How to disable a filter
If the bot is malfunctioning, chances are that the problem lies in one of these blocks of code. Thus, instead of shutting down the whole bot, it would be wiser to disable only the chunk of code that is misbehaving. To make the bot ignore a certain line, add a "#" in front of it:
# This line will be ignored
If there are multiple lines, wrap them inside triple-quotes (you still need to put the two spaces at the beginning of the line):
"""This line will be ignored and this one as well and this one is cake and the previous one was a lie but it was still ignored"""
If all else fails, you can simply delete the block from the page. The bot can't come up with code by itself yet, so it won't run anything. Or, if the problem really is elsewhere, block the bot.
Link filters
Category removal on pages using {{Item infobox}}
def removeCategory(l, **kwargs): catsToRemove = [u'Category:Weapons', u'Category:Hats', u'Category:Primary weapons', u'Category:Secondary weapons', u'Category:Melee weapons', u'Category:PDA1 weapons', u'Category:PDA2 weapons', u'Category:Miscellaneous items', u'Category:Tools', u'Category:Action items', u'Category:Taunts', u'Community-contributed items'] regLang = compileRegex('/[^/]+$') if 'article' not in kwargs or regLang.sub(u, l.getLink()) not in catsToRemove: return l if u'Category:Item infobox usage' not in kwargs['article'].getCategories(): return l return None addLinkFilter(removeCategory)
Template filters
Manage all {{Item infobox}}
def infoboxFilter(t, **kwargs): filteredTemplates = ('weapon infobox', 'hat infobox', 'tool infobox', 'item infobox') # Only do stuff to these templates if t.getName().lower() not in filteredTemplates: return t # Skip t.setName('Item infobox') t.indentationMatters(True) # Reindents every time, not only when modifying values paramAliases = { # Parameter alias 'goodParam': 'badParam', or 'goodParam': [list of bad params]. 'name': ['weapon-name-override', 'hat-name-override', 'tool-name-override', 'NAME', 'name-override'], 'image': ['weapon-image', 'hat-image', 'tool-image'], 'kill-text-1': 'kill-text', 'team-colors': 'has-team-colors', 'two-models': 'has-two-models', 'slot': ['weapon-slot', 'hat-slot', 'tool-slot'], 'trade': 'tradable', 'gift': 'giftable', 'craft': 'craftable', 'paint': ['paintable', 'Paint'], 'rename': ['name-tag', 'nametag'], 'loadout': 'display-loadout-stats', 'level': 'level-and-type' } catstoCheck = { # Mapping 'templateAttribute': [List of 'Category|templateAttributeValue'] 'type': ['Taunts|taunt', 'Action items|action', 'Hats|hat', 'Miscellaneous items|misc item', 'Tools|tools', 'Weapons|weapon'], 'slot': ['Primary weapons|primary', 'Secondary weapons|secondary', 'Melee weapons|melee', 'PDA1 weapons|pda 1', 'PDA2 weapons|pda 2'] } catsDontCheck = [u'Category:Beta and unused content', 'Category:Taunts'] # Type and slot won't be modified on these pages preferedOrder = [ # Prefered order of keys inside template 'name', 'game', 'type', 'beta', 'unused', 'image', 'imagewidth', 'team-colors', 'two-models', 'skin-image-red', 'skin-image-blu', 'TFC-model', 'QTF-model', 'kill-icon-#', 'kill-text-#', 'used-by', 'slot', 'crafting-slot', 'custom-slot', 'contributed-by', 'released', 'availability', 'trade', 'gift', 'craft', 'numbered', 'paint', 'rename', 'medieval', 'ammo-loaded', 'ammo-carried', 'ammo-type', 'show-ammo', 'reload', 'loadout', 'loadout-prefix', 'quality', 'level', '%ATTRIBUTES%', 'item-description', 'item-uses', 'item-flags', 'item-expiration' ] checkEnglish = ['trade', 'craft', 'paint', 'rename'] # If these attributes aren't yes or no, check the values on the english page attributeTypes = ['neutral', 'positive', 'negative'] # Possible loadout attribute types regLang = compileRegex('/[^/]+$') # Step 0 - Check categories: tCats = None isTFC = False # Assume false by default if 'article' in kwargs: if kwargs['article'] is not None: cats2 = kwargs['article'].getCategories() tCats = [] for c in cats2: tCats.append(u(regLang.sub(u, u(c)))) isTFC = u'Category:Weapons (Classic)' in tCats # Step 1 - Rename obsolete