be healing a teammate as he achieves an achievement of his own."
"TF_MEDIC_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC"	"Achieve 10 of the achievements in the Medic pack."
"TF_MEDIC_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC"	"Achieve 16 of the achievements in the Medic pack."
"TF_MEDIC_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC"	"Achieve 22 of the achievements in the Medic pack."

// Pyro Achievement Pack
"TF_PYRO_KILL_MULTIWEAPONS_DESC"	"Use your shotgun to finish off 20 players you've ignited."
"TF_PYRO_SIMULBURN_SCOUTS_DESC"		"Have 2 enemy Scouts on fire at the same time."
"TF_PYRO_FORCE_WATERJUMP_DESC"		"Force 10 burning enemies to jump into water."
"TF_PYRO_KILL_POSTDEATH_DESC"		"Kill 15 players while you're dead."
"TF_PYRO_KILL_SPIES_DESC"		"Ignite 5 Spies who have a sapper on a friendly building."
"TF_PYRO_KILL_CARRIERS_NAME"		"Cooking the Books"
"TF_PYRO_KILL_CARRIERS_DESC"		"Ignite 5 enemies carrying your intelligence."
"TF_PYRO_REVEAL_SPIES_NAME"		"Spontaneous Combustion"
"TF_PYRO_REVEAL_SPIES_DESC"		"Ignite 10 cloaked Spies."
"TF_PYRO_CAMP_TELEPORTERS_DESC"		"Ignite 10 enemies that have recently used a teleporter."
"TF_PYRO_CAMP_POSITION_DESC"		"Kill 3 enemies in a row, all within the same area."
"TF_PYRO_KILL_AXE_SMALL_DESC"		"Kill 3 people with your axe in one life."
"TF_PYRO_KILL_AXE_LARGE_DESC"		"Kill 6 people with your axe in one life."
"TF_PYRO_KILL_FROM_BEHIND_DESC"		"Kill 50 enemies with your flamethrower, from behind."
"TF_PYRO_BURN_SPIES_AS_YOU_DESC"	"Ignite 10 disguised Spies."
"TF_PYRO_BURN_SNIPERS_ZOOMED_DESC"	"Ignite 10 Snipers while they are zoomed in."
"TF_PYRO_BURN_MEDICS_CHARGED_DESC"	"Ignite 3 Medics that are ready to deploy an ÜberCharge."
"TF_PYRO_REFLECT_PROJECTILES_DESC"	"Reflect 100 projectiles with your compressed air blast."
"TF_PYRO_KILL_HEAVIES_DESC"		"Kill 50 Heavies with your flamethrower."
"TF_PYRO_KILL_UNDERWATER_DESC"		"Kill 10 enemies while you're both underwater."
"TF_PYRO_KILL_UBERCHARGE_DESC"		"Kill 3 enemies in a single ÜberCharge."
"TF_PYRO_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_DESC"	"Destroy 50 Engineer buildings."
"TF_PYRO_DEFEND_POINTS_DESC"		"Ignite 50 enemies capturing one of your control points."
"TF_PYRO_KILL_GRIND_NAME"		"Firefighter"
"TF_PYRO_KILL_GRIND_DESC"		"Kill 500 enemies."
"TF_PYRO_DAMAGE_GRIND_DESC"		"Do 1 million points of total fire damage."
"TF_PYRO_BURN_MEDICPAIR_DESC"		"Ignite an enemy, and the Medic healing him."
"TF_PYRO_KILL_TAUNT_DESC"		"Kill an enemy with a taunt."
"TF_PYRO_KILL_TEAMWORK_NAME"		"Second Degree Burn"
"TF_PYRO_KILL_TEAMWORK_DESC"		"Kill a burning enemy who was ignited by another Pyro."
"TF_PYRO_BURN_SPY_TAUNT_DESC"		"Ignite an enemy Spy while he's flicking a cigarette."
"TF_PYRO_DOMINATE_LEAVESVR_DESC"	"Cause a dominated player to leave the server."
"TF_PYRO_REFLECT_CROCKET_KILL_DESC"	"Kill a Soldier with a reflected critical rocket."
"TF_PYRO_KILL_TAUNTERS_NAME"		"Dance Dance Immolation"
"TF_PYRO_KILL_TAUNTERS_DESC"		"Kill 3 enemies while they're taunting."
"TF_PYRO_DOUBLE_KO_DESC"		"Kill an enemy in the same second that he kills you."
"TF_PYRO_BURN_RJ_SOLDIER_DESC"		"Ignite a rocket-jumping Soldier while he's in midair."
"TF_PYRO_FREEZECAM_TAUNTS_DESC"		"Provide enemies with freezecam shots of each of your taunts."
"TF_PYRO_KILL_GRIND_LARGE_DESC"		"Kill 1000 enemies."
"TF_PYRO_IGNITE_FLAREGUN_DESC"		"Ignite 100 enemies with the flare gun."
"TF_PYRO_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC"	"Achieve 10 of the achievements in the Pyro pack."
"TF_PYRO_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC"	"Achieve 16 of the achievements in the Pyro pack."
"TF_PYRO_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC"	"Achieve 22 of the achievements in the Pyro pack."

// Heavy Achievement Pack
"TF_HEAVY_DAMAGE_TAKEN_DESC"		"Take 1000 points of damage in a single life."
"TF_HEAVY_DEFEND_MEDIC_DESC"		"Kill 50 enemies within 3 seconds of them attacking your Medic."
"TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_MEDIC_LARGE_DESC"	"Kill 10 enemies with a Medic assisting you, where neither of you die."
"TF_HEAVY_EARN_MEDIC_DOMINATION_DESC"	"Earn a domination for a Medic who's healing you."
"TF_HEAVY_KILL_TAUNT_DESC"			"Kill an enemy with a taunt."
"TF_HEAVY_KILL_FLAG_CARRIERS_DESC"	"Kill 10 enemies carrying your intelligence."
"TF_HEAVY_KILL_MEDIC_PAIR_DESC"		"Work with a friendly Medic to kill an enemy Heavy & Medic pair."
"TF_HEAVY_BLOCK_INVULN_HEAVY_DESC"	"While invulnerable and on defense, block an invulnerable enemy Heavy's movement."
"TF_HEAVY_BLOCK_CART_NAME"			"Stalin the Kart"
"TF_HEAVY_BLOCK_CART_DESC"			"Block the enemy from moving the payload cart 25 times."
"TF_HEAVY_RECEIVE_UBER_GRIND_DESC"	"Get ÜberCharged 50 times."
"TF_HEAVY_STAND_NEAR_DISPENSER_DESC"	"Kill 20 enemies while being recharged by a dispenser."
"TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_HEAVY_GRIND_DESC"	"Get 25 enemy kills where you either assist or are assisted by another Heavy."
"TF_HEAVY_CLEAR_STICKYBOMBS_NAME"	"0wn the Means of Production"
"TF_HEAVY_CLEAR_STICKYBOMBS_DESC"	"Remove 20 stickybombs by killing the Demomen who produced them."
"TF_HEAVY_KILL_UNDERWATER_DESC"		"Kill 100 enemies while both you and your victim are underwater."
"TF_HEAVY_TAKE_MULTI_DAMAGE_DESC"	"In a single life, get shot, burned, bludgeoned, and receive explosive damage."
"TF_HEAVY_KILL_DOMINATED_DESC"		"Get 20 kills on players that you're dominating."
"TF_HEAVY_SURVIVE_CROCKET_DESC"		"Survive a direct hit from a critical rocket."
"TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_GRIND_NAME"		"Kollectivization"
"TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_GRIND_DESC"		"Get 1000 assists."
"TF_HEAVY_UNCOVER_SPIES_NAME"		"Spyalectical Materialism"
"TF_HEAVY_UNCOVER_SPIES_DESC"		"Kill or assist in killing 10 cloaked Spies."
"TF_HEAVY_KILL_WHILE_SPUNUP_NAME"	"Permanent Revolution"
"TF_HEAVY_KILL_WHILE_SPUNUP_DESC"	"Kill 5 enemies without spinning down your gun."
"TF_HEAVY_FIRE_LOTS_NAME"			"Heavy Industry"
"TF_HEAVY_FIRE_LOTS_DESC"			"Fire $200,000 worth of minigun rounds in a single life."
"TF_HEAVY_KILL_CRIT_PUNCH_NAME"		"Communist Mani-Fisto"
"TF_HEAVY_KILL_CRIT_PUNCH_DESC"		"Kill an enemy with a critical punch."
"TF_HEAVY_HEAL_MEDIKITS_NAME"		"Redistribution of Health"
"TF_HEAVY_HEAL_MEDIKITS_DESC"		"Heal 1000 damage with med-kits in a single life."
"TF_HEAVY_KILL_SHOTGUN_DESC"		"Kill an enemy with your shotgun while you're out of minigun ammo."
"TF_HEAVY_FIRST_TO_CAP_NAME"		"Vanguard Party"
"TF_HEAVY_FIRST_TO_CAP_DESC"		"Be the first on your team to start capturing a control point in a round."
"TF_HEAVY_PAYLOAD_CAP_GRIND_DESC"	"Get 50 caps on payload maps."
"TF_HEAVY_KILL_MIDAIR_MINIGUN_DESC"	"Kill 10 enemies in mid-air with the minigun."
"TF_HEAVY_DEFEND_CONTROL_POINT_DESC"	"Kill 25 enemies while you're standing on a control point you own."
"TF_HEAVY_KILL_CAPPING_ENEMIES_DESC"	"Kill 15 enemies capturing a control point you own."
"TF_HEAVY_REVENGE_ASSIST_DESC"	"Help 5 teammates get revenge on their nemeses."
"TF_HEAVY_TELEPORT_FAST_KILL_DESC"	"Kill an enemy in the first 5 seconds after you exit a teleporter."
"TF_HEAVY_FREEZECAM_TAUNT_DESC"	"Provide an enemy with a freezecam shot of you taunting while invulnerable."
"TF_HEAVY_EAT_SANDWICHES_NAME"		"Konspicuous Konsumption"
"TF_HEAVY_EAT_SANDWICHES_DESC"		"Eat 100 sandviches."
"TF_HEAVY_KILL_SCOUTS_NAME"	"Don't Touch Sandvich"
"TF_HEAVY_KILL_SCOUTS_DESC"	"Kill 50 Scouts using Natascha."
"TF_HEAVY_KILL_HEAVIES_GLOVES_DESC"	"Kill 10 Heavies with The K.G.B."
"TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC"	"Achieve 10 of the achievements in the Heavy pack."
"TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC"	"Achieve 16 of the achievements in the Heavy pack."
"TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC"	"Achieve 22 of the achievements in the Heavy pack."

// Scout Achievement Pack
"TF_SCOUT_FIRST_BLOOD_DESC"		"Get the first kill in an Arena match."
"TF_SCOUT_FIRST_BLOOD_KILL_DESC"	"Kill 5 enemies with the First Blood crit buff."
"TF_SCOUT_WELL_EARLY_KILL_DESC"		"Kill a player in Well before the round starts."
"TF_SCOUT_LIFETIME_KILLS_DESC"		"Get 2004 lifetime kills."
"TF_SCOUT_IRON_MAN_KILLS_DESC"		"In a single life, kill an enemy while you are on the ground, in the air, and in the water."
"TF_SCOUT_DESTROY_TELEPORTERS_DESC"	"Destroy 3 teleporter entrances."
"TF_SCOUT_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_BEING_BUILT_DESC"	"Destroy 3 enemy buildings while they are still under construction."
"TF_SCOUT_DESTROY_SENTRY_WITH_PISTOL_DESC"	"Destroy an active sentry gun using your pistol."
"TF_SCOUT_DOUBLE_JUMPS_DESC"		"Perform 1000 double jumps."
"TF_SCOUT_ASSIST_MEDIC_NAME"		"Doctoring the Ball"
"TF_SCOUT_ASSIST_MEDIC_DESC"		"Kill 3 enemies while under the effects of a Medic's ÜberCharge."
"TF_SCOUT_STEAL_SANDWICH_NAME"		"Dodgers 1, Giants 0"
"TF_SCOUT_STEAL_SANDWICH_DESC"		"Kill an enemy Heavy and take his Sandvich."
"TF_SCOUT_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC"	"Achieve 10 of the achievements in the Scout pack."
"TF_SCOUT_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC"	"Achieve 16 of the achievements in the Scout pack."
"TF_SCOUT_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC"	"Achieve 22 of the achievements in the Scout pack."
"TF_SCOUT_KILL_CHARGED_MEDICS_DESC"	"Kill a Medic that is ready to deploy an ÜberCharge."
"TF_SCOUT_SURVIVE_DAMAGE_DESC"		"Survive 500 damage in one life."
"TF_SCOUT_DOUBLEJUMP_KILL_DESC"		"Kill 20 players while double-jumping."
"TF_SCOUT_FLAG_CAP_GRIND_DESC"		"Capture the enemy intelligence 25 times."
"TF_SCOUT_THREE_FLAGCAPS_DESC"		"Capture the enemy intelligence 3 times in a single CTF round."
"TF_SCOUT_DODGE_DAMAGE_DESC"		"Dodge 1000 damage in a single life using your Bonk! Atomic Punch."
"TF_SCOUT_KNOCK_INTO_TRAIN_DESC"	"Cause an environmental death or suicide using the Force-A-Nature's knockback."
"TF_SCOUT_KILL_STUNNED_DESC"		"Kill 50 enemies while they are stunned."
"TF_SCOUT_STUN_INTO_TRAIN_DESC"		"Cause an environmental death by stunning an enemy."
"TF_SCOUT_STUN_UBER_ENEMIES_DESC"	"Stun 2 Medics that are ready to deploy an ÜberCharge."
"TF_SCOUT_STUN_CAPPING_ENEMIES_DESC"	"Stun 50 enemies while they are capturing a point or pushing the cart."
"TF_SCOUT_MAX_STUNS_DESC"		"Stun an enemy for the maximum possible duration by hitting them with a long-range ball."
"TF_SCOUT_STUN_SCOUT_WITH_THEIR_BALL_DESC"	"Stun a Scout with their own ball."
"TF_SCOUT_KILL_IN_DODGE_COOLDOWN_DESC"	"Kill a Scout while they are under the effect of Crit-a-Cola."
"TF_SCOUT_KILL_FROM_BEHIND_DESC"	"Kill 50 enemies from behind with the Force-A-Nature."
"TF_SCOUT_CAPTURE_LAST_POINT_DESC"	"Capture the last point in a CP map."
"TF_SCOUT_CAPTURE_THREE_POINTS_DESC"	"Capture three capture points in a row in one life."
"TF_SCOUT_FAST_CAP_NAME"		"Stealing Home"
"TF_SCOUT_FAST_CAP_DESC"		"Start capping a capture point within a second of it becoming available."
"TF_SCOUT_START_AND_FINISH_CAP_DESC"	"Initiate 10 point captures that ultimately succeed."
"TF_SCOUT_BLOCK_CAPS_NAME"		"Block the Plate"
"TF_SCOUT_BLOCK_CAPS_DESC"		"Block 50 point captures."
"TF_SCOUT_CARRIER_KILL_CARRIER_DESC"	"Kill an opposing player that has your intelligence while holding theirs."
"TF_SCOUT_CAP_FLAG_WITHOUT_ATTACKING_DESC" "Steal and then capture the enemy intelligence without firing a shot."
"TF_SCOUT_TAUNT_KILL_NAME"		"Out of the Park"
"TF_SCOUT_TAUNT_KILL_DESC"		"Bat an enemy 25 meters."

