June 19, 2008 Patch
Revision as of 20:35, 22 May 2011 by Stevoisiak (talk | contribs)
This article is specific to the patch released. For information on the update, see Pyro Update.
Official update page: The Pyro Update
Patch notes
Team Fortress 2
- Added 2 community maps: cp_fastlane and ctf_turbine
- Added alt-fire compression blast to the basic flamethrower
- Added The Axtinguisher, The Backburner, and The Flare Gun
- Hadouken taunt now kills people it hits
- Tuned the flamethrower hit detection to improve detection versus retreating opponents
- Removed Flamethrower's damage falloff (was falling off to 25% by the end)
- cp_well
- Added a route from the forward central foyer up to the battlements
- Redistributed health and ammunition throughout the bases
- ctf_well
- Added a route from the forward central foyer up to the battlements
- Removed central building, reduced overall map length
- Redistributed health and ammunition throughout the bases
- Removed Soldier's 40% damage reduction from his own rockets. Does not affect rocket jumps
- In-game avatar images will now have a badge around them if the player is your friend
- Added custom death icons for unlockable weapons
- The player join team message now specifies whether the player used the auto team option
- Payload maps now support four control points per stage
- Achievement dialog will stay open when you're moving in & out of the game and the main menu
- Added full Russian localization, with both fonts & speech
- Returned the "Report a Bug" option to the main menu
- Fixed bug that allowed players to move around in a reference pose
Undocumented changes
- Added 35 Pyro achievements