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< User:Seb26
Revision as of 23:38, 17 July 2010 by Seb26 (talk | contribs) (+)
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// Add date and time to your monobook "personal menu" list at the very top of the page.
// Created by [[User:Mathwiz2020]]

// Indicate where you would like the time to appear:
// 1 is first (before username), 2 is second (before talk link), ... 7 is last (after log out link)
insertBeforeNum = 7;

// Do NOT edit below this line unless you're experiened in javascript
insertBeforeArr = new Array("","pt-userpage","pt-mytalk","pt-preferences","pt-watchlist","pt-mycontris","pt-logout","");
insertBefore = insertBeforeArr[insertBeforeNum];

function makeTime()
  var li = document.createElement( 'li' ); = 'pt-time';

  var mySpan = document.createElement( 'span' );
  mySpan.appendChild( document.createTextNode( 'date and time' ) );

  li.appendChild( mySpan );

  if ( insertBefore )
    var before = document.getElementById( insertBefore );
    before.appendChild( li, before );
  else // append to end (right) of list
    document.getElementById( 'pt-logout' ).parentNode.appendChild( li );


if      ( window.addEventListener ) window.addEventListener ( 'load', makeTime, false );
else if ( window.attachEvent      ) window.attachEvent      ( 'onload', makeTime      );

function getTime()
    var time    = new Date();
    var date    = time.getUTCDate();
    var months  = 'Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec'.split(' ');
        month   = months[time.getUTCMonth()];
    var year    = time.getUTCFullYear();
    var hours   = '0' + time.getUTCHours();
        hours   = hours.substr(hours.length-2, hours.length);
    var minutes = '0' + time.getUTCMinutes();
        minutes = minutes.substr(minutes.length-2, minutes.length);
    var seconds = '0' + time.getUTCSeconds();
        seconds = seconds.substr(seconds.length-2, seconds.length);
    var curTime = hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds + ", " + date + " " + month + " " + year + " (UTC)";
    datePlace   = document.getElementById('pt-time').childNodes[0].childNodes[0];
                  datePlace.replaceData(0, datePlace.length, curTime);
    doTime      = window.setTimeout("getTime()", 1000);

// addPurge
addOnloadHook(function () {
    var hist; var url;
    if (!(hist = document.getElementById('ca-history') )) return;
    if (!(url = hist.getElementsByTagName('a')[0] )) return;
    if (!(url = url.href )) return;
    addPortletLink('p-cactions', url.replace(/([?&]action=)history([&#]|$)/, '$1purge$2'),
                   'Purge', 'ca-purge', 'Purge server cache for this page', '0');