// Sniper Achievement Pack
"TF_SNIPER_JARATE_DOMINATED_DESC"	"Jarate an enemy that you're dominating."
"TF_SNIPER_FREEZECAM_HAT_DESC"		"Provide an enemy with a freezecam shot of you doffing your hat."
"TF_SNIPER_RIFLE_NO_MISSING_DESC"	"Get 3 kills with the Sniper Rifle without missing a shot."
"TF_SNIPER_CAPTURE_FLAG_DESC"		"Capture the flag in CTF."
"TF_SNIPER_KILL_GRIND_NAME"		"Kill Everyone You Meet"
"TF_SNIPER_KILL_GRIND_DESC"		"Kill 1000 enemies."
"TF_SNIPER_KILL_WEAPONS_DESC"		"In a single round, get a kill with 3 different weapons."
"TF_SNIPER_HEADSHOT_SNIPERS_NAME"	"Self-destruct Sequence"
"TF_SNIPER_HEADSHOT_SNIPERS_DESC"	"Headshot 10 enemy Snipers."
"TF_SNIPER_DESTROY_SENTRYGUNS_DESC"	"Destroy 3 Engineer sentry guns."
"TF_SNIPER_KILL_INVIS_SPY_DESC"		"Kill a fully invisible Spy in a single hit."
"TF_SNIPER_KILL_MIDAIR_SCOUT_DESC"	"Kill a Scout in midair with your Sniper Rifle or the Huntsman."
"TF_SNIPER_FREEZECAM_WAVE_DESC"		"Provide an enemy with a freezecam shot of you waving to them."
"TF_SNIPER_DOMINATE_SNIPER_DESC"	"Dominate an enemy Sniper."
"TF_SNIPER_KILL_SPIES_MELEE_DESC"	"Kill 10 Spies with your Kukri."
"TF_SNIPER_HEADSHOT_DEMOMAN_DESC"	"Headshot an enemy Demoman."
"TF_SNIPER_KILL_RJER_NAME"		"Jumper Stumper"
"TF_SNIPER_KILL_RJER_DESC"		"Kill a rocket or grenade-jumping enemy in midair with your Sniper Rifle or the Huntsman."
"TF_SNIPER_KILL_OBJECTIVES_DESC"	"In a single life, kill 3 enemies while they are achieving an objective."
"TF_SNIPER_KILL_UNSCOPED_DESC"		"Get 5 kills with the Sniper Rifle without your scope."
"TF_SNIPER_KILL_CHARGED_MEDIC_DESC"	"Kill a Medic that is ready to deploy an ÜberCharge."
"TF_SNIPER_GET_BACKSTABBED_DESC"	"Get backstabbed 50 times."
"TF_SNIPER_KILL_AT_ROUNDSTART_DESC"	"Kill an opponent within the first second of a round."
"TF_SNIPER_HEADSHOT_POST_INVULN_DESC"	"Headshot an enemy player the moment his invulnerability wears off."
"TF_SNIPER_TOP_SCOREBOARD_GRIND_DESC"	"Top the scoreboard 10 times on teams of 6 or more players."
"TF_SNIPER_KILL_FAILED_SPY_DESC"	"Kill a spy whose backstab attempt was blocked by your Razorback."
"TF_SNIPER_JARATE_GROUP_NAME"		"Saturation Bombing"
"TF_SNIPER_JARATE_GROUP_DESC"		"Jarate 4 enemy players with a single throw."
"TF_SNIPER_JARATE_MEDIC_PAIR_DESC"	"Jarate an enemy and the Medic healing him."
"TF_SNIPER_JARATE_REVEAL_SPY_DESC"	"Use Jarate to reveal a cloaked Spy."
"TF_SNIPER_JARATE_EXTINGUISH_DESC"	"Extinguish a burning teammate with your Jarate."
"TF_SNIPER_BOW_PIN_HEAVY_NAME"		"William Tell Overkill"
"TF_SNIPER_BOW_PIN_HEAVY_DESC"		"Pin an enemy Heavy to the wall via his head."
"TF_SNIPER_BOW_KILL_MEDIC_PAIR_DESC"	"Kill a Heavy & Medic pair with the bow."
"TF_SNIPER_BOW_KILL_FLAGCARRIER_DESC"	"Take down an intelligence carrier with a single arrow."
"TF_SNIPER_BOW_PINCUSHION_DESC"		"Hit an enemy with 3 arrows, without killing them."
"TF_SNIPER_JARATE_ASSISTS_DESC"		"Score 5 assists with the Jarate in a single round."
"TF_SNIPER_JARATE_KILL_MELEE_DESC"	"Jarate and then kill 3 enemies with your Kukri."
"TF_SNIPER_TAUNT_KILL_DESC"		"Stab an enemy with an arrow."
"TF_SNIPER_BOW_KILL_WHILEDEAD_DESC"	"Kill an enemy with an arrow while you're dead."
"TF_SNIPER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC"		"Achieve 5 of the achievements in the Sniper pack."
"TF_SNIPER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC"		"Achieve 11 of the achievements in the Sniper pack."
"TF_SNIPER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC"		"Achieve 17 of the achievements in the Sniper pack."

// Spy Achievement Pack
"TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_SNIPERS_DESC"			"Backstab 3 Snipers in a single life."
"TF_SPY_FREEZECAM_FLICK_DESC"			"Provide an enemy with a freezecam shot of you flicking a cigarette onto their corpse."
"TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_DISGUISED_SPY_DESC"		"Backstab a disguised Spy."
"TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_DISGUISE_TARGET_DESC"		"Backstab the enemy that you're currently disguised as."
"TF_SPY_TAUNT_KILL_NAME"			"The Man from P.U.N.C.T.U.R.E."
"TF_SPY_TAUNT_KILL_DESC"			"Stab an enemy while fencing."
"TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_MEDIC_HEALING_YOU_DESC"	"Backstab a Medic who has healed you in the last 5 seconds."
"TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_ENGY_SAP_BUILDING_DESC"	"Backstab an Engineer, then sap 3 of his buildings within 10 seconds."
"TF_SPY_SAP_BUILDING_BACKSTAB_ENGY_DESC"	"Sap an enemy building, then backstab the Engineer who built it within 5 seconds."
"TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_MEDIC_PAIR_DESC"		"Backstab an enemy and the Medic healing him within 10 seconds of each other."
"TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_FRIENDS_NAME"			"Agent Provocateur"
"TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_FRIENDS_DESC"			"Backstab your Steam Community friends 10 times."
"TF_SPY_DOMINATE_SNIPER_NAME"			"The Melbourne Supremacy"
"TF_SPY_DOMINATE_SNIPER_DESC"			"Dominate a Sniper."
"TF_SPY_BUMP_CLOAKED_SPY_DESC"			"While cloaked, bump into an enemy cloaked Spy."
"TF_SPY_KILL_SPY_WITH_KNIFE_DESC"		"Kill a gun-wielding Spy with your knife."
"TF_SPY_SURVIVE_BURNING_DESC"			"Survive 30 seconds after being ignited while cloaked."
"TF_SPY_BREAK_SHIELD_KILL_SNIPER_DESC"		"Kill a Sniper after your backstab breaks his Razorback."
"TF_SPY_KILL_WORKING_ENGY_NAME"			"Constructus Interruptus"
"TF_SPY_KILL_WORKING_ENGY_DESC"			"Kill an Engineer who is working on a sentry gun."
"TF_SPY_FAST_CAP_NAME"				"On Her Majesty’s Secret Surface"
"TF_SPY_FAST_CAP_DESC"				"Start capping a capture point within a second of it becoming available."
"TF_SPY_MEDIC_HEALING_KILL_ENEMY_DESC"		"Kill an enemy while you're being healed by an enemy Medic."
"TF_SPY_KILL_CP_DEFENDERS_DESC"			"Kill 15 enemies who are standing on a control point they own."
"TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_DOMINATING_ENEMY_DESC"		"Backstab an enemy who is dominating 3 or more of your teammates."
"TF_SPY_REVENGE_WITH_BACKSTAB_DESC"		"Get a Revenge kill with a backstab."
"TF_SPY_KNIFE_KILL_WHILE_JARATED_DESC"		"Stab an enemy to death while under the influence of Jarate."
"TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_QUICK_KILLS_DESC"		"Backstab 3 enemies within 10 seconds."
"TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_GRIND_DESC"			"Backstab 1000 enemies."
"TF_SPY_SAPPER_GRIND_DESC"			"Destroy 1000 Engineer buildings with sappers."
"TF_SPY_SAPPER_TEAMWORK_DESC"			"Sap an enemy sentry gun within 3 seconds of a teammate sapping another."
"TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_MEDIC_CHARGED_DESC"		"Backstab a Medic that is ready to deploy an ÜberCharge."
"TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_CAPPING_ENEMIES_DESC"		"Backstab 50 enemies who are capturing control points."
"TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_ENEMY_SWITCH_PYRO_DESC"	"Backstab an enemy, who then switches to Pyro before they respawn."
"TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_GRIND_DESC"			"Kill 50 enemies with the Ambassador."
"TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_SNIPER_GRIND_DESC"		"Headshot 20 Snipers with the Ambassador."
"TF_SPY_FEIGN_DEATH_KILL_DESC"			"Kill an enemy who triggered your feign death in the last 20 seconds."
"TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_SCOUT_GRIND_DESC"		"Headshot 3 Scouts with the Ambassador."
"TF_SPY_CAMP_POSITION_NAME"			"Deep Undercover"
"TF_SPY_CAMP_POSITION_DESC"			"While using the Cloak and Dagger, kill the same enemy 3 times, all within the same area in a single life."
"TF_SPY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC"		"Achieve 5 of the achievements in the Spy pack."
"TF_SPY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC"		"Achieve 11 of the achievements in the Spy pack."
"TF_SPY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC"		"Achieve 17 of the achievements in the Spy pack."

// Halloween Event
"TF_HALLOWEEN_COLLECT_PUMPKINS_DESC"		"Collect 20 Halloween pumpkins from dead players to unlock a hat."
"TF_HALLOWEEN_DOMINATE_FOR_HAT_DESC"		"Dominate a player wearing the Ghastly Gibus to earn your own."
"TF_HALLOWEEN_KILL_SCARED_PLAYER_DESC"		"Kill a player scared by the ghost haunting KOTH Harvest."
"TF_HALLOWEEN_PUMPKIN_KILL_DESC"		"Cause the deaths of 5 players by exploding nearby pumpkin bombs."
"TF_HALLOWEEN_DISGUISED_SPY_KILL_DESC"		"Kill a Spy disguised as your current class."

