Fear me and my outlandishly clever name!
I hope copying this from one of the moderators isn't considered a crime... :(
it's hard to figure out the hat's names manually, I'll try and figure it out eventually and add the rest of my hats in...
{{Template:User_hat_checklist batters helmet bonk helm baker boy beanie whoopee cap scout hatless Soldier stash tyrant helm stainless pot kabuto drill hat medal pyro beanie brigade helmet rubber glove brain slug merryweather whiskered gentleman Demo fro stovepipe bonnet hallmark tricorne football helmet ushanka toque hound dog heavy duty rag mining light ten gallon hotrod safe hatless engineer engineer cap Pickelhaube tyrolean mirror gatsby goggles procedure mask trophy belt panama sola topi bucket hat yellow belt sniper hatless fedora billycock spy mullet frenchmans beret camera beard halo gibus halloween bill hat max modest noble towering earbuds }}