User talk:WindPower/Wind's config

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Revision as of 20:55, 1 July 2011 by WindPower (talk | contribs) (Uber Update)
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Trouble with other Configs and such

Hey Wind, i just started using Aron's Crosshair Switcher and i can't seem to get the two of these working together, What should i do? - Yack RED Le Party Phantom.png 09:30, 9 April 2011 (UTC)

Feature requests

Poot feature requests heer! — WindPower 21:22, 6 July 2010 (UTC)

OK scout dodge on mouse3 jump and strafe left, jump and strafe right stop on release ?--Markd 15:21, 8 July 2010 (UTC)
But scout's mouse3 is already taken by the forcejump D: However, I have an idea that might be better... How about holding Shift while W/A/S/D'ing makes you run and jump at the same time in those directions? So you'd jump automatically as you move around.
i was wanting to avoid the switching from a to d with a fully scripted Z shaped jump pattern on approach (common tactic but i keep fogetting and go WM1 lol)) unsure, nice scripts btw --Markd 13:56, 9 July 2010 (UTC)

Engineer Update stuff.

How? How did you do it? :O And what does it do? EXPLAIN! I believe crazy mofo applies again. -- Smashman... (ts) 16:13, 8 July 2010 (UTC)

How did I do what now? o.O I just added a note in case the engi update breaks this script, if they change the weapon slots around and all. — WindPower 16:38, 8 July 2010 (UTC)
I Can't seem to build teleporter exits using the config key (4), it just builds another sentry, destroying the one from key 1. And shift+4 doesn't bring up the Build PDA, it brings up a quite buggy Wrangler (equipped) until I release one of the buttons. Help please! Oh, and please reply to my userpage as well, it emails me. Dark Pyro 08:29, 12 June 2011 (UTC)
It works for me D: What options have you selected for the engineer, and have you modified anything else? Does it work with a clean install of the config, no preferences set? — Wind 18:31, 12 June 2011 (UTC)
Yeah, sorry, my watchlist was kinda big, I've just cleaned. It does work, but only on some servers. I don't have a way to edit .cfg files, so nothing was modified. I think premium servers (some, at least, the 2 that I've been on) do something to the config files. Anyway, a clean install and avoiding Premium servers seem to works. Dark Pyro 16:12, 13 June 2011 (UTC)
You can just edit them with any text editor :3 — Wind 00:35, 14 June 2011 (UTC)


A player in our clan has added the following to thier medic script Code:alias "autocall_initial" "hud_medicautocallersthreshold "90"" alias "autocall_temp" "hud_medicautocallersthreshold "150"" alias "+autocall_temp_hit" "autocall_temp" alias "-autocall_temp_hit" "autocall_initial"

alias "forwardspawn_random" "join_class "random"; alias "forwardspawn_toggle" "forwardspawn_medic"" alias "forwardspawn_medic" "join_class "medic"; alias "forwardspawn_toggle" "forwardspawn_random";say_team "**RELOCATED**"" alias "forwardspawn_toggle" "forwardspawn_random"

bind "f1" "forwardspawn_toggle" bind "f2" "+autocall_temp_hit"

echo "*** Daytism Medic Script a1.0 Loaded :-D***" Features: - "Move Spawn Button", default button is F1 (requires a double tap). Moves spawn by selecting a random class (first press of F1) and then rejoins the Medic class (second press of F1). - "Shows Nearby Teammates", default button is F2. I got this idea from another script I saw on the internet, it is quite the interesting feature imo. Although two things: It only displays teammates NEARBY (range is roughly half the 2fort bridge) and if you press the button you need to press it again to turn it "off" even if it appears off. xD

they look like good medic additions ??--Markd 09:16, 19 July 2010 (UTC)

Uber Update

Some of the weapons will not work due to issues with kkeybinds, such as the Detonator (M2 as pyro automatically changes to Flamethrower and then performs an Airblast). Could you find these problems, fix them and release the new versions? Thanks! Dark Pyro 22:06, 23 June 2011 (PDT)

Could you list them? I'm sure I'd miss some if I just went by head~ — Wind 11:54, 25 June 2011 (PDT)
I can't remember them all either... I remember Pyro at the very least. (Detonator needs M2, secondary slot). Um... Check the new weapon lists for more. Also- new feature ideas: Pressing M2 as Medic automatically swaps to Medigun and activates uber with one click. Scout has a real triple jump now... Possible script for best timing, giving the highest jump? EDIT:I doubt that there is more than the Detonator... Dark Pyro 07:46, 28 June 2011 (PDT)
Pictogram tick.png DoneWind 13:55, 1 July 2011 (PDT)