// Soldier Achievement Pack
"TF_SOLDIER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC"		"Achieve 5 of the achievements in the Soldier pack."
"TF_SOLDIER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC"		"Achieve 11 of the achievements in the Soldier pack."
"TF_SOLDIER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC"		"Achieve 17 of the achievements in the Soldier pack."
"TF_SOLDIER_KILL_GROUP_WITH_CROCKET_DESC"	"Kill 3 enemies with a single critical rocket."
"TF_SOLDIER_KILL_TWO_DURING_ROCKET_JUMP_DESC"	"Rocket jump and kill 2 enemies before you land."
"TF_SOLDIER_THREE_DOMINATIONS_DESC"		"Get 3 dominations in a single life."
"TF_SOLDIER_DEFEND_MEDIC_NAME"			"War Crime and Punishment"
"TF_SOLDIER_DEFEND_MEDIC_DESC"			"In a single life, kill 3 enemies who have damaged a Medic that is healing you."
"TF_SOLDIER_KILL_TAUNT_NAME"			"Spray of Defeat"
"TF_SOLDIER_KILL_TAUNT_DESC"			"Use a grenade to gib a player."
"TF_SOLDIER_DESTROY_SENTRY_OUT_OF_RANGE_DESC"	"Kill 5 Engineer sentries while you are standing outside of their range."
"TF_SOLDIER_KILL_SNIPER_WHILE_DEAD_NAME"	"Mutually Assured Destruction"
"TF_SOLDIER_KILL_SNIPER_WHILE_DEAD_DESC"	"Kill an enemy sniper with a rocket after he kills you."
"TF_SOLDIER_KILL_AIRBORNE_TARGET_WHILE_AIRBORNE_DESC"	"Kill an enemy soldier while both you and the target are airborne."
"TF_SOLDIER_KILL_ENGY_NAME"			"Engineer to Eternity"
"TF_SOLDIER_KILL_ENGY_DESC"			"Kill an Engineer as he repairs his sentry gun while it's under enemy fire."
"TF_SOLDIER_NEMESIS_SHOVEL_KILL_DESC"		"Kill your nemesis with a shovel."
"TF_SOLDIER_DESTROY_STICKIES_DESC"		"Destroy 10 sticky bombs with the shotgun in a single life."
"TF_SOLDIER_CROUCH_ROCKET_JUMP_DESC"		"Get the highest possible rocket jump using jump and crouch."
"TF_SOLDIER_BUFF_FRIENDS_NAME"			"Banner of Brothers"
"TF_SOLDIER_BUFF_FRIENDS_DESC"			"Buff 5 steam friends at once with the Buff Banner."
"TF_SOLDIER_KILL_TWENTY_FROM_ABOVE_DESC"	"Kill 20 enemies from above."
"TF_SOLDIER_SHOOT_MULT_CRITS_DESC"		"Shoot two non-boosted crit rockets in a row."
"TF_SOLDIER_KILL_DEFENSELESS_DESC"		"Kill 5 defenseless players after a single match has ended."
"TF_SOLDIER_KILL_ON_FIRE_DESC"			"Kill 20 enemies while you are on fire."
"TF_SOLDIER_KILL_FIVE_STUNNED_DESC"		"Kill 5 stunned players."
"TF_SOLDIER_FREEZECAM_GIBS_NAME"		"Gore-a! Gore-a! Gore-a!"
"TF_SOLDIER_FREEZECAM_GIBS_DESC"		"Provide the enemy with a freezecam of you taunting over 3 of their body parts."
"TF_SOLDIER_KILL_SPY_KILLER_DESC"		"Kill a Spy who just backstabbed a teammate."
"TF_SOLDIER_DEFEND_CAP_THIRTY_TIMES_DESC"	"Defend a cap point 30 times."
"TF_SOLDIER_GIB_GRIND_NAME"			"Frags of our Fathers"
"TF_SOLDIER_GIB_GRIND_DESC"			"Gib 1000 people."
"TF_SOLDIER_RJ_EQUALIZER_KILL_DESC"		"While rocket jumping kill an enemy with the Equalizer before you land."
"TF_SOLDIER_BUFF_TEAMMATES_DESC"		"Buff 15 teammates with the Buff Banner in a single life."
"TF_SOLDIER_KILL_DEMOMAN_GRIND_DESC"		"Kill 500 enemy Demomen"
"TF_SOLDIER_KILL_PYRO_NAME"			"Backdraft Dodger"
"TF_SOLDIER_KILL_PYRO_DESC"			"Kill a Pyro who has airblasted one of your rockets in the last 10 seconds."
"TF_SOLDIER_EQUALIZER_STREAK_DESC"		"Kill 3 players with the Equalizer in a single life without being healed."
"TF_SOLDIER_KILL_WITH_EQUALIZER_WHILE_HURT_DESC""Kill 20 enemies with your Equalizer while you have less than 25 health."
"TF_SOLDIER_BOUNCE_THEN_SHOTGUN_DESC"		"Bounce an opponent into the air with a rocket and then kill them with the shotgun before they land."
"TF_SOLDIER_KILL_AIRBORNE_WITH_DIRECT_HIT_DESC"	"Kill 10 opponents who are airborne with the Direct Hit."
"TF_SOLDIER_FREEZECAM_TAUNT_DESC"		"Provide the enemy with a freezecam of your 21 gun salute."
"TF_SOLDIER_DUO_SOLDIER_KILLS_DESC"		"Kill 10 enemies while assisting or being assisted by another Soldier."
"TF_SOLDIER_MVP_NAME"				"Medals of Honor"
"TF_SOLDIER_MVP_DESC"				"Finish a round as an MVP on a team of 6 or more players 10 times."
"TF_SOLDIER_RIDE_THE_CART_NAME"			"Ride of the Valkartie"
"TF_SOLDIER_RIDE_THE_CART_DESC"			"Ride the cart for 30 seconds."
"TF_SOLDIER_ASSIST_MEDIC_UBER_DESC"		"Assist a Medic in exploding 5 enemies with a single ÜberCharge."

// Demoman Achievement Pack
"TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_SOLDIER_GRIND_DESC"		"Kill 500 enemy Soldiers"
"TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_WITH_MEDIC_DESC"	"Destroy 5 enemy Engineer buildings during a single ÜberCharge from a Medic."
"TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_WITH_DIRECTPIPE_DESC"	"Kill 50 enemies with direct hits from the Grenade Launcher."
"TF_DEMOMAN_BOUNCE_AND_KILL_DESC"		"Bounce an enemy into the air and kill them before they land."
"TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_PLAYERS_DESC"		"Decapitate 50 enemy players."
"TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_PLAYERS_FAST_DESC"	"Decapitate 4 players with only 10 seconds between each kill."
"TF_DEMOMAN_DUO_DEMOMAN_KILLS_DESC"		"Kill 10 enemies while assisting or being assisted by another Demoman."
"TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_TWO_DURING_STICKYJUMP_DESC"	"Kill 2 people in a single sticky jump."
"TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_PLAYER_AFTER_TP_DESC"		"Kill an enemy player with sticky bombs within 5 seconds of them teleporting."
"TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_BUILDING_DIRECT_HIT_DESC"	"Destroy an Engineer building that you can't see with a direct hit from your Grenade Launcher."
"TF_DEMOMAN_MELEE_KILL_WHILE_STICKYJUMPING_DESC""Get a melee kill while sticky jumping."
"TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_ENGI_SENTRY_DISPENSER_DESC"	"Blow up an Engineer, his sentry gun, and his dispenser with a single Sticky bomb detonation."
"TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_EQUALIZER_DESC"		"Decapitate an enemy Soldier who is brandishing the Equalizer."
"TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_NEMESIS_DESC"		"Decapitate your nemesis."
"TF_DEMOMAN_DAMAGE_GRIND_DESC"			"Do 1 million points of total blast damage."
"TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_CAPPING_ONEDET_DESC"		"Kill 3 enemies capping or pushing a cart in a single Stickybomb detonation 3 separate times."
"TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_DEFENDING_DESC"		"Kill 25 players defending a capture point or cart."
"TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_HEAVIES_FULLHP_ONEDET_DESC"	"Kill 5 Heavies from full health with a single sticky bomb detonation."
"TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_SCOUTS_PYROS_DESC"		"Kill 25 Scouts and Pyros with the Grenade Launcher."
"TF_DEMOMAN_TAUNT_KILL_DESC"			"Glory in the slaughter of your enemies using the Eyelander."
"TF_DEMOMAN_CHARGE_KILL_DESC"			"Charge and kill someone with your shield bash."
"TF_DEMOMAN_CRIT_SWORD_KILL_DESC"		"Use a critical swing with the Eyelander to kill 5 enemy players."
"TF_DEMOMAN_AIR_BURST_KILLS_NAME"		"Something Stickied This Way Comes"
"TF_DEMOMAN_AIR_BURST_KILLS_DESC"		"Kill 30 players with air burst sticky bombs."
"TF_DEMOMAN_STICKYJUMP_CAP_DESC"		"Sticky jump onto a cap point and capture it."
"TF_DEMOMAN_FREEZECAM_SMILE_DESC"		"Provide an enemy player with a freeze cam of your smiling face."
"TF_DEMOMAN_FREEZECAM_RUMP_DESC"		"Provide an enemy player with a freeze cam of you shaking your rump."
"TF_DEMOMAN_ENVIRONMENTAL_KILL_DESC"		"Use the Sticky Launcher to kill an enemy player via environmental damage."
"TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_X_STICKYBOMBS_DESC"		"Destroy 100 enemy sticky bombs with the Scottish Resistance."
"TF_DEMOMAN_STICKJUMP_DISTANCE_DESC"		"Sticky jump a really long way..."
"TF_DEMOMAN_KILL3_WITH_DETONATION_DESC"		"Kill at least three players with a single detonation of sticky bombs."
"TF_DEMOMAN_KILLXSAPPINGSPIES_DESC"		"Kill 20 spies within 5 seconds of them sapping a friendly building."
"TF_DEMOMAN_KILL3_WITH_PIPE_SETUPS_DESC"	"Using the Scottish Resistance, kill 3 players in separate explosions without placing new sticky bombs."
"TF_DEMOMAN_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC"		"Achieve 5 of the achievements in the Demoman pack."
"TF_DEMOMAN_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC"		"Achieve 11 of the achievements in the Demoman pack."
"TF_DEMOMAN_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC"		"Achieve 17 of the achievements in the Demoman pack."

// Engineer Achievement Pack
"TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME"				"Engineer Milestone 1"
"TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC"				"Achieve 5 of the achievements in the Engineer pack."
"TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME"				"Engineer Milestone 2"
"TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC"				"Achieve 11 of the achievements in the Engineer pack."
"TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME"				"Engineer Milestone 3"
"TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC"				"Achieve 17 of the achievements in the Engineer pack."
"TF_ENGINEER_TELEPORT_GRIND_DESC"				"Teleport 100 team members into battle."
"TF_ENGINEER_DISPENSER_EXTINGUISH_DESC"				"Have dispensers you built extinguish 20 burning players."
"TF_ENGINEER_REVENGE_CRIT_SENTRY_KILLER_DESC"			"Use a revenge crit to kill the enemy player that destroyed your sentry gun."
"TF_ENGINEER_MANUAL_CLOAKED_SPY_KILL_DESC"			"Kill 3 cloaked Spies with a sentry gun under control of your Wrangler."
"TF_ENGINEER_MANUAL_SENTRY_KILLS_BEYOND_RANGE_DESC"		"Kill 10 enemies outside the normal sentry gun range using the Wrangler."
"TF_ENGINEER_MANUAL_SENTRY_ABSORB_DMG_DESC"			"Have a sentry shielded by the Wrangler absorb 500 damage without being destroyed."
"TF_ENGINEER_REVENGE_CRIT_LIFE_DESC"				"Kill 3 enemies with revenge crits without dying."
"TF_ENGINEER_KILL_SPY_TWO_SAPPERS_DESC"				"Kill a spy and two sappers within 10 seconds."
"TF_ENGINEER_KILL_DISGUISED_SPY_DESC"				"Kill a disguised spy with your Wrench."
"TF_ENGINEER_UPGRADE_BUILDINGS_DESC"				"Upgrade 50 buildings built by other team members."
"TF_ENGINEER_DESTROY_SAPPERS_DESC"				"Destroy 25 sappers on buildings built by other team members."
"TF_ENGINEER_REPAIR_SENTRY_W_MEDIC_DESC"			"Repair a sentry gun under fire while being healed by a Medic."
"TF_ENGINEER_SENTRY_KILL_LIFETIME_GRIND_NAME"			"Best Little Slaughterhouse in Texas"
"TF_ENGINEER_SENTRY_KILL_LIFETIME_GRIND_DESC"			"Rack up 5000 kills with your sentry guns."
"TF_ENGINEER_SENTRY_AVENGES_YOU_DESC"				"Have your sentry kill the enemy that just killed you within 10 seconds."
"TF_ENGINEER_FREEZECAM_TAUNT_DESC"				"Provide an enemy player with a freeze cam of your guitar playing skills."
"TF_ENGINEER_FREEZECAM_SENTRY_DESC"				"Provide an enemy player with a freeze cam of you and the sentry that just killed them."
"TF_ENGINEER_SHOTGUN_KILL_PREV_SENTRY_TARGET_DESC"		"Use your shotgun to finish off an enemy recently damaged by your sentry gun."
"TF_ENGINEER_DISPENSER_HEAL_GROUP_DESC"				"Have a dispenser heal 3 teammates at the same time."
"TF_ENGINEER_SENTRY_KILL_CAPS_DESC"				"Use a sentry gun to kill 25 enemy players that are capturing a point."
"TF_ENGINEER_KILL_FLAG_CARRIERS_DESC"				"Kill 20 players carrying the intelligence."
"TF_ENGINEER_WASTE_METAL_GRIND_DESC"				"Pick up 10,000 waste metal from pieces of destroyed buildings."
"TF_ENGINEER_HELP_BUILD_STRUCTURE_DESC"				"Help a teammate construct a building."
"TF_ENGINEER_REMOVE_SAPPER_LONG_DIST_DESC"			"Manage to get to and then remove a sapper placed on your building while you were several meters away."
"TF_ENGINEER_DESTROY_STICKIES_DESC"				"Destroy 50 enemy stickybombs lying in range of friendly buildings."
"TF_ENGINEER_TAUNT_KILL_DESC"					"Smash an enemy player's head in with your guitar."
"TF_ENGINEER_KILL_SNIPERS_SENTRY_DESC"				"Kill 10 Snipers with a sentry gun under control of your Wrangler."
"TF_ENGINEER_HELP_MANUAL_SENTRY_DESC"				"Perform 50 repairs and/or reloads on a Sentry gun being Wrangled by another Engineer."
"TF_ENGINEER_KILL_SENTRY_WITH_SENTRY_DESC"			"Destroy an enemy Engineer's sentry gun with a sentry under control of your Wrangler."
"TF_ENGINEER_MOVE_SENTRY_GET_KILL_DESC"				"Haul a level 3 sentry gun into a position where it achieves a kill shortly after being redeployed."
"TF_ENGINEER_BUILDING_CARRY_DESC"				"Haul buildings 1 km over your career."
"TF_ENGINEER_KILL_ASSIST_DESC"					"Get 10 assists with another Engineer where a sentry gun was involved in the kill."
"TF_ENGINEER_DISPENSER_HEAL_GRIND_DESC"				"Have dispensers you created dispense a combined amount of 100,000 health over your career."
"TF_ENGINEER_REPAIR_TEAM_GRIND_DESC"				"Repair 50,000 damage to friendly buildings constructed by other players."
"TF_ENGINEER_TANK_DAMAGE_DESC"					"Help a single building tank over 2000 damage without being destroyed."
"TF_ENGINEER_HEAVY_ASSIST_NAME"					"(Not So) Lonely Are the Brave"
"TF_ENGINEER_HEAVY_ASSIST_DESC"					"Keep a Heavy healed with your dispenser while he gains 5 kills."

