SebBOT is an alternate account of seb26. This account has administrator privileges and carries the "bot" flag, so by default its edits are hidden from Special:RecentChanges. SebBOT's main tasks include running report scripts to generate Team Fortress Wiki:Reports, and performing boring repetitive tasks with Template:W as they arise.
SebBOT only runs when seb26 is awake, so please post on his talk page (or highlight _seb
in IRC) if there are problems with the bot.
SebBOT can also run the source of WindBOT to perform a select few of his tasks from time to time. This is for redundancy purposes at certain times only (as SebBOT does not operate at all hours). SebBOT maintains a separate filters list, however, he will still abide by WindBOT's blacklist page.
See also
- My bot bestie WindBOT