List of companies/zh-hant

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< List of companies
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圖示 公司名稱 屬地或資產 隸屬於... 參考自...
Alliance towing.jpg Alliance Towing(聯盟拖車) 紅隊
Alpha electric.png Alpha Electric(阿爾發電力) Hydro
Ballfortress.jpg Ball Fortress(棒球要塞) 球棒:睡魔
Ballinger.png Ballinger Pest Control Specialist(巴林傑害蟲控制專家) Jeff Ballinger,Valve旗下的一名美術師。
Beacon.jpg Beacon 藍隊
Biggs steel rods.jpg Biggs Steel Rods 藍隊
Logo logging001.png Binksi Logging Lumberyard 藍隊
Logo logging002.png Binski Paper Co. Lumberyard 紅隊
Sign098.png BLU Co. 藍隊
Blufreight.png BLU Freight & Shipping 藍隊
BLU Industries.png BLU Industries Double Cross 藍隊
Blu Streak.png Blu/zh-hant Streak (Beer) 藍隊 Template:W, a Jamaican lager beer
Blue Corn Co..png Blue Corn Co. 藍隊
Bonk logo.png Bonk Bonk! 原子擊飲料
The Scout's memetic response.
Brown nugget.jpg Brown Nugget Prospecting Gold Rush 紅隊
Casali shafting.jpg Casali Shafting co. Badwater Basin Dario Casali, a level designer at Valve.
Clems.jpg Clem's
Cliffe rocks inc.jpg Cliffe Rocks Inc. Jess Cliffe, a level designer and artist at Valve.
Coop logo.png CO OP
Cornwell sign.png Cornwell Dustbowl, 2Fort 紅隊 20th century American illustrator Dean Cornwell, one of the artists who inspired the visual style for TF2.
Cracky Pop.png Cracky Pop Badwater Basin
Crummys burgers.jpg Crummy's Burgers
Dalokohs Chocolate.png Dalokohs Chocolate Co. 美味巧克力
Sign111.png Driller Dave Riller, a game designer at Valve.
Farmers elevator.png Farmers Elevator
Farmers feed and seed.jpg Farmers Feed & Seed Co.
Ferguson system.jpg Ferguson System
General industries co.jpg General Industries Co. Badwater Basin, Coldfront
Miningcrate001.jpg Gold Medal
Gilded Gold.png Gilded Gold 未知 未知
Goldstream fuel.jpg Goldstream Fuel 藍隊
Gray Gravel.png Gray Gravel Co. Gravel Pit 藍隊
Handyhoe.png Handy Hoe Hoodoo,Nightfall 紅隊
Hampshire's Heavy Lifting Equipment.png Hampshire's Heavy Lifting Equipment 紅隊 The "Hampshire Heavies" TF2 community
Happy Farmers.png Happy Farmers Cooperative 2Fort, Hightower 紅隊
Holdingford mill.png Holdingford Mill
Husky Acres.png Husky Acres Granary 紅隊
Icarus Airliners.png Icarus Airliners Eric "Icarus" Wong, the mapper that created Coldfront, the map in which this poster appears.
Imperial Mining.png Imperial Mining Gold Rush 紅隊
Industrial.png Industrial Dustbowl, Gravel Pit, Hydro, 2Fort
Jenkin Coal.png Jenkin Coal Co. Dustbowl 紅隊
Jimi jam.jpg Jimi Jam 藍隊
Jobbs Orchards.png Jobbs Orchards 藍隊 Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple
Sign056.jpg Lucky Plucker 紅隊
Mann Co. Logo.png Mann Co.
Sign063.png Old Geezer Draft Beer 紅隊
Piper & Piper.png Piper & Piper Pipeworks 藍隊
RED Bread.png Red Bread Granary 紅隊
RED Shed.png Red Shed Well 紅隊
Red Shed.png Red Shed (Beer) 紅隊 Template:W, a Jamaican lager beer
Red Valley Mining.png Red Valley Mining Badlands 紅隊
Redstone.png Redstone Cargo 紅隊
Sign062.png Regal Plumbing Supplies 藍隊
Rio Grande.png Rio Grande Coal Badlands 紅隊
Rolling Stone.png Rolling Stone Mining Logistics 紅隊
Sanders bbq.jpg Sanders BBQ 紅隊 Template:W, founder of Template:W
Schucker & Sons.png Schucker & Sons 未知 未知
Scoots canoe.jpg Scoot's Canoe 藍隊
Shiny's Bullion.png Shiny's Bullion 藍隊
Sign106 sunny hay.jpg Sunny Hay 紅隊
Superior feeds.png Superior Feeds
Telemax-logo.png Telemax 傳送器
TF Industries Logo.png 絕地要塞企業 A reference to Valve and Team Fortress 2.
Wright shipping.jpg Wright Shipping 藍隊 Matt & Dankia Wright, 3D artists at Valve.
XXX.png XXX (Cider) 爆破兵的酒瓶
Sign055.png Zippy Plow 紅隊