"round_info_header" 		"Territorial Control Map"

"Hydro_BLU_captured_Dam" 		"BLU has captured the Dam"
"Hydro_BLU_captured_RadarDish" 	"BLU has captured the Radar Dish"
"Hydro_BLU_captured_PowerPlant" "BLU has captured the Power Plant"
"Hydro_BLU_captured_Warehouse" 	"BLU has captured the Warehouse"

"Hydro_RED_captured_Dam" 		"RED has captured the Dam"
"Hydro_RED_captured_RadarDish" 	"RED has captured the Radar Dish"
"Hydro_RED_captured_PowerPlant"	"RED has captured the Power Plant"
"Hydro_RED_captured_Warehouse" 	"RED has captured the Warehouse"

"Hydro_attack_Dam"			"Prepare to attack the Dam!"
"Hydro_attack_RadarDish"	"Prepare to attack the Radar Dish!"
"Hydro_attack_PowerPlant"	"Prepare to attack the Power Plant!"
"Hydro_attack_Warehouse"	"Prepare to attack the Warehouse!"
"Hydro_attack_BLU_base"		"Prepare to attack the BLU Base!"
"Hydro_attack_RED_base"		"Prepare to attack the RED Base!"
"Hydro_defend_BLU_base"		"Prepare to defend the BLU Base!"
"Hydro_defend_RED_base"		"Prepare to defend the RED Base!"

// Chapter titles used for commentary loading
"GAMEUI_Commentary_Console_Explanation"	"'Commentary nodes' contain commentary by the Valve development team. To start or stop a node, aim at any balloon icon and press your PRIMARY FIRE button."
"tf_Chapter1_Title"		"Hydro"
"tf_Chapter2_Title"		"Gravel Pit"
"tf_Chapter3_Title"		"Well"
"tf_Chapter4_Title"		"Granary"
"tf_Chapter5_Title"		"2Fort"
"tf_Chapter6_Title"		"Dustbowl"

// Strings used in materials
"TF_Battlements"		"Battlements"
"TF_ControlPoint"		"Control Point"
"TF_CapturePoint"		"Capture Point"
"TF_CaptureZone"		"Capture Zone"
"TF_Resupply"			"Resupply"
"TF_Intelligence"		"Intelligence"
"TF_Exit"			"Exit"

"Leaderboard_BestMoments"		"BEST MOMENTS"

"TF_Timelimit"			"Time per map (minutes)"
"TF_WinLimit"			"Win limit (score)"
"TF_MaxRounds"			"Round limit (rounds)"

"TF_TeamCount"			"Other players on your team"

"Cannot_Be_Spectator"			"This server does not allow spectating"

// Items
"TF_Open_Charinfo"			"Open Character Loadout"
"TF_Open_Charinfo_Backpack"	"Open Backpack"
"TF_Quickswitch"			"Loadout Quickswitch"

"Item"				"Item"
"SelectedItemNumber"		"#%selecteditem%"
"NewItemsAcquired"		"%numitems% NEW ITEMS ACQUIRED!"
"NewItemAcquired"		"NEW ITEM ACQUIRED!"
"NewItemsCrafted"		"%numitems% NEW ITEMS CRAFTED!"
"NewItemCrafted"		"NEW ITEM CRAFTED!"
"NextItem"				"VIEW\nNEXT >"
"PreviousItem"			"VIEW\n< PREV"
"CloseItemPanel"		"OK, RESUME GAME"
"ChangeLoadout"			"EQUIP THIS ITEM NOW..."

"Loadout"				"LOADOUT"
"Stats"					"STATS"
"Achievements"			"ACHIEVEMENTS"

"Loadout_OpenBackpack"		"Open your Backpack"
"Loadout_OpenBackpackDesc"	"(%s1 ITEMS INSIDE)"
"Loadout_OpenBackpackDesc1"	"(1 ITEM INSIDE)"
"Loadout_OpenCrafting"		"Open the Crafting screen"

"CharacterLoadout"		"CHARACTER LOADOUT"
"EditLoadout"			"EDIT LOADOUT"
"EquipYourClass"		"EQUIP YOUR %loadoutclass%"
"Equip"					"EQUIP"
"Keep"					"KEEP"
"ClassBeingEquipped"	"%loadoutclass%"
"ChangeButton"			"CHANGE..."
"DoneButton"			"DONE!"
"EquipSelectedWeapon"	"EQUIP SELECTED WEAPON"
"ItemSel_PDA"			"- PDA"
"ItemSel_ITEM1"			"- ACCESSORY"
"ItemSel_HEAD"			"- HEADWEAR"
"ItemSel_MISC"			"- MISC"
"ItemSel_MISC2"			"- MISC 2"
"TF_BackCarat"			"<< BACK"
"TF_CancelCarat"		"<< CANCEL"
"TF_BackToMainMenu"		"<< BACK TO MAIN MENU"
"TF_ResumeGame"			"<< RESUME GAME"
"InventoryCountOne"		"(1 OTHER IN INVENTORY)"
"InventoryCountMany"	"(%s1 OTHERS IN INVENTORY)"
"CurrentlyEquipped"		"CURRENTLY EQUIPPED:"
"CurrentlyEquippedCarat"	"CURRENTLY EQUIPPED >"
"ItemsFoundShort"		"(%s1 ITEMS IN INVENTORY)"
"ItemsFoundShortOne"	"(ONE ITEM IN INVENTORY)"
"NoItemsExistShort"		"(NO ITEMS EXIST YET)"
"NoItemsExistLong"		"(NO SPECIAL ITEMS FOR %loadoutclass% EXIST YET.)"
"NoItemsFoundShort"		"(NO ITEMS FOUND YET)"
"NoItemsFoundLong"		"(NO SPECIAL ITEMS FOR %loadoutclass% HAVE BEEN ACQUIRED YET.)"
"NoItemsAvailableTitle"	"AVAILABLE:"
"NoItemsAvailableTitle2" "BASE INVENTORY ONLY."
"ItemAcquireReason_Achievement" "ACHIEVEMENT EARNED"
"QuickSwitchEquipped"	"(equipped)"
"SelectNoItemSlot"		"Empty"
"BackpackTitle"			"BACKPACK"
"X_DeleteItem"			"X DELETE"
"X_Delete"				"X DELETE"
"X_DiscardItem"			"X DISCARD"
"DeleteConfirmTitle"	"ARE YOU SURE?"
"ConfirmTitle"			"ARE YOU SURE?"
"ConfirmButtonText"		"CONTINUE"
"DeleteItemConfirmText"		"Deleting this item will permanently destroy it. This cannot be undone."
"MultiDeleteItemConfirmText"		"Deleting these items will permanently destroy all of them. This cannot be undone."
"X_DeleteConfirmButton"	"X YEAH, DELETE IT"
"Backpack_Delete_Item"	"BACKPACK - OUT OF ROOM"
"DiscardExplanation"	"You've received this item, but you don't have room for it in your backpack."
"DiscardExplanation2"	"Delete an item below to make room or press discard to throw your new item away."
"DeleteConfirmDefault"	"Delete?"
"Discarded"				"DISCARDED!"
"ItemPanelEquipped"		"Equipped"

"LoadoutSlot_Primary"	"Primary weapon"
"LoadoutSlot_Secondary"	"Secondary weapon"
"LoadoutSlot_Melee"		"Melee weapon"
"LoadoutSlot_Grenade"	"Grenade"
"LoadoutSlot_Building"	"Building"
"LoadoutSlot_pda"		"Primary PDA"
"LoadoutSlot_pda2"		"Secondary PDA"
"LoadoutSlot_PrimaryMod"	"Ammo"
"LoadoutSlot_Head"		"Head"
"LoadoutSlot_Misc"		"Misc"

"Backpack_SortBy_Header"	"Sort Backpack"
"Backpack_SortBy_Type"		"Sort by Type"
"Backpack_SortBy_Class"		"Sort by Class"
"Backpack_SortBy_Slot"		"Sort by Loadout Slot"
"ItemTypeDesc"			"Level %s1 %s2"		// s1 is the level number, s2 is the item type. Example: "Level 4 Medigun"
"of"					"of"

// Crafting
"CraftPack"				"Crafting Area"
"CraftBegin"			"Craft..."
"CraftConfirm"			"Craft It!"
"CraftRecipe"			"Known Blueprints"
"CraftStep1"			"Select items to craft"
"CraftStep2"			"Double-click or drag items here"
"CraftStep3"			"Hit Craft to use this blueprint."
"CraftStep3B"			"Select the blueprint you want to use."
"CraftStep4"			"Click when ready to craft"
"CraftViewRecipes"		"View all known blueprints"
"CraftNoMatch"			"No matching blueprint"
"CraftNoknownRecipes"		"No blueprints known."
"CraftTryYourLuck"		"Hit Craft to try your luck."
"CraftReady"			"You have the items needed for this blueprint.\nClick the check to move the items into the craft area."

"CraftUpdate_Start"		"Crafting"
"CraftUpdate_Success"	"Crafting Succeeded!"
"CraftUpdate_NoMatch"	"Crafting failed:\n\nNo matching blueprint."
"CraftUpdate_Failed"	"Crafting failed:\n\nCraft server is unavailable."

"NewRecipeFound"		"New Blueprint Found!"

// Keep the key names short, they're networked down to clients
"RT_MP_A"				"Smelt %s1"
"RT_C_A"				"Combine %s1"
"RT_F_A"				"Fabricate %s1"
"RT_R_A"				"Rebuild %s1"
"RDI_AB"				"Requires: %s1 %s2"
"RDI_AB1"				"Requires: %s1, %s2"
"RDI_ABC"				"Requires: %s1 %s2 %s3"
"RDI_ABC1"				"Requires: %s1 %s2, %s3"
"RDI_ABC2"				"Requires: %s1, %s2, %s3"
"RDO_AB"				"Produces: %s1 %s2"
"RDO_AB1"				"Produces: %s1, %s2"
"RDO_ABC"				"Produces: %s1 %s2 %s3"
"RDO_ABC1"				"Produces: %s1 %s2, %s3"
"RDO_ABC2"				"Produces: %s1, %s2, %s3"
"RI_Pi"					"of the same primary weapon"
"RI_Pp"					"primary weapons"
"RI_P"					"primary weapon"
"RI_Ic"					"items used by the same class"
"RI_Wc"					"weapons used by the same class"
"RI_Is"					"items equipped in the same loadout slot"
"RI_Ws"					"weapons equipped in the same loadout slot"
"RI_Si"					"of the same secondary weapon"
"RI_Sp"					"secondary weapons"
"RI_S"					"secondary weapon"
"RI_Mi"					"of the same melee weapon"
"RI_Mp"					"melee weapons"
"RI_M"					"melee weapon"
"RI_Hi"					"of the same piece of headwear"
"RI_Hp"					"pieces of headwear"
"RI_H"					"piece of headwear"
"RD_RND"				"random"
"RI_Cw"					"class weapons"
"RI_Ch"					"class headgear"
"RI_Aw"					"primary, secondary, and melee weapon"
"RI_FAC"				"of a class"
"RI_Hg"					"headgear"
"RI_Cs"					"class specific"
"RI_CTc"				", 1 Class Token"
"RI_STc"				", 1 Slot Token"
"RI_W"					"weapon"
"RI_Mcp"				"miscellaneous items"
"RI_Mci"				"of the same misc items"
"RI_Ii"					"item"
"RI_I"					"Item"
"RI_Nd"					"Named"
"RI_c"					", "
"RI_CTp"				"Class Tokens"
"RI_STp"				"Slot Tokens"
"RI_Tp"					"Tokens"

// Craft items
// Key names are sent over the net, so we use short names
"CI_Bar_A"				"Scrap Metal"
"CI_Bar_B"				"Reclaimed Metal"
"CI_Bar_C"				"Refined Metal"
"CI_Bar_Ap"				"Scrap Metal"
"CI_Bar_Bp"				"Reclaimed Metal"
"CI_Bar_Cp"				"Refined Metal"
"TF_CraftItem"			"Craft Item"
"CI_T_C"				"Class Token"
"CI_T_S"				"Slot Token"

"CI_T_C_1"				"Class Token - Scout"
"CI_T_C_2"				"Class Token - Sniper"
"CI_T_C_3"				"Class Token - Soldier"
"CI_T_C_4"				"Class Token - Demoman"
"CI_T_C_5"				"Class Token - Heavy"
"CI_T_C_6"				"Class Token - Medic"
"CI_T_C_7"				"Class Token - Pyro"
"CI_T_C_8"				"Class Token - Spy"
"CI_T_C_9"				"Class Token - Engineer"

"CI_T_S_1"				"Slot Token - Primary"
"CI_T_S_2"				"Slot Token - Secondary"
"CI_T_S_3"				"Slot Token - Melee"
"CI_T_S_4"				"Slot Token - Grenade"
"CI_T_S_5"				"Slot Token - Building"
"CI_T_S_6"				"Slot Token - PDA"
"CI_T_S_7"				"Slot Token - PDA2"
"CI_T_S_8"				"Slot Token - Head"

"TF_CraftItem_Token_C_Desc"	"Used to specify a class in blueprints"
"TF_CraftItem_Token_S_Desc"	"Used to specify a loadout slot in blueprints"

