Team Fortress Wiki talk:Competitive representation/UGC Highlander League

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Revision as of 22:53, 5 September 2011 by M-NINJA (talk | contribs) (Are applications still open for this?: new section)
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Is that 9:30 PM or AM? Regardless, why would you have the matches on a MONDAY? People have other things to do, you know.. --User Firestorm Flame.png Firestorm 23:46, 3 December 2010 (UTC)

9:30PM, I should clarify that. As for the day, it's what's said on the UGC site: All Matches must be played Monday at approx. 9:30pm ET. I'll ask if it has to be Monday, or whether we can stick to weekends as we currently do. -RJ 23:49, 3 December 2010 (UTC)
hmmm, that MIGHT work for me, it depends on my classes. --User Firestorm Flame.png Firestorm 00:04, 4 December 2010 (UTC)
Well crap... I would have offered my services as a reserve, but there's no way I can play on a Monday, at least not at that hour. I presume the EU times would be different though. It wouldn't really be fair to make Europeans play at 2:00AM (or later depending where they are). -- Alex2539 - (talk | contribs) -- 00:11, 4 December 2010 (UTC)
Just got an update, may as well copy/paste for now.
[00:12] <Snowblindfrog> There will be a NA and EU div
[00:13] <Snowblindfrog> THe default day of Monday is not mandatory. There is a match comm thread for every matchup and you will be free to schedule the matches to be played whenever you want. However, if the 2 teams can't agree on a time, then the default time will be used
[00:13] <Snowblindfrog> The same goes for the time really. Since you're free to schedule the match on your own, you;re free to set the time with the other team.
[00:14] <Snowblindfrog> We'll likely have a deadline day each week to have the match played. Most likely Fridays.

-RJ 00:19, 4 December 2010 (UTC)

US Team leader

If we want to enter a US team too, we'll have to have a leader for the US team. I will be busy with the EU team, and won't be capable of managing the US team (and it may violate the no multi-team players rule). I wish to limit this role to those who have been on the Wiki for a while and thus can be trusted with the task. The US team members, I ask you to discuss the "leader" role below and make your decision as to who the leader is - the leader will be responsible for getting your team together, signed up, and organised for every match. The US and EU teams will function as seperate entities in the league. -RJ 17:00, 6 December 2010 (UTC)

Are applications still open for this?

Because I would love to be on the team again. Last season I only got to play the pre-season and then my computer broke for 4 months, but thats aside from the point. User M-NINJA Signature.png 15:53, 5 September 2011 (PDT)