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Who I am does not concern you.
Elizabeth pulling strings
Australians in the 1890's

Although Team Fortress 2 has no story mode or single-player campaign, the storyline and back story of the game has been revealed through several comics, Meet the Team videos, and major updates over time. The Halloween Update of October 2009 (and the Halloween Update of October 2010), the WAR! Update of December 2009, and the Engineer Update of July 2010 have all offered to add to the official Team Fortress continuity in one way or another. Hidden links in these pages as well as the examination of the Team Fortress 2 comic book pages serve to contribute various dates in the timeline.


The Mann family

From left to right: Barnabas Hale, Blutarch Mann, Zepheniah Mann, Elizabeth and Redmond Mann. A mysterious man is also seen just out of shot on the far right side

Team Fortress 2's backstory begins in 1850 with the wealthy Englishman Zepheniah Mann. Mann was the owner and proprietor of Mann & Sons Munitions Concerns, later known as Mann Co.. Later, he traveled to the United States with his two adult sons, Redmond and Blutarch, to expand their munitions business. When they arrived, they discovered the gravel pits and dustbowls were useless; in addition, Zepheniah had contracted numerous illnesses in his age. With his last will and testament, Zepheniah set up the events of Team Fortress 2 by leaving half of his land to each of his sons, for them to fight over for the rest of their lives.

The original BLU Team


Comprised of Billy the Kid, Stonewall Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Alfred Nobel, John Henry, Nikola Tesla, Sigmund Freud, Davy Crockett, and Fu Manchu, Blutarch had his crack mercenary team set, and was eager to claim his land. The RED and BLU teams proceeded to enter a massive stalemate as they attempted to destroy the other team and take the land for their respective Mann sibling.


A Loose Canon

Radigan Conagher accepts Blutarch's request

Forty years later, Redmond and Blutarch were still engaged in their unwinnable war. As Blutarch neared death from old age, he called in an expert craftsman named Radigan Conagher to construct for him a machine that would allow him to live on, to "make [him] a monster" by artificially extending is life. Radigan agreed, Upon returning to his store that evening, Radigan found a stranger who had already made her way past his locked door. Knowing she couldn't convince Radigan to change his mind about building Blutarch's life extender, this stranger asked Radigan to build Redmond a machine as well. As payment, she gave him a hundred pounds of Australium, a powerful element found only in Australia, which had caused the nation of unintelligent savages to become extremely intelligent and develop such technological marvels as teleportation and cloaking techniques.

Radigan agreed, and became super-intelligent with the Australium. Radigan went on to develop life extending machines for Redmond, Blutarch and a third individual.


Modern War

During the Summer of 1968, nine individuals - the Scout, the Soldier, the Pyro, the Demoman), the Heavy Weapons Guy, the Engineer, the Medic, the Sniper), and the Spy - are recruited by Reliable Excavation & Demolition (RED) and Builders League United (BLU) to continue Redmond and Blutarch's never-ending war to seize the land left to them by their deceased father. Helen, a descendent of Elizabeth, acts as the overseer of the large-scale battles fought amongst these nine mercenaries. Descendent of Barnabas Hale, Saxton Hale, acts as the propitiatory owner of the renowned weapons and headwear business Mann Co., which acts as a subsidiary of the Administrator's shadowy company, TF Industries.

Recent Developments

The Administrator

Our first major plot event occurs when the RED Demoman and BLU Soldier meet and become friends at an explosives convention, which severely angers the Administrator. With the help of Saxton Hale, she misleads both men into thinking the other is trying to kill them, sparking a bloody war.

The next major event occurs when Blutarch Mann realizes his life support machine is breaking. Blutarch contacts our BLU Engineer, the grandson of Radigan Conagher, to fix it.

Later, Saxton Hale discovers the Internet (which notably did not exist in the 1960s) and uses it to open the online Mann Co. Store for players to purchase weapons and items.


Pyro's identity

The identity of the Pyro has been the subject of much debate since the game's release. As the Pyro is one of two classes to not yet receive a Meet the Team video, little is known about his or her personality and history. One popular theory claims that the Pyro was a woman, in large part because of a frilly flower handbag found in the Pyro's locker on several maps. Additional evidence supporters note include the Pyro's feminine humiliation stance, the Director's Vision taunt, and domination lines from other classes that use derogatory female terms.

However, much speculation revolves around the idea that Abraham Lincoln is still alive and continues to play the role of the Pyro from his original 1850's team. Three aspects of the Engineer update are used as evidence:

  • Abraham Lincoln was the original Pyro in the 1850s.
  • Schematics on Radigan Conagher's workbench depict a contraption in which a seated man with a beard and top hat is dropped through a trap door and teleported to a desert location. An image of the penny (on which Lincoln is depicted) and the letters "LIN..." are nearby. Some have suggested this schematic may depict a way in which Lincoln survived his assassination by John "Tower of Hats" Booth.
  • Radigan Conagher built a third life extending machine for an unknown individual. While some have cited the machine's construction date of April 14 (the day Lincoln was assassinated) as evidence, Conagher could not have built the third machine until at least 1894, the year he built Redmond and Blutarch's devices. An explanation for Lincoln's possible survival is provided above.

Another recent theory can argue that the Administrator's secretary, Ms. Pauling, takes the role of the Pyro to keep an eye on the mercenaries for the Administrator. Arguments for this include Pauling seemingly knowing how to handle a Revolver with expertise previously seen only with our mercenaries, as well as her taste in literature.

Zepheniah Mann's Unknown Will Recipient

Zepheniah Mann left an important task to an unknown person in his will. Specifically, the line reads

Lastly, to {obsecured) I leave the entirety of my (obsecured}
and swear you to utmost secrecy in its keeping.

The identity of this person has not yet been revealed. The person is likely the individual seen scratched out of the Mann family portrait, the identity of which is unknown.

Third Life Extender Machine

After constructing Blutarch his life extending machine on July 17, 1894, and a second for Redmond Mann on August 3, 1894, Radigan Conagher built a third machine on April 14 of an unknown year. Some have suggested Abraham Lincoln, the original Pyro (see above), as the owner of this machine due to the fact that it was built on the day he supposedly died. Others have theorized the unnamed descendant of Elizabeth who enlisted Radigan to make the devices in the first place may have requested one for herself, and is currently acting as the Administrator. Still, others hypothesized that it was this unknown recipient from Zepheniah Mann's last will that have received this life extending machine.

Detailed timeline

Important event

See also