// Attribute descriptions
"Attrib_ClipSize_Positive"			"+%s1% clip size"
"Attrib_ClipSize_Negative"			"%s1% clip size"
"Attrib_UberchargeRate_Positive"	"+%s1% ÜberCharge rate"
"Attrib_UberchargeRate_Negative"	"%s1% ÜberCharge rate"
"Attrib_DamageDone_Positive"		"+%s1% damage done"
"Attrib_DamageDone_Negative"		"%s1% damage done"
"Attrib_HealRate_Positive"			"+%s1% heal rate"
"Attrib_HealRate_Negative"			"%s1% heal rate"
"Attrib_FireRate_Positive"			"+%s1% faster firing speed"
"Attrib_FireRate_Negative"			"%s1% slower firing speed"
"Attrib_OverhealAmount_Positive"	"+%s1% more max overheal"
"Attrib_OverhealDecay_Disabled"		"Overheal bonus doesn't decay"
"Attrib_OverhealDecay_Positive"		"+%s1% longer overheal time"
"Attrib_OverhealDecay_Negative"		"%s1% shorter overheal time"
"Attrib_HealOnHit_Positive"			"On Hit: +%s1 health"
"Attrib_HealOnHit_Negative"			"On Hit: %s1 health"
"Attrib_CritChance_Positive"		"+%s1 critical hit chance"
"Attrib_CritChance_Negative"		"%s1 critical hit chance"
"Attrib_CritChance_Disabled"		"No random critical hits"
"Attrib_AddUber_OnHit_Positive"		"On Hit: %s1% ÜberCharge added"
"Attrib_Medigun_CritBoost"			"ÜberCharge grants 100% critical chance"
"Attrib_DamageDoneBonus_Positive"	"On Hit: +%s1% damage bonus"
"Attrib_CritVsBurning"				"100% critical hit vs burning players"
"Attrib_DmgPenaltyVsNonBurning"		"%s1% damage vs non-burning players"
"Attrib_NoCritVsNonBurning"			"No critical hits vs non-burning players"
"Attrib_ModFlamethrowerPush"		"No compression blast"
"Attrib_ModFlamethrower_BackCrits"	"100% critical hits from behind"
"Attrib_MaxHealth_Positive"			"+%s1 max health on wearer" 
"Attrib_MaxHealth_Negative"			"%s1 max health on wearer" 
"Attrib_FistsHaveRadialBuff"		"On Kill: +50 health on nearby teammates\nOn Kill: +10% Crit Chance on nearby teammates"
"Attrib_CritBoost_OnKill"			"On Kill: %s1 seconds of 100% critical chance"
"Attrib_Slow_Enemy_OnHit"			"On Hit: %s1% chance to slow target"
"Attrib_CloakMeterConsumeRate"		"+%s1% cloak drain rate"
"Attrib_CloakMeterRegenRate"		"+%s1% cloak regen rate"
"Attrib_Spread_Negative"		"%s1% less accurate"
"Attrib_Spread_Positive"		"%s1% more accurate"
"Attrib_BatLaunchesBalls"		"This bat knocks out a mean stun ball"
"Attrib_DmgPenaltyVsNonStunned"		"%s1% damage vs non-stunned players"
"Attrib_ZoomSpeedMod_Disabled"		"No move speed penalty from zoom"
"Attrib_SniperCharge_Per_Sec"		"+%s1% charge rate"
"Attrib_SniperNoHeadshots"		"No headshots"
"Attrib_Scattergun_HasKnockback"	"Knockback on the target and shooter"
"Attrib_BulletsPerShot_Bonus"		"+%s1% bullets per shot"
"Attrib_SniperZoom_Penalty"		"%s1% zoom reduction"
"Attrib_SniperNoCharge"			"No zoom or damage charge"
"Attrib_CloakIsFeignDeath"		"Cloak Type: Feign Death"
"Attrib_CloakIsMovementBased"		"Cloak Type: Motion Sensitive"
"Attrib_NoDoubleJump"			"Disables double jump on wearer"
"Attrib_AbsorbDmgWhileCloaked"		"Absorbs %s1% damage while cloaked"
"Attrib_RevolverUseHitLocations"	"Crits on an accurate headshot"
"Attrib_BackstabShield"			"Blocks a single backstab attempt"
"Attrib_MoveSpeed_Penalty"		"%s1% slower move speed on wearer"
"Attrib_Jarate_Description"		"Coated enemies take mini-crits\nAlso handy for putting out a fire"
"Attrib_HealthRegen"			"+%s1 health regenerated per second on wearer"
"Attrib_HealthDrain"			"%s1 health drained per second on wearer"
"Attrib_SelfDmgPush_Increased"	"+%s1% self damage force"
"Attrib_SelfDmgPush_Decreased"	"%s1% self damage force"
"Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Fire_Reduced"			"+%s1% fire damage resistance on wearer"
"Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Fire_Increased"		"%s1% fire damage vulnerability on wearer"
"Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Crit_Reduced"			"+%s1% critical hit damage resistance on wearer"
"Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Crit_Increased"		"%s1% critical hit damage vulnerability on wearer"
"Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Blast_Reduced"		"+%s1% explosive damage resistance on wearer"
"Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Blast_Increased"		"%s1% explosive damage vulnerability on wearer"
"Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Bullets_Reduced"		"+%s1% bullet damage resistance on wearer"
"Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Bullets_Increased"	"%s1% bullet damage vulnerability on wearer"
"Attrib_CaptureValue_Increased"				"+%s1 capture rate on wearer"
"Attrib_HealthFromHealers_Reduced"		"%s1% health from healers on wearer"
"Attrib_HealthFromHealers_Increased"	"+%s1% health from healers on wearer"
"Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Increased"			"+%s1% burn damage"
"Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Reduced"				"%s1% burn damage"
"Attrib_WpnBurnTime_Increased"			"+%s1% burn duration"
"Attrib_WpnBurnTime_Reduced"			"%s1% burn duration"
"Attrib_AimingMoveSpeed_Increased"		"+%s1% faster deployed movespeed on wearer"
"Attrib_MaxammoPrimary_Increased"		"+%s1% max primary ammo on wearer"
"Attrib_MaxammoPrimary_Reduced"			"%s1% max primary ammo on wearer"
"Attrib_MaxammoSecondary_Increased"		"+%s1% max secondary ammo on wearer"
"Attrib_MaxammoSecondary_Reduced"		"%s1% max secondary ammo on wearer"
"Attrib_MaxammoMetal_Increased"			"+%s1% max metal on wearer"
"Attrib_MaxammoMetal_Reduced"			"%s1% max metal on wearer"
"Attrib_CloakConsumeRate_Increased"		"-%s1% cloak duration"
"Attrib_CloakConsumeRate_Decreased"		"+%s1% cloak duration"
"Attrib_CloakRegenRate_Increased"		"+%s1% cloak regeneration rate"
"Attrib_CloakRegenRate_Decreased"		"%s1% cloak regeneration rate"
"Attrib_MinigunSpinup_Increased"		"%s1% slower spin up time"
"Attrib_MinigunSpinup_Decreased"		"%s1% faster spin up time"
"Attrib_MaxPipebombs_Increased"			"+%s1 max pipebombs out"
"Attrib_MaxPipebombs_Decreased"			"%s1 max pipebombs out"
"Attrib_SRifleChargeRate_Increased"		"%s1% faster power charge"
"Attrib_SRifleChargeRate_Decreased"		"%s1% slower power charge"
"Attrib_ConstructionRate_Increased"		"%s1% faster construction rate"
"Attrib_ConstructionRate_Decreased"		"%s1% slower construction rate"
"Attrib_RepairRate_Increased"			"%s1% faster repair rate"
"Attrib_RepairRate_Decreased"			"%s1% slower repair rate"
"Attrib_ReloadTime_Increased"			"%s1% slower reload time"
"Attrib_ReloadTime_Decreased"			"%s1% faster reload time"
"Attrib_BlastRadius_Increased"			"+%s1% explosion radius"
"Attrib_BlastRadius_Decreased"			"%s1% explosion radius"
"Attrib_ProjectileRange_Increased"		"+%s1% projectile range"
"Attrib_ProjectileRange_Decreased"		"%s1% projectile range"
"Attrib_ProjectileSpeed_Increased"		"+%s1% projectile speed"
"Attrib_ProjectileSpeed_Decreased"		"%s1% projectile speed"
"Attrib_OverhealAmount_Negative"		"%s1% less max overheal"
"Attrib_MoveSpeed_Bonus"				"+%s1% faster move speed on wearer"
"Attrib_HealthFromPacks_Increased"		"+%s1% health from packs on wearer"
"Attrib_HealthFromPacks_Decreased"		"%s1% health from packs on wearer"
"Attrib_AmmoRegen"						"+%s1% ammo regenerated every 5 seconds on wearer"
"Attrib_MetalRegen"						"+%s1 metal regenerated every 5 seconds on wearer"
"Attrib_RocketLauncherSeeker"			"Fires laser guided rockets"
"Attrib_ShovelDamageBoost"			"Damage and move speed increase\nas the user becomes injured\nBlocks healing when in use"
"Attrib_Dmg_Falloff_Decreased"			"%s1% splash damage fall off"
"Attrib_Dmg_Falloff_Increase"			"+%s1% splash damage fall off"
"Attrib_StickyDetonateMode"			"Detonates stickybombs near the crosshair"
"Attrib_StickyAirBurstMode"			"Launched bombs shatter on surfaces"
"Attrib_StickyArmTimePenalty"			"%s1 sec slower bomb arm time"
"Attrib_StickyArmTimeBonus"			"%s1 sec faster bomb arm time"
"Attrib_MiniCritAirborneEnemies"		"Mini-crits airborne targets"
"Attrib_StickiesDetonateStickies"		"Able to destroy enemy stickybombs"
"Attrib_SpeedBoostWhenActive"			"%s1% speed boost while active weapon"
"Attrib_WrenchBuildsMiniSentry"			"Replaces the Sentry with a fast building Mini-Sentry"
"Attrib_ProvideOnActive"			"When weapon is active:"
"Attrib_MedicRegenBonus"			"+%s1% natural regen rate"
"Attrib_MedicRegenPenalty"			"-%s1% natural regen rate"
"Attrib_Community_Description"			"Given to valuable Community Contributors"
"Attrib_MedalIndex_Description"			"Medal no. %s1"
"Attrib_RocketJumpDmgReduction"			"%s1% blast damage from rocket jumps"
"Attrib_Selfmade_Description"			"I made this!"
"Attrib_SentryKilledRevenge"			"When your sentry is destroyed you\ngain revenge crits for every sentry kill"
"Attrib_DmgVsBuilding_Increased"		"%s1% damage vs buildings"
"Attrib_DmgVsPlayer_Decreased"			"%s1% damage vs players"
"Attrib_LunchboxAddsMaxHealth"			"Adds +50 max health for 30 seconds"
"Attrib_EmployeeNumber"				"Hire Date: %s1"
"Attrib_WrenchNumber"				"Wrench no. %s1"
"Attrib_DmgAppliesToSappers"			"Damage removes Sappers"
"Attrib_BuildingCostReduction"			"%s1 metal reduction in building cost"
"Attrib_BleedingDuration"			"On Hit: Bleed for %s1 seconds"
"Attrib_TurnToGold"				"Imbued with an ancient power"

// Unique item names
"TF_Unique_Prepend_Proper"			"The" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_NonUnique_Prepend_Proper"		"A" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_Medigun1"	"Kritzkrieg" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_Syringegun1"	"Blutsauger" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_Bonesaw1"	"Ubersaw" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_FireAxe1"	"Axtinguisher" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_FlareGun"	"Flare Gun" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_Flamethrower"	"Backburner" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_LunchBox"	"Sandvich" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_Minigun"		"Natascha" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_Fists"		"Killing Gloves of Boxing" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_Bat"		"Sandman" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_Scattergun_Double" "Force-A-Nature" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_EnergyDrink"	"Bonk! Atomic Punch" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_SniperRifle"	"Walkabout" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_CloakWatch"	"Cloak and Dagger" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_FeignWatch"	"Dead Ringer" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_Revolver"	"Ambassador" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Backstab_Shield"		"Razorback" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_Jar"		"Jarate" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_CompoundBow"	"Huntsman" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_SoldierBuff"	"Buff Banner" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_Pickaxe"		"Equalizer" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_RocketLauncher" 	"Direct Hit" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_StickyLauncher"	"Scottish Resistance" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_Shield"		"Chargin' Targe" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_Sword" 		"Eyelander" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Blast_Boots"			"Gunboats" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Sentry_Shotgun"		"Frontier Justice" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_Laser_Pointer"	"Wrangler" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Robot_Arm"			"Gunslinger" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_SledgeHammer"			"Homewrecker" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Makeshiftclub"			"Pain Train" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Lunchbox_Chocolate"		"Dalokohs Bar" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_TTG_MaxGun"						"Lugermorph" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_TTG_SamRevolver"				"Big Kill" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_EnergyDrink_CritCola"	"Crit-a-Cola" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_NonUnique_Append_Proper"		"(%s1)" [$!ENGLISH]			// Should be !ENGLISH
"TF_Unique_Golden_Wrench"			"Golden Wrench" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_TribalmanKukri"			"Tribalman's Shiv" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_BattleAxe"				"Scotsman's Skullcutter" [$ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Combat_Wrench"			"Southern Hospitality" [$ENGLISH]

"TF_Unique_Achievement_Medigun1"	"The Kritzkrieg" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_Syringegun1"	"The Blutsauger" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_Bonesaw1"	"The Ubersaw" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_FireAxe1"	"The Axtinguisher" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_FlareGun"	"The Flare Gun" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_Flamethrower"	"The Backburner" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_LunchBox"	"The Sandvich" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_Minigun"		"Natascha" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_Fists"		"The Killing Gloves of Boxing" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_Bat"		"The Sandman" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_Scattergun_Double" "The Force-A-Nature" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_EnergyDrink"	"Bonk! Atomic Punch" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_SniperRifle"	"The Walkabout" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_CloakWatch"	"The Cloak and Dagger" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_FeignWatch"	"The Dead Ringer" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_Revolver"	"The Ambassador" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Backstab_Shield"		"The Razorback" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_Jar"		"Jarate" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_CompoundBow"	"The Huntsman" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_SoldierBuff"	"The Buff Banner" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_Pickaxe"		"The Equalizer" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_RocketLauncher" 	"The Direct Hit" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_StickyLauncher"	"The Scottish Resistance" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_Shield"		"The Chargin' Targe" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_Sword" 		"The Eyelander" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Blast_Boots"			"The Gunboats" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Sentry_Shotgun"		"The Frontier Justice" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Achievement_Laser_Pointer"	"The Wrangler" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Robot_Arm"			"The Gunslinger" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_SledgeHammer"			"The Homewrecker" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Lunchbox_Chocolate"		"The Dalokohs Bar" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_TTG_MaxGun"						"The Lugermorph" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_TTG_SamRevolver"				"The Big Kill" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Makeshiftclub"			"The Pain Train" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_EnergyDrink_CritCola"	"Crit-a-Cola" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Golden_Wrench"			"The Golden Wrench" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_TribalmanKukri"			"The Tribalman's Shiv" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_BattleAxe"				"The Scotsman's Skullcutter" [$!ENGLISH]
"TF_Unique_Combat_Wrench"			"The Southern Hospitality" [$!ENGLISH]


"TF_Unique_Achievement_Sword_Desc"	"This weapon has a large melee range.\nGives increased speed and health\nwith every head you take."
"TF_Unique_Achievement_Shield_Desc"	"Alt-Fire: Gain increased attack power by\ncharging toward your enemies."
"TF_Unique_EnergyDrink_CritCola_Desc" "While under the effects, damage done\nand damage taken will be mini-crits."

