Revision as of 21:27, 22 July 2011 by Vaarsivius (talk | contribs)
Hey, TF2 Wiki'ers! I'm Vaarsivius, your local PS3 TF2 tactics expert. Ask me tactics for the less developed PS3 version, and i'll give you 'em. I'll turn you from a TF2 noob to a twitch-firing head-shotting backstabbing juggling rocket/sticky jumping legend. My PSN is "Vaarsivius".
That was my PS3 intro. Following this message is my PC intro.
Hey, TF2 Wiki'ers! I'm Baron von Gikkigen. I'm a Scout that regularly plays on the NightTeam Fastlane and NomNomNom US main servers, and I belong to the Transformcats clan, and my steam name is "{TCats} Baron von Gikkigen".