
From Team Fortress Wiki
< User:Ath
Revision as of 22:17, 19 June 2011 by Cructo (talk | contribs)
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Below are the remaining, currently unlocalised strings for TF2B's main UI, please feel free to adjust them accordingly.

While you welcome to add additional language entries to the below, new entries will not be utilised until there is support for them in the WebAPI.

Many thanks, Ath.

      "scraptotal":"Scrap Total",
      "unknownitem":"Unknown Item",
      "showall":"Show All",
      "valveiconset":"Valve Iconset",
      "shugoiconset":"Shugo Iconset",
      "setborders":"Set Borders",
      "setequip":"Set Equip",
      "toghover":"Toggle Hover",
      "homenotif":"Please enter a Steam Community ID or Sign in through Steam.",
      "private":"This backpack is private.",
      "apiError":"Could not display backpack."
      "scraptotal":"Total de ferrailles",
      "untradable":"Non échangeable",
      "unknownitem":"Objet inconnu",
      "showall":"Tout afficher",
      "valveiconset":"Icônes Valve",
      "shugoiconset":"Icônes Shugo",
      "setborders":"Afficher Bordures",
      "setequip":"Afficher Équipés",
      "toghover":"Afficher Aperçu",
      "homenotif":"Veuillez entrer une ID Steam Community ou vous connecter via Steam.",
      "private":"Ce sac à dos est privé.",
      "apiError":"Impossible d'afficher le sac à dos."
      "scraptotal":"Scrap Total",
      "unknownitem":"Unknown Item",
      "showall":"Show All",
      "valveiconset":"Valve Iconset",
      "shugoiconset":"Shugo Iconset",
      "setborders":"Set Borders",
      "setequip":"Set Equip",
      "toghover":"Toggle Hover",
      "homenotif":"Please enter a Steam Community ID or Sign in through Steam.",
      "private":"This backpack is private.",
      "apiError":"Could not display backpack."
      "scraptotal":"Всего металла",
      "untradable":"Недоступен для обмена",
      "unknownitem":"Неизвестный предмет",
      "showall":"Показать все",
      "valveiconset":"Иконки от Valve",
      "shugoiconset":"Иконки от Shugo",
      "setborders":"Показывать границы",
      "setequip":"Показывать \"Надето\"",
      "toghover":"Toggle Hover",
      "homenotif":"Пожалуйста, введите идентификатор Сообщества Steam, или войдите через Steam.",
      "private":"Этот рюкзак закрыт для просмотра.",
      "apiError":"Невозможно показать рюкзак."
      "scraptotal":"Scrap Total",
      "unknownitem":"Unknown Item",
      "showall":"Show All",
      "valveiconset":"Valve Iconset",
      "shugoiconset":"Shugo Iconset",
      "setborders":"Set Borders",
      "setequip":"Set Equip",
      "toghover":"Toggle Hover",
      "homenotif":"Please enter a Steam Community ID or Sign in through Steam.",
      "private":"This backpack is private.",
      "apiError":"Could not display backpack."
      "scraptotal":"Total de Sucatas",
      "untradable":"Não Trocável",
      "unknownitem":"Item Desconhecido",
      "showall":"Mostrar Todos",
      "valveiconset":"Conjunto de ícones Valve",
      "shugoiconset":"Conjunto de ícones Shugo",
      "setborders":"Definir Bordas",
      "setequip":"Definir Equipado",
      "toghover":"Toggle Hover",
      "homenotif":"Por favor digite um ID da Comunidade Steam ou entre através do Steam.",
      "private":"Esta mochila é privada.",
      "apiError":"Não foi possível apresentar a mochila."
      "scraptotal":"Total de Scraps",
      "untradable":"Não Trocável",
      "unknownitem":"Item Desconhecido",
      "showall":"Mostrar Todos",
      "valveiconset":"Ícones da Valve",
      "shugoiconset":"Ícones do Shugo",
      "setborders":"Mostrar Bordas",
      "setequip":"Mostrar Equipado",
      "toghover":"Mostrar Visualização",
      "homenotif":"Por favor, digite uma ID da Comunidade Steam ou entre através do Steam.",
      "private":"Esta mochila é privada.",
      "apiError":"Não foi possível exibir a mochila."
      "scraptotal":"Scrap Total",
      "unknownitem":"Unknown Item",
      "showall":"Show All",
      "valveiconset":"Valve Iconset",
      "shugoiconset":"Shugo Iconset",
      "setborders":"Set Borders",
      "setequip":"Set Equip",
      "toghover":"Toggle Hover",
      "homenotif":"Please enter a Steam Community ID or Sign in through Steam.",