"TF_TTG_MaxGun_Desc"				"The ultimate in semi-concealed weaponry.\nThere’s no question you need this gun,\nthe only question is: where will you keep it?"
"TF_TTG_SamRevolver_Desc"			"Combines style with stopping power.\nLong exclusive to Freelance Police,\nnow available for other blood-thirsty mercenaries."
"TF_TTG_MaxsHat_Desc"				"Expertly crafted headwear from cruelty-free farms\nin the Philippines. Hollowed-out skull casing wicks\nmoisture away when in the heat of battle."

// Hats
"TF_Wearable_Headgear"				"Headgear"
"TF_Unique_Headgear_Scout"			"Batter's Helmet"
"TF_Unique_Headgear_Sniper"			"Tooth Belt"
"TF_Unique_Headgear_Soldier"		"Soldier's Helmet"
"TF_Unique_Headgear_Demoman"		"Fro"
"TF_Unique_Headgear_Medic"			"Medic's Helmet"
"TF_Unique_Headgear_Pyro"			"Pyro's Helmet"
"TF_Unique_Headgear_Heavy"			"Football Helmet"
"TF_Unique_Headgear_Engineer"		"Mining Helmet"
"TF_Unique_Headgear_Spy"			"Spy's Helmet"

// Misc
"TF_Soldier_Medal_Web_Sleuth"		"Gentle Manne's Service Medal"
"TF_Employee_Badge_A"				"Grizzled Veteran"
"TF_Employee_Badge_B"				"Soldier of Fortune"
"TF_Employee_Badge_C"				"Mercenary"
"TF_Employee_Badge_Plat"			"Primeval Warrior"

"Item_Giveaway_NoItem"				"Waiting for item..."

"Item_Found"						"{ETX}%s1{SOH} has found:: %s2 %s3"
"Item_Crafted"						"{ETX}%s1{SOH} has crafted:: %s2 %s3"
"Item_BlacklistedInMatch"			"Item '%s1' has been disabled in this tournament match by the server whitelist."

"community"							"Community"
"developer"							"Valve"
"selfmade"							"Self-Made"

"TF_CheatDetected_Title"			"WARNING"
"TF_CheatDetectedMinor"				"Your account has been flagged for circumventing the item distribution system. We have removed the items that were illegally obtained.\n\nFuture violations will result in the loss of all your items."
"TF_CheatDetectedMajor"				"Your account has been flagged for circumventing the item distribution system. We have removed all items in your inventory.\n\nFuture violations may result in your account being disabled."
"TF_HonestyReward"					"Congratulations! Your Honesty has been rewarded with a new hat!\n\n(Some other players were less scrupulous, and have been less fortunate)"


"TF_medigun_autoheal"		"Medigun continues healing without holding down fire button."
"TF_autozoom"				"Sniper rifle will re-zoom after firing a zoomed shot."
"TF_autoreload"				"Automatically reload weapons when you're not firing."
"TF_drawviewmodel_option"	"Draw viewmodels."
"TF_flipviewmodel_option"	"Flip viewmodels."
"TF_viewmodelfov_option"	"Viewmodel field of view"
"TF_ClassLimitUnder"		"%s1 (Max %s2)"
"TF_ClassLimitHit"			"%s1 (Full)"
"TF_ClassLimitHit_None"		"(Full)"
"TF_rememberactiveweapon"	"Remember the active weapon between lives."
"TF_rememberlastweapon"		"Remember the 'last weapon' between lives."
"TF_colorblindassist"		"Turn on colorblind mode."
"TF_SpectateCarriedItems"	"Show non-standard items on spectated player."
"TF_UseAdvancedTourneyGUI"	"Use advanced spectator HUD in tournament mode."
"TF_DisableWeatherParticles" "Disable weather effects."
"TF_simple_disguise_menu_option" "Enable Simple Disguise Menu"
"TF_CombatText"				"Display damage done as text over your target"
"TF_HealTargetMarker"		"MEDIC: Display a marker over the player you are healing"
"TF_AutoMedicCallers"		"MEDIC: Injured teammates automatically call out"
"TF_AutoMedicCallThreshold"	"MEDIC: Auto-call Health percentage"
"TF_Hitbeeps"			"Play a hit sound everytime you injure an enemy."

// Arena
"TF_Arena_Team_Layout"		"Your Team"
"TF_Arena_F4_ChangeClass"	"Press 'F4' to re-roll your class!"
"TF_Arena_ClientDisconnect"	"%s1 is joining team %s2 to replace %s3"
"TF_Arena_ProTip"		"Tip: Winning teams never have to sit out"
"TF_Arena_Careful"		"Careful! If you lose this round you might have to sit out the next!"
"TF_Arena_SitOut"		"Your team lost. You're sitting out this round because other people were waiting to play."
"TF_Arena_Welcome"		"Team Fortress 2 Arena"
"TF_Arena_NoPlayers"		"Waiting for 1 more player before the round starts."
"TF_Arena_TeamSizeIncreased"	"Team size is increasing to %s1 to accommodate the current player count."
"TF_Arena_TeamSizeDecreased"	"Team size is decreasing to %s1 to accommodate the current player count."
"TF_Arena_SuddenDeathPanel"	"Arena Mode!"
"TF_Arena_SuddenDeathPanelReason"	"Sit back and relax. You will get your chance as soon as this round ends."
"TF_Arena_NoRespawning"		"No respawning in Arena Mode"
"TF_Arena_PlayingTo"		"Playing to %s1 wins in a row"
"TF_Arena_MaxStreak"		"Team %s1 reached {ETX}%s2{SOH} wins! Teams are now being scrambled."
"TF_Arena_FlawlessVictory"	"Flawless Victory!"
"TF_Arena_Winpanel_DamageThisRound"		"Damage:"
"TF_Arena_Winpanel_HealingThisRound"		"Healing:"
"TF_Arena_Winpanel_TimeAliveThisRound"		"Lifetime:"
"TF_Arena_Winpanel_KillingBlows"		"Kills:"
"TF_Arena_Menu_Fight"	"Fight!"
"TF_Arena_NoClassChange"	"You can't change classes after the round has started."
"TF_Arena_ScoreBoard_Spectator"		"%s1 player waiting to play: %s2"
"TF_Arena_ScoreBoard_Spectators"		"%s1 players waiting to play: %s2"

"TF_ServerNoSteamConn_Title"		"WARNING!"
"TF_ServerNoSteamConn_Explanation"	"The server you are playing on has lost connection to Steam. As a result, your loadout will not be available on this server."

"TF_UseGlowEffect"		"Use glow effect for Payload objectives."

// TF2 MMO
"TF_MMO_LFG"		"Looking For Group"
"TF_MMO_Quest1"		"You must kill %s1 %s2 to complete this quest."			
"TF_MMO_Monster1"	"Boars"
"TF_MMO_Monster2"	"Rats"
"TF_MMO_Monster3"	"Bats"
"TF_MMO_Monster4"	"Wolves"
"TF_MMO_Monster5"	"Spiders"

"TF_WarContribution"	"War Contribution"
"TF_WarCountUpdate_Soldier"		"{EOT}%s1{SOH} has contributed {ENQ}%s2 Soldier{SOH} kills to The War!"
"TF_WarCountUpdate_Demoman"		"{EOT}%s1{SOH} has contributed {ENQ}%s2 Demoman{SOH} kills to The War!"

"ViewBlog"			"View TF2 Blog"
"ViewUpdate"		"View Latest Update News"
"ReadAllAboutIt"	"Read all about it!"

"TF_Highlander_Mode"	"Highlander\nMode"
"TF_Teams_Full"		"Teams\nAre Full"

// Главное меню 2.0
"WelcomeBack"			"Добро пожаловать назад, %playername%"
"[English]WelcomeBack"			"Welcome back, %playername%"

"ChallengeTitle"		"%challengeclass%"
"[English]ChallengeTitle"		"%challengeclass%"
"ChallengeSubText"		"Почему бы вам не поиграть за него?"
"[English]ChallengeSubText"		"Why don't you give him a shot?"
"ChallengeSubTextB"		"Почему бы вам не поиграть за нее?"
"[English]ChallengeSubTextB"		"Why don't you give her a shot?"
"ChallengeRecord"		"Побейте это:"
"[English]ChallengeRecord"		"Beat this:"
"ChallengeDetails"		"%s1 как %s2"
"[English]ChallengeDetails"		"%s1 as a %s2"

"FriendsList"			"Все друзья, играющие сейчас: %friendsplaying%"
"[English]FriendsList"			"See all %friendsplaying% friends playing"

"MMenu_StartPlaying"	"Начать игру"
"[English]MMenu_StartPlaying"	"Start Playing"
"MMenu_ChangeServer"	"Сменить сервер"
"[English]MMenu_ChangeServer"	"Change Server"
"MMenu_CharacterSetup"	"Настройки персонажей"
"[English]MMenu_CharacterSetup"	"Character Setup"
"MMenu_Achievements"	"Достижения & Статистика"
"[English]MMenu_Achievements"	"Achievements & Stats"

"MMenu_NoRecentAchievements"	"Вы получили %currentachievements% из %totalachievements% достижения."
"[English]MMenu_NoRecentAchievements"	"You've earned %currentachievements% of %totalachievements% achievements."
"MMenu_RecentAchievements"		"Недавние достижения:"
"[English]MMenu_RecentAchievements"		"Your recent achievements:"
"MMenu_ViewAll"			"Полный список"
"[English]MMenu_ViewAll"			"View All"

"MMenu_Tooltip_Training"	  "Тренировка"
"[English]MMenu_Tooltip_Training"	  "Training"
"MMenu_Tooltip_NewUserForum"  "Форум для новичков"
"[English]MMenu_Tooltip_NewUserForum"  "New User Forum"
"MMenu_Tooltip_ReportBug"	  "Сообщить об ошибке"
"[English]MMenu_Tooltip_ReportBug"	  "Report a Bug"
"MMenu_Tooltip_MutePlayers"	  "Отключить голос игроков"
"[English]MMenu_Tooltip_MutePlayers"	  "Mute Players"
"MMenu_Tooltip_Commentary"	  "Комментарии разработчиков"
"[English]MMenu_Tooltip_Commentary"	  "Developer Commentary"

"[English]MMenu_MOTD_URL"			"READ MORE"
"[English]MMenu_MOTD_Show"			"MESSAGES"
"MMenu_MOTD_Hide"			"X"
"[English]MMenu_MOTD_Hide"			"X"

"MMenu_TutorialHighlight_Title"		"Похоже, вы играете в TF2 впервые..."
"[English]MMenu_TutorialHighlight_Title"		"Looks like it's your first time playing TF2..."
"MMenu_TutorialHighlight_Title2"	"С момента вашей последней игры мы добавили режим тренировки..."
"[English]MMenu_TutorialHighlight_Title2"	"Since you last played, we've added training..."
"MMenu_TutorialHighlight_Text"		"Почему бы вам не потратить минуту и не"
"[English]MMenu_TutorialHighlight_Text"		"Why not take a minute and"
"MMenu_TutorialHighlight_Button"	"ПРОЙТИ ОБУЧЕНИЕ"
"[English]MMenu_TutorialHighlight_Button"	"PLAY THE TUTORIAL"

"MMenu_PracticeHighlight_Title"		"Если вы закончили с обучением..."
"[English]MMenu_PracticeHighlight_Title"		"If you're done with the tutorial..."
"MMenu_PracticeHighlight_Text"		"Почему бы не попробовать"
"[English]MMenu_PracticeHighlight_Text"		"Why not try some"
"MMenu_PracticeHighlight_Button"	"ТРЕНИРОВКУ ВНЕ СЕТИ"
"[English]MMenu_PracticeHighlight_Button"	"OFFLINE PRACTICE"

"MMenu_ViewNewUserForums"	"Посмотреть форум для новичков"
"[English]MMenu_ViewNewUserForums"	"View new user forums"
"MMenu_NewUserForumHighlight_Title"		"Форум для новичков"
"[English]MMenu_NewUserForumHighlight_Title"		"New User Forum"
"MMenu_NewUserForumHighlight_Text"		"Мы создали несколько форумов, чтобы новички могли поговорить. Если у вас есть вопросы, это отличное место, чтобы их задать."
"[English]MMenu_NewUserForumHighlight_Text"		"We've setup some forums for new users to talk. If you've got questions, here's a great place to ask them."

// Всплывающие подсказки
// Меню управления снаряжением персонажа
"LoadoutExplanation_Title"		"Снаряжение"
"[English]LoadoutExplanation_Title"		"Loadouts"
"LoadoutExplanation_Text"		"Играя в TF2, вы будете находить новые предметы. Мы можете использовать их, надев на персонажа в меню снаряжения.\n\nЧтобы открыть снаряжение класса, нажмите на его изображении."
"[English]LoadoutExplanation_Text"		"As you play TF2, you'll find new kinds of items. You use these items by equipping them in a class loadout.\n\nTo open a class's loadout, click on its image."
"BackpackExplanation_Title"		"Рюкзак"
"[English]BackpackExplanation_Title"		"Backpack"
"BackpackExplanation_Text"		"Нажмите здесь, чтобы открыть ваш рюкзак. В нём лежат все предметы, которые вы нашли во время игры."
"[English]BackpackExplanation_Text"		"Click here to open your backpack. Your backpack contains all the items you've found while playing."
"CraftingExplanation_Title"		"Создание предметов"
"[English]CraftingExplanation_Title"		"Crafting"
"CraftingExplanation_Text"		"Нажмите здесь, чтобы открыть меню создания предметов. Здесь вы можете конструировать новые вещи из того, что у вас есть в рюкзаке."
"[English]CraftingExplanation_Text"		"Click here to open the crafting interface. Here you're able to construct new items out of the items in your backpack."
"ExplanationExplanation_Title"	"Забыли что-нибудь?"
"[English]ExplanationExplanation_Title"	"Missed something?"
"ExplanationExplanation_Text"	"Если вы нажмёте на эту кнопку, то сможете снова увидеть эти подсказки."
"[English]ExplanationExplanation_Text"	"Clicking this button will show these popups again."