attributes for p in paramAliases: if type(paramAliases[p]) is type([]): for a in paramAliases[p]: t.renameParam(a, p) else: t.renameParam(paramAliases[p], p) # Step 2 - Fix ammo stuff if t.getParam('ammo-carried') == u'1' or t.getParam('ammo-loaded') == u'1': t.delParam('ammo-loaded', 'ammo-carried', 'ammo-type') t.setParam('show-ammo', 'off') # Step 3 - Fix more ammo stuff, delete pricing attributes t.delParam('ammo', 'price', 'show-price', 'purchasable', 'backpack-image') # Step 4 - Fix reload stuff if t.getParam('reload') is None: t.renameParam('reload-type', 'reload') # Step 5 - Count, split, order and fix loadout attributes attrNumber = 1 regexAttrSplit = compileRegex(r'\s*<br[^<>]*>\s*') for a in attributeTypes: if t.getParam(a + '-attributes') is not None: attrs = regexAttrSplit.split(t.getParam(a + '-attributes')) for attr in attrs: t.setParam('att-' + str(attrNumber) + '-' + a, attr) attrNumber += 1 t.delParam(a + '-attributes') if tCats is not None: # Step 6 - Lookup english fallback on certain attributes fetchEnglish = False values = {} for attr in checkEnglish: if t.getParam(attr) is not None and t.getParam(attr).lower() not in (u'yes', u'no'): fetchEnglish = True elif t.getParam(attr) is not None: values[attr] = t.getParam(attr).lower() if['article'].title): englishArticle = page(regLang.sub(, kwargs['article'].title)) try: englishContent = englishArticle.getWikiText() except: englishContent = u englishContent, englishTemplates = templateExtract(englishContent) for englishT in englishTemplates: if englishT.getName().lower() in filteredTemplates: for p in paramAliases: if type(paramAliases[p]) is type([]): for a in paramAliases[p]: englishT.renameParam(a, p) else: englishT.renameParam(paramAliases[p], p) for attr in checkEnglish: if englishT.getParam(attr) is not None and englishT.getParam(attr).lower() in (u'yes', u'no'): values[attr] = englishT.getParam(attr).lower() break for attr in values: t.setParam(attr, values[attr]) checkCats = True for c in catsDontCheck: if c in tCats: checkCats = False break if not isTFC and not t.getParam('custom-slot') and checkCats: # Step 7 - Set certains attributes based on page categories for cname in catstoCheck: cname = u(cname) found = None foundmultiple = False for c in catstoCheck[cname]: cat, val = u(c).split(u'|') cat = u'Category:' + u(regLang.sub(u, cat)) if cat in tCats: if found is not None: foundmultiple = True found = val if not foundmultiple: t.setParam(cname, found) if u'Category:Weapons' not in tCats: t.delParam('slot') # Step 8 - Convert neutral attributes - Disabled """desc = [] if t.getParam('item-description') is not None: desc = regexAttrSplit.split(t.getParam('item-description')) for i in range(1, 10): if t.getParam('att-' + str(i) + '-neutral') is not None: desc.append(t.getParam('att-' + str(i) + '-neutral')) t.delParam('att-' + str(i) + '-neutral') desc2 = [] for d in desc: if d.strip(): desc2.append(d.strip()) if len(desc2): t.setParam('item-description', u'
'.join(desc2))""" # # Commenting out because of new parameter 'beta' # and there being no way to distinguish between beta items & unused content thus far # seb26 04:58, 12 February 2011 (UTC) # # if u'Category:Beta and unused content' in tCats: # t.setParam('unused', 'yes') # Step 9 - Do TFC stuff if isTFC: t.setParam('type', 'weapon') t.setParam('game', 'tfc') # Step 10 - Set correct preferred indentation for k in ['quality', 'level', 'item-description', 'item-uses', 'item-flags', 'level-and-type', 'loadout-name', 'loadout-prefix']: t.setPreferedIndentation(k, 2) for i in range(1, 10): for a in attributeTypes: t.setPreferedIndentation('att-' + str(i) + '-' + a, 2) # Step 11 - Build correct attribute order newOrder = [] for o in preferedOrder: if o.find('#') == -1: newOrder.append(o) continue if o == '%ATTRIBUTES%': for i in range(1, 10): for a in attributeTypes: newOrder.append('att-' + str(i) + '-' + a) for i in range(1, 10): newOrder.append(o.replace('#', str(i))) t.setPreferedOrder(newOrder) # Step 12 - There is no step 12 return t addTemplateFilter(infoboxFilter)