      "private":"This backpack is private.",
      "apiError":"Could not display backpack."
      "scraptotal":"Scrap Total",
      "unknownitem":"Unknown Item",
      "showall":"Show All",
      "valveiconset":"Valve Iconset",
      "shugoiconset":"Shugo Iconset",
      "setborders":"Set Borders",
      "setequip":"Set Equip",
      "toghover":"Toggle Hover",
      "homenotif":"Please enter a Steam Community ID or Sign in through Steam.",
      "private":"This backpack is private.",
      "apiError":"Could not display backpack."
      "scraptotal":"Restmetall insgesamt",
      "untradable":"Nicht handelbar",
      "unknownitem":"Unbekannter Gegenstand",
      "showall":"Alle anzeigen",
      "setborders":"Rahmen einstellen",
      "setequip":"Ausrüstungsmarkierung einstellen",
      "toghover":"Toggle Hover",
      "homenotif":"Bitte geben Sie eine Steam Community ID ein oder loggen Sie sich über Steam ein",
      "private":"Dieses Rucksack ist privat.",
      "apiError":"Rucksack konnte nicht angezeigt werden."
      "scraptotal":"Scrap Total",
      "unknownitem":"Unknown Item",
      "showall":"Show All",
      "valveiconset":"Valve Iconset",
      "shugoiconset":"Shugo Iconset",
      "setborders":"Set Borders",
      "setequip":"Set Equip",
      "toghover":"Toggle Hover",
      "homenotif":"Please enter a Steam Community ID or Sign in through Steam.",
      "private":"This backpack is private.",
      "apiError":"Could not display backpack."
      "scraptotal":"Scrap Total",
      "unknownitem":"Unknown Item",
      "showall":"Show All",
      "valveiconset":"Valve Iconset",
      "shugoiconset":"Shugo Iconset",
      "setborders":"Set Borders",
      "setequip":"Set Equip",
      "toghover":"Toggle Hover",
      "homenotif":"Please enter a Steam Community ID or Sign in through Steam.",
      "private":"This backpack is private.",
      "apiError":"Could not display backpack."
      "scraptotal":"Chatarra Total",
      "untradable":"No intercambiable",
      "unknownitem":"Objeto Desconocido",
      "showall":"Mostrar Todos",
      "valveiconset":"Iconos de Valve",
      "shugoiconset":"Iconos de Shugo",
      "setborders":"Fijar Bordes",
      "setequip":"Etiquetar objetos Equipados",
      "toghover":"Toggle Hover",
      "homenotif":"Por favor introduce una ID de la Comunidad de Steam o inicia sesión en Steam.",
      "private":"Esta mochila es privada.",
      "apiError":"No se pudo mostrar la mochila."
      "scraptotal":"Scrap Total",
      "unknownitem":"Unknown Item",
      "showall":"Show All",
      "valveiconset":"Valve Iconset",
      "shugoiconset":"Shugo Iconset",
      "setborders":"Set Borders",
      "setequip":"Set Equip",
      "toghover":"Toggle Hover",
      "homenotif":"Please enter a Steam Community ID or Sign in through Steam.",
      "private":"This backpack is private.",
      "apiError":"Could not display backpack."
      "scraptotal":"Scrap Total",
      "unknownitem":"Unknown Item",
      "showall":"Show All",
      "valveiconset":"Valve Iconset",
      "shugoiconset":"Shugo Iconset",
      "setborders":"Set Borders",
      "setequip":"Set Equip",
      "toghover":"Toggle Hover",
      "homenotif":"Please enter a Steam Community ID or Sign in through Steam.",
      "private":"This backpack is private.",
      "apiError":"Could not display backpack."
      "scraptotal":"Schroot Totaal",
      "untradable":"Niet te ruilen",
      "unknownitem":"Onbekend voorwerp",
      "showall":"Laat alles zien",
      "valveiconset":"Valve Icoonset",
      "shugoiconset":"Shugo Icoonset",
      "setequip":"In uitrusting",
      "toghover":"Toggle Hover",
      "homenotif":"Vul een Steam Community ID in of log in via Steam.",
      "private":"Deze rugzak is privé.",
      "apiError":"Kan rugzak niet weergeven."
      "scraptotal":"Scrap Total",
      "unknownitem":"Unknown Item",
      "showall":"Show All",
      "valveiconset":"Valve Iconset",
      "shugoiconset":"Shugo Iconset",
      "setborders":"Set Borders",
      "setequip":"Set Equip",
      "toghover":"Toggle Hover",
      "homenotif":"Please enter a Steam Community ID or Sign in through Steam.",
      "private":"This backpack is private.",
      "apiError":"Could not display backpack."