// Панель рюкзака
"BackpackItemsExplanation_Title"	"Рюкзак"
"[English]BackpackItemsExplanation_Title"	"Backpack"
"BackpackItemsExplanation_Text"		"Здесь вы найдёте все свои предметы. Вы можете перемещать их по рюкзаку, зажав левую кнопку мыши.\n\nПредметы, которые надеты на персонажа, будут отмечены как 'используется'."
"[English]BackpackItemsExplanation_Text"		"Here you'll find all your items. You can click and drag them to rearrange to your liking.\n\nItems that are equipped in a class's loadout with be marked as 'equipped'."
"BackpackPagesExplanation_Title"	"Страницы в рюкзаке"
"[English]BackpackPagesExplanation_Title"	"Backpack Pages"
"BackpackPagesExplanation_Text"		"В вашем рюкзаке есть несколько страниц предметов. Используйте эти кнопки, чтобы переключаться между страницами."
"[English]BackpackPagesExplanation_Text"		"Your backpack has multiple pages of items. Use these buttons to flip between them."
"BackpackDeleteExplanation_Title"	"Удаление предметов"
"[English]BackpackDeleteExplanation_Title"	"Deleting Items"
"BackpackDeleteExplanation_Text"	"Если в вашем рюкзаке заканчивается место, вам нужно будет удалить что-нибудь (а лучше сделать из нескольких предметов другой).\n\nВыберите эту кнопку, чтобы навсегда удалить предмет. Вы можете выбрать несколько предметов, зажав кнопку CTRL."
"[English]BackpackDeleteExplanation_Text"	"If you run out of room in your backpack, you'll need to delete an item to make room (or better yet, craft a set of items to make room).\n\nSelect an item and click this button to permanently delete it. You can select multiple items by holding down the CTRL key."

// Панель создания предметов
"CraftingStartExplanation_Title"	"Создание предметов"
"[English]CraftingStartExplanation_Title"	"Crafting"
"CraftingStartExplanation_Text"		"Здесь вы можете сделать новые предметы (скрафтить), комбинируя несколько старых. Чтобы получился новый предмет, нужно следовать чертежу."
"[English]CraftingStartExplanation_Text"		"Here you can construct new items by combining items in your backpack. To successfully craft, the items you combine must match a blueprint."
"CraftingRecipesExplanation_Title"	"Чертежи"
"[English]CraftingRecipesExplanation_Title"	"Blueprints"
"CraftingRecipesExplanation_Text"	"Чертежи определяют какие предметы нужно использовать, и какие предметы при этом получатся. Нажмите на эту кнопку, чтобы увидеть список открытых вами чертежей.\n\nЧтобы открыть новые чертежи, попробуйте скрафтить неизвестную комбинацию предметов. Однажды найдя чертёж, он навсегда будет добавлен в этот список."
"[English]CraftingRecipesExplanation_Text"	"Blueprints specify a set of items to combine, and one or more items to produce. Click on this button to see the list of blueprints you've found so far.\n\nTo find additional blueprints, try crafting other combinations of items. Once you find a new blueprint, it'll be permanently added to your Known list."
"CraftingStep1Explanation_Title"	"Начинаем создавать предметы"
"[English]CraftingStep1Explanation_Title"	"Starting a craft"
"CraftingStep1Explanation_Text"		"Выберите два или более предмета из вашего рюкзака. дважды кликните или перетащите его в область создания."
"[English]CraftingStep1Explanation_Text"		"Select two or more items from your pack to combine. Double click or drag them into the crafting area."
"CraftingStep2Explanation_Title"	"Область создания"
"[English]CraftingStep2Explanation_Title"	"Crafting Area"
"CraftingStep2Explanation_Text"		"Предметы будут автоматически уничтожены, если сделаете всё правильно, после этого вы получите новый(е) предмет(ы).\n\nЕсли такого чертежа не существует, ваши предметы останутся в целости и сохранности."
"[English]CraftingStep2Explanation_Text"		"These items will be permanently destroyed if the craft succeeds, after which you'll receive the item(s) you produced.\n\nIf the craft fails to match a blueprint, the items will not be destroyed."
"CraftingStep3Explanation_Title"	"Известные чертежи"
"[English]CraftingStep3Explanation_Title"	"Known Blueprints"
"CraftingStep3Explanation_Text"		"Если предметы в области создания соответствуют известному вам чертежу, его название будет написано здесь. Наведите на него мышь, чтобы узнать, какой(ие) предмет(ы) у вас может(гут) получиться.\n\nЕсли предметы в области создания соответствуют нескольким чертежам, нажмите сюда, чтобы выбрать нужный вам чертёж."
"[English]CraftingStep3Explanation_Text"		"If the items in the crafting area match the required items for a blueprint you already know, the name of the blueprint will be listed here. Hold your mouse over it for a description of what item(s) the blueprint will produce.\n\nIf the items in the crafting area match multiple blueprints, select the blueprint to use here."

// Панель отказа
"DiscardItemsExplanation_Title"		"Отказ"
"[English]DiscardItemsExplanation_Title"		"Discarding"
"DiscardItemsExplanation_Text"		"Вы нашли новый предмет, но у вас нет для него места в рюкзаке. Вы должны выбрать: отказаться от этого предмета или удалить один из предметов в вашем рюкзаке."
"[English]DiscardItemsExplanation_Text"		"You've found a new item, but don't have any room in your backpack to store it. You must choose between discarding the new item, or deleting one of the items in your backpack."
"DiscardButtonExplanation_Title"	"Отказ от нового предмета"
"[English]DiscardButtonExplanation_Title"	"Discard New Item"
"DiscardButtonExplanation_Text"		"Чтобы отказаться от только что полученного предмета, нажмите эту кнопку. Предмет будет уничтожен навсегда."
"[English]DiscardButtonExplanation_Text"		"To discard the new item you've received, click this button. The item will be permanently destroyed."
"DiscardDeleteExplanation_Title"	"Удаление предметов"
"[English]DiscardDeleteExplanation_Title"	"Deleting Items"
"DiscardDeleteExplanation_Text"		"Чтобы удалить предмет из вашего рюкзака, выберите его и нажмите эту кнопку, чтобы навсегда удалить предмет. Вы можете выбрать несколько предметов, зажав кнопку CTRL."

// В некоторых строках присутствуют управляющие символы, которые меняют цвет слов.
// Управляющие символы можно копировать и вставлять в блокноте.
// {SOH} = 0x01 (SOH) - Использовать цвет по умолчанию
// {STX} = 0x02 (STX) - Использовать цвет подсказки до этого символа (HudTrainingHint в ClientScheme.res)

"TR_TargetPractice_Goal"	"Огневая подготовка"
"[English]TR_TargetPractice_Goal"	"Weapons Practice"
"TR_Generic_WeaponFireTitle"	"Использование оружия"
"[English]TR_Generic_WeaponFireTitle"	"Firing Weapons"
"TR_Generic_WeaponFire"		"Нажмите {STX}%attack%{SOH}, чтобы атаковать выбранным оружием."
"[English]TR_Generic_WeaponFire"		"Press {STX}%attack%{SOH} to attack with your current weapon."
"TR_Generic_ReloadTitle"	"Перезарядка!"
"[English]TR_Generic_ReloadTitle"	"Reload!"
"TR_Generic_Reload"		"{STX}Перезарядитесь{SOH}, нажав {STX}%reload%{SOH}, пока мишень ещё не появилась, или в любое свободное время."
"[English]TR_Generic_Reload"		"{STX}Reload{SOH} using {STX}%reload%{SOH} between targets, and whenever you have a spare moment."
"TR_Generic_BotIntroTitle"	"Применение оружия!"
"[English]TR_Generic_BotIntroTitle"	"Weapon Application!"
"TR_Generic_BotIntro"		"Опробуйте ваше оружие в бою против движущихся целей! Враги будут ходить перед вами. Вы знаете, что делать дальше."
"[English]TR_Generic_BotIntro"		"Try out your weapons on a few moving targets! Opponents will move around the target range. You know what to do."
"TR_Generic_BotHealth"		"Некоторые враги более живучие, чем другие. Вам потребуется больше снарядов, чтобы уничтожить их!"
"[English]TR_Generic_BotHealth"		"Some enemies have more health than others. You'll have to use more ammo to take them down!"

"TR_Soldier_IntroTitle"		"Солдат"
"[English]TR_Soldier_IntroTitle"		"The Soldier"
"TR_Soldier_Intro"		"Добро пожаловать на курс обучения пользованию оружием {STX}Солдата{SOH}!"
"[English]TR_Soldier_Intro"		"Welcome to the {STX}Soldier{SOH} weapons course!"

"TR_Soldier_SlotSwitchTitle"	"Выбор оружия"
"[English]TR_Soldier_SlotSwitchTitle"	"Switching Weapons"
"TR_Soldier_SlotSwitch1"	"Пролистайте список оружия с помощью {STX}%invnext%{SOH} и {STX}%invprev%{SOH}. Подтвердите ваш выбор, нажав {STX}%attack%{SOH}. Чтобы продолжить, выберите другое оружие." //необходимо подождать выбора оружия перед продолжением.
"[English]TR_Soldier_SlotSwitch1"	"Cycle through weapons using {STX}%invnext%{SOH} and {STX}%invprev%{SOH}. Confirm selection using {STX}%attack%{SOH}. Choose a different weapon to continue." //needs to wait for weapon switch before continuing.
"TR_Soldier_SlotSwitch2"	"Также оружие можно выбрать по-другому:\nНажмите {STX}%slot1%{SOH}, чтобы выбрать {STX}РАКЕТОМЁТ{SOH}\nНажмите {STX}%slot2%{SOH}, чтобы выбрать {STX}ДРОБОВИК{SOH}\nНажмите {STX}%slot3%{SOH}, чтобы выбрать {STX}ЛОПАТУ"
"[English]TR_Soldier_SlotSwitch2"	"Weapons can also be directly selected:\nPress {STX}%slot1%{SOH} for {STX}ROCKET LAUNCHER{SOH}\nPress {STX}%slot2%{SOH} for {STX}SHOTGUN{SOH}\nPress {STX}%slot3%{SOH} for {STX}SHOVEL"
"TR_Soldier_SlotSwitch3"	"Нажмите {STX}%slot1%{SOH}, чтобы выбрать {STX}РАКЕТОМЁТ{SOH}\nНажмите {STX}%slot2%{SOH}, чтобы выбрать {STX}ДРОБОВИК{SOH}\nНажмите {STX}%slot3%{SOH}, чтобы выбрать {STX}ЛОПАТУ{SOH}\nНажмите {STX}%reload%{SOH}, чтобы {STX}ПЕРЕЗАРЯДИТЬСЯ"
"[English]TR_Soldier_SlotSwitch3"	"Press {STX}%slot1%{SOH} for {STX}ROCKET LAUNCHER{SOH}\nPress {STX}%slot2%{SOH} for {STX}SHOTGUN{SOH}\nPress {STX}%slot3%{SOH} for {STX}SHOVEL{SOH}\nPress {STX}%reload%{SOH} to {STX}RELOAD"

"TR_Generic_QuickSwitchTitle"	"Быстрая смена оружия"
"[English]TR_Generic_QuickSwitchTitle"	"Quick Switch"
"TR_Generic_QuickSwitch"	"Выбирать оружие слишком долго? Нажмите {STX}%lastinv%{SOH}, чтобы переключиться на ранее использованное оружие!"
"[English]TR_Generic_QuickSwitch"	"Taking too long to switch weapons? Use {STX}%lastinv%{SOH} to swap to your previously selected weapon!"

"TR_Soldier_SlotPracticeTitle"	"Выбор оружия"
"[English]TR_Soldier_SlotPracticeTitle"	"Weapon Selection"
"TR_Soldier_SlotPractice"	"Используйте оружие, предлагаемое для целей на разном расстоянии, чтобы их уничтожить."
"[English]TR_Soldier_SlotPractice"	"Use the weapon called out for each target to destroy them at various distances."

"TR_Soldier_RocketTitle"	"Возьмите РАКЕТОМЁТ"
"[English]TR_Soldier_RocketTitle"	"Switch to ROCKET LAUNCHER"
"TR_Soldier_ShotgunTitle"	"Возьмите ДРОБОВИК"
"[English]TR_Soldier_ShotgunTitle"	"Switch to SHOTGUN"
"TR_Soldier_ShovelTitle"	"Возьмите ЛОПАТУ"
"[English]TR_Soldier_ShovelTitle"	"Switch to SHOVEL"
"TR_Soldier_Hint_Rocket"	"Используйте РАКЕТОМЁТ"
"[English]TR_Soldier_Hint_Rocket"	"Use ROCKET LAUNCHER"
"TR_Soldier_Hint_Shotgun"	"Используйте ДРОБОВИК"
"[English]TR_Soldier_Hint_Shotgun"	"Use SHOTGUN"
"TR_Soldier_Hint_Shovel"	"Используйте ЛОПАТУ"
"[English]TR_Soldier_Hint_Shovel"	"Use SHOVEL"
"TR_Soldier_Hint_SplashTitle"	"Урон по площади"
"[English]TR_Soldier_Hint_SplashTitle"	"Splash Damage"
"TR_Soldier_Hint_Splash"	"{STX}Взрыв{SOH} ракеты может нанести урон сразу {STX}нескольким целям{SOH}. Попробуйте попасть по обеим мишеням одной ракетой."
"[English]TR_Soldier_Hint_Splash"	"Rocket {STX}explosions{SOH} can damage {STX}multiple targets{SOH}. Try hitting two targets with a single rocket."
"TR_Soldier_Hint_SplashAim"	"Цельтесь сюда"
"[English]TR_Soldier_Hint_SplashAim"	"Aim here"
"TR_Soldier_Hint_Range"		"Используйте {STX}ДРОБОВИК{SOH}, чтобы добить раненого врага на близком расстоянии."
"[English]TR_Soldier_Hint_Range"		"Switch to {STX}SHOTGUN{SOH} to finish injured enemies at close range."
"TR_Soldier_PracticeTitle"	"Стрельба по мишеням!"
"[English]TR_Soldier_PracticeTitle"	"Target Practice!"
"TR_Soldier_Practice"		"Мишени будут появляться в разных местах. Чтобы продолжить, поразите их предлагаемым оружием."
"[English]TR_Soldier_Practice"		"Targets will appear at various locations. Hit these targets with the appropriate weapon to continue."

