Team Fortress Wiki talk:Competitive representation/UGC Highlander League/EU/Archive Winter 2011
[hide]Sniper applicants
Would some of you guys consider being applicants for Sniper too? At the minute it's only Infi and we will need redundancy for all classes, so if somebody can't make a match we have a replacement. Thanks -RJ 17:47, 6 December 2010 (UTC)
- I've added myself as a candidate. I'm not a terrible Sniper, but not a great one either, so here's hoping more editors chip in. NVis 21:42, 8 December 2010 (UTC)
Roster: Draft #4
Oy, do you need a server?
I took a glance at your page there, and I didn't happen to notice if you guys had a home server or not. UC2, you may have played on it, is favorably located in Europe, and it comes preloaded with all the fancy scripts needed to run matches quickly and efficiently. It's even 18 slots with STV. So, if you're interested, contact me and I'll be happy to "donate" it for the good cause. TheMedik 23:54, 26 December 2010 (UTC)
Hello Team, Do we have a mumble server? I can ask to use a friends one if needed Merple 14:49, 10 January 2011 (UTC)
Where can I watch recorded games?--Kost 13:45, 14 January 2011 (UTC)
- Hey, the demo files will be linked after each match. You place them in your
team fortress 2/tf
folder; launch TF2; enter into console:demoui
; load whichever file and then hit play. They're Source TV demo's, so you'll have to close demoui once it's playing, hit spacebar a few times and click the mouse to view from players perspectives. -18:54, 14 January 2011 (UTC)
How to test ping
(by RJackson) start - run - cmd - "ping (server ip adress here)"Vulturas 17:45, 30 January 2011 (UTC)
In lieu of the "by" week...
Hey. With the whole "by" week coming up for Valentine's Day, the US team is wondering if the EU team would be up for a scrimmage sometime this weekend. I'm not too sure about the timezone difference, but we operate on GMT -5 hours for scheduling purposes. Would you guys be up for even a "party on a random server because one of the sides will inevitably have terrible ping?" -- InShane 20:12, 11 February 2011 (UTC)
- An eastcoast server would probably be the best compromise. I'm not sure how many of the EU team have stuff already planned but all of our matches have been on Sundays at 7pm GMT. If the NA team is avaliable at roughly that time then I'm sure something can be arranged. Be sure to talk to Smashman or Jackson in steam to get the ball rolling as it may be a bit short notice if a bunch of the team have other commitments. Merple 01:56, 12 February 2011 (UTC)
Just wanted to say well done for monday nights match. Even though we lost I think we put up more of a fight and worked more as a team than previous matches. We held the last point for a long time in that final round and we made some nice pushes too. Next weeks map is Gravelpit and due to the way this map is played, we will need a coordinated push as well as be able to hold defence on last. I'm sure most of you will be more familiar with gpit than coldfront so hopefully we will be even more coordinated and build on our previous matches. Good luck guys, see you in the pit.
PS: Nightbox, are you going to do a brief run-through for gpit like you did this week? I think it will be beneficial :) Merple 13:49, 23 February 2011 (UTC)
- Looks like we have a practice match on the saturday so should have a chance to do a run through of the map before and after :) Merple 22:07, 24 February 2011 (UTC)
- welp, only 5 people online at the time of the practice match. Kinda dissapointing, we need all the practice we can get. Gpit is a tough match and our opponents this week are the last ones with a match record like ours. So we really need to pull a win out of this match and I am sure they are working at doing the same. Merple 21:01, 26 February 2011 (UTC)
Sad Face Panda
Kinda pathetic that none of you seem to check the match page ever. Probably a lot more poking shoulda/coulda/woulda be done, but if you guys don't show any interest it doesn't give meat boy RJ (<3) much to work with. It's almost like none of you want to play any more ;_;
Just wondering...
Is there room for me somewhere here? Isakcool 08:28, 29 August 2011 (PDT)