"TR_DustGeneric_IntroTitle1"	"Dustbowl"
"TR_DustGeneric_IntroTitle2"	"Контрольные точки"
"[English]TR_DustGeneric_IntroTitle2"	"Control Points"
"TR_DustGeneric_Intro1"		"Добро пожаловать на {STX}Dustbowl{SOH}, карту с захватом {STX}Контрольных точек{SOH}. Раунд начнётся, когда {STX}таймер подготовки{SOH} достигнет нуля."
"[English]TR_DustGeneric_Intro1"		"Welcome to {STX}Dustbowl{SOH}, a {STX}Control Point{SOH} map. When the {STX}setup timer{SOH} reaches zero, the round begins."
"TR_DustGeneric_IntroTeamTitle"	"Красные против Синих"
"[English]TR_DustGeneric_IntroTeamTitle"	"Red versus Blue"
"TR_DustGeneric_IntroSetup"	"{STX}Время для подготовки{SOH} позволяет {STX}КРАСНОЙ{SOH} команде подготовить защиту {STX}Контрольных точек{SOH} от {STX}СИНЕЙ{SOH} команды."
"[English]TR_DustGeneric_IntroSetup"	"{STX}Setup time{SOH} allows the {STX}RED{SOH} team to prepare defenses to prevent the {STX}BLU{SOH} team from capturing {STX}Control Points{SOH}."
"TR_DustGeneric_Intro2"		"Вы играете за команду {STX}СИНИХ{SOH}!  Чтобы победить, {STX}захватите{SOH} обе {STX}Контрольные точки{SOH}.  Для захвата {STX}Контрольной точки{SOH}, стойте на ней, пока не заполнится нижний индикатор."
"[English]TR_DustGeneric_Intro2"		"You are on {STX}BLU{SOH} team!  To win, {STX}capture{SOH} both {STX}Control Points{SOH}.  To capture a {STX}Control Point{SOH}, stand on it until the capture bar is full."
"TR_DustGeneric_Intro3"		"То, какой команде принадлежит {STX}Контрольная точка{SOH}, можно определить по цвету индикатора."
"[English]TR_DustGeneric_Intro3"		"{STX}Control Point{SOH} ownership is represented at the bottom of the screen as that team's color."
"TR_DustGeneric_HealthTitle"	"Здоровье и боеприпасы"
"[English]TR_DustGeneric_HealthTitle"	"Health and Ammo"
"TR_DustGeneric_EngTitle"	"Инженер"
"[English]TR_DustGeneric_EngTitle"	"The Engineer"
"TR_DustGeneric_Eng"		"{STX}Инженеры{SOH} могут помогать команде, {STX}строя{SOH}, {STX}чиня{SOH}, и {STX}модернизируя{SOH} различные постройки."
"[English]TR_DustGeneric_Eng"		"{STX}Engineers{SOH} can increase the effectiveness of their buildings through {STX}construction{SOH}, {STX}repair{SOH}, and {STX}upgrading{SOH}."
"TR_DustGeneric_EngRedTitle"	"Пушки"
"[English]TR_DustGeneric_EngRedTitle"	"Sentry Guns"
"TR_DustGeneric_EngRed2"	"У {STX}Пушек{SOH} есть предел {STX}видимости{SOH}.  Воспользуйтесь этим! Уничтожьте пушку с помощью вашего {STX}РАКЕТОМЁТА{SOH}."
"[English]TR_DustGeneric_EngRed2"	"{STX}Sentry guns{SOH} have {STX}limited range{SOH}.  Use this to your advantage! Destroy this sentry gun with your {STX}ROCKET LAUNCHER{SOH}."

"TR_DustGeneric_MedTitle"	"Медик"
"[English]TR_DustGeneric_MedTitle"	"The Medic"
"TR_DustGeneric_Med1"		"{STX}Медики{SOH} могут лечить дружеских игроков.  Во время лечения они также накапливают \"{STX}Убер-заряд{SOH}\"."
"[English]TR_DustGeneric_Med1"		"{STX}Medics{SOH} can heal friendly players.  While healing, they also build up an \"{STX}ÜberCharge{SOH}\"."
"TR_DustGeneric_Med2"		"Когда {STX}Медик{SOH} активирует {STX}Убер-заряд{SOH}, он и его пациент на некоторое время становятся {STX}неуязвимыми{SOH}."
"[English]TR_DustGeneric_Med2"		"When the {STX}ÜberCharge{SOH} is activated by the {STX}Medic{SOH}, he and his heal target become {STX}invulnerable{SOH} for a short time."
"TR_DustGeneric_Med3"		"Вы ранены? Горите?  Нажмите {STX}%voicemenu 0 0%{SOH}, чтобы оповестить Медика и он смог вам помочь!"
"[English]TR_DustGeneric_Med3"		"Injured? On fire?  Press {STX}%voicemenu 0 0%{SOH} to alert the Medic so he can help you!"

"TR_DustGeneric_RoundTitle"	"Последний раунд!"
"[English]TR_DustGeneric_RoundTitle"	"Final Round!"
"TR_DustGeneric_Round"		"Dustbowl состоит из трёх раундов.  Чтобы перейти на следующий раунд, захватите обе точки."
"[English]TR_DustGeneric_Round"		"Dustbowl consists of three rounds.  Capturing both Control Points advances the game to the next round."

"TR_DustGeneric_FFTitle"	"Огонь по своим"
"[English]TR_DustGeneric_FFTitle"	"Friendly Fire"
"TR_DustGeneric_FF"		"Не волнуйтесь, вы ни при каких условиях не сможете ранить ваших соратников!"
"[English]TR_DustGeneric_FF"		"Don't worry, you cannot hurt your teammates at any time!"
"TR_DustGeneric_CapMissedTitle"	"Какая досада!"
"[English]TR_DustGeneric_CapMissedTitle"	"Oops!"
"TR_DustGeneric_CapMissed"	"Похоже, что вы пропустили {STX}Контрольную точку{SOH}.  Последняя точка будет заблокирована до тех пор, пока вы не захватите первую."
"[English]TR_DustGeneric_CapMissed"	"Looks like you ran past the {STX}Control Point{SOH}.  The last point is locked until you capture the first one."

"TR_Dust_Hint_ControlPoint"	"Контрольная точка!"
"[English]TR_Dust_Hint_ControlPoint"	"Control Point!"
"TR_Dust_Hint_Resupply"		"Снабжение здоровьем и боеприпасами"
"[English]TR_Dust_Hint_Resupply"		"Health and Ammo Resupply"
"TR_Dust_Hint_Medic"		"Медик!"
"[English]TR_Dust_Hint_Medic"		"The Medic!"
"TR_Dust_Hint_Engineer"		"Инженер!"
"[English]TR_Dust_Hint_Engineer"		"The Engineer!"
"TR_Dust_Hint_SetupGate"	"Ворота для подготовки"
"[English]TR_Dust_Hint_SetupGate"	"Setup Gate"

//диалог по завершении тренировки
"TR_Target_EndDialog"		"Хорошая работа!  Вы закончили обучение использованию оружия Солдата!  Испытайте свои навыки в деле и перейдите на %s2, нажав кнопку ДАЛЕЕ." //%s1 - текущая карта, %s2 следующая, если предусмотрено
"[English]TR_Target_EndDialog"		"Good job!  You've completed the Soldier's weapons training!  Put your skills to work and move on to %s2 by pressing the NEXT button." //%s1 references map, %s2 is next map if specified
"TR_Dustbowl_EndDialog"		"Отлично сработано! Вы победили в игре на %s1 и завершили тренировку.\n\nХотите поиграть за другие классы, такие как Инженер и Медик?  Почему бы не потренироваться в ОДИНОЧНОЙ ПРАКТИКЕ?\n\nГотовы играть по сети против других игроков? Выберите НАЧАТЬ ИГРУ в главном меню."
"[English]TR_Dustbowl_EndDialog"		"Well done! You've won a game in %s1 and completed the training.\n\nWant to try out other classes like the Engineer or Medic?  Why not hop into an OFFLINE PRACTICE session?\n\nReady to play online against other players? Select START PLAYING at the main menu."

//вступительный ролик

"TF_IM_Target_Welcome"		"Тренировка выбора оружия и цели!"
"[English]TF_IM_Target_Welcome"		"Weapon selection and target practice!"
"TF_IM_Target_WeaponSwitch"	"Выбирайте называемое оружие и поражайте цели"
"[English]TF_IM_Target_WeaponSwitch"	"Switch to the weapon called for and hit the targets"
"TF_IM_Target_Reload"		"Почаще перезаряжайтесь!  Во время затишья полностью перезаряжайте ваше оружие"
"[English]TF_IM_Target_Reload"		"Reload often!  Use lulls to completely reload weapons"

// Другое
"TF_Training_SpaceToContinue"	"Нажмите пробел, чтобы продолжить"
"[English]TF_Training_SpaceToContinue"	"Press Spacebar to continue"
"TF_Training_Success"		"Поздравляем!"
"[English]TF_Training_Success"		"Success!"
"TF_Training_Completed"		"Вы завершили тренировку!"
"[English]TF_Training_Completed"		"You've Completed Training!"
"Button_ReplayTraining"		"&ПЕРЕИГРАТЬ"
"[English]Button_ReplayTraining"		"&REPLAY"
"Button_NextTraining"		"&ДАЛЕЕ"
"[English]Button_NextTraining"		"&NEXT"
"Button_QuitTraining"		"&ЗАКОНЧИТЬ"
"[English]Button_QuitTraining"		"&DONE"
"TF_Training_ClassNotAvailable"	"Не доступен для тренировки"
"[English]TF_Training_ClassNotAvailable"	"Not Available for Training"
"TF_Training_Prompt_Title" 	"Начать тренировку?"
"[English]TF_Training_Prompt_Title" 	"Start Training?"
"TF_Training_Prompt"	   	"Вы уверены, что хотите покинуть текущую игру и начать тренировку?"
"[English]TF_Training_Prompt"	   	"Are you sure you want to quit your current game and start training?"
"TF_Training_Restart_Title" 	"Перезапустить тренировку?"
"[English[TF_Training_Restart_Title" 	"Restart Training?"
"TF_Training_Restart_Text"   	"Вы действительно хотите заново начать тренировку?"
"[English]TF_Training_Restart_Text"   	"Are you sure you want to restart training?"
"TF_Training_Prompt_ConfirmButton"	"Да!"
"[English]TF_Training_Prompt_ConfirmButton"	"Yes Please!"
"TF_Training_Prompt_CancelButton"	"Нет, спасибо"
"[English]TF_Training_Prompt_CancelButton"	"No Thanks"

// Training Dialog
"TF_Training_Title"		"ТРЕНИРОВКА"
"[English]TF_Training_Title"		"TRAINING"

// Offline Practice
"TF_OfflinePractice"		"ОДИНОЧНАЯ ПРАКТИКА"
"[English]TF_OfflinePractice"		"OFFLINE PRACTICE"
"TF_OfflinePractice_Settings"	"Настройки"
"[English]TF_OfflinePractice_Settings"	"Settings"
"TF_OfflinePractice_NumPlayers"	"Рекомендуется %s1-%s2"
"[English]TF_OfflinePractice_NumPlayers"	"%s1-%s2 Suggested"
"TF_Bot_Difficulty"		"Сложность:"
"[English]TF_Bot_Difficulty"		"Difficulty:"
"TF_Bot_Difficulty0"		"Лёгкая"
"[English]TF_Bot_Difficulty0"		"Easy"
"TF_Bot_Difficulty1"		"Нормальная"
"[English]TF_Bot_Difficulty1"		"Normal"
"TF_Bot_Difficulty2"		"Сложная"
"[English]TF_Bot_Difficulty2"		"Hard"
"TF_Bot_Difficulty3"		"Эксперт"
"[English]TF_Bot_Difficulty3"		"Expert"
"TF_Bot_NumberOfBots"		"Количество игроков:"
"[English]TF_Bot_NumberOfBots"		"Number of Players:"

// Золотой гаечный ключ
"TF_HUD_Event_GoldenWrench_C"	"%s1 нашёл Золотой гаечный ключ номер %s2!"
"[English]TF_HUD_Event_GoldenWrench_C"	"%s1 has found Golden Wrench no. %s2!"
"TF_HUD_Event_GoldenWrench_D"	"%s1 уничтожил золотой гаечный ключ номер %s2!"
"[English]TF_HUD_Event_GoldenWrench_D"	"%s1 has destroyed Golden Wrench no. %s2!"


Как сохранить перевод отсюда

(Если кто хочет автоматизировать этот процесс и сделать скрипт - милости просим)

  1. Создайте пустой текстовый файл с именем tf_russian.txt.
  2. Скопируйте весь текст перевода из этой статьи.
  3. Скачайте текстовый файл со спец. символами - [1]
  4. С помощью любого текстового редактора (рекомендую Notepad++) произведите замену (включая фигурные скобки) в tf_russian.txt:
    1. Всех {STX} на символ, указанный в первой строке после дефиса в файле со спец. символами
    2. Всех {ETX} на символ, указанный во второй строке после дефиса в файле со спец. символами
    3. Всех {EOT} на символ, указанный в третьей строке после дефиса в файле со спец. символами
    4. Всех {ENQ} на символ, указанный в четвёртой строке после дефиса в файле со спец. символами
    5. Всех {SOH} на символ, указанный в пятой строке после дефиса в файле со спец. символами
  5. Сохраните файл tf_russian.txt (в кодировке UTF-8 или Юникод) и поместите его в: Папка_со_Steam/SteamApps/Имя_аккаунта/team fortress 2/tf/resource.

Русские шрифты

Место для шрифтов

Исправление отображения русских шрифтов

Место